Home Uncategorized BREAKING: New York Times Drop Trumps Tax Returns – There Is Only One Problem…

BREAKING: New York Times Drop Trumps Tax Returns – There Is Only One Problem…

BREAKING: New York Times Drop Trumps Tax Returns – There Is Only One Problem…

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump on Sunday dismissed a New York Times story claiming they had obtained copies of his tax returns.

“The story is a total fake,” Trump said after he was asked about the story at a press conference.

He accused the Times of routinely published “fake story after fake story,” about his presidency.

“I’ve never seen anything like it; that’s why the media has such a low rating,” Trump continued.

The Times reported Sunday that Trump paid no taxes in ten of the 15 years of tax returns they obtained, and only paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017. The Times stated it would not release Trump’s actual tax return documents to protect the sources.

But the president claimed that he “paid a lot” of taxes including state income taxes in New York.

“The IRS does not treat me well,” Trump said. “And they treat me like the Tea Party. They treat me very badly.”

He said his taxes would soon be released as a result of recent court decisions.

“I look forward to releasing that,” Trump added.



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