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Antifa In Portland Plays Dress-Up Again: First They Were “Moms” Out At 2 In The Morning, Last Night They Pretended To Be US “Veterans”

Antifa In Portland Plays Dress-Up Again: First They Were “Moms” Out At 2 In The Morning, Last Night They Pretended To Be US “Veterans”

Antifa played dress-up for the liberal media again last night.

(Gateway Pundit) – Earlier this week Antifa protesters dressed up as “concerned mothers” who came out at 2 AM in the morning, leaving their children at home, dressed as mothers to form a line to protect the violent antifa mob from federal agents protecting the federal courthouse in Portland.

It played well with their partners in the pro-Antifa media until reporter Andy Ngo noticed that the participants were violent antifa rioters playing dress-up.

Then last night these same street thugs dressed up and pretended to be US veterans.

Because WE ALL KNOW veterans support looting, burning, destroying public property.

What a joke.


Police Mag: Today, We Lost America — We Are Pulling Out Of The Biggest ‘Back The Blue’ Rally In U.S.

Police Mag: Today, We Lost America — We Are Pulling Out Of The Biggest ‘Back The Blue’ Rally In U.S.

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo threatened to put Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) and Ted Nugent in quarantine to prevent from attending event

(Infowars) – I’m disgusted. I’m embarrassed. My heart is broken for the America that we’ve lost.

This morning, I woke up at 3am. I proudly announced on Fox and Friends First that Law Enforcement Today was proudly joining a number of other groups in taking part in the largest Back the Blue event in America.

Acclaimed keynote speaker Paul Butler and I were going to be the joint Masters of Ceremonies. We had rock and roll legend Ted Nugent flying in for the National Anthem – accompanied by Congressman Clay Higgins, the keynote speaker.

The first wave in the attack came from Facebook. After 6300 people RSVP’d to the event, the page was taken down by the social media giant.

It didn’t come as a surprise. I’m the same guy that just got a lifetime ban from LinkedIn last month for sharing an article about a guy who tried to kill two cops. We are sort of use to it.

But what happened today? Today it became evident just how legitimate the war on law enforcement is.

Congressman Clay Higgins and Ted Nugent are not allowed to attend the event… and that apparently comes directly from Governor Cuomo’s office.

Within hours of announcing that they’d be at the rally, Democrats throughout New York demanded the event be shut down. It was the typical liberal playbook – everyone that doesn’t tow the line is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, Islamaphobe, etc.

That didn’t work. Because the last we checked, it’s America. We have yet to see anyone shut down Al Sharpton from speaking at an event, or the self-proclaimed Marxists affiliated with Black Lives Matter.

So they tried a new approach. The state police detail ensuring the security of Congressman Higgins and Ted Nugent were told they weren’t allowed to offer protection.

Their careers were threatened. Then their families were threatened.

So we came up with a new plan. We had dozens of Blue Knights who were going to provide safe passage.

And that’s when the governor apparently pulled the ultimate “trump” card. He instructed the health department to ensure that upon landing in the state, Congressman Higgins and Ted Nugent would either be turned around and sent back… or forced into a mandatory 14 day quarantine.

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran, a politician facing ethical issues, took to social media on Thursday to call Nugent a racist. She quickly came under attack on social media.

On Friday night, in a desperate attempt to save face, she blamed the pandemic.

“After being reminded of New York State’s quarantine orders and Nassau County’s protest protocols, Ted Nugent will no longer be attending tomorrow’s march in Eisenhower Park. Congressman Clay Higgins is also being advised of New York State’s quarantine Executive Order.”

She went on to suggest it was about safety – despite precautions taken by event organizers to ensure proper social distancing.

“Nassau county will continue to protect our residents’ right to safe, peaceful protest as is guaranteed under the First Amendment of our Constitution. However, we won’t tolerate blatant violations of the Governor’s quarantine order for travelers from high-risk states.”

