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BLM Protester Fatally Shot In Austin: ‘People Who Hate Us’ Are ‘Too Big Of P-ssies To Actually Do Anything About It’

BLM Protester Fatally Shot In Austin: ‘People Who Hate Us’ Are ‘Too Big Of P-ssies To Actually Do Anything About It’

(Gateway Pundit) – Garrett Foster, the Black Lives Matter protester fatally shot by a motorist in Austin on Saturday night, said on camera that the “people who hate us” are “too big of p-ssies to actually do anything about it” when asked why he was carrying a rifle.

The Austin Police said during a late night press conference that Foster was carrying a rifle and may have approached the vehicle prior to the shooting. The shooter was detained and is cooperating with police.

“One adult male victim was located with a gunshot wound,” the press officer said, before confirming he passed away at the hospital shortly after. “Initial reports indicate that the victim may have been carrying a rifle and approached the suspect vehicle. Suspect was in the vehicle and shot at the victim. Suspect was detained and is cooperating with officers.”


In an interview with a livestreamer, Foster was asked about what he was carrying, to which he responded that it was an “AK-47.”

“They don’t let us march in the streets anymore, so I got to practice some of our rights,” he responded.

The interview then asked if he felt like he would need to use it.

“Nah,” he responded. “I mean, if I use it against the cops I’m dead. I think all the people that hate us and want to say shit to us are too big of p-ssies to stop and actually do anything about it.”

When asked why he started carrying, he said that it was because his roommate got arrested and “they wouldn’t let us march anywhere.”

The incident was captured on Facebook Live. It appeared that the crowd was blocking traffic and possibly surrounding the car prior to the shooting.

“Someone got out of their car and shot one of the protesters,” the livestreamer said.

The man who was livestreaming, Hiram Gilberto, wrote in a follow up Facebook post that “I was no more ten feet from the shooter and running towards his car. It was TOO CLOSE. Currently on my way to give a witness statement to APD. KEEP THOSE AFFECTED IN YOUR THOUGHTS.”




Car Drives Through Mob Of Protesters On Colorado Highway, Protester Shoots Fellow Protesters While Trying To Shoot Driver (Video)

Car Drives Through Mob Of Protesters On Colorado Highway, Protester Shoots Fellow Protesters While Trying To Shoot Driver (Video)

(Gateway Pundit) – A car drove through a crowd of protesters that were walking on I-225 in Aurora, Colorado, and a protester shot other protesters while trying to shoot the driver.

At least two protesters were hit or grazed by bullets as a fellow “protester” tried to shoot the driver. There were multiple gunshots on the car, but the people inside did not appear to be injured.


“While the protestors were walking on I-225, a vehicle decided to drive through the crowd. A protestor decided to fire off a weapon, striking at least 1 other protestor. They were transported to the hospital in stable condition,” the Aurora Police Department tweeted.


In a follow up, the department wrote that “Someone else showed up to the hospital with a graze wound. The vehicle was towed and we are investigating that incident.”

Nationalist Review founder Brett MacDonald noted that, ironically, “shooting at a vehicle that has already driven by is what two St. Louis area cops were charged for. These rioters better receive the same treatment.”


Videos of the car following the incident show at least one tire was popped, possibly by the mob. It is unclear if they hit anyone.

This was the second time “protesters” have shot fellow “protesters” on Saturday.

A member of a black militia that marched in Louisville earlier in the day also shot himself and one of his peers by accident.


Watch: Mike Ditka On Anthem Protests: ‘If You Can’t Respect Our National Anthem, Get The Hell Out Of The Country’

Watch: Mike Ditka On Anthem Protests: ‘If You Can’t Respect Our National Anthem, Get The Hell Out Of The Country’

(Breitbart) – Legendary NFL coach Mike Ditka has clear, unmistakable thoughts on what should happen to athletes who refuse to stand in respect for the national anthem.

Ditka says they should, “Get the hell out of the country.”

In an interview with TMZ Sports, the man known affectionately throughout Chicago and maybe less affectionately in Green Bay as, ‘Da Coach,” blasted the athletes demonstrating against the country that has given them so much.

“If you can’t respect our national anthem, get the hell out of the country,” Ditka said. “That’s the way I feel. Of course, I’m old fashioned, so I’m only going to say what I feel.”

