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BREAKING: Pelosi Holds Them Hostage – Trump Administration Stunned

BREAKING: Pelosi Holds Them Hostage – Trump Administration Stunned

(breitbart) – In an abrupt about-face, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that Democrats would not support a standalone bill to fund airline relief unless the Trump administration buckled to her demands for a comprehensive relief package designed by Democrats and containing spending equal to nearly half the pre-pandemic federal budget.

Airlines have said without further relief funding they will have to furlough thousands of workers because of a lack of passenger volume.

“There is not going to be any standalone bill unless there is a bigger bill and it can be part of that, or it could be in addition to it,” Pelosi said at a press conference.

Just a week ago, House Democrats were pushing for a standalone relief bill for airlines. When that bill failed to pass by unanimous consent, Democrats lashed out at Republicans.

“The Republican majority killed this legislation, plain and simple. If they had just agreed, tens of thousands of workers for the airlines — flight attendants, they don’t get paid a heck of a lot of money, pilots, yeah they do well, mechanics, gate agents — tens of thousands of those people have been furloughed as of yesterday,” House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) said.

Pelosi demanded that airlines put layoff plans on hold and vowed to pass relief.

“As relief for airline workers is being advanced, the airline industry must delay these devastating job cuts,” Pelosi said in a statement last week.

Pelosi’s surprise reversal appeared to derail hopes for that aid. She was expected to talk with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin later Thursday about a standalone bill.

Pelosi’s strategy of refusing meaningful compromise with Republicans on relief legislation led to President Donald Trump deciding this week to call off talks on a comprehensive bill. Those talks had stretched on since the early summer months without making much progress. Pelosi appeared to adopt a “my way or the highway” stance that Republicans had to accept relief on her terms or there would be none at all.
Many Democrats have urged Pelosi not to cut any deal with the president. Thursday’s turnaround on standalone airline legislation suggests that Pelosi has accepted this advice even if it means abandoning her promise to airline workers and moving to oppose legislation House Democrats supported just seven days ago.


BREAKING: National Guard Deploy – Hundreds Caught(VIDEO)

BREAKING: National Guard Deploy – Hundreds Caught(VIDEO)

(breitbart) – Multiple video reports from Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, show a heavy National Guard presence on Thursday night. The state’s governor announced the deployment on Wednesday. Guardsmen are seen making some arrests of people violating the city’s curfew order.

TMJ NBC4’s Shaun Gallagher tweeted a video showing protesters being surrounded by law enforcement and pushed north. The protesters can be seen carrying shields as they appear to block traffic.

A short time later, large numbers of National Guard vehicles are seen deploying to neighborhoods, TMJ4 News reported.

At about 8:45 p.m. local time, guardsmen began making arrests.

The arrests included a local community activist leader, Tiffany Henry, the news outlet reported.

Other tweets show large numbers of National Guard vehicles on the street.


WISN 12 reporter Caroline Reinwald tweeted a video showing a law enforcement operation at a church where police are placing multiple people under arrest.


Violence erupted as “peaceful protesters” identified what they believed to be an undercover police vehicle. They are seen to start vandalizing the occupied vehicle before it drives away.

The law enforcement crackdown follows Wednesday night’s violence and looting in Wauwatosa.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.


BOOM: Kamala Caught In Massive Lie – It’s OVER!

BOOM: Kamala Caught In Massive Lie – It’s OVER!

(breitbart) – CLAIM: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) claimed that President Donald Trump “instituted, as his first act, a ‘Muslim ban’.”

VERDICT: FALSE. Trump’s travel ban was not a “Muslim ban” and has since been upheld by the Supreme Court.

In attacking Trump for ostensibly not condemning white supremacists — a false claim that Vice President Mike Pence crushed with his response — Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris repeated Joe Biden’s false claim about a “Muslim ban.”

As Breitbart News explained in a previous fact check:

[T]here is no “Muslim ban,” and there never was. What Democrats called a “Muslim ban” was an executive order issued on January 27, 2017, that barred tourism and immigration from seven countries previously identified by the Obama-Biden administration as being particularly vulnerable to terrorism, partly because their internal record-keeping was substandard. These seven nations — Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen — happened to be Muslim-majority countries, but there was no blanket ban on Muslims from other Middle Eastern countries or large Muslim countries like Indonesia.