Funny – we have yet to see any enforcement of said orders at riots or Black Lives Matter protests.

In executing their move, the department essentially accomplished their ultimate goal of pitting pro-law groups against each other… when we should be fighting against those who seek to divide us.

Law Enforcement Today got in this fight and behind this rally – along with groups such as Brothers Before Others and Advocacy for LEOs – to show our love, support and appreciate for police officers. We will not be castrated by politicians looking to flex their muscles by destroying the heart and soul of law enforcement and supporters.

Accordingly, our organization – and many others – are stepping back from the event and will instead be doing our own live stream Saturday.

To our brothers and sisters who still choose to attend the event (safely and social-distanced), we support you. We love you. We cherish you. And this is how we honor you… by fighting for you.

Here’s our official press release:

LONG ISLAND, NY – It’s one of the most painful decisions this group of men and women has ever made. And it’s also one of the most important ones. A war has been launched on law enforcement and their supporters – and it’s from none other than New York politicians. And today… we declare “enough is enough”.

It’s all because an event that was quickly turning into America’s largest Back The Blue rally became too popular.

We expected counter-protestors. We anticipated police-haters. What we never saw coming was the very politicians who took an oath to protect the Constitution leading the charge to directly target law enforcement and supporters through dirty politics.

On Friday, Governor Cuomo’s administration, after hearing in the national media that rock and roll artist Ted Nugent and Congressman Clay Higgins would be attending the event, formulated an underhanded strategy to directly target them.

When the administration realized that Congressman Higgins, Ted Nugent and the biggest supporters of the event weren’t backing down… the health department was instructed to make sure that Higgins and Nugent weren’t allowed to step off of the plane and attend the event under the guise of “COVID-19 restrictions”.

Of course we all know what that really means – especially given the extensive safety measures that were taken to ensure proper social distancing, mask usage and sanitizing precautions.

This came directly after the state troopers who were going to provide a private security detail from the airport for the congressman were told they’d be suspended and investigated if they offered protection – even if they did it on their off-time.

In a show of solidarity with those who volunteered to attend the event on their own dime, and the law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line every single day, the largest police-groups associated with the event have decided they could not, in good conscience, still take part in the event.

“When politicians create controversy and weaponize national pandemics, they themselves become the counter-protestors,” said Rob O’Donnell, former NYPD Detective and Board Member of BBO.

Brothers Before Others, Advocacy for LEO’s and Law Enforcement Today (the largest police-owned media company in America) will no longer be attending the event and will instead be hosting a private social media event that cannot be stopped or censored by New York politicians.

It’s an opportunity for patriotic Americans from across the country who support law enforcement to take part and to declare “enough is enough”.

“This is bigger than one person…one speaker… one congressman,” said Law Enforcement Today’s National Spokesman Kyle Reyes, who was set to be one of the Masters of Ceremonies for the event.

“This is about a nationwide statement that the attacks on our law enforcement and supporters cannot – and will not – be allowed to continue on our watch without repercussions.”


We have reached a tipping point in society. Let’s call it what it is – there is a full-blown war on law enforcement.

There are rising calls to defund the police…abolish the police… kill the police. And we’ve all been sitting here silently, trying to figure out what happened… and how it happened so quickly.

Officers signed up to serve and protect. They didn’t sign up to be attacked day after day. And it’s not just the criminals who are attacking them – it’s mayors who are handcuffing them and targeting them for doing their jobs.

There are approximately 850,000 sworn law enforcement officers in America who right now feel alone and under full-scale assault.

Ted Bell is an officer who was wounded in the line of duty. In a recent interview with Law Enforcement Today, he said that the sweetest sound he ever heard was sirens, because he knew “all of my brothers and sisters were coming for me”.

It’s time for law enforcement officers who are under attack to get some backup – and that backup is all of us.

Let’s do some math.

There are approximately 331 million Americans.

According to a Gallup poll, 85% of Americans support law enforcement.

