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BREAKING: Sean Hannity Says It’s Over – This Is BAD

BREAKING: Sean Hannity Says It’s Over – This Is BAD

(foxnews) – Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s repeated gaffes on the campaign trail compound the case against his fitness to become president, Sean Hannity argued Monday.

While en route to a campaign event in Ohio, Biden took questions from reporters, including one who asked whether Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s faith should be “considered” during her confirmation to the Supreme Court. Biden rejected the idea, but didn’t express himself as clearly as he could have.

“You may remember, I got in trouble when we were running against the senator who was a Mormon, the governor, OK? And I took him on,” said Biden, apparently referring to former Massachusetts governor and current senator from Utah Mitt Romney. “No one’s faith should be questioned.”

Later in the day, Biden told his audience at a drive-in stump speech in Toledo that he was “running as a proud Democrat for the Senate.”

“Maybe somebody on the staff might want to remind the ever-forgetful Joe that he is running for president,” the “Hannity” host said. “He’s not running for senator. He keeps forgetting, forgets the day of the week, forgets what office he’s running for. He is running for president, not the Senate.”

Hannity then played other clips of recent Biden gaffes, including a reference to “Super Thurs– Tuesday” — a partial quotation of the Declaration of Independence as “we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created — by, … you know, the thing.”

Biden also has claimed, the host went on, that poor children are “just as bright and talented as White kids.”

“This is pretty serious, by the way, these are way beyond an occasional campaign gaffe, and I am more than worried that this man could represent a clear and present danger to this country,” Hannity said.

“He is obviously not capable of leading. He has been hiding the entire campaign and the corrupt media mob is covering for him. Joe wants to be the president of the United States of America — that would be the toughest job in the world — and at times Joe doesn’t seem to remember that he’s running for president, or what state he’s in, what day of the week it is.

“Does anybody really believe that if elected, Joe Biden will actually be in control of anything?”


BOOM: Amy Coney Barrett Admits It – Democrats Stunned!(VIDEO)

BOOM: Amy Coney Barrett Admits It – Democrats Stunned!(VIDEO)

Judge Amy Coney Barrett said Tuesday during her confirmation hearing that she “wept” together with her adopted Haitian daughter about the death of George Floyd and suggested it was an example of “racism” but stopped short of saying America has “systemic racism.”

Partial transcript:
Senator, as you might imagine, given that I have two black children, that was very, very personal for my family. Jesse was with the boys on a camping trip out in South Dakota, so I was there, and my 17-year-old daughter Vivian, who was adopted from Haiti, all of this was erupting. It was very difficult for her. We wept together in my room. It was also difficult for Juliet, who is ten. I had to try to explain some of this to them.

My children, to this point in their lives, have had the benefit of growing up in a cocoon where they have not yet experienced hatred or violence. And for Vivian, to understand that there would be a risk to her brother or the sons she might have one day, of that kind of brutality, has been an ongoing conversation. It’s a difficult one for us, like it is for Americans all over the country.

[…] I think it is an entirely uncontroversial and obvious statement, given as we just talked about the George Floyd video, that racism persists in our country.
According to Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker, George Floyd had a “fatal level of fentanyl” in his system on top of low levels of meth.

“This level of fentanyl can cause pulmonary edema,” Baker determined. “Mr. Floyd’s lungs were 2-3x their normal weight at autopsy. That is a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.”

Baker “said that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death,” according to a memo from his office.

Legal filings from the attorney for arresting officer Derek Chauvin revealed Floyd had swallowed drugs during a prior arrest in May, 2019.

Video of his arrest shows he resisted arrest from the very beginning and refused to comply with police.

MUST SEE: Pence Drops A Bombshell On Biden and Harris(VIDEO)

MUST SEE: Pence Drops A Bombshell On Biden and Harris(VIDEO)

(breitbart) – THE VILLAGES, Florida — Vice President Mike Pence told Breitbart News over the weekend that, after Democrat presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden oversaw 60 million Americans getting infected with swine flu—H1N1—America cannot trust Biden to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Pence, who had just wrapped a rally with several thousand supporters here on Saturday, sat down with Breitbart News aboard his and President Donald Trump’s campaign bus for a lengthy exclusive interview before flying back to Washington, DC. In the interview, topics covered included the economic recovery, the U.S. Supreme Court, Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) dodging on court-packing, and the coronavirus pandemic response.