Later, the executive order was updated, or superseded, by subsequent orders. A second version dropped Iraq from the list; a third version added North Korea and Venezuela, two countries without substantial Muslim populations whatsoever. The Supreme Court tossed legal challenges to the travel ban in October 2017. Several more countries — including non-Muslim ones — were added in January 2020. The “Muslim ban” exists only in the minds of Democrats and left-wing journalists.

In December 2015, then-candidate Trump did suggest “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” He made that suggestion after radical Islamic terrorists launched brutal terror attacks in Paris, France, that November — with at least one hiding among Syrian refugees.

Trump later dropped that idea. But it is important to note that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) considered a “pause” in Syrian refugees, given the security vulnerabilities and the possibility that fighters from the so-called “Islamic State” might infiltrate into the country.

Pence focused his response on debunking the Charlottesville “very fine people” hoax.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His newest e-book is The Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump’s Presidency. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.


BREAKING: Biden Admits Terrible Slip – He May Not Recover

BREAKING: Biden Admits Terrible Slip – He May Not Recover

(dailyconservative) – Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden just admitted a terrible slip-up. His campaign may not recover — and there is now less than 30 days until the November election.

“Masks matter,” said Biden on NBC News. “These masks, they matter. It matters. It saves lives. It prevents the spread of the disease — 210 million — 210,000 people have died.”

This is the second time (in the past couple of months) that he has drastically misrepresented the number of deaths from COVID-19 before having to correct himself. Last time, he estimated 210 million.

Of course, the United States’ population is a little over 328 million people — and, therefore, there’s no way deaths could be roughly two-thirds of the people. The virus isn’t that deadly.

Furthermore, worldwide, there have been approximately 1.5 million deaths, which is a far cry from Biden’s misstatement as well. He really seems unable to remember basic information.

Biden was slow during his recent debate with President Donald Trump as well, and yet Democrats still think he’s a shoo-in to win the election. They are going to have a rude wake-up call in November.


2A BOMBSHELL: McCloskey’s Get Devastating News – Nation Shocked

2A BOMBSHELL: McCloskey’s Get Devastating News – Nation Shocked

(breitbart) – A grand jury indicted Mark and Patricia McCloskey Tuesday on charges related to their June 28, 2020, use of guns to keep protesters away from their home.

KSDK reports that the grand jury indicted the McCloskeys on “exhibiting a weapon and tampering with evidence.”

Breitbart News reported that Mark held an AR-15 and Patricia held a handgun on June 28, in hopes of deterring protesters from damaging their home or property.

Video of the couple standing outside their home went viral:


Breitbart News reported an investigation was opened against the McCloskeys on June 30, just two days after they stood with guns to protect their property.

The New York Post quoted St. Louis Prosecutor Kimberly Gardner saying, “I am alarmed at the events that occurred over the weekend, where peaceful protestors were met by guns.”

She added, “We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated.”

But the Hill reported Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) believed the McCloskeys did that which was lawful, that they “did what they legally should do.”

Parson said, “A mob does not have the right to charge your property. They had every right to protect themselves.”

He suggested that he would pardon the McCloskeys if they were charged for their use of firearms.

Parson used a July 18, 2020, tweet to say, “We will not allow law-abiding citizens to be targeted for exercising their constitutional rights.”


BREAKING: Obama And Hillary Documents Declassified – It’s Over!

BREAKING: Obama And Hillary Documents Declassified – It’s Over!

(bigleaguepolitics) – A new document release by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has shown that the Obama administration knew that Russia-gate was a Hillary Clinton campaign plot but chose to spy on President Trump anyway.

One of the documents declassified by Ratcliffe featurs the handwritten notes of CIA Director John Brennan, showing that he knew Russia-gate was promulgated by the Clinton campaign before leading the illicit spying operation against Trump. He also briefed Obama about the situation, showing that it was a holistic effort by the administration to frame Trump for Russian collusion.

According to the coded messages in his note, Brennan was at the meeting with former President Barack Obama, former White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, former FBI director James Comey, and former national security advisor Susan Rice. A redacted source informed the CIA about Clinton’s plan to spread disinformation about Trump being a Russian pawn as an electoral ploy.

The note reads as follows:

We’re gaining additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED]

CITE alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 28 July of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service.