That’s 285 million of us.

Let’s say Gallup is wrong. Let’s say it’s not the overwhelming majority of Americans that support law enforcement. Let’s say it’s just five percent of Americans that support the police.

That’s 16 and a half MILLION people.

At the height of World War 2, the size of the United States military was approximately 12 million Americans. Our nation became back to back World War Champions… with an army that was 12 million strong. It’s time for us to get back to our roots and build that army of support.


We’ve hired dozens of new writers at Law Enforcement Today. Most of them are active, retired or wounded police officers or family members. Their sole job is to bring you the stories of what’s really happening in America.

And we’re putting a team of cinematographers on the road to capture the stories of police officers and patriotic Americans. The stories that the mainstream media often refuses to show you.

Pick your gifts below. Sign up for a membership. Perhaps even just get a lawn sign for your house to show your support.

The proceeds will go into expanding our staff of police officers, their families and cinematographers to bring you those untold stories.

We’re also going to start listing all of the Back the Blue Rallies across America for you to attend.

Stop being the silent majority – and be a part of the army that will help save America. You are not alone… but right now, our officers are.

Backup has arrived – and this time, it’s all of us.

-By Kyle S. Reyes, Law Enforcement Today


Seattle Police Chief Warns City That Cops Are Unable To Protect Property From Antifa And BLM Riots Thanks To City Council Barring Crowd Control Tools

Seattle Police Chief Warns City That Cops Are Unable To Protect Property From Antifa And BLM Riots Thanks To City Council Barring Crowd Control Tools

(Gateway Pundit) – Businesses and police precincts in Seattle boarded and barricaded their properties in preparation for expected violent Antifa and Black Lives Matters protests this weekend. The protective measures were taken as Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best sent a letter to Seattle businesses and residents that police, having been stripped by the City Council of standard non-lethal riot control tools, will not be able to defend property from rioters.

A bill unanimously passed last month by the City Council that goes into effect this weekend (after Mayor Durkan declined to veto it and a federal judge declined to stop it) bans police from the “ownership, purchase, rent, storage, or use of crowd control weapons” including “kinetic impact projectiles, chemical irritants, acoustic weapons, directed energy weapons, water cannons, disorientation devices, ultrasonic cannons, or any other device that is designed to be used on multiple individuals for crowd control and has the potential to cause pain or discomfort.”

Katie Daviscourt posted videos of the riot prep:

Chief Best’s letter was posted by Seattle talk radio host Jason Rantz:

Chief Best also wrote the City Council on Thursday:

Letter to City Council Regarding Council Ordinance 119805 – Crowd Control Tools 

Written by Chief Carmen Best on July 23, 2020 4:30 pm

July 23, 2020
Lorena González, President and Lisa Herbold, Public Safety Chair
Seattle City Council, City Hall
600 Fourth Ave, 2nd Floor
Seattle, WA 98104

Re: City Council Ordinance 119805 – Crowd Control Tools

Dear President González, Chairwoman Herbold, and Seattle City Council Members:

SPD has confirmed with the City Attorney’s Office that the City Council ordinance banning the use of less lethal tools – including pepper spray – commonly used to disperse crowds that have turned violent, will go into effect this weekend as written.

I am sending this notification for the purpose of ensuring I have done my due diligence of informing Council of the foreseeable impact of this ordinance on upcoming events.

It is a fact that there are groups and individuals who are intent on destruction in our City. Yes, we also have seen weeks of peaceful demonstrations, but two recent events (Sunday, July 19th and Wednesday, July 22nd) have included wide-scale property destruction and attacks on officers, injuring more than a dozen, some significantly.

This weekend we know that several events are planned across the city that will foreseeably involve many of the same violent actors from recent days. There is no reason not to assume we will continue to experience property destruction, arson, looting, and attempts to injure additional officers throughout the weekend and beyond.

