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New Documents: Hunter Biden Chinese Military Contract Scandal Exposed

New Documents: Hunter Biden Chinese Military Contract Scandal Exposed

(breitbart) – In September 2015, the Obama-Biden administration approved the sale of a strategically sensitive Michigan manufacturer, Henniges Automotive, to a firm connected to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and a Chinese military contractor that was on an American watch list because of its close ties to the People’s Liberation Army. Hunter Biden’s equity fund, backed by the Communist Chinese government, and the Chinese contractor, Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC), needed special approval for the deal from the Committee of Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CIFIUS) because Henniges produced technology with potential military use.

AVIC entities have been sanctioned by the United States on five separate occasions since 1993 and the addition to the watch list–a major red flag—occurred less than a year-and-a-half before they co-purchased Henniges with the Biden-led Chinese joint venture known as Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). The fact that CFIUS approved the deal is alarming given that Henniges owns numerous facilities in the United States that are now controlled by a Chinese military front company.

Internal BHR documents show exactly how the Chinese military contractor was able to disguise its ownership via shell corporations and formed a joint-venture with the son of the vice president to facilitate the Chinese takeover of an American dual-use technology supplier. Additional documents suggest that Hunter Biden’s Chinese-backed venture funneled money to an entity controlled by Vanessa Kerry, the daughter of then-Secretary of State John Kerry, just one month before CFIUS approved the takeover. At the time, Secretary Kerry played a lead role on the Obama-Biden CFIUS committee.

When news of the AVIC takeover of Michigan-based manufacturer Henniges Automotive hit the wire, Biden’s associates celebrated, calling the transaction a “proof of concept” for future Chinese acquisitions. “Congratulations!!!! Proof of concept again,” read the subject line of Devon Archer’s email on September 15, 2015. “This is great. Let’s get a letter out to Ambassador Baucus ASAP Archie (an apparent Archer nickname),” Bevan Cooney replied. Cooney is a former Biden associate who is now incarcerated for a separate venture—the tribal bond scheme—involving Biden’s business partners. Cooney has provided investigative journalists Peter Schweizer and Matthew Tyrmand with access to his emails with written authorization.

Cooney’s emails (and their attachments) reveal how Hunter Biden’s BHR viewed the Henniges acquisition—which they code named “Project Hanson”—as a major coup and a model for future BHR “cross-border” investments.

Moments after the deal closed, Archer set to work drafting a letter to U.S. Ambassador to China Max Baucus (who happened to be a longtime friend of the Biden family). Archer’s letter was an invitation to Ambassador Baucus to attend a banquet celebration for the deal with esteemed guest including BHR’s communist state-owned “strategic partners” and investors:

I am writing to invite you to a cross-border banquet to celebrate our acquisition of Henniges Automotive. We consummated the transaction earlier this month, in conjunction with our strategic partner, AVIC, for $600 million. I have also attached a news article about the transaction.

This milestone marks our first U.S.-based acquisition. Our strategic partners, including AVIC and Sinopec, will be in attendance, as will our investors, including the Bank of China and China Development Bank. We hope to discuss the opportunities and challenges of cross-border investments for Chinese companies in today’s macro environment. A member of our team has also extended an invitation to your economics advisor – Jonathan Fritz – to speak at the seminar.

The strategic partners and investors that Archer listed—particularly Sinopec, the Bank of China, and the China Development Bank—are all State-owned entities and therefore arms of the Chinese Communist Party whose executives/officials, along with BHR, clearly wanted to celebrate the Henniges coup.

Indeed, Hunter Biden’s Chinese business partner were pleased. One internal BHR document states in both English and Mandarin Chinese: “We are incredibly proud of the perseverance, dedication and ingenuity of the Project Hanson team who collectively brought to life the first-born of BHR’s cross-border investment platform, the first of many to come.”

Roger Robinson, a former senior director for international economic affairs on President Ronald Reagan’s National Security Council, claims that “the U.S. government has known for years that AVIC has been helping China’s military and aiding U.S. enemies and as such was sanctioned in the past.” AVIC’s well-known and long-established ties to the Chinese military-industrial complex makes the Obama-Biden administration’s approval “all the more curious.” “This is anything but a benign Chinese enterprise,” said Robinson.