While the media has claimed the anthem protests begun by Kaepernick in the preseason of 2016 have nothing to do with disrespecting the country, Kaepernick’s own actions have proven those assertions to be false. Not only did the former 49er convince Nike to cancel distribution of a special 4th of July themed shoe bearing the “Betsy Ross Flag,” in 2019. In 2020, Kaepernick once again took the occasion of the celebration of the nation’s birthday to besmirch the country, by calling the 4th of July festivities a “celebration of white supremacy.”

Ditka continued, “You don’t protest against the flag and you don’t protest against this country who’s given you the opportunities to make a living playing a sport that you never thought would happen,” Ditka says. “So, I don’t want to hear all the crap.”

Ditka is set to take over as Chairman of the X League, a women’s tackle football league that will begin play in April of 2021.

Ditka said, “These women are pretty and good looking and want to knock the crap out of each other — we’ll see how it works!”

If Ditka has any say over player conduct during the playing of the national anthem, it’s safe to say we’ll know where he stands.

Featured image credit: WEBN-TV – flickr.com/photos/politicalpulse/12244947935


BREAKING: Portland Officials Give The Order – This Is Shocking

BREAKING: Portland Officials Give The Order – This Is Shocking

This is just stunning.

(Gateway Pundit) – Mayor Ted Wheeler and Portland, Oregon officials have made it clear whose side they’re on and it’s not the side of law and order.

For over 50 straight nights antifa-BLM rioters have ransacked the downtown and destroyed public property.


When the leftist mob took aim at the Hatfield United States Courthouse that President Trump sent in federal agents.

Now Portland officials are ORDERING the federal government to remove it’s protective fencing around the Hatfield Courthouse.

Local Democrat officials are OUTRAGED that the federal government is protecting their property.

These people are crazy!

Via The Nationalist Review:


Breaking: Rioters Set Fire To Oakland Courthouse And Attack Police Station

Breaking: Rioters Set Fire To Oakland Courthouse And Attack Police Station

(Gateway Pundit) – Rioters in Oakland, California, set fire to the Alameda County Superior Courthouse and attacked the police station.

Hundreds of people were in the streets of Oakland in solidarity with the rioters in Portland, who have been out in force for nearly 60 days straight.

“Some within the crowd of 100s of demonstrators vandalized the police station. Breaking windows, spray painting, shooting fireworks and pointing lasers at officers and helicopters. We ask for organizers to keep the protest peaceful,” the Oakland Police tweeted with the hashtag “WallOfMoms” referring to the liberal women who have been forming human shields for the rioters.

The rioters marched with shields as they attempted to spark a confrontation with police.

Saturday night and into early Sunday morning saw massive violence in multiple cities, including multiple shootings.

In Austin, Texas, an Black Lives Matter member who was believed to be armed when he approached a vehicle at an intersection was shot and killed by the motorist.

In two other cities, “protesters” accidentally shot “fellow protesters.”


Stanford Professor Of Biophysics Claims US COVID Will Be Done In 4 Weeks By Late August

Stanford Professor Of Biophysics Claims US COVID Will Be Done In 4 Weeks By Late August

(Gateway Pundit) – Dr. Michael Levitt, a Stanford professor who also has a degree from Cambridge, claims that COVID-19 in the US will basically be over in 4 weeks.

Dr. Michael Levitt sends a message of hope to America and the world:

This is good news indeed. Let’s see how the Democrats and Dr. Fauci spin this to keep the economy shut down and businesses foreclosing.

Flashback: Florida: Death Related To A Gun Shot Wound And Deaths From Weeks Ago Are Suddenly Counted As COVID Deaths In Official Mortality Reporting

The miscounting and fraudulent numbers related to the China coronavirus just keep coming. Unrelated deaths are being counted as COVID-19 related and deaths from days and weeks ago are suddenly being attributed to today’s COVID-19 mortality counts.

A CBS12 team in Florida reported:

A 60-year-old man who died from a gun shot wound to the head.

A 90-year-old man who fell and died from complications of a hip fracture.

A 77-year-old woman who died of Parkinson’s disease.

These are some of the deaths in Palm Beach County recently, and incorrectly, attributed to COVID-19 in medical examiner records.

The CBS12 News I-Team uncovered several examples in Medical Examiner reports of people counted as a COVID death who did not die of COVID.

