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BREAKING: Mike Pence Sends Dire Warning(VIDEO)

BREAKING: Mike Pence Sends Dire Warning(VIDEO)

(breitbart) – On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Vice President Mike Pence said that voters know that 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Joe Biden will pack the Supreme Court if he’s elected.

Pence stated that voters “deserve an answer before Election Day about whether Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to pack the Supreme Court. … I got to tell you, the people here in Pennsylvania, the people in Ohio earlier today, they know what’s going on. They know that what they first said about abolishing fossil fuel and banning fracking, they know that’s what they’re going to do, regardless of what they’re saying today. And when they refuse to answer whether they’re going to pack the court, they know that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to pack the court, add seats, put activist, leftist judges on the court.”

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