But BHR and AVIC’s Project Hanson helped obfuscate and ameliorate the AVIC connections by creating a complex ownership structure. One internal BHR document reveals precisely how the Chinese military front company was able to disguise its true ownership in a byzantine off-shore structure, presumably obfuscating the fact that the Chinese military was taking over U.S. company whose technology is on the restricted Commerce Control List (“Target” refers to U.S. military supplier Henniges Automotive):

BHR Hunter Biden by Breitbart News on Scribd

Another internal BHR document contains a shocking revelation: Devon Archer facilitated Chinese “support” for an entity called Seed Global Health. Seed Global Health was co-founded and controlled by the daughter of Secretary John Kerry. According to BHR’s December 2015 internal document: “A special shout out to our director and shareholder, Devon Archer, for his involvement with the Seed Global Health non-profit foundation, which works to send medical staff and resources globally to countries in need. BHR will continue to support this and other worthy causes.”

It appears that BHR is referring to a fundraiser hosted by Devon Archer for Secretary Kerry’s daughter and her Seed Global Health organization that occurred on August 16, 2015—less than one month before Kerry’s State Department and the rest of the Obama-Biden CFIUS agencies approved Henniges takeover. The politically connected Seed Global Health has previously come under fire for receiving more than $9 million in State Department funds without bids or competition and, in 2018, an executive at Seed Global Health was charged by federal prosecutors for violating federal conflict of interest laws and illegal lobbying.

This is a developing story.

Peter Schweizer is the author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite. Seamus Bruner is the author of Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties.


BOOM: Tucker Carlson Leaves Fans Speechless

BOOM: Tucker Carlson Leaves Fans Speechless

(informationliberation) – The Blue Cheka journos who work to dox dissidents and get them censored on behalf of our corrupt ruling class threw a fit Thursday on Twitter after one of their own, NBC smear-merchant Brandy Zadrozny, was exposed on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Tucker interviewed Darren Beattie of Revolver.News on his new exposé titled, “Meet NBC News’ Brandy Zadrozny — The Woman In Charge of Doxxing and Destroying Trump Supporters.”

The piece details Zadrozny “long history of targeting Trump supporters for doxing, censorship, and harassment.”

Folks came out of the woodwork to tell their stories about Zadrozny ruining their lives:

NBC News, CNN’s resident pro-censorship activist and doxer Oliver Darcy and many others threw a fit in response.

NBC News, showing they have no standards whatsoever, said she “represents the best of investigative journalism and of NBC News.”

“Fox News has chosen to smear Brandy,” they said. “In so doing they have shamefully encouraged harassment and worse.”

If that’s the case, what has Brandy’s “journalism” encouraged?

Remember folks, when the media doxes you, gets you censored on social media and runs cover for antifa carrying out terrorism against you it’s “the best of investigative journalism” but when you simply report on what they’re doing you’re “harassing” them and potentially putting their lives in danger!


BOMBSHELL: Joe Biden Destroyed – Trump Does It AGAIN(VIDEOS)

BOMBSHELL: Joe Biden Destroyed – Trump Does It AGAIN(VIDEOS)

(informationliberation) – President Donald Trump delivered in spades during Thursday night’s final presidential debate versus Joe Biden and debate moderator Kristen Welker.


First off, Biden looked terrible.

This was the first screenshot I took randomly:

Biden is 77 years old and turns 78 in November. If elected, he will be the oldest president in US history. He’s not going to make it four years, meaning Kamala Harris will be our president. Harris’ entire career was built off sleeping with Mayor Willie Brown.

Throughout the debate, Biden was stuttering, bumbling and very weak. It seemed like after 30 or so minutes whatever drugs they put him on started to wear off and he started hanging his head down and hanging his mouth open.

It reminded me of when a boxer starts slouching in later rounds after getting pummeled and has trouble keeping their guard up.

Fortunately for him, moderator Kristen Welker kept stepping in to help him out. She reportedly cut Trump off 41 times and only cut Biden off 8 times.

It was amazing how Welker would cut Trump off in the middle of his statement, then Biden would interject and she would just let him ramble uninterrupted for over a minute.