Pence noted, as he did during his debate with Harris, that 60 million Americans were infected on Biden’s watch with the swine flu during the H1N1 pandemic. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates, 60.8 million Americans contracted swine flu infections in the first year of that outbreak, from April 2009 to April 2010, while more than 273,000 were hospitalized but only 12,469 died.

Pence said that Obama and Biden did not ban travel from Mexico during that time and that Biden’s own former chief of staff, Ron Klai, has said the U.S. was lucky that the swine flu was not as deadly as other viruses like the coronavirus; otherwise it would have been a mass casualty event. By comparison, the coronavirus pandemic this year has seen just under eight million confirmed cases in the United States during the Trump administration—more than seven times less confirmed cases than during the Obama-Biden swine flu pandemic—but a higher number of deaths at more than 210,000 now. Original predictive models before the Trump administration’s various interventions to stop the coronavirus pandemic expected millions of dead Americans—with many millions more cases—meaning the actual numbers are much lower than expected at the outset in the spring.

“The H1N1 hits, and another thing you don’t see talked about… they didn’t shut down the border from Mexico,” Pence told Breitbart News. “So there’s no surprise Joe Biden opposed us shutting down travel from China. So H1N1 hits in spring 2009, their first year in office, and I’ll just quote Ron Klain , his chief of staff, who said, ‘we did every possible thing wrong.’ He said it was only a fortuity that the swine flu was not a mass casualty event. He said it was luck. Ron Klain said it was luck. It’s true, because they did a terrible job. I actually read once they actually stopped testing in the summer, so when it came roaring back in the fall, they had nothing. Now, thankfully, it wasn’t as deadly as the coronavirus. If It was as deadly as the coronavirus, we would have lost two million Americans. As it was, we lost some nearly 14,000 Americans, which was 70 percent of the global fatalities. You hear that sometimes about the percentage of global fatalities that were in the United States. That was 70 percent of global fatalities, during swine flu, which were in the United States.”

Pence is correct that Biden’s own chief of staff Ron Klain panned Biden’s performance on this. Klain said of Biden’s and Obama’s response to swine flu:

What I will say about it is a bunch of really talented and great people were working on it and we did every possible thing wrong. Sixty million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time, and it’s just purely a fortuity that this wasn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history. It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck.

As a result of all of this, as well as Biden opposing taking out Osama bin Laden and the Obama-Biden administration failing to rescue Kayla Mueller from ISIS, and more, Pence said Biden cannot be trusted to lead the United States through national security, economic, and public health crises.

“We can’t trust Joe Biden to be in the Situation Room,” Pence told Breitbart News. “As someone who opposed the strike on Bin Laden when Obama was president. They hesitated to move on a military effort to save Kayla Mueller. He criticized President Trump’s decision to take out Qassem Soleimani and frankly we can’t trust him at the helm of our economy, and based on his record on swine flu, we can’t trust Joe Biden to deal with the pandemic.”

Asked also about his answer during the debate last week with Harris when he laid out how Biden’s coronavirus plan just lifted—Pence used the word “plagiarized”—from things the Trump administration already did, Pence walked through several actions he oversaw as chairman of the White House Coronavirus Task Force since early this year.

While Biden’s “plan” is just a rehash of the Trump plan, it does leave out several elements like the travel ban from China and Europe that Trump implemented—which Biden originally called “xenophobic”—and also avoided the issue of nursing homes. Under the watch of Democrat governors, like New York’s Andrew Cuomo and others, nursing homes have been hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic, in large part because Cuomo and these other Democrat governors issued edicts in contravention of federal guidelines forcing nursing homes to take coronavirus-positive patients, which therefore led to wide scale outbreaks in the facilities, exacerbating the pandemic.

“I just heard Joe Biden and Kamala Harris talking about us not having a plan,” Pence told Breitbart News. “At the president’s direction, I’ve been leading the White House Coronavirus Task Force for eight months, and so I looked at their plan. They said greatly expand testing, expand the availability of PPE and supplies, make sure hospitals have the support that they need, and develop new medicines and develop a vaccine—all of which we’ve been doing every day. To your point, it didn’t include a travel plan. In fact, their so-called playbook they left us made no mention of travel bans. In fact, Joe Biden would say in January in an editorial in USA Today that the travel ban was fear mongering and would make things worse. He called it ‘xenophobic’ and ‘hysterical.’ Their playbook also included no reference to nursing homes, whereas our plan, as I said at another venue today, from early on we understood that seniors, particularly seniors with underlying health conditions, were most at risk. So we immediately raised the infectious disease standards at every nursing home, provided PPE and supplies literally shipped directly to nearly 15,000 nursing homes and long-term care facilities. We shipped rapid test devices to nearly 15,000 nursing homes, and we just got new tests, these little rapid flip-card tests, and we prioritized nursing homes as well as well as other vulnerable populations like the Native American population.”