With this Council ordinance, we hear loudly and clearly that the use of these less-lethal tools by SPD officers to disperse crowds that have turned violent have been completely banned by City Council.

Under these circumstances, as created by Council, we cannot manage demonstrations as we have in the past. If I am not allowed to lawfully equip officers with the tools they have been trained to use to protect the community and themselves, it would be reckless to have them confront this level of violence under the current legal restrictions imposed by Council.

Some have asked why officers are not arresting those engaging in criminal behavior, as officers do every day, and as they have in recent protests. If it is safe to do so, and even when it places their lives in danger, our officers always directly address criminal behavior. They do this, however, when they know they have the tools shown to allow the safe use of their policing powers. This Council ordinance denies them access to these tools that have been an essential part of their court-approved tactics.

We have clear, court-mandated procedures for arresting individuals, grounded in the principles of deescalation. SPD’s de-escalation principles are premised on the expectation, consistent with policy and best practices, that officers have the full array of approved tools. In large crowds, there is no safe way for officers to effect arrests when their colleagues do not have the tools necessary to protect them.

As City Council’s legislation goes into effect, it will create even more dangerous circumstances for our officers to intervene using what they have left – riot shields and riot batons.

For these reasons, SPD will have an adjusted deployment in response to any demonstrations this weekend. The Council legislation gives officers no ability to safely intercede to preserve property in the midst of a large, violent crowd. Allowing this behavior deeply troubles me, but I am duty-bound to follow the Council legislation once it is in effect. If the Council is prepared to suggest a different response or interpretation of the legislation, I stand ready to receive it.

Additionally, while the Ordinance by title suggests a limitation to crowd management purposes, the language of the Ordinance, in its blanket prohibition on the procurement and ownership of such tools, effectively eliminates these tools as available less-lethal options across the board. The bill clearly bans OC spray at any rally, demonstration or other event, despite if it turns violent.

Further, while we recognize a limited exception for the targeted use of OC spray, the exception does not realistically allow for deployment in such a manner that ensures the aerosol does not disperse onto anyone other than the intended subject. For these reasons, officers who typically deploy with OC as one of their standard less-lethal options will no longer be carrying this tool.

We continue to assess the impact of the prohibition on the procurement, ownership, and use of these tools on SWAT operations.

I believe Council can lead on de-escalation at each of these events through their voice and presence encouraging peaceful demonstrations. It remains my deep hope that once OPA and the OIG have had the opportunity to complete the analysis tasked to them, Council will engage productively with SPD and its accountability partners to forge a meaningful path forward that provides for public safety in these unprecedented times.


Carmen Best

Chief of Police
Seattle Police Department

Tammy Morales, Councilmember, District 2
Kshama Sawant, Councilmember, District 3
Alex Pedersen, Councilmember, District 4
Debora Juarez, Councilmember, District 5
Dan Strauss, Councilmember, District 6
Andrew Lewis, Councilmember, District 7
Teresa Mosqueda, Councilmember, District 8, At-Large


All-Black Armed “Not F**king Around Coalition” Holds Rally In Louisville — Member Gets Shot When Other Members Start F**king Around #NFAC

All-Black Armed “Not F**king Around Coalition” Holds Rally In Louisville — Member Gets Shot When Other Members Start F**king Around #NFAC

Sloppy gun ownership.

(Big League Politics) – A member of the “Not F****** Around Coalition” Black Nationalist militia accidentally shot three other militia members during the group’s armed protest event in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday morning.

The moment of the negligent discharge was caught on camera, although the shot in question wasn’t captured. Members of the militia, who were in Louisville protesting the shooting death of Breonna Taylor, kneeled after the shot was fired. All indications point to one of their own shooting not just one, but three members of the group in a negligent discharge, raising serious questions about the NFAC’s ability to protest safely while carrying firearms.


Three people were treated by first responders at the scene, and were evacuated to an area hospital. A gun was confiscated by law enforcement for their investigation into the shooting.