We requested a list of all COVID-19 deaths in Palm Beach County from the Medical Examiner’s office and received a spread sheet of 581 cases.

Each person on the spreadsheet is someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

In each case line, the person’s cause of death and contributing causes of death are listed, if there are any.

The I-Team found eight cases in which a person was counted as a COVID death, but did not have COVID listed as a cause of contributing cause of death.

Not only are deaths in Florida being attributed to COVID when they are not, deaths from days and even weeks ago are suddenly being attributed to COVID as well:

We reported this anomaly before. Deaths that occurred months ago are being added to death counts for coronavirus cases reported today.

For months the CDC has been reporting deaths that are suspected of being COVID (not confirmed) as COVID deaths. And now we know the deaths reported include deaths caused by accidents and the deaths may have occurred months ago but they are suddenly classified and reported as COVID deaths today.

Someone really needs to audit these numbers and determine the real numbers.


Vandals Attack ICE Field Office Building In Georgia Capital

Vandals Attack ICE Field Office Building In Georgia Capital

(Breitbart) – Vandals in Atlanta, Georgia, attacked the federal building that is home to the city’s field office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). It appears the vandals broke out windows and sprayed graffiti on the building.

Media outlets report that vandals swept through 180 Ted Turner Drive early Sunday morning. They allegedly smashed windows and sprayed graffiti on the building that houses the Atlanta ICE Field Office and other immigration-related federal offices, including an immigration court.

Signs left behind by vandals read, “No more peace,” and “No cops, no ICE, no borders,” Fox 5 in Atlanta reported.

Fox 5 reporter Emilie Ikeda reported the vandals claimed to “stand in ‘solidarity’ with the ‘Freedom Fighters’ of Portland.


Ikeda also reported seeing evidence of “smoke bombs” outside the building on Sunday morning.

In a video posted on Twitter by @AcidVitalism, protesters can be heard yelling “Burn it down, burn it down.” It appears the vandals fired incendiary devices at the building and targeted the interior with green lasers.


An earlier post on Twitter by Daniel Hanley, @calamardh, invites people to “rally against fascism in solidarity with Portland.” It sets a start time for the “#AtlantaProtest” as 10:30 p.m. on July 25.

Rally Against Fascism, in Solidarity with Portland: DHS/ICE Field Office, Saturday 1030pm@WhereProtest #AtlantaProtest

— Daniel Hanley (@calamardh) July 23, 2020

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart Texas, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan said the individuals in Portland are criminals not protesters.

“It is so frustrating when I hear these individuals referred to as demonstrators or protesters,” the commissioner said. “They’re not. They are criminals.”

“They are coordinating and planning with wilful intent to destroy federal property and seriously injure federal officers and agents,” Morgan explained. “What they are doing, every single night, they are getting together, they are coordinating, they are organizing with a willful intent to destroy federal property and injure federal agents and officers. They come prepared every single night with deadly weapons, commercial-grade fireworks, lasers, frozen water bottles, rocks, and hammers.”

Breitbart Texas reached out to the Federal Protective Services agency responsible for the security of federal buildings including the Atlanta Field Office.

“Last evening at 180 Ted Turner Ave, Atlanta, Georgia, several windows of the facility were broken and the facility was spray-painted,” an FPS spokesman said in response. “No arrests were made by federal officers. Information on damages should be referred to the General Services Administration.”


Video: Portland Rioters Occupy Exterior Of Federal Courthouse, Raise American Flag Upside Down

Video: Portland Rioters Occupy Exterior Of Federal Courthouse, Raise American Flag Upside Down

Antifa was on the scene as the protesters broke Flag Code, demanding people shut down their live streams

(Infowars) – Rioters in Portland were recorded as they lowered the American flag, then raised it upside down, as they occupied the area surrounding the federal court house that has been the scene of clashes between federal police and rioters.

As evening approached on Friday, fencing was removed around the Capitol that was “set up to keep people out during repairs and restoration” by city authorities. Joshua Rodriguez, who runs a not-for-profit that helps at-risk youth in the area, wrote on Twitter that the “State warns all employees to flee downtown.”

Despite federal police protecting the building under orders from President Donald Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr, protesters were able to lower the American flag, then raise it upside down. At the same time, Antifa reportedly began forcing people to shut down their live streams.

