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WOW: Heads Of FBI, CIA, Secretary Of Defense Fired!?

WOW: Heads Of FBI, CIA, Secretary Of Defense Fired!?

(nationalistreview) – According To Axios, The President Has A List Of Names On Their Way Out The Door If He Retains The Oval Office:
FBI Director Christopher Wray, CIA Director Gina Haspel, and Defense Secretary Mark Esper won’t be around long to see what the next four years have in store should President Trump win his reelection campaign in November. The incumbent plans to replace the three, according to sources who spoke to Axios.

While we’re reluctant to report on unnamed sources from less reliable outlets, these firings make sense for a number of reasons and Axios makes a strong case. Additionally, none of Trump’s supporters will be sorry to see these people go. Gina Haspel, for her part, was instrumental in blocking the release of classified information that the Trump Administration believed would be critical in making their case in the Durham Report.

Axios claims that Haspel plans to leave the CIA regardless of whether President Trump wins or loses in November.

As for Director Wray, his testimony in front of Congress that there has not been widespread voter fraud and his failure to investigate Hunter Biden’s alleged connections to China has irked the administration and hampered their ability to make the case to the American public.

And Esper, who attempted to stonewall the president’s efforts to use the military to quell the race riots over the summer, is widely understood to have fallen out of the president’s good graces.

Axios reports:

If President Trump wins re-election, he’ll move to immediately fire FBI Director Christopher Wray and also expects to replace CIA Director Gina Haspel and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, two people who’ve discussed these officials’ fates with the president tell Axios.


Watch: Protesters Assault Reporter Filming BLM Looting in Philadelphia

Watch: Protesters Assault Reporter Filming BLM Looting in Philadelphia

(breitbart) – A group of protesters assaulted a reporter as he filmed the widespread looting taking place in Philadelphia. The looting took place during the second night of Black Lives Matters protests over the shooting death of a knife-wielding assailant by police.

On Tuesday night, Elijah Schaffer, a journalist with The Blaze recorded some of the widespread lootings taking place in Philadelphia. As he entered a discount store, dozens of masked rioters were in the process of looting. He became the target of a violent assault as looters demand he stop recording their criminal activity.

“Hey Bro stop recording,” several men shouted before surrounding Schaffer and attacking him. Shelby Talcott from the Daily Caller captured the assault on video.

After the attack, a bloodied Schaffer posted a video on Twitter telling his side of the story. Schaffer claimed he had been recording the looting in multiple stores when the looters turned on him. The journalist claimed that he would likely need stitches as he sowed some of his injuries.

The widespread rioting and looting in Philadelphia is tied to the recent shooting of Walter Wallace, Jr. who chased police officers with a knife forcing two police officers to fire at him. Despite efforts by police to save him, Wallace died shortly after at a local hospital. As Breitbart News reported, on Monday, protesters turned violent in a series of riots that sent more than 30 police officers to the hospital, including one female sergeant who was struck by a truck driven into a line of police.


BREAKING: New Dual Border Wall Bombshell(VIDEO)

BREAKING: New Dual Border Wall Bombshell(VIDEO)

(informationliberation) – President Donald Trump’s wall is getting built where shoddy fencing previously stood on our southern border and Border Patrol say it’s already working to great effect.

From The Daily Caller’s Richie McGinniss:

Truly incredible!

Trump has faced massive adversity to try and get his wall built across our entire southern border and mostly was only able to replace old fencing and delapitated barriers (CBP say they’ve replaced/built 371 miles) but you can see clearly that the replacement walls he’s managed to get up will be multiple times more effective than what we had before.

Coyotes generally travel on specific routes which are the safest and easiest to get across and simply shoring up our defenses at those spots can have a huge effect.


BOMBSHELL: Hillary Clinton Steps In – Joe Biden Stunned

BOMBSHELL: Hillary Clinton Steps In – Joe Biden Stunned

(breitbart) – Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suggested that she frequently thought about how she would have handled the coronavirus pandemic better than Donald Trump.

Clinton commented about the issue during an interview with New York Times opinion writer Kara Swisher, previewed for Axios on Sunday.

Swisher asked Clinton if she felt that a woman president would have handled the virus better.

“I have no doubt, especially if it were me,” she replied. “I have no doubt. I mean, I was born for that.”

The New York Times published the argument in May that female leaders New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen were handing the virus much better than the men leaders were.

Clinton was a big admirer of Dr. Anthony Fauci before the pandemic and would have likely featured him and his prescribed restrictions prominently in her response to the virus.

Clinton said that the idea of Trump winning another four years made her literally sick.

“[I]t makes me literally sick to my stomach to think that we’d have four more years of this abuse and destruction of our institutions,” she said.