The most emotion Biden could show was anger, but he comes across as extra angry because of his botched facelift.

Welker’s questions were terrible. Half the debate was spent whining about the hoax of systemic racism.

That said, Trump had many killer lines.

The debate opened (again) with COVID as Democrats think it hurts Trump.

Biden fearmongered like crazy while Trump gave a message of hope.

Biden hilariously said 200,000 people are going to die before the end of the year if we don’t all wear masks.

Trump responded saying: “We can’t lock ourselves up in a basement like Joe does. He has the ability to lock himself up. I don’t know, he has obviously made a lot of money some place. But he has this thing about living in a basement.”

The most memorable line of the night was, “Who built the cages, Joe?”


The answer, of course, was Obama. The Twitterati spawned that hoax and the media ran with it only to find out the viral pictures of the “kids in cages” were from 2014 under Obama (when the media couldn’t care less).

Trump correctly noted how the “kids” were brought with cartels, gangs and coyotes and said he got rid of catch-and-release.

Biden said he’s planning to give amnesty to “over 11 million” illegal aliens because, “We owe them — we owe them!”

We don’t owe them anything, Schmoe. They owe us for allowing them into the country and allowing them to collect hundreds of thousands in welfare handouts that our people paid for through blood, sweat and tears.

Biden totally botched his line about the Proud Boys, referring to them instead as the “Poor Boys.”

After Trump hammered Biden on he and Hunter’s shady deals with Ukraine and China, Biden hilariously claimed the laptop was a Russkie plot.

Biden cited the comically stupid story of some 50 former intelligence officials including corrupt ex-CIA head John Brennan claiming they think the laptop has the “hallmarks” of a Russkie plot.

They admit in their propaganda piece they have no special knowledge linking Russia to anything and provided no additional evidence.

DNI chief John Ratcliff said earlier this week there’s absolutely zero evidence linking Russia to the laptop at all.

Neither Joe Biden or Hunter have denied the laptop is his. All the evidence points to it being his but the media refuses to confront him on it. The fact he refused to address it tonight is noteworthy in itself and further proof the emails are all legit.


Trump got Biden to admit he wants to “transition away” from the oil industry and cut all their federal subsides.

Biden also comically said the feds don’t give subsidies to solar and wind and Trump called him on it immediately.

Biden’s closing statement was remarkable.

Under all the lies about how he wants to unify the country (Democrats are openly discussing subjecting Trump supporter to show trials) he basically said he will shut down the economy in the name of fighting “climate change” and end centuries of the “white man’s English jurisprudential culture” in the name of fighting “systemic racism.”

What Democrats are doing to this man is elder abuse. They’ve got him pumped up on drugs and running for president when he should be at home safely ensconced in his basement enjoying the millions he and Hunter Biden looted!

Trump had a tough four years as a result of endless, criminal deep state witch hunts but he has remarkably managed to overcome the adversity and has been hitting his stride in just the past two months.

The polls are tightening and he appears to be peaking as we speak!

It feels a lot like 2016 is happening all over again!

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WOW: Last Minute Supreme Court Reversal – Nation Stunned

WOW: Last Minute Supreme Court Reversal – Nation Stunned

(breitbart) – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-3 on Wednesday to grant a stay against “curbside” voting in Alabama, which would have allowed disabled Americans to avoid the additional risk of exposure to coronavirus posed by voting inside a polling place.

Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the conservative majority, in contrast to another Supreme Court decision earlier this week, in which he sided with the liberal minority to uphold relaxed vote-by-mail rules and deadlines in Pennsylvania.

Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Stephen Breyer dissented. Sotomayor wrote:

This stay application arises from the Alabama secretary of state’s decision to ban curbside voting despite the ongoing COVID–19 crisis and the willingness of certain Alabama counties to assist voters with disabilities. Following a lengthy trial and resting on an extensive record, the District Court found, among other things, that the secretary’s ban violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by forcing voters with disabilities, for whom COVID–19 is disproportionately likely to be fatal, to risk unnecessary exposure to the virus if they wish to vote in person. The District Court enjoined the secretary’s ban, thus allowing counties that are ready to adopt curbside voting to do so. I would not upset the District Court’s record-based, reasoned, and narrowly tailored judgment, which the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit let stand.