Pence also pointed back to the so-called “playbook” that the previous administration—former President Barack Obama, and his vice president Biden—left behind for the Trump administration to deal with pandemics and noted there were serious flaws in it.

“In their playbook—the Obama-Biden playbook that you don’t hear about much anymore because they may have taken a look at it and realized there’s not much there—they barely mention the private sector or nursing homes,” Pence told Breitbart News. “They have an entire section devoted to international aid.”

Despite the Obama-Biden team’s failure in helping the nation prepare for a pandemic, when it became clear the U.S. needed a response to this Pence said that President Trump harnessed the power of the government and the private sector to get everything the country needed. As such, no person in the United States has been denied a ventilator who needed one—and now there ais wide-scale availability of masks, personal protecting equipment (PPE), hand sanitizer, and more.

“What’s amazing to me, and inspiring to me, is the way this businessman-turned-president immediately said, ‘get these companies in here, they’re going to be a full partner with us whether it’s testing, whether it’s PPE, whether it’s ventilators,’” Pence said. “When we took over, after they went through the H1N1—they emptied the strategic national stockpile in 2009. They left it empty for seven years. When we came in, we had 15,000 ventilators. Now we have more than 150,000 ventilators. Nobody who has ever required a ventilator has ever been denied a ventilator in the United States. We worked with General Motors, GE, Ford—they all repurposed manufacturing to build ventilators.”


WOW: Biden Crashed – Event Shut Down!

WOW: Biden Crashed – Event Shut Down!

(breitbart) – Former Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Toledo, Ohio, on Monday to hold a campaign event, which was interrupted by a group of President Donald Trump supporters gathered nearby.

The event, which was captured on camera, shows Biden speaking on stage with a group of Trump supporters a mere block away.

A video shared to Twitter by Marianna Sotomayor of NBC News revealed a seemingly disgruntled Biden as loud car horns went off around him and the Trump supporters chanted “four more years” in the distance.

According to Sotomayor, the Trump supporters also chanted “USA” and “Trump” at the mention of Trump’s name.

Trump supporters also lined the roadway and chanted “Trump” as Biden’s motorcade made its entrance into Toledo earlier on Monday.

At one point during Biden’s rally, which drew a small crowd of supporters, Biden claimed Trump had “let down” the American people. Biden’s comment was met with stark criticism from those who protested Biden’s appearance in the state.

Samantha Hollings, a Toledo native, traveled to her hometown from Athens to take part in “welcoming” Biden to the state.

“My mother called and had the idea of welcoming Joe Biden to our state by holding Trump signs and flags outside as he passed by and we went with it,” Hollings told Breitbart News after the rally concluded. “We got our friends together to show Biden that Ohio wants Trump.”


BREAKING: Top Republican Fights Back At Amy Coney Barrett Hearing

BREAKING: Top Republican Fights Back At Amy Coney Barrett Hearing

( breitbart ) – Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) slammed the establishment media and Senate Democrats for their attacks on United States Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholic faith, calling it “anti-Catholic bigotry.”

During opening statements at Barrett’s first day before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Hawley said Senate Democrats have sought to bring back a “religious test for office,” especially as it pertains to Catholics such as Barrett.

Hawley said:

One attack after another in the liberal media. One hit piece after another. Many of them echoed by members of this committee … questioning whether, I guess, if you have the independence to be a judge, a justice on the United States Supreme Court. And it’s not just in the newspapers; it’s members on this committee, including the Democratic nominee for Vice President of the United States, who has questioned past nominees about their membership in Catholic fraternal organizations like the Knights of Columbus. And for those watching at home, Sen. Harris and other members of this committee have repeatedly questioned judicial nominees’ fitness for office because of their membership in the Knights of Columbus.

The ranking member, when you were last before this committee judge … the ranking member referred to your Catholic convictions as “dogma”–that’s a quote–that “lives loudly within you.” Picking up the very terminology of anti-Catholic bigotry current in this country a century ago, she wasn’t alone. Other senators on this committee last time asked you if you were an “Orthodox Catholic.” One senator said she worried that you would be a “Catholic judge” if you were confirmed because of your religious beliefs, I guess, as opposed to an American judge, as if you can’t be both–a devout Catholic and a loyal American citizen. And it’s not just you, judge. Other nominees that have come before this committee have been asked by my Democrat colleagues over and over their views on sin, their views on the afterlife, their views about their membership statements of Catholic organizations, about their membership in other Christian organizations, and on and on and on. And let’s be clear about what this is. This is an attempt to … bring back an old standard that the Constitution of the United States explicitly forbids. I’m talking about a religious test for office.