BOOM: ‘Expand The Court’ Its Really Happening

BOOM: ‘Expand The Court’ Its Really Happening

(informationliberation) – Democrat rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of “The Squad” reacted to the Senate’s confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court by calling for court-packing.

The GOP did everything by the book thanks to Harry Reid and the whiny Democrats getting rid of the filibuster.

Mitch McConnell warned Democrats at the time they would live to regret it — and now that day has come!

Cry harder!


WOW: Caught In Dirty Act On Camera – He’s Been Let Go

WOW: Caught In Dirty Act On Camera – He’s Been Let Go

(breitbart) – The New Yorker suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin after he was caught masturbating during a Zoom call last week with New Yorker and WNYC radio members, according to a report.

VICE reports:

Two people who were on the call told VICE separately that the call was an election simulation featuring many of the New Yorker’s biggest stars: Jane Mayer was playing establishment Republicans; Evan Osnos was Joe Biden, Jelani Cobb was establishment Democrats, Masha Gessen played Donald Trump, Andrew Marantz was the far right, Sue Halpern was left wing democrats, Dexter Filkins was the military, and Jeffrey Toobin playing the courts. There were also a handful of other producers on the call from the New Yorker and WNYC.

Both people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely, noted that it was unclear how much each person saw, but both said that they saw Toobin jerking off.

Natalie Raabe, a press representative for the New Yorker, confirmed Toobin has been suspended but did not explicitly state the reason behind the decision.

“Jeffrey Toobin has been suspended while we investigate the matter,” Raabe said.

Additionally, the New Yorker editor David Remnick wrote in a memo to all staffers: “Dear All, As you may have read in various news reports today, one of our writers, Jeff Toobin, was suspended after an incident on a Zoom call last week. Please be assured that we take such matters seriously and that we are looking into it. Best, David.”

Toobin seemingly confirmed that exposing himself was the motivation behind the suspension, though he claimed it was merely an accident.

“I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera. I apologize to my wife, family, friends, and co-workers,” he told Motherboard in a statement.

Toobin is also the chief legal analyst for CNN and reportedly appeared on the network Saturday. A CNN spokesperson told Law&Crime that Toobin has requested “some time off while he deals with a personal issue, which we have granted.”


BOOM: Joe Biden Responds To Scandal – This Is HUGE!

BOOM: Joe Biden Responds To Scandal – This Is HUGE!

(breitbart) – Sunday, in an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes,” 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden responded to reports his son Hunter used his position as vice president to leverage a “lucrative” deal with Ukrainian energy company Burisma. The New York Post has published leaks reportedly from the younger Biden’s laptop showing his business dealings overseas and more.

Biden pointed out that the intelligence community has “warned” that Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, whose lawyer was given the laptop allegedly containing the “confidential information,” was being “fed disinformation from the Russians.” He then shrugged off the story about his son as “a smear campaign.”

Host Norah O’Donnell asked Biden, “Do you believe the recent leak of material allegedly from Hunter’s computer is part of a Russian disinformation campaign?”

“From what I’ve read and know, the intelligence community warned the president that Giuliani was being fed disinformation from the Russians. And we also know that [Vladimir] Putin is trying very hard to spread disinformation about Joe Biden,” he stated. “And so, when you put the combination of Russia, Giuliani, the president together, it’s just what it is. It’s a smear campaign because he has nothing he wants to talk about.”

Biden concluded by asking of President Donald Trump, “What is he running on? What is he running on?”


BREAKING: Mike Pence Sends Dire Warning(VIDEO)

BREAKING: Mike Pence Sends Dire Warning(VIDEO)

(breitbart) – On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Vice President Mike Pence said that voters know that 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Joe Biden will pack the Supreme Court if he’s elected.

Pence stated that voters “deserve an answer before Election Day about whether Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to pack the Supreme Court. … I got to tell you, the people here in Pennsylvania, the people in Ohio earlier today, they know what’s going on. They know that what they first said about abolishing fossil fuel and banning fracking, they know that’s what they’re going to do, regardless of what they’re saying today. And when they refuse to answer whether they’re going to pack the court, they know that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to pack the court, add seats, put activist, leftist judges on the court.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


BREAKING: Biden Taped Released – He Has Been Caught In The Act

BREAKING: Biden Taped Released – He Has Been Caught In The Act

Big Tech together with the media pushed “compromising” video of Rudy Giuliani purportedly touching himself sexually to the top of their pages only to turn around days later and censor and ban everyone sharing newly-leaked compromising videos and pictures of Joe Biden’s son Hunter reportedly smoking crack while having sex with an unknown woman.


The Gateway Pundit reported Saturday they were suspended from Twitter just for reporting on and linking to one leaked video of Biden’s crack-smoking sexcapades.