To combat the spread of COVID–19, the Centers for Dis- ease Control and Prevention recommend that States con- sider curbside voting, that is, permit voters to vote from their car by handing their ballot to a poll worker.

The secretary does not meaningfully dispute that the plaintiffs have disabilities, that COVID–19 is disproportionately likely to be fatal to these plaintiffs, and that traditional in-person voting will meaningfully increase their risk of exposure. He argues only that the relevant “benefit” under the ADA is voting generally, not in-person voting specifically, and that absentee voting ensures access to that benefit.

The case is known as Merill v. People of Alabama.


WARNING: ALL Trump Donors Addresses Given Out

WARNING: ALL Trump Donors Addresses Given Out

(informationliberation) – A new leftist doxing website created to intimidate Trump donors by exposing their data with the help of Google maps and data allegedly scraped from the FEC is a great opportunity to connect with your neighbors and make friends.

The site, DonaldTrump.watch, was clearly created to encourage terrorism against us but it also helps to show we’re not alone.

The site allows anyone to search throughout the country down to their own neighborhoods and see the names and addresses of all Trump donors (don’t put your address in, just scroll to wherever and click “search here” at the top).

Here’s a shot of the White House:

When you click each tag it brings up the donor’s name, a list of their donations to Trump and their address.

They appear to have a sister site, Donor.watch, which maps out donations for all candidates without labeling anyone as “racist.”

Both sites “Terms of use” pages claim the site is provided by “Public Service Media Group, Inc.” but there’s very little about them on the internet.

Bizapedia has one entry saying, “Public Service Media Group, Inc. is a Delaware Corporation filed on September 17, 2019. The company’s File Number is listed as 7611619.”

The site was previously online at Racist.watch and put up around October 2019, so the time frame checks out. The site was previously taken down but now it redirects to DonaldTrump.watch.

The feds could probably make a case this is voter intimidation but I doubt they’ll be interested.

Regardless, we might as well make lemons out of lemonade and use this as an opportunity to connect with our like-minded, patriotic neighbors!


BREAKING: Evidence Released Ben Shapiro Switch’s His Vote

BREAKING: Evidence Released Ben Shapiro Switch’s His Vote

(theblaze) – Ben Shapiro, conservative commentator, author, and founder of the Daily Wire, has admitted that he did not vote for President Donald Trump in 2016 — but plans to vote for the incumbent Republican president on Nov. 3.

POLL: Did you watch any of the 2020 Presidential Town Halls last night?
What’s the short version?
In a nearly nine-minute video released Monday, Shapiro explained why he plans to vote for Trump next month when he didn’t in 2016.

“First,” he admitted, “I was simply wrong about Donald Trump on policy.”

“Second,” he continued, “I wasn’t really wrong about Donald Trump on character, but whatever damage he was going to do has already been done, and it’s not going to help if I don’t vote for him this time.”

“Third — and most importantly — the Democrats have lost their f***ing minds,” he insisted.

What are the fine details?
In the video, Shapiro explained that while he once disagreed with some of Trump’s policy stances, the president has actually made a lot of headway for conservatives over the past four years.

Shapiro explained that the president’s conservative angles on the environment, national security, pro-life issues, and taxes are of utmost importance to the conservative commentator.

“Donald Trump has governed pretty conservatively,” the bestselling author continued. “I thought he would not be conservative in his governance. I was just wrong on that. Donald Trump radically cut regulation. He actually saw reductions in the number of man-hours dedicated to dealing with regulation for the first time in a long time under Donald Trump. He appointed originalist judges to the best of his ability.”

He also explained that Trump is unique in several ways.

“Donald Trump is the first president of my lifetime not to start any new wars, which is a kind of big thing,” he reasoned.

“He’s resisted using the federal government to control everybody’s life during COVID. That’s a big thing. This is the biggest government power grab of my lifetime, and Trump refused to do it,” Shapiro continued.