A member of the NFAC, a self-titled black nationalist militia, reportedly chalked off the incident as a “little accident, it happens,” when speaking to the militia.


The leader of the NFAC, who calls himself “Grand Master Jay,” has previously referred to members of his group as ‘expert shooters,’ a description that seems questionable after Saturday’s tragic incidence of a negligent discharge wounding three people. Grand Master Jay has advocated for black secession from the United States, proposing that the Union cede a state such as Texas in order to create a “new black nation.”

Reports indicate that the three wounded NFAC members are in serious, but not life-threatening condition at a Kentucky hospital.

These guys should probably calm down and reassess their worldview after three of their own were shot by a careless member of the group.


Chicago Mayor Lightfoot: ‘We Will Not Allow Federal Troops In Our City’

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot: ‘We Will Not Allow Federal Troops In Our City’

(Breitbart) – Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said she would not allow President Donald Trump to send federal police officers to quell protests in the city of Chicago.

Lightfoot said, “This is not about working with the Trump administration. For decades now in major cities across the country, FBI, DEA, ATF, those agents have been in our districts and work in concert with local law enforcement to help support a number of efforts, not the least of which is violence in our cities. So the opportunity presented itself under the management of the U.S. attorney here. I stress that because that’s unlike what we saw in Portland, where the Trump administration parachuted in these additional federal agents without consulting anybody locally and ignoring the local U.S. attorney.”

“Very different circumstance here in Chicago,” she continued. “I have drawn a very hard line. We’ll not allow federal troops in our city. We will not tolerate unnamed agents taking people off the street, violating their rights and holding them in custody. That’s not happening here in Chicago. So I have drawn a very, very tight line and made it clear to every federal authority that I’ve spoken with, and they understand that if they cross that line, we will not hesitate to use every tool at our disposal to stop troops and unwanted agents in our city.”

Flashback: Chicago’s Lightfoot Removes Columbus Statue Under Cover Of Night

Days after 19 Chicago police officers were hospitalized after defending a statue of Christopher Columbus in Grant Park, Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot made the unilateral decision to topple it herself in the middle of the night.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:

The Christopher Columbus statue in Grant Park was removed hours after Mayor Lori Lightfoot called for its removal.

Two cranes pulled their way up to the statue just before 2 a.m. Friday, after hours of vocal confrontations between protestors and supporters of the statue, including John Catanzara, president of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7.


Ald. Brian Hopkins (2nd) told the Chicago Sun-Times late Thursday that Lightfoot made “a unilateral decision” to take down the statues. Hopkins said the intention was to have them removed Thursday night.

“At this hour, there is discussion about postponing the removal, but the mayor has not indicated any reversal of her decision,” he said.


When the news broke, over a thousand protesters who were rallying near Lightfoot’s Logan Square home rejoiced. Soon after, an organizer led the crowd in a celebratory chant.

“Thank you for the statue, now defund CPD,” the crowd bellowed.

Gee, what do you think will happen after you incentivize the violence committed by the Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorists who injured 49 Chicago police officers (19 of whom were hospitalized) with a victory like this?

Do you think rewarding terrorist behavior will result in more or less terrorism?

Since the very day all this violence broke out in Democrat-run cities, I have been warning that things will get a lot worse before they get better. That has not only proven to be true, it is still true… Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

As far as I’m concerned, Chicagoans are getting is exactly what they voted for: which was not a mayor interested in the health of her city, but a far-left extremist and activist, a mayor who deliberately fails the leadership test every time, a disgraceful mayor who’s in obvious sympathy with those tearing her city apart.

Lightfoot is not only encouraging domestic terrorism by rewarding terrorists for their behavior, this failure of leadership and her animus towards police have resulted in an explosion in violent crime in a city that was already so infamous for its violent crime it earned the nickname Chiraq.