POTUS — Any evidence of collaboration between Trump campaign and Russia?

The other document declassified by Ratcliffe is the referral to the FBI from the CIA about Clinton’s scheme. It was addressed to Director Comey as well as infamous loverboy Peter Strzok, who served as Deputy Assistant Director for Operations Branch 1, Counterintelligence Division at the time.

The heavily-redacted memo seemingly indicates that the Obama regime was spying on the Trump campaign through their Crossfire Hurricane fusion cell throughout 2016. It reads in part:

“Per FBI verbal request, CIA provides the below examples of information the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE fusion cell has gleaned to date.”

“An exchange [REDACTED] discussing US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning US presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of distracting the public form her use of a private email server.”

Big League Politics reported last week when Ratcliffe made these bombshell allegations, which were widely dismissed by the hacks in the Democrat Party and fake news media:

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified intelligence on Tuesday indicating that the Obama administration knew the Russian collusion story was a campaign operation by the Hillary Clinton team but pursued the investigation anyway despite its obviously dubious nature.

Ratcliffe letter indicates that former President Barack Obama was briefed by former CIA director John Brennan on the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”

The Democrats are doing everything they can to deflect from this news, blaming the evil Rooskies for their own illicit behavior getting exposed.

“This is Russian disinformation,” wrote Rachel Cohen, who works as spokeswoman for Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) in a tweet, adding that she believed the so-called Russian disinfo was “laundered by the Director Of National Intelligence and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is extraordinary.”

However, Ratcliffe anticipated the spin from the Democrats and even addressed it preemptively in his letter.

“To be clear, this is not Russian disinformation and has not been assessed as such by the Intelligence Community. I’ll be briefing Congress on the sensitive sources and methods by which it was obtained in the coming days,” he wrote.

High-ranking Republican members of the Senate are certainly taking the allegations seriously.

“This latest information provided by DNI Ratcliffe shows there may have been a double standard by the FBI regarding allegations against the Clinton campaign and Russia,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said.

However, these newly released documents show that Ratcliffe was telling the truth all along and that the Russian collusion farce has been a scam from the moment it was conceived.


BREAKING: Stunning Video Should Scare Christians(VIDEO)

BREAKING: Stunning Video Should Scare Christians(VIDEO)

(breitbart) man was left “heartbroken” after a funeral director interrupted his father’s funeral to tell him to stop comforting his grieving elderly mother because of coronavirus social distancing rules.

Video of the socially-distanced funeral on Friday was shared on the Milton Keynes Community Hub Facebook page and showed the beginning of the service with the widow sitting just a few feet away from the coffin of Alan Wright, who had died two weeks ago of a heart attack.

As one funeral director began the service, her son, Craig Bicknell from Milton Keynes, moved his chair next to his mother’s and began to comfort her. Another man to her left moved his chair to do the same.

A few seconds later, another member of staff from Crownhill Crematorium is seen coming from the rear of the room, waving his hands and interrupting the service to say: “Sorry, sorry, you have to put the chairs back, I’m afraid.”

“You can’t move the chairs, you were told,” he scolded.

Under current coronavirus restrictions, people are not allowed to gather in groups of more than six, with some exceptions. Funerals, for example, may have up to 30 guests but all must be socially distanced (at least six feet apart).


The two men then moved their chairs back, six feet either side of the grieving woman.

One of her sons told the community Facebook page: “We are absolutely heartbroken. Me and my brother haven’t been able to leave my mum’s side for two weeks as it is, being there for my mum, within her bubble.”

The son made reference to the “support bubble”, another part of Boris Johnson’s complex social distancing rules where a lone adult in one household may be considered to be in a “bubble” with members of another. Once you have nominated your “support bubble” membership, the government mandates that it cannot be changed.

He went on to say: “I can sit in a restaurant, I can sit in a pub, I can live at her house, I can travel in a limousine to the crematorium with 6.

“I want to give my mum a cuddle at dad’s funeral, and this prick comes flying out aggressively in front of all shouting ‘stop the service’ and makes us split.

“It scared my daughter and shocked everyone in the room.”

A spokesman for Milton Keynes Council told The Sun on Monday: “We are sorry to have upset this family.

“We don’t usually step in if a guest needs to be comforted by another family member and in this instance should have taken a more considered approach.