Tons of people are getting locked out of their accounts and censored — even for sharing censored versions of Biden’s video and censored versions of his photos.

Actor James Woods was locked out of his account for sharing a censored meme mocking the Vice President’s son and pointing out how he’s a huge national security threat:


Woods was only allowed back after he was forced to delete the tweet.


The compromising videos and pictures were leaked online (with pixelation) by the Chinese site GTV. I’m not going to link to it and have no intention of linking to it but you can find the videos and photographs all over 4chan’s pol forum.

According to the leaker, there’s “more and more videos coming” and “more than 10,000 pictures coming.”


As Woods and others noted, this is a national security issue.

If Donald Trump Jr. was out banging hookers, smoking crack and making sex tapes which fell into the hands of our foreign adversaries and could potentially be used to blackmail him that would be a top story.

Instead of the story being suppressed and video of his crack-smoking escapades censored, it would be put straight to the top of Twitter’s fake “Trending” page and shared all over Facebook, YouTube — not to mention national TV!

If Don Jr was seen smoking crack while banging an unknown woman the video would be on every major television station 24/7 until the day of the election.

Imagine too if Don Jr’s ex accused him of Facetiming with their 14-year-old relative while he was naked and smoking crack, as we’ve reportedly seen in the leaked texts between Joe and Hunter Biden.

The media coverage would be wall-to-wall! They’d say (rightly) that it was a national security issue and pundits would blame Trump’s distant parenting and so on and so forth. They already attack the hell out of Trump’s kids even though they’re decent people who haven’t done anything like what Hunter has!

Our media has made clear they have zero interest in following any of Hunter Biden’s shady dealings up and they’re not going to cover this scandal either.


Hopefully, it backfires on them like hell!

WOW: Bill Cassidy Just Did It – Democrats Stunned!

WOW: Bill Cassidy Just Did It – Democrats Stunned!

(breitbart) – Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Friday that former Vice President Joe Biden would shut down America’s energy industry “over my dead body.”

During Thursday night’s presidential debate between Biden and President Donald Trump, Biden pledged to shut down the oil industry.

“I would transition from the oil industry, yes,” Biden said.

He explained further, saying, “Because the oil industry pollutes. It has to be replaced by renewable energy over time. And I’d stop giving federal subsidies to the oil industry. He won’t give federal subsidies to solar and wind. Why are we giving it to the oil industry?”

Cassidy told Breitbart News that Biden’s promise to close the oil industry exposes Biden and the Democrat Party’s elitism and lack of concern for the working-class families that will lose their livelihoods in the process.

“I think it exposes the elitism of the Democratic Party. I read Joe flew away in his private jet. He will still have the jet fuel; he will just buy it from someplace else. Another 11 million jobs, 250,000 of them in Louisiana in oil and gas, they’re gone,” Cassidy said. “But they’re not his voters. They’re in flyover country. So his coastal elites would do extremely well; they don’t worry about that, they won’t be inconvenienced, they’ll probably repeal the SALT tax so that they have even more money. For the folks back home, who have good-paying jobs because of the oil and gas industry, an asset that everyone can see will be needed for the next 50 years. They’ll be a little harder off.”

“Clearly, they thought it was a mistake to finally let out the truth, but what I find is most upsetting is the future of those families is those jobs. When I’m reelected, it’ll be over my dead body if he pushes that agenda, and I cannot believe the lack of concern he’s showing for families that depend on that income,” he added.

Closing down the American energy industry would be disastrous for many energy-producing states such as Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas.

Louisiana’s energy industry contributed $73 billion to the state’s GDP and supported 249,800 jobs in 2019. The Louisiana energy industry also provided 14.6 percent of total state taxes, licenses, fees collected as well as $14.5 billion in wages to state workers.

Biden’s climate plan would aim to help areas affected by the former vice president’s closure of the oil industry by providing investment. Cassidy charged that an honest living provides much more dignity than a handout from Biden’s climate plan.

Cassidy said that Biden showed disregard for working-class families.

“I guess we all just get a minimum payment every month, and their conscience is assuaged. But if you’re that family with the dignity of work for providing a future for your kids, I’m not sure that you’re on the dole that is going to have the same importance,” he said.

He added that the Biden climate plan is “almost a calculated strategy to weaken the United States economically. But it does by destroying the livelihoods of many families in the United States, particularly in my state.”

Cassidy concluded, saying that the final presidential debate proved that Trump is for the working class and that Biden would only devastate America’s middle class.

“If we ever had to establish that the president was for the working family and Biden was not, I thought that the debate last night pretty much established that,” Cassidy said. “Biden’s pretty much willing to shut down the economy again when it’s actually working families that suffer most from that.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.
