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BREAKING: Joe Biden GONE – Media IN Shock!

BREAKING: Joe Biden GONE – Media IN Shock!

( breitbart ) – At 9:52 a.m. on Monday, the Joe Biden campaign announced the candidate would not be making any public appearances for the day.

“Biden campaign has called a lid at 9:52 a.m.,” Fox News producer Pat Ward wrote on Twitter.

On Saturday, the campaign called another lid, the 10th time in the next-to-last month before Election Day.

Biden’s frequency for being off the trail in the waning weeks of the campaign has seeped into the consciousness of the media and now it is becoming news.

Mona Salama noted Biden called four such “lids” last week alone. With the one called on Monday, whether will likely be another called on Tuesday as Biden prepares for the first presidential debate with Donald Trump.

“Less than 6 weeks before the election, the Democratic nominee is working at a 50% clip, calling a lid 7 of the past 14 days and 11 of the past 26 this month,” The Hill‘s Joe Concha wrote on Twitter.

During a rally in Pennsylvania last week, President Trump turned Biden’s lid frequency into an issue:

“I’m working my ass off. I’m in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin,” Trump told the crowd in Moon Township.


BREAKING: 49 Shot, Seven Fatally – This Is BAD

BREAKING: 49 Shot, Seven Fatally – This Is BAD

(breitbart) – At least 49 people were shot, seven fatally, over the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.

Breitbart News reported at least 24 people were shot Friday through Saturday alone in Chicago, and five of those shooting victims succumbed to their wounds.

In addition to the shooting victims, ABC 7 reported a five-year-old girl, Serenity Arrington, was stabbed to death early Saturday morning. Fox News reports Arrington’s mother, 27-year-old Simone Austin, was arrested and charged in the stabbing.

Arrington’s grandfather, Sylvester Washington, struggled to come to grips with her death, talking about how Arrington loved to watch movies with him. He said, “Y’all would have loved her. Sweet little girl. Man. Granddaddy’s little girl.”

By the time Sunday had passed the number of shooting victims had jumped from at least 24 to nearly 50. The Chicag0 Sun-Times reports that 49 were shot, seven fatally. NBC 5 reported the tally of shooting victims stood at 51.

Sunday started with a fatal shooting “in the 1400 block of East 73rd Street” at 12:54 a.m. A 31-year-old man was walking on the sidewalk when someone drove up near him and an occupant in the vehicle opened fire. He was shot twice and transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Another one of Sunday’s fatal shootings involved a 66-year-old man who was standing “in the 6100 block of South Bishop” with a 54-year-old man about 6:43 p.m. The two men heard shots ring out and “felt pain.” The 66-year-old was transported to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the head, and he was pronounced dead.

The Chicago Tribune reported 558 homicides in Chicago January 1, 2020, through September 22, 2020. That is 158 more homicides than were witnessed January 1, 2019, through September 22, 2019.


BREAKING: Top Democrat Releases Call To Action – Election In Danger

BREAKING: Top Democrat Releases Call To Action – Election In Danger

( breitbart) – Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold sent a postcard to non-citizens and the dead encouraging them to register to vote so they can cast ballots in November.

Griswold sent a mailer to several people who are not eligible to vote, CBS4 reported, in a swing state that has a U.S. Senate seat on the ballot this year and could prove pivotal in the presidential race.

Karen Anderson said she received one addressed to her mother.

“Which sounds really nice except my mother has been dead four years and she hasn’t lived, voted, owned property, worked, or done anything other than visit Colorado since 1967,” Anderson told the news station.

CBS4 found a dozen other examples, including “a deceased woman in Las Animas County, six migrant workers in Otero County, a Canadian in Douglas County, a man from Lebanon in Jefferson County, and a British citizen in Arapahoe County.”

The state defended sending the mailers to people who are not eligible to vote, according to federal law.