Video shows the flag being raised upside down as sirens, drums, screams, and cheers echoed in the background. After the flag was successfully raised, more cheers and applause erupted.

According to United States Flag Code, the only appropriate time to fly an inverted American flag is as a distress signal during a period of serious danger. Specifically, “The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”

Protests continued in Portland until torrential rain brought them to a halt, with video showing a procession of protesters using umbrellas for their intended purpose leaving the area.

Prior to the deployment of federal police to Portland, sent to protect federal buildings within the city, clashes between protesters and local police continued to become stranger.

In one encounter, a fully disrobed woman sat on the pavement in front of a group of protesters standing in the street, and spread her legs before a number of police officers. The police officers, apparently unsure what to do, left the scene in a hasty retreat.

Earlier this week, after federal police were activated in the city, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler was tear gassed by federal authorities while showing solidarity with the rioters. As he then fled the area, rioters attempted to assault him, only being held back by his security team.


Pirro: Biden An ‘Insult To The American People’ Thinking He Can Hide In His Bunker, Come Out Like A Groundhog Reading A Teleprompter

Pirro: Biden An ‘Insult To The American People’ Thinking He Can Hide In His Bunker, Come Out Like A Groundhog Reading A Teleprompter

(Breitbart) – Saturday, Fox News Channel’s Jeanine Pirro emphasized the stakes involved in this November’s general election, noting the civil unrest and threats to federal property, which has forced the use of federal law enforcement.

Pirro took a jab at the Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign, which has lacked many traditional elements, including public appearances thus far.


Transcript as follows:

You have 100 days. One hundred days to save this country. As you’ve watched the attempted destruction of this great nation — yes, I said, great nation — you probably felt like you were watching violence play out in a third world country, that this kind of thing doesn’t happen in the United States. Well, I’ve got news for you. Elect the wrong person, and it’s coming to your city.

As this plays out with 100 days left before the presidential election, the question is simple. Do you want someone to fight for the peaceful America you lived in? One who respects law and order? Or do you want to chart a different course for America and continue to descend into the depths of despair and darkness?

I want you to think about your life one year ago, the economy was soaring. You had a job, if you wanted one, you could pack your kids in the SUV and take a vacation if you wanted.

You could go to sports events, concerts and enjoy the fruits of your labor unhindered. On a lazy July summer night like tonight, you might have a barbecue, turn on some music. Not anymore.

The question now, is it safe? Will my family be safe? Will I be able to protect myself, my business, and my property? Will I get into trouble if I exercise my Second Amendment right to defend myself and my property?

The man who wants to run this country who is watching the same videos that you are calls these rioters and looters, peaceful protesters, asserting that they have a First Amendment right to assemble.

Let me tell you, most of them are anything, but peaceful. They are violent anarchists, criminals, arsonists, looters, haters.

Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler of Portland, the site of almost 60 consecutive nights of shocking unrest and violence stood proudly with the protesters surrounded, of course, by his five security guards, announcing Federal law and the U.S. Constitution doesn’t apply in our city. He’s all good with the nonstop effort to destroy Federal property and the violence that occurs to Federal officers protecting it.

Nancy Pelosi calls these Federal agents storm troopers, a hateful reference to Nazi, Germany. She says the stormtroopers are harassing the protesters.

A primer, Mr. Mayor and Madam Speaker, 40 United States Code Section 1315 requires the Department of Homeland Security to protect buildings grounds and property owned, occupied or secured by the Federal governments. It also requires that they enforce Federal laws, carry firearms and make arrests without warrants for any offense against the United States.

The Federal Courthouse in Portland has been targeted by arsonists and vandals literally trying to break into it to burn it down. Now assaulting Federal officers in the process of doing that same thing.

The Department of Homeland Security sent several dozen agents who are not trying to be local police simply to protect their property. The local police themselves are incredibly frustrated because their hands are tied by this leftist mayor.

They tweet reports every day of incendiary and inflammatory materials being used by the anarchists and the attempted breaching of the fence as well as the throwing of projectiles by the protesters.

The Portland Police have documented this, but have not been permitted to make one arrest. If a Federal agent identifies someone, though, who has thrown a device and sees that person when the crowd starts to break up, they have the absolute right to follow and the probable cause to arrest that person for a Federal crime.

They are not doing local law enforcement’s job. They are there to protect against vandalism and destruction of a Federal building.