Hawley said the anti-Catholic bigotry that has permeated the Senate Judiciary Committee in confirmation hearings must end, calling for Senate Democrats to denounce the attacks on Barrett’s Catholic faith.

“Judge Barrett is a Catholic. We all know that. Judge Barrett is a devout Catholic. We all know that,” Hawley continued:

She and her husband have chosen to raise their family according to their Catholic beliefs in accordance with their faithful fellowship with other Catholics. Heck, 65 million Americans are Catholics, and many, many millions more are Christians of other persuasions. Are they to be that they cannot serve in public office, that they are not welcome in the public sphere unless the members on this committee sign off on their religious beliefs? I, for one, do not want to live in such an America. And the Constitution of the United States flatly prohibits it.

I would just say to my Democrat colleagues, these years now … this pattern and practice of religious bigotry–because that’s what it is when you tell somebody that they’re too Catholic to be on the bench, when you tell them they’ll be a Catholic judge, not an American judge, that’s bigotry–the pattern and practice of bigotry from members of this committee must stop. And I would expect that it be denounced.

Barrett is a mother of seven children, a judge on the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, a professor at Notre Dame Law School, as well as a graduate of Notre Dame. During her confirmation hearing in 2017 to the 7th Circut Court of Appeals, Senate Democrats went after Barrett’s Catholic faith.

In one exchange, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) questioned if Barrett’s Catholic faith disqualified her from serving on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“The dogma lives loudly within you,” Feinstein told Barrett. “And that’s of concern when you come to big issues that large numbers of people have fought for for years in this country.”

In another exchange, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) questioned whether Barrett was an “Orthodox Catholic” or not, to which Barrett said, “I am a Catholic.”


BREAKING: Video Exposes The Truth About Biden – This Is Bad

BREAKING: Video Exposes The Truth About Biden – This Is Bad

(dailyconservative) – Recently Joe Biden is parroting the ultra-liberal faction of his party by suggesting that “court packing” is a viable political reaction to President Trump’s nomination and likely confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Although Biden has not outright endorsed the court packing plan, he has flatly refused to deny it causing others to suggest it is his plan once he takes office.

However, a video from 1983 shows Biden once thought court packing was not a viable option. In fact, Biden used the word “bonehead” to describe such a move.

President Roosevelt clearly had the right to send to the United States Senate and the United States Congress a proposal to pack the court. It was totally within his right to do that. He violated no law. He was legalistically, absolutely correct, but it was a bonehead idea. It was a terrible, terrible mistake to make. And it put in question, if for an entire decade, the independence of the most-significant body … in this country, the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

Now that Biden is knocking on the door of sitting in the Oval Office, he has completely reversed his position.

I imagine there is a lot more where that came from.


BREAKING: Kamala Harris NAILED – Secret Audio Exposes Truth

BREAKING: Kamala Harris NAILED – Secret Audio Exposes Truth

(breitbart) – Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), during a 2019 interview with the New York Times, said she was “absolutely” open to expanding the size of the Supreme Court.

When asked, “Are you open to expanding the size of the Supreme Court?” in a 2019 interview with the New York Times, Harris, stated that she remained “absolutely” open to it.

“Senator Harris told me in an interview, actually, that she was absolutely open to doing that,” New York Times reporter Alexander Burns said during Thursday’s episode of the Times’ podcast.

“But we’ve not heard her reiterate that recently so I think for them there is this balancing act of they don’t want to alienate moderate voters,” he added. “They also don’t want to send a demoralizing signal to their own party”:

Notably, several former Democrat presidential candidates who participated in the wide-ranging Times interview — including Marianne Williamson, former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) — did not appear to be as open to the idea as Harris.

Harris refused to say if a Biden-Harris administration would pack the courts, even after Vice President Mike Pence asked her directly during Wednesday evening’s vice presidential debate.

“When you speak about the Supreme Court, though, I think the American people really deserve an answer, Senator Harris. Are you and Joe Biden going to pack the court if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed?” Pence asked, emphasizing the Biden campaign’s lack of an answer.

“This is a classic case of if you can’t win by the rules, you’re going to change the rules. Now you’ve refused to answer the question. Joe Biden has refused to answer the question — no, you’ve refused to answer the question,” he continued.