“Yes, it’s true that occasionally it will go to a person that it shouldn’t go to, someone who’s already registered or somebody that’s below the age of 18, but the vast, vast majority go to the people who are eligible and then many of them follow-up and become registered voters and they get their ballot in the mail and can vote in our election,” Judd Choate, director the secretary of state’s elections division, told CBS4.

The state sent 750,000 postcards with the hopes of ten percent of recipients registering to vote.

“He [Choate] says he’ll take the chance that a few will get the postcard who shouldn’t, if it means increasing voter participation by 75,000 people,” CBS4 reported.

Griswold is a progressive secretary of state similar to Michigan’s Jocelyn Benson (D).

Both spoke at the 2020 Netroots Nation conference on “protecting the vote.”

They also appeared together at a Center for American Progress event on protecting “America’s right to vote.”

“Our constitutional rights do not stop during a crisis,” Griswold said at that event, the Gazette reported, arguing the coronavirus pandemic should be used to advance progressive objectives to decrease voting safeguards.

In August, Griswold attacked President Donald Trump after he questioned vote-by-mail elections.

“The president has shown a degree of disrespect to this country that is just un-American,” Griswold declared, according to the New York Times. “There is something that we should all be able to agree on and that is well-functioning elections.”

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays. Listen to segments on YouTube or download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Twitter, like him on Facebook, and follow him on Parler.


BREAKING: New York Times Drop Trumps Tax Returns – There Is Only One Problem…

BREAKING: New York Times Drop Trumps Tax Returns – There Is Only One Problem…

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump on Sunday dismissed a New York Times story claiming they had obtained copies of his tax returns.

“The story is a total fake,” Trump said after he was asked about the story at a press conference.

He accused the Times of routinely published “fake story after fake story,” about his presidency.

“I’ve never seen anything like it; that’s why the media has such a low rating,” Trump continued.

The Times reported Sunday that Trump paid no taxes in ten of the 15 years of tax returns they obtained, and only paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017. The Times stated it would not release Trump’s actual tax return documents to protect the sources.

But the president claimed that he “paid a lot” of taxes including state income taxes in New York.

“The IRS does not treat me well,” Trump said. “And they treat me like the Tea Party. They treat me very badly.”

He said his taxes would soon be released as a result of recent court decisions.

“I look forward to releasing that,” Trump added.


BREAKING: Joe Biden Confirms Democrats Worst Fears – It’s Over(VIDEO)

BREAKING: Joe Biden Confirms Democrats Worst Fears – It’s Over(VIDEO)

Joe Biden has clearly lost it…

(bigleaguepolitics) – He stated that he “got to the Senate 180 years ago” when delivering a scripted campaign speech from a room in his Delaware home on Saturday.

That would’ve been in 1840, when Martin Van Buren was President. There were 52 Senators at the time, and the Democratic Party controlled the chamber, with a Whig minority in opposition. Biden was talking about supporting first responders and firefighters, who would’ve existed in a vastly different capacity in the mid-19th century.

Biden did laugh a little bit after he made the error, which seems to have stemmed from faulty teleprompter instructions or Biden simply misreading the screen in front of him.

Biden’s campaign appearances have been almost entirely scripted as of late, with the Democratic Party’s elder figure even going so far as reading from a teleprompter during interviews.

It’s very sad that the Democratic Party elite and Joe Biden’s handlers have allowed this to continue. A man with an arguably severe level of cognitive decline should not be the President of a nation of 330 million people. That is not right.

However, you almost can’t blame them for binding him concisely to the words on the teleprompter. Unscripted campaign appearances have proved to be even more of a disaster, with Biden forgetting the words to the Pledge of Allegiance in a campaign speech earlier this week, for example.


Trump Reveals New Bombshell About Bill and Hillary Clinton

Trump Reveals New Bombshell About Bill and Hillary Clinton

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump on Saturday described former President Bill Clinton as “afraid” of his wife Hillary Clinton.

Trump commented on the former presidential couple during a campaign rally in Middletown, Pennsylvania.