“We ask funeral directors to let us know whether any chairs should be grouped in advance, and from now on this includes guests who are in the same household or bubbles as well as people who need extra support.

“We hope this provides additional comfort at a difficult time.”

Where the ‘rule of six’ was brought into place, a number of high-profile government minister encouraged citizens to snitch on their neighbours if they saw them break the law. One woman said in September it was her “public duty” to report to the police a funeral wake in a pub garden because she thought that people were standing too close to one another.

A report from later that month revealed that Britons were ratting out their neighbours with such intensity that some police services were forced to put on extra telephony staff to deal with an increase in the volume of calls.


BREAKING: Voting Law Announcement – Team Trump DID IT!

BREAKING: Voting Law Announcement – Team Trump DID IT!

(breitbart) – South Carolina is the latest in a string of states to side with President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign in upholding voting laws ranging from ballot harvesting regulations to Election Day deadlines.

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with state Republicans in reinstating a South Carolina voting requirement that absentee ballots have a witness’s signature, a mandate federal courts had deemed an unnecessary imposition because of coronavirus.

None of the Supreme Court justices published dissents to the order.

The South Carolina GOP expressed its satisfaction with the decision, saying in a statement that “despite the Democrats’ efforts to hijack a pandemic and use it to meddle with our election laws, they’ve lost.”

The court provided one concession to the order in that it should not apply to ballots that have already been mailed without a witness’s signature and arrive within two days.

On Friday, the Arizona Supreme Court granted a petition led by Attorney General Mark Brnovich and state Republicans on the state’s out-of-precinct (OOP) voting policy and “ballot-collection law,” which currently limits the handling of another person’s absentee ballot to family and household members, mail carriers, and election officials.

The Ninth Circuit struck down the OOP policy and ballot-collection restrictions in January, but the Supreme Court’s decision to consider the two measures now means they will both remain in place through the November 3 general election.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) had claimed the OOP policy and restrictions on ballot collection, also known as ballot harvesting, “adversely and disparately affected Arizona’s American Indian, Hispanic, and African American citizens” and “unduly burden minorities’ right to vote.”

Brnovich argued that reversing these provisions is a threat to election integrity and warned that ballot harvesting, specifically, could cause “undue influence, voter fraud, ballot tampering, and voter intimidation.” Brnovich continued:

If SCOTUS does not overturn the misguided Ninth Circuit ruling, other election integrity laws across the country could be in jeopardy. Presently, approximately 20 states have ballot harvesting laws substantially similar to Arizona or impose various regulations on ballot harvesting. Additionally, a majority of states require ballots to be cast in the correct precinct.

South Carolina and Arizona join a list of states, including Maine, Georgia, New Hampshire, and Iowa, that have recently awarded election-related court victories to the GOP.

Republicans saw a sweeping victory in Maine last week after its superior court ruled in favor of upholding photo identification laws, ballot harvesting regulations, and the state’s 8 p.m. Election Day deadline.

Similarly, in the battleground state of Georgia, a federal appeals court decided on Friday to reinstate the ruling that all ballots be received by the state’s 7 p.m. Election Day deadline.

“The number of late-arriving ballots could have been enough to swing close elections,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution noted of the decision. “During Georgia’s primary this year, election officials rejected about 8,400 absentee ballots that were received after the June 9 election day.”

In New Hampshire, the superior court on Friday rejected several requests, including those related to ballot harvesting prohibitions, made by the American Federation of Teachers.

In Iowa, another swing state, district court judges in Linn, Johnson, and Woodbury Counties ruled against auditors’ pre-filling in voters’ personal information on absentee ballot request forms, which resulted in the invalidation of about 80,000 ballot request forms that auditors had already filled out, according to Iowa Public Radio.

The series of legal wins comes after the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Trump campaign launched a multimillion-dollar operation earlier this year to fight lawsuits they believe will open opportunities for voter fraud.

“Democrats are trying to use coronavirus and the courts to legalize ballot harvesting, implement a nationwide mail-in ballot system, and eliminate nearly every safeguard in our elections,” the RNC states on its Protect the Vote website.

Last month, Republicans were dealt a blow in Pennsylvania after the state Supreme Court granted a request to extend the Election Day deadline by three days for ballots postmarked by the time polls close. An emergency petition on the extended deadline is now pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The state Supreme Courts in both Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — two states Trump narrowly won in 2016 — also ruled last month that the Green Party presidential candidate could not appear on their ballots.