“Joe Biden has refused to answer the question. So I think the American people would really like to know if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed at the Supreme Court of the United States. Are you and Joe Biden, if somehow you win this election, going to pack the Supreme Court to get your way?” he asked:

Instead of answering the question, Harris quoted Abraham Lincoln and claimed that she and Biden are “very clear.”

“The American people are voting right now and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime,” she said.

Pence accused Harris of delivering a “non-answer,” prompting Harris to contend that she is willing to have that discussion. However, she did not use her opportunity to actually answer the question. She said in part:

So the Trump Pence administration has been, because I sit on the Senate judiciary committee, [moderator] Susan [Page] as you mentioned, and I’ve witnessed the appointments for lifetime appointments to the federal courts, district courts, courts of appeal, people who are purely ideological, people who have been reviewed by legal professional organizations and found who have been not competent are substandard. And do you know that of the 50 people who President [Donald] Trump appointed to the court of appeals for lifetime appointments, not one is black? This is what they’ve been doing. You want to talk about packing a court? Let’s have that discussion.

“I just want the record to reflect she never answered the question,” Pence remarked. “Maybe in the next debate Joe Biden will answer the question, but I think the American people know the answer.”


BREAKING: It Was KAMALA – Sick Report Proves She Was The One…

BREAKING: It Was KAMALA – Sick Report Proves She Was The One…

(breitbart) – Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, recalled on Thursday that San Francisco was only one of America’s 50 largest cities not to prosecute a single case of sexual abuse related to the Catholic church during Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D-CA) tenure as the city’s district attorney (DA).

Schweizer provided political context surrounding Harris’s refusal to prosecute cases of priests’ sexual abuse on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

Schweizer remarked, “A lot of people will remember — especially people my age, in their fifties — in the early 2000s, there was a national scandal that brewed about the fact that the Catholic church had a pedophile problem. San Francisco had that problem, as did other parts of the country. The problem is that under Harris’s tenure from 2004 to 2011, she did not prosecute a single case of priests’ sexual abuse.”

Schweizer continued, “Just to show how that stands out of the top 50 cities in America during the time, the only one that never prosecuted a single case was in San Francisco under Kamala Harris. And the question becomes why, why is she such an outlier in this case?”

Schweizer explained a conflict of interest in Harris’s prosecutorial discretion regarding allegations of sexual abuse involving Catholic priests given that her political campaign donors included law firms providing legal services to the archdiocese and priests involved in such cases.

“A lot of the financial support for [Harris’s] campaign to run as district attorney came from law firms that were providing legal protection for the Archdiocese, they were representing some priests who were involved in civil cases, [and] they handled other legal matters for the Catholic Church,” Schweizer stated.

Schweizer added, “The San Francisco elites — when you talk about the Getty family, for example, and other high net worth individuals — many of them are part of that Catholic establishment in San Francisco, and when I say Catholic establishment, of course, I’m not talking traditional Catholics. These tend to be very left-wing Catholics. They all were connected to the institutions that were being fingered for these kinds of problems.

Harris terminated ongoing investigations of allegations of sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests overseen by her predecessor, Terence Hallinan.

Schweizer said, “[Terence Hallinan] had actually secured hundreds of pages of documents from the San Francisco Archdiocese that reportedly had the names of 40 to 50 recent or current priests who were alleged to have engaged in such abuse, and Hallinan had planned to prosecute them and to release those records, which is something that was happening around the country.”

After Harris beat Hallinan in 2003, she did not prosecute any of the Catholic priests her predecessor was investigating. Schweizer stated, “[Harris] actually [took] those records and put them under seal so they can never be released, ever, which is a pretty shocking and bold thing for her to do.”

Schweizer concluded, “It speaks to the question ‘Why are you throwing the book at offenders for minor offenses, individuals who are not politically connected, and why are you basically covering up or ignoring crimes for individuals that are politically connected? And that’s been the pattern with Kamala Harris, whether she was a San Francisco prosecutor or California Attorney General.”

Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.


BREAKING: Debates Canceled It’s Confirmed

BREAKING: Debates Canceled It’s Confirmed

The Commission on Presidential Debates on Friday canceled the October 15th debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.

“On October 8, CPD announced that for the health and safety of all involved, the second presidential debate, scheduled for October 15 in Miami, would be conducted virtually,” the Commission on Presidential Debates said in a statement. “Subsequently, the campaigns of the two candidates who qualified for participation in the debate made a series of statements concerning their respective positions regarding their willingness to participate in a virtual debate on October 15, and each now has announced alternate plans for that date. It is now apparent there will be no debate on October 15, and the CPD will turn its attention to preparations for the final presidential debate scheduled for October 22.