The president recalled the 2016 campaign, when he was running against “crooked Hillary,” prompting the crowd to chant “lock her up!”

Trump grinned and chuckled and replied, “I agree!”

“I used to say, ‘Now, now, now, we won. Don’t do it,’” Trump continued. “I try and stop it, but now — She’s crazy. Bill is stone-cold afraid of her.”

Hillary Clinton resurfaced in the public conversation after her hero, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, leaving her seat open on the Supreme Court – a vacancy for Trump to fill.

“I don’t want to see that legacy ripped up by political hypocrisy coming from Mitch McConnell,” Clinton said, calling on Senate Democrats to “use every single possible maneuver” to block the Senate from confirming Trump’s replacement.

During the rally, President Trump recalled Hillary Clinton’s deleted State Department emails, noting that the media would never let him get away with anything like that.

“We wouldn’t last long,” Trump said.


BREAKING: It’s OVER – BLM Gets Terrible News

BREAKING: It’s OVER – BLM Gets Terrible News

(breitbart) – Support for Black Lives Matter protests has plunged from 54 percent to 39 percent in the past three months, and those who disapprove of the movement now outnumber those who approve it, according to a poll released by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research at the University of Chicago on Wednesday.

The poll results confirmed a stunning drop in public support for the Black Lives Matter protests, which have increasingly turned into violent riots that have swept urban areas of the country since the death of George Floyd subsequent to his arrest by police in Minneapolis in May.

The poll of 1,108 adults in the United States was conducted between September 11 and September 14 and has a margin of error of four percent.

When asked, “In general, do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the recent protests against police violence?” a five percent plurality of poll respondents said they disapprove rather than approve of the protests. This significant change in public attitudes measured in the poll comes despite the suggestive framing of the question that characterizes the protests as “against police violence,” when they could arguably more accurately be described as “violent protests against police.”

Forty-four percent of poll respondents said they disapprove of the protests, and only 39 percent approve of them. This marks a dramatic decline of support for the Black Lives Matter protests over the past three months. When the same question was asked by the same polling organization in June, 54 percent of poll respondents said they approved of the protests, while only 32 percent said they disapproved.

This represents a huge swing of 27 points against the Black Lives Matter protests, from a +22 point approval rating in June to a -5 point approval rating in September.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s lead over President Trump among the adults who responded to the poll has dropped significantly over the past three months as well. In June, Biden had an 11 point lead over Trump, 41 percent to 30 percent. In September, his lead dropped to four points, 40 percent to 36 percent.

Support for the Black Lives Matter protests has dropped among black voters and white voters alike.

In June, 81 percent of black voters approved of the protests. That support dropped to 63 percent in September, an 18 point drop. Among white voters, approval of the Black Lives Matter protests dropped from 53 percent in June to 34 percent in September, a 19 point decline.

Intensity of disapproval of the protests increased as well, with strong disapproval jumping up a whopping 12 percent.

In September, 31 percent of poll respondents strongly disapproved of the protests, while 13 percent somewhat disapproved of them. In June, 19 percent of poll respondents strongly disapproved of the protests, while 12 percent somewhat disapproved of them.

Intensity of approval lessened by 11 points in three months.

In June, 33 percent of poll respondents strongly approved of the protests, while 21 percent somewhat approved of them. Three months later, in September, strong approval of the protests plunged to 22 percent, while somewhat approval dropped to 17 percent.


BREAKING: Ron Paul Massive Medical Announcement

BREAKING: Ron Paul Massive Medical Announcement

(informationliberation) – Former congressman Dr Ron Paul tweeted a picture of himself giving a big thumbs up on Friday afternoon and announced “I am doing fine” after being hospitalized for suffering from a medical incident during a live stream of his show The Liberty Report.

“I am doing fine,” Paul said. “Thank you for your concern.”

“Thank God, Dad is doing well,” Senator Rand Paul responded. “Thank you for all your prayers today.”