This is done throughout the nation and is unquestionably constitutional. It is an example of Federal supremacy where the Constitution and Federal laws generally take precedence over state laws and state constitutions and definitely precedence over dingbat mayors like Wheeler.

This operation is totally different from Operation LeGend, named after four-year-old LeGend Taliferro, shot while he was sleeping in his own home, in his own bed.

This is a surge of Federal law enforcement officers already in American communities plagued by violent crime. In cities like Chicago, over 400 people were murdered so far this year. Fifty percent increase over last year, 2,000 people shot so far this year in one city.

Now, this operation is nothing new. There are joint taskforces between local and Federal agencies that have been in operation for decades and are commonplace throughout the nation.

As DA, my office coordinated with the FBI, the ATF, the DEA on join taskforces including the Joint Terrorism Taskforce to combat gang, gun, terrorism, and drug crimes. We didn’t need anyone’s permission to fight crime that Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot would resist such assistance for so long as people died to prove she is more interested in politics than people.

Now, this effort is not about the rioting, Operation LeGend. It’s about saving lives coordinated by the United States Attorney. There doesn’t need to be a formal invitation for these taskforces to continue to work cooperatively. That’s what Mutual Assistance is.

So what is the man running for President opposite Donald Trump doing during all of this? Bunker Joe is hunkered down in his basement, scared of his own shadow, afraid to come out, only willing to speak from a script and certainly not willing to answer any questions.

Hiding, leading a campaign of lies to promote his candidacy, but never allowing anyone to question him. No surprise, it doesn’t appear the man has the capacity to even respond to questions.

But worst of all, Joe Biden, the man who wants to be President of the United States remain silent as America burns, as police are attacked and statues are tumbled and vandalized, as businesses are burned, as three Federal officers are likely left permanently blinded as a result of these so-called peaceful protesters using lasers, pointed at their eyes. They are so full of hate.

Now Biden says, I don’t want to defund the police. Well, then why did he say before that? Yes, absolutely. When asked if he would redirect funding away from police to other budget areas. Haven’t we been told that that is defunding, taking money from the police budget to other areas?

Of course, Biden’s campaign panicked and said he does not support defunding the police. But in the, “Now This,” that’s the name of it, a social media-focused news organization interview, he said police forces don’t need surplus military equipment, saying that this is what leads them to become the enemy in a community.

And when he is pressed further by the host, asking, quote, “But do we agree that we can redirect some of the funding — the police funding?” Biden says, “Yes, absolutely.”

Joe Biden is out of touch folks. Bunker Joe actually thinks he can run for President, not answer any questions, not complete a full thought or sentence. It’s an insult to the American people that this man thinks he can hide in his bunker and come out like a groundhog reading a teleprompter refusing to answer questions, all the while doing the Washington two-step of, “I didn’t mean what I said, and I really meant what I actually didn’t say.”

We are in the most serious election of our lives, and if you think that’s an exaggeration, take a look at this.

Is this what you want to come to your city on a sweet summer night in America? Peaceful protesters who assert they have their First Amendment right to assemble, and then take over parts of our cities or erase our history and throw the Declaration of Independence out and the Constitution on its head.

If not, get ready to fight for the America you love. Because it’s going to take a fight to keep it.

Featured image credit: Gage Skidmore – flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/28044422017


Black Trump Supporter Shot To Death In Milwaukee Hours After Pro-Trump Interview

Black Trump Supporter Shot To Death In Milwaukee Hours After Pro-Trump Interview

(Gateway Pundit) – Black Trump supporter Bernell Trammell was murdered on Thursday just hours after a pro-Trump interview.

Trammell was gunned down shortly after giving an interview on his support for President Trump.

The Heavy.com reported:

Bernell Trammell, a well-known Black supporter of Donald Trump who was a community fixture known for his publishing company and long conversations on religion and politics, often delivered from street corners while holding pro Trump and other signs, was shot to death in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Trammell, 60, was gunned down on July 23 near the very spot where he gave a video interview a few hours before explaining why he supported Trump. Milwaukee police are seeking what they described as “unknown suspects.” The motive is not clear, including whether the slaying was tied into Trammell’s political beliefs or Trump support. Some news outlets gave the victim’s name as Bernell Tremmell, but he goes by Trammell on social media.