The statement added: “Subject to health security considerations, and in accordance with all required testing, masking, social distancing and other protocols, the debate will take place at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.”

The development comes hours after the commission alleged that a hacker was behind debate moderator and longtime C-SPAN journalist Steve Scully’s tweet asking fired White House aide and outspoken Biden supporter Anthony Scaramucci, “Should I respond to Trump?”

In a statement, C-SPAN said the commission would launch an investigation the tweet that has since been deleted.

“Commission on Presidential Debates has stated publicly that the tweet was not sent by Scully himself and is investigating with the help of authorities,” the statement reads. “When additional information is available, we will release it.”

On Thursday, President Donald Trump pulled out of the debate after the commission unilaterally switched next week’s in-person debate to a virtual debate, citing health concerns stemming from the president’s coronavirus diagnosis. However, White House physician Dr. Conley has said that he anticipates President Trump can return to public engagements Saturday.

“I am not going to waste my time on a virtual debate,” the president told Fox Business Network’s Mornings with Maria. “That is not what debating is all about. You sit behind a are computer and do a debate. That’s ridiculous. And then they cut you off when every they want.”

Later Thursday, President Donald Trump’s re-election proposed postponing the second presidential debate instead of holding a virtual event.

“We agree that this should happen on October 22, and accordingly, the third debate should then be shifted back one week to October 29,” the Trump campaign told reporters.

The proposal was later denied by the commission.

“There is no medical reason to stop the October 15 debate in Miami from proceeding as scheduled, since the President will be healthy and ready to debate,” Tim Murtaugh, a Trump campaign spokesman, said in a statement. “There is also no reason there shouldn’t be the three total presidential debates as Joe Biden had originally agreed. We have suggested using October 22 and October 29 to hold the final two debates. It’s time for the biased commission to stop protecting Biden and preventing voters from hearing from the two candidates for president.”

Murtaugh added: “There’s nothing that says that President Trump and Joe Biden can’t debate together without the overlords at the commission having a say in the matter. We would be glad to debate one-on-one without the commission’s interference.”

The final debate is scheduled to take place on October 22nd.

WOW: Trump COVID Medication Announcement Stuns Democrats

WOW: Trump COVID Medication Announcement Stuns Democrats

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump said Friday that he was “medication-free” after being treated for the coronavirus for the past week.

“Right now I’m medication free – not taking any medications as of probably eight hours,” Trump said. “I ammedication free, which frankly makes me feel good. I don’t like medication.”

The president spoke about his experience with the coronavirus in an interview with Fox News contributor Dr. Mark Seigel on Friday that was aired on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The president said he currently felt “really good” and “really, really strong” after fighting the virus for over a week.

He said that he was feeling weakness before he went to Walter Reed Military hospital on Friday after testing positive for the virus on Thursday.

Trump said that the doctors discovered some congestion in his lungs and that he was tired and lacked his customary energy.

“I just think that it was just, you were tired. It was just getting to you from the standpoint, you didn’t have the same energy level,” he said. “My life is based a little bit on energy, and you didn’t have it.”

He said that the scans of his lungs initially had some congestion but that they had improved.

Trump again praised the antibody cocktail transfusion developed by Regeneron as helping him improve rapidly at the hospital.

“I just felt very good,” he said.

He said that he wanted the government to get the same treatment sent out to everybody and free of cost.

The president said that he had been tested again for the virus on Friday.

“I have been retested and I haven’t even found out numbers or anything yet, but I’ve been retested, and I know that I’m at either the bottom of the scale or free,” he said.

Trump also defended his decision to take a drive-by in an armored SUV to acknowledge a crowd of supporters outside the hospital who gathered to show their support.

“I love the people of this country, and I thought it would have been very disrespectful if I was there three and a half days … if I didn’t at least go out and give them a little wave,” he said.

He said that the Secret Service said that they had “no problem” with the trip, and noted that they were “very, very protected.”

“They’ve been with me for a long time and they understand,” Trump said.

When asked whether he would donate his plasma after recovering from the virus, Trump replied, “I will. Nobody’s asked me that question actually, but I will.”

He also said that he was not aware of where he likely contracted the virus but acknowledged that he had attended some “big events” before getting the virus.

“They had some big events at the White House and perhaps there,” he said. “I don’t really know.. Nobody really knows for sure.”