The mayor’s appeasement of these terrorists by removing the Columbus statue is also a slap in the face of the very idea of racial reconciliation. No one ever wants to talk about this, but blacks are not the only group who have faced oppression in America.

For a long time, in the late 19th and early 20th century, Italians faced hideous discrimination and these statues of Columbus were put in place to heal that divide, to remind Americans that America was founded by an Italian, and to let Italian-Americans know most Americans knew that.

But now this hideous and hideously failed mayor has literally torn all that down, and we all know why… Democrats now oppose racial reconciliation. In fact, they now describe color blindness as an act of racism. Her act is a deliberate one, not only to encourage the terrorists, but to gin up even more racial hatred and division – because this is the only play Democrats have left now their ideas have been exposed, in countless cities, as failed.

Yes, by removing the Columbus statue, Lightfoot has done the terrorists’ job for them. She has also wiped away the sacrifices made by those police officers who risked their lives to protect that statue, and she has wiped away a vital symbol of e pluribus unum…

I don’t live in Chicago, and some 70 percent of Chicagoans voted for her. This is Chicago’s problem. Not mine.

As I always say, you get what you vote for, and right now, Chicago is getting exactly what it voted for.


Democrats’ Radical Strategy – Slander The Police, Defund The Police, Close Prisons And Set Criminals Free – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Democrats’ Radical Strategy – Slander The Police, Defund The Police, Close Prisons And Set Criminals Free – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

(Gateway Pundit) – What could the Democrats possibly be thinking? Their new policy for social justice is to slander the police, defund the police, close prisons and set criminals free.

What could possibly go wrong?

On July 8th we reported that radical leftists have pushed through a proposal to shut down one of two St. Louis City jails labeled ‘The Workhouse’. They claimed this will save money but these radical liberal socialists never care about taxpayers’ money nor do they care about the safety of local citizens.

This appears to be a trend and a priority for Democrats today. They want to slander the hard work and integrity of police officers, defund the police so they can’t do their jobs, close prisons and set criminals free.

This will no doubt result in an increase in crime and the further destruction of great US cities.

We have seen how Democrats want to slander the police around the country as being murderers and criminals – nothing could be further from the truth. The police across this great nation are some of the most honest, hardest working, God-fearing and just members or our society.

The Democrats then use these lies to promote policies to defund the police allowing for more crime going unchecked. This is happening around the country and specifically in Los Angeles and New York, two of America’s largest cities.

Democrats also want to set criminals free. They are using the China coronavirus to do so currently. Of course unless your name is Roger Stone and you are a friend of President Trump, in that case Obama judges like Amy Berman Jackson mandate you go to prison.

Finally, Democrats want to close prisons. We saw this in St. Louis. Now Seattle is pushing the same.

Reporter Christopher Rufo reports on actions in Seattle to close the prisons there:

Democrats want chaos and crimes. They want the America that we know and love destroyed. They are willing to do anything for power.

This is why it is imperative to vote for President Trump in November.

President Trump is the law and order President.


Trump Warns Gates-Controlled U.N. Wants Permanent U.S. Shutdown

Trump Warns Gates-Controlled U.N. Wants Permanent U.S. Shutdown

In this emergency Saturday report, Alex Jones lays out the latest development in the globalist plan to create a worldwide depression and destroy America forever

(Infowars) – Alex Jones brings you this live emergency Saturday report to break down how President Trump revealed he finally knows the diabolical United Nations plan to keep America in a permanent state of lockdown using the coronavirus hoax.


Flashback: Bill Gates Says Multiple Coronavirus Vaccine Doses May Be Required

People may have to take multiple doses of a coronavirus vaccine for it to be effective against the virus, Bill Gates has said.

The former Microsoft CEO-turned philanthropist has been at the forefront of promoting a vaccination campaign targeting the entire planet, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation calling for global cooperation to administer COVID-19 vaccines to as many as 7 billion people.