*** Original article follows ***

From Fox News:
Ron Paul, the former Republican representative who ran for president three times, was hospitalized on Friday in Texas for “precautionary” reasons, Fox News has learned.

Paul, 85, was speaking about the free market during a livestream on his YouTube channel when his speech began to slur earlier in the day.
Fox News’ Harris Faulkner reported Friday afternoon that Paul is “lucid and optimistic.”

Paul received an outpouring of support on social media.

Paul has been heroically railing against the corona-lockdowns, the crooked bailouts and Big Tech censorship for the past several months.

Paul had to upload his Wednesday show to BitChute after being censored by the Big Tech tyrants at YouTube.


[Header image by Gage Skidmore]

[Article updated with new info]


BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi Officially quits – This Is AWESOME

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi Officially quits – This Is AWESOME

(breitbart) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday signaled that she will not attempt to impeach President Donald Trump a second time as part of an effort to block his imminent Supreme Court nomination.

“I don’t think he’s worth the trouble at this point, we have 40 days until the election,” Pelosi told reporters when asked if she will bring forth a censure resolution or try to impeach the president for a second time. “It’s no use orchestrating one thing or another when what really matters in terms of the peaceful transfer of power is that people vote.”

In a Sunday interview with ABC News’ This Week, Pelosi did not rule out bringing impeachment charges against President Trump, hinting, “we have arrows in our quiver.”

“We have our options,” she told host George Stephanopoulos. “This president has threatened to not even accept the results of the election with statements that he and his henchmen have made. Right now, our main goal — and I think Ruth Bader Ginsburg would want that to be to protect the integrity of the election — that we protect the American people from the coronavirus.”

In response, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) warned that he will introduce a motion to oust the speaker if she launches a second impeachment inquiry.

“I will make you this one promise, listening to the speaker on television this weekend, if she tries to move for an impeachment based upon the president following the Constitution, I think there will be a move on the floor to no longer have the question of her being Speaker. She may think she has a quiver — we do too,” McCarthy told reporters on Capitol Hill.

President Trump has said he will likely announce his nominee on Saturday.

“I will be announcing my Supreme Court Nominee on Saturday, at the White House! Exact time TBA,” the president tweeted Tuesday morning.


BREAKING: Biden Marriage Bombshell – Sham Exposed

BREAKING: Biden Marriage Bombshell – Sham Exposed

(breitbart) – Dr. Jill Biden’s first husband spoke up this week publicly for the first time in decades, announcing he is voting for President Donald Trump instead of his ex-wife’s husband, Democrat Joe Biden.

In the interview with Inside Edition, Bill Stevenson—the owner of the Delaware nightclub the Stone Balloon and Jill Biden’s first husband—claims the story that Joe and Jill tell about how they met is a lie.

“I was betrayed by the Bidens. Joe was my friend. Jill was my wife,” Stevenson said in the interview with Inside Edition.

Joe and Jill Biden claim they were set up on a blind date in March 1975, a few years after Joe’s first wife, Neilia Biden, died in a fatal car crash that also claimed their daughter’s life. Joe and Neilia’s sons, Hunter and Beau Biden, survived the fatal car accident, which happened in December 1972 right after Joe was first elected to the United States Senate. Joe was sworn into the Senate from the hospital where his sons were recovering. Beau Biden would later become the attorney general of Delaware, but he has since passed away due to brain cancer. Hunter Biden, meanwhile, has had his share of problems over the years with drugs and relationships but also has drawn scrutiny over various financial relationships he developed with foreign powers like the Chinese Communist Party and business dealings in Ukraine.

As the story goes, as the Bidens have told it time and again in campaign rallies and books and again most recently at the Democrat National Convention, a few years after Neilia’s death he saw a picture of Jill—a model—on an advertisement in Delaware in March 1975. The next day, Joe claims his brother Frank—who has also been drawn into corruption concerns surrounding the Biden family—introduced Joe and Jill Biden since Frank knew Jill from college.