“Here’s the deal: I’m voting for Trump. You don’t have to love Trump’s character. You don’t have to like his Twitter account to vote for him. … But if you care about the Constitution and economic freedom and the security of the United States, you really don’t have a whole hell of a lot of choice.”

Shapiro also added that Democrats simply cannot be trusted with “levers of power” and will only “seek to ruin anybody who stands in their way.”

You can listen to Shapiro’s full remarks in the video below.


BREAKING: Obama Takes The Reins – Biden Shocked

BREAKING: Obama Takes The Reins – Biden Shocked

(breitbart) – Former President Barack Obama returns to Philadelphia on Wednesday for his first in-person 2020 campaign event for Joe Biden.

With 13 days to go, his debut will be in the same city in which the Obamas joined Bill and Hillary Clinton during their final campaign stop before the 2016 election.

It comes as Biden took to social media on Tuesday afternoon and tweeted his confidence in victory from his basement:

Due to restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, Obama will speak to a small, select crowd at a drive-in rally, where supporters will hear his message over the radio.

At this stage it is not known if Michelle Obama will be at his side.

Obama’s turn on the campaign trail was announced last week, as Breitbart News reported.

Donald Trump said then it was “good news” Obama would campaign for his former vice president as it would focus minds on just what is at stake in 2020.

“Well, that’s good news,” Trump said. “He campaigned harder than Hillary Clinton did for Hillary, and it just made us stronger.”

Trump reminded the audience Obama failed to endorse Biden during the primary and even waited several weeks after Biden won the nomination before officially getting behind him.

“I am running against, perhaps in the history of presidential politics, the worst candidate,” Trump said about Biden as the crowd laughed. “Obama wouldn’t even endorse him. They ran together. Obama wouldn’t even endorse him.”

Trump’s message reinforced one he has made many times before about the “horror” of the Obama/Biden term in the White House.The White HouseVolume 90%

Democrats are pushing into the key battleground state Pennsylvania and its 20 electoral college votes in 2020, a state Hillary Clinton lost by 68,000 votes to President Donald Trump in 2016, as Breitbart News reported.

The concentration of fire power focused on Pennsylvania by Democrats suggests the leadership of the Biden campaign, haunted by the bitter memory of a 6.9 point net swing towards Donald Trump in the last two weeks of the 2016 campaign, believes the Keystone State is still very much in play.


BREAKING: Federal Law Enforcement Official Confirms – Biden Caught Red Handed

BREAKING: Federal Law Enforcement Official Confirms – Biden Caught Red Handed

(informationliberation) – Fox News reported Tuesday night that a senior law enforcement official told them Hunter Biden’s emails are “authentic,” the FBI has possession of his laptop and the FBI and DOJ concur with DNI head John Ratcliffe the emails are not part of a Russian disinformation campaign as Democrats have claimed.

From Fox News, “FBI in possession of Hunter Biden’s purported laptop, sources say”:

The FBI is in possession of the laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden which contained emails revealing his foreign business dealings, including contacts in Ukraine and China, two senior administraiton officials told Fox News Tuesday.

The FBI declined to confirm or deny the existence of an investigation into the laptop or the emails, as is standard practice.

Further, Fox News has learned that the FBI and Justice Department officials concur with an assessment from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe that the laptop is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign targeting Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Ratcliffe, on Monday, said that Hunter Biden’s laptop and the emails on it “is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” despite claims from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

“Let me be clear: the intelligence community doesn’t believe that because there is no intelligence that supports that,” Ratcliffe said. “And we have shared no intelligence with Adam Schiff, or any member of Congress.”

Ratcliffe went on to say that it is “simply not true.”

“If you thought it wasn’t possible for Schiff to have any less credibility, DOJ just proved you wrong,” a senior intelligence official told Fox News.

Another senior administration official also told Fox News that the FBI is not currently investigating the laptop as part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Meanwhile, another senior federal law enforcement official told Fox News that the emails are “authentic.”

This is further confirmation Democrats and a host of former intelligence officials lied when they claimed this was a “Russian disinformation operation.”

Tucker Carlson documented the extensive Big Tech-backed misinformation campaign from Adam Schiff and others on his show Monday night.