“None of the vaccines at this point appear like they’ll work with a single dose,” the billionaire said, speaking to CBS Evening News. “That was the hope at the very beginning. Maybe one of them, particularly in the second generation will surprise us. We hope just two, although in the elderly, sometimes it takes more. So making sure we have lots of elderly people in the trial will give us that data.”

Asked about the ongoing testing of prospective vaccines by companies including AstroZenica and Moderna, Gates admitted that “we don’t know if these vaccines will work. We don’t know if they’ll work to avoid deaths, we don’t know if they’ll work to avoid transmission. That’s why we’re working on so many first generation vaccines and a whole bunch of second generation vaccines that, although they’ll take more time, they are more likely to be extremely effective.”

Gates’ Foundation is known to be supporting research into at least seven separate vaccines, and has committed hundreds of billions of dollars toward this effort.

Commenting on reports about severe side effects of Moderna’s vaccine, including chills, headaches, fatigue and muscle pain, Gates insisted that “some of that is not dramatic where it’s just super painful, but yes we need to make sure that there’s not severe side effects. The FDA I think will do a good job of that despite the pressure.”

Praising US government support for private vaccine research, Gates said his foundation is “partnered with” the state in working with companies, including scalability “so that not just the US but the entire world gets the vaccine.” According to the philanthropist, given “the US government’s traditional generosity in global health,” it’s possible that the next federal coronavirus-related support funding package may include funds for global vaccination programs.

Gates said he expects some “good vaccine tools” to become available in 2021. “The private companies have stepped up. The science has been advanced. The US funds biological research more than any other country. We’ve stepped up to fund these vaccine manufacturers. The plants are being worked out now. In 2021 there’s a good chance this can get done.”

Gates vs. the Coronavirus

The tech billionaire’s enthusiasm regarding the coronavirus issue from the beginning of the pandemic has led to praise from some quarters. However, some Americans have also questioned his motives, with as many as 40 percent of self-described Republicans and Fox News viewers believing a conspiracy theory that Gates seeks to use a COVID-19 vaccine to implant microchips into billions of people. Others fear that the billionaire may try to use vaccines as a form of population control via the secret sterilisation of people who take the medication.

Gates himself has brushed off these conspiracy theories, calling the microchip theory “so stupid or strange that to even repeat [it] almost seems to give it credibility.” He also warned that widespread belief in such theories could lead to fewer vaccinations, and hence reduce the effectiveness of any vaccine.

Many Americans generally have expressed hesitation regarding coronavirus vaccination. In May, polling by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that only 49 percent of American adults surveyed planned to get vaccinated once this becomes possible, with 20 percent more saying they would not be vaccinated, and another 31 percent saying they were unsure what to do.

This week, total confirmed coronavirus cases neared 15 million worldwide (or 0.0019 percent of the world’s population), with 8.48 million confirmed recoveries and over 616,000 COVID-19 related deaths reported.

Featured image credit: Infowars.com


Terrified Woman Mobbed By Violent Protesters, Hits Gas To Escape — Police Won’t Arrest Her And Let Her Drive On Home

Terrified Woman Mobbed By Violent Protesters, Hits Gas To Escape — Police Won’t Arrest Her And Let Her Drive On Home

(Gateway Pundit) – More proof that the left is completely removed from reality.

Violent leftists in Arlington, Virginia mobbed a woman who tried to get away from their street protest.

The mob banged on her car, beat her windows, jumped on her hood, screamed at her and threatened the poor woman who just wanted to escape their violence.

Then the protest mob was OUTRAGED that police would not arrest this woman.

Try to follow this logic.

This is your modern day Democrat Party.







These people are crazy.

God bless that terrified woman!


Joe Biden Campaign Hispanic Organizers Claim ‘Toxic’ Work Culture, Demand Apology After ‘Lectures’

Joe Biden Campaign Hispanic Organizers Claim ‘Toxic’ Work Culture, Demand Apology After ‘Lectures’

(Breitbart) – Hispanic organizers working to elect Joe Biden wrote a “scathing” seven-page letter to the Florida Democrat Party, claiming a “toxic” work culture.