“The Bidens’ love story reads like a classic fairytale,” Inside Edition’s Steven Fabian said in the news package rolling out the Stevenson interview. “They saw a movie together on that blind date, fell in love, and never looked back. But Jill Biden’s ex-husband says there’s much more to the story, claiming Jill and Joe’s relationship actually started in 1974 when he was still married to Jill.”

Fabian asked Stevenson if the Bidens’ story of how they met is true.

“It was a blind date. Point blank, is that story true?” Fabian asked Stevenson.

“No, not even a little bit,” Stevenson replied.

Stevenson married Jill when she was 18, six months after they first met on the beach.

“Jill and I met on the beach in Ocean City, New Jersey, in August of 1969. Sure I fell in love with her because I married her six months later,” he said in the interview.

Despite the official 1975 blind date narrative, Fabian said that Stevenson claims he introduced the two of them years earlier—and they knew each other well.

“According to Bill Stevenson, both he and Jill first got to know Joe Biden when Biden was a county councilman in New Castle, Delaware. Stevenson asked for his help in obtaining a liquor license,” Fabian said in the news package.

Asked if he and Jill were friends with Joe Biden, Stevenson told Inside Edition’s Fabian that “oh yeah” and “not only that, I threw a fundraiser for him in August and raised between $2,500 and $3,000. We got married in ’70. I introduced Joe to Jill in ’72. Right before the election in ’72, Jill, Joe, Neilia, and I were in his kitchen. How do you forget that?”

Fabian said that “that would be three years before that now-famous blind date.”

“Stevenson said his first inkling something was up was when Jill refused to go with him to meet Bruce Springsteen, who was booked to appear at the Stone Balloon,” Fabian said.

“She said ‘Joe asked me to keep an eye on the boys.’” Stevenson said. “I just thought in the back of my mind, ‘Hmmm.’”

“Then one day a man came into his bar and asked him to pay damages for a fender bender that involved Jill,” Fabian said.

“He looks at me, and he says, ‘Oh, she wasn’t driving.’ I said, ‘Her beloved Corvette she wasn’t driving?’ He goes, ‘Sen. Biden was driving it,’ and I went, ‘What?’” Stevenson recalled.

“Did you confront Jill at the time and say, ‘What’s going on here?’” Fabian asked.

“Yes I did,” Stevenson replied. “She didn’t say anything. She just looked at me. I said, ‘You gotta go. You gotta go get your own place.’”

Jill Biden and Bill Stevenson were formally divorced in May of 1975. Stevenson, who Fabian noted later was convicted on federal fraud charges and sentenced to six years of probation for passing bad checks, blamed politics for the legal issues. He said the divorce from Jill “became contentious” in Fabian’s telling of it when she tried to get a stake in the Stone Balloon.

“He has just written a book about his life and is considering publishing it,” Fabian noted.

Fabian also asked Stevenson why he waited until now to tell this story.

“We’re talking about decades and decades ago. This story comes out right before the election; a lot of people are going to ask some questions,” Fabian asked.

“It’s years ago, but guess what? It’s so current right now because he is picking on people about character,” Stevenson replied.

Stevenson also denied that any Republican Party or Trump campaign officials reached out to him to get him to go public with his story.

The Bidens are denying Stevenson’s account, for what it’s worth.

“These claims are fictitious, seemingly to sell and promote a book,” Jill Biden’s spokesperson said according to Inside Edition. “The relationship of Joe and Jill Biden is well documented. Jill Biden separated from her first husband irreconcilably in the fall of 1974 and moved out of their marital home. Joe and Jill Biden had their first date in March of 1975 and they married in June of 1977.”

At the end of the interview package, Inside Edition’s anchor wrapped the segment by noting that Stevenson said he voted for Barack Obama and Biden twice in 2008 and 2012 but will be voting for Trump this year because of “Trump’s stance on police issues.”