In a setback in Nevada, a judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign to prevent mail-in ballots from being sent to all active voters.

The South Carolina decision on Monday marks a new wave of triumphs for the GOP. RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel wrote of the successes on Twitter on Friday, before the Supreme Court’s latest announcement, “More wins for the RNC in our fight to uphold voter integrity! … We will continue to fight back against Democrat assaults on our elections!”


Uh-Oh: CDC Caught Red Handed – COVID Bombshell

Uh-Oh: CDC Caught Red Handed – COVID Bombshell

(breitbart) – Vice President Mike Pence and other White House officials had to order uncooperative federal healthcare managers to shut the U.S.-Mexican border during the coronavirus crisis, according to reports.

The managers at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “who raised objections didn’t change their assessment of the border policy even as Covid spread rapidly across Latin America,” according to an October 3 Wall Street Journal report, which cited an “administration official familiar with their thinking.”

The WSJ report continued:

In February and March, CDC officials advising Dr. [CDC director Robert] Redfield told him that they believed the [border closure] order was a backdoor effort to achieve the administration’s goal of cracking down on illegal immigration, according to multiple officials involved in the discussions. At least one senior CDC official made it clear to Dr. Redfield that the official and his peers couldn’t support the policy’s enactment, according to people familiar with their conversation.

The idea was escalated by Mr. [Stephen] Miller and Ken Cuccinelli, the No. 2 official at DHS, to the White House coronavirus task force, where they championed it as a way of protecting border agents who would come into contact with potentially sick migrants, several people familiar with the meetings said.

The policy has proved very successful, excluding roughly 150,000 poor economic migrants from U.S. workplaces, housing, and schools, and also deterring many additional migrants. The policy protected border agents and their facilities from the coronavirus disease and also has temporarily blocked the federal-aided migration of youths and children from Latin American to their illegal-migrant parents in many U.S. cities and towns.

The Associated Press reported October 3:

Vice President Mike Pence in March directed the nation’s top disease control agency [in early March] to use its [Title 42] emergency powers to effectively seal the U.S. borders, overruling the agency’s scientists who said there was no evidence the action would slow the coronavirus, according to two former health officials. The action has so far caused nearly 150,000 children and adults to be expelled from the country.

The top Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doctor who oversees these types of orders had refused to comply with a Trump administration directive saying there was no valid public health reason to issue it, according to three people with direct knowledge of the doctor’s refusal.

Also on the phone call were Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf. Redfield immediately ordered his senior staff to get it done, according to a former CDC official who was not authorized to discuss internal deliberations and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The WSJ noted that Pence’s spokeswoman said the report was false. “Vice President Pence never directed the CDC on this issue,” she said in an email to the WSJ.

The phrase “with direct knowledge of the doctor’s refusal” suggests the claim came from people very close to CDC director Redfield. The reports are likely based on testimony collected for the pending lawsuit against the border protections by the pro-migration ACLU.

Trump’s legal reforms and maneuvers — plus his border wall — have largely stopped the northward flow of migrants into blue-collar jobs, much to the frustration of business groups and left-wing elites. But Trump has only trimmed the legal inflow of white-collar migrants imported for high-paying jobs throughout the United States.


BREAKING: Walter Reed Hospital Under Attack By Trump-Hating Leftist(VIDEO)

BREAKING: Walter Reed Hospital Under Attack By Trump-Hating Leftist(VIDEO)

(informationliberation) – Leftist protesters gathered outside Walter Reed military hospital where President Trump is being treated and danced and cheered for the commander-in-chief’s death while holding “F**k Trump” signs.

“Your president is dying!” one woman shouted, dancing and flicking off a group of Trump supporters.

“I hope he dies!”

Video of the incident was shared Saturday morning on social media:


Another group of protesters were seen holding up “Fuck Trump” signs and chanting, “Waah, waah, your leader’s gonna die!”

“Waah, waah, he’s gonna die, I hope he dies!”


The protesters stood in stark contrast with the large group of Trump supporters who gathered to pray and cheer for his recovery.


President Trump appeared to be in great spirits on Sunday and visited his supporters outside Walter Reed.

Trump’s doctors said he will could be discharged as early as Monday.