Just 100 days before Election Day, 90 field organizers laid into the party and said the campaign is “suppressing the Hispanic vote” in Central Florida, the Miami Herald reported.

The letter contained eight allegations against the campaign, including, “mistreatment of field organizers, relocating trained staff members without explanation, lack of organizing resources, and taking on volunteers who are then left in limbo.”

The staffers also complained that “the Coordinated Campaign lacks key infrastructure and perpetuates a ‘toxic’ work culture that is hurting morale among on-the-ground staffers,” according to the paper.

The organizers lamented some had been transferred to heavily-Puerto Rican part of the state to one more sparsely populated with Hispanics.

“Four of five Spanish-speaking organizers along the I-4 corridor who were moved to North Florida were Puerto Rican,” the letter read.

“The [Coordinated Campaign of Florida] is suppressing the Hispanic vote by removing Spanish-speaking organizers from Central Florida without explanation, which fails to confront a system of white-dominated politics we are supposed to be working against as organizers of a progressive party,” the letter said.

Despite only 100 days left in the race, a source told the paper the letter was released as the campaign is in negotiations with the workers’ union, the IBEW Local 824.

The organizers are demanding an apology after some said they have had to endue “lectures” from others over problems with the campaign in Florida.

A Quinnipiac poll showed Biden is enjoying a comfortable 13-point lead over President Trump, 51 percent to 39 percent, the Sun Sentinel reported.

In 2016, Trump narrowly won the state over Hillary Clinton, 49 percent to 47.8 percent.


It’s Time To Take The Mask Off Cuomo: New York Governor’s Reckless Nursing Home Policies Tied To Thousands Of New York COVID Deaths (Video)

It’s Time To Take The Mask Off Cuomo: New York Governor’s Reckless Nursing Home Policies Tied To Thousands Of New York COVID Deaths (Video)

(Gateway Pundit) – It’s time to take the mask off of New York Governor Cuomo. His policies related to COVID-19 caused thousands of unnecessary deaths in his state. It was all about the money.

Janice Dean from FOX News lost both her parents-in-law to COVID-19 in New York. She wrote an oped on the matter this past week at USA Today where she says:

Many of us aren’t laughing. My husband’s parents died of coronavirus in their elder care facilities. We lost his dad in late March and his mom two weeks later. My family wasn’t able to see them before they died, they weren’t given last rites, wakes, or funerals. They died alone.

Mickey and Dee Newman spent their entire lives in Brooklyn. They were true New Yorkers. Mickey was a retired New York City Fire Department firefighter who served in the U.S. Air Force. Dee helped raised three kids and was a devoted grandmother. They lived in a four story walk up in Brooklyn for 50 years, until their health deteriorated and they required constant care. They died only a few months after being placed in their elderly care homes. Not a day goes by where we don’t think of them.

Above: Picture from USA Today oped

At first, we didn’t blame anyone for their deaths. This is a pandemic, and the virus is particularly dangerous for the elderly. Then we learned about the Cuomo administration’s March 25 order that recovering coronavirus patients be placed into nursing homes. The mandate also barred nursing homes from requiring incoming patients “to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”

That order stayed in effect for 46 days during which time over 6,000 patients with the virus were placed into these facilities housing our most vulnerable. To date, at least 6,500 of our most helpless seniors have been killed by the virus. Even the governor himself said the virus could sweep though nursing homes “like fire though dry grass.”

An excellent video was produced that shows that the reason Governor Cuomo made the decisions he did, was because of the money – COVID patients were worth more money to nursing homes and nursing home organizations helped put Cuomo in office.

He was paying them back for the millions they gave him in campaign contributions:


Janice Dean and others deserve justice. They didn’t have to see their loved ones die in New York. Cuomo’s policies caused this horrible injustice.