The story the media circulated about some 50 former officials like former CIA chief John Brennan claiming this was all “Russian disinformation” was some of the biggest disinformation of this entire campaign.

Everything our crooked establishment doesn’t like is “Russian disinformation” for Big Tech Tyrants to censor.

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(Breitbart) – Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is raking in tens of millions of dollars from Wall Street, weeks away from the November 3 election against President Trump.

In the last few months, Biden’s campaign and his fundraising committees have “benefited from big money contributions from finance leaders on Wall Street and across the country,” according to a new report by CNBC.

Wall Street donors to date have spent more than $50 million to help get Biden elected, as they view his candidacy as a return to the economic status quo, which has often spelled economic decline for Main Street.

CNBC reports:

The joint committees, which raise money for the Biden campaign, the Democratic National Committee and state parties, are being fueled, at least in part, by Wall Street executives. Those committees accept six-figure contributions. [Emphasis added]

People in the financial industry have largely favored Biden, spending more than $50 million to back his candidacy, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, compared with more than $10 million for Trump. [Emphasis added]

Some of those Wall Street donors to Biden include President Obama’s former Treasury Department secretary Tim Geithner, who contributed $150,000 to the Biden Action Fund in August. Geithner, while in the Obama administration, coordinated to slash pensions for roughly 20,000 Delphi workers in the midst of the auto bailout for General Motors (GM).

Wall Street executives Antonio Gracias and Jonathan Shulkin each delivered $300,000 to Biden’s campaign in August, while venture capitalist John Doerr donated more than $355,000 to the Biden Action Fund in the last three months.

Likewise, Wall Street investor Jonathan Soros, the son of billionaire left-wing mega-donor George Soros, gave a little less than $145,000 to Biden in the third quarter, while Wall Street venture capitalists and investors John Doerr, Stephen Mandel, and Pete Muller gave Biden nearly $1.5 million.

In the third quarter, alone, the Biden Action Fund got more than $4 million from Wall Street donors, with huge donations from executives at the Blackstone Group, JPMorgan Chase, The Carlyle Group, and Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts.

Wall Street and nearly all of the nation’s biggest banks have lined up to support Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), against Trump’s economic nationalist agenda. Goldman Sachs and Moody’s Analytics each released reports to investors indicating their backing of a “blue wave” on election day as the biggest net gain for the financial industry.


BREAKING: Debate Commission Plan To Stop Trump Uncovered

BREAKING: Debate Commission Plan To Stop Trump Uncovered

(breitbart) – The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has adopted a new rule ahead of Thursday’s second and final presidential debate and will silence the microphone of the candidate who does not have the floor during the uninterrupted two-minute periods at the start of each segment.

The Commission cited their prior announcement to consider “additional structure” to future debates following the first presidential debate with moderator Chris Wallace. The first debate saw several interruptions from both candidates and Wallace. While Joe Biden (D) set the tone by interrupting first, Wallace later stated that Trump bore the “primary responsibility” for what occurred during the debate.

“The Commission has determined that it is appropriate to adopt measures intended to promote adherence to agreed upon rules and inappropriate to make changes to those rules,” it said in a statement, detailing its plan to enforce the rule:

Under the agreed upon debate rules, each candidate is to have two minutes of uninterrupted time to make remarks at the beginning of each 15 minute segment of the debate. These remarks are to be followed by a period of discussion. Both campaigns this week again reaffirmed their agreement to the two-minute, uninterrupted rule. The Commission is announcing today that in order to enforce this agreed upon rule, the only candidate whose microphone will be open during these two-minute periods is the candidate who has the floor under the rules. For the balance of each element, which by design is intended to be dedicated to open discussion, both candidates’ microphones will be open.

The CPD added that “neither campaign may be totally satisfied with the measures today” but added that it is “comfortable that these actions strike the right balance and that they are in the interest of the American people, for whom these debates are held”:

The Commission announced the topics for the upcoming debate last week, selected by moderator Kristen Welker, who has established ties to the Democrat Party.

President Trump has already expressed his opinion of Welker ahead of the debate, describing her as “terrible & unfair, just like most of the Fake News reporters.”

“But I’ll still play the game,” he added. The people know! How’s Steve Scully doing?”:
