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BOOM: Top Democrats Just Did It – America Can Not Believe It

BOOM: Top Democrats Just Did It – America Can Not Believe It

(informationliberation) – The neocon scum of the earth rushed to congratulate Joe Biden after the media prematurely declared him the projected winner of the presidential election on Saturday.

No doubt they’re all gunning for cabinet positions.

We did it, Reddit!

We got rid of Cheeto Hitler and now we can get back to being ruled by neocons!

CNN had John Kasich (who got less than 1 percent support during the GOP primaries) on to b*tch-slap libtards and tell them they’re not getting sh*t.

Politico announced his cabinet is likely to be filled with Wall Street and Silicon Valley scumbags.

Let the “healing” begin!


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BOMBSHELL: Poll Glitch Confirmed – This Explains It All

BOMBSHELL: Poll Glitch Confirmed – This Explains It All

( breitbart ) – Thousands of Michigan ballots that were meant for Republican candidates were wrongly counted for Democrats in at least one Michigan county, according to Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Laura Cox, who said 47 other counties used the same software that experienced this “glitch.”

Cox revealed the stunning error that occurred in Michigan’s Antrim County, which saw thousands of ballots going to Democrats instead of Republicans.

“If all this wasn’t enough, in Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates,” she said during a Friday press conference alongside Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. Local election officials “identified” and “reviewed” the issue on Wednesday.

“The county clerk came forward and said tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes. Since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software in the same capacity,” she continued.

As a result, Antrim County had to hand count all of its ballots. Cox is now calling on the dozens of counties that used the same software to “closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.”

“The people of Michigan deserve a transparent and open process,” she said:

The Associated Press has called battleground Michigan for the former vice president, who leads Trump by an estimated 146,123 votes. Hypothetically, a similar “glitch” of 6,000 ballots in each of those 47 counties would call 282,000 ballots into question, well above Biden’s current margin of victory.


BREAKING: He Takes The Lead – It’s Over

BREAKING: He Takes The Lead – It’s Over

(informationliberation) – Joe Biden took the lead over President Donald Trump in Georgia at around 4:16AM early Friday morning with greater than 99 percent of the vote in.

President Trump’s solid lead was slowly whittled away in the three days after the election as a result of mail-in ballots from mostly Democratic strongholds.

Ballots from the Democratic stronghold of Clayton County just barely pushed Biden over the edge.

Around 10,000 outstanding ballots reportedly remain.

Trump had a solid lead in the state and appeared poised for victory until it was revealed early Thursday morning that there was “50,000-60,000” ballots yet to be counted instead of the 25,000 that were previously reported.


Early Thursday, Democrats got another boost after it was reported that officials in three Democratic strongholds forgot to “press the upload button” on their ballots.


Click to expand
Two weeks ago, Joe Biden bragged about putting together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”



[Header image by Gage Skidmore]

BOOM: Trump Called It – Democrats Are losing Their Minds

BOOM: Trump Called It – Democrats Are losing Their Minds

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump promised Thursday to level significant legal action to challenge elections in important swing states after watching his margin of victory whittled away by late-counted ballots for Vice President Joe Biden.

“We think there’s going to be a lot of litigation because we have so much evidence, so much proof, it’s going to end up perhaps at the highest court in the land, you’ll see,” he said. “We think there’ll be a lot of litigation, because we cannot have an election stolen like this.”

The president spoke to reporters at the White House press briefing, demanded transparency in the process, and casting doubt on the Democrat-run voting systems.

“We want every legal vote counted, and I want every legal vote counted,” he said. “We want openness and transparency – no secret count rooms, no mystery ballots, no illegal votes being cast after Election Day.”

The president said he correctly predicted that mail-in ballots opened the election up to fraud and that they would challenge the results.

“Democrat officials never believed they could win this election honestly. I really believe that that’s why they did the mail-in ballots, where there is tremendous corruption and fraud going on,” Trump said.

The president said that there were a lot of “shenanigans” in the election, complaining about electoral workers turning away Trump election observers or keeping them away from watching the ballot counts.

“If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us,” Trump said.

The president berated the pollsters for falsely predicting that he would lose the election, accusing them of knowingly doing so to suppress the Republican vote.

He also cast doubt on the voting systems being run by Democrats, accusing them of blocking his votes.

“The voting apparatus of those states are run in all cases by Democrats,” Trump said. “We were winning all the key locations by a lot actually, and then our numbers started miraculously getting whittled away in secret.”

Detroit and Philadelphia, he warned, had a history of corruption in their cities and that casts doubt on the results. Certain locations, Trump said, stopped counting or submitted large chunks of ballots in the early morning hours of the election.

The president said that his team had collected “horror stories” of voting discrepancies, suggesting that he would reveal them to the public.

“Our goal is to defend the integrity of the election. We will not allow the corruption to steal such an important election or any election for that matter,” he said.


BREAKING: Trump Is CHEERING – Vote Announcement Stuns White House

BREAKING: Trump Is CHEERING – Vote Announcement Stuns White House

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump’s campaign detailed Wednesday their path to victory in the election as the president clung to slim margins in important swing states.

“If we count all legally cast ballots, we believe the president will win,” Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said in a phone call with reporters on Wednesday.

The path to victory, Stepien said, included Nevada, where the campaign expected Trump to win by 5,500, would win Arizona by 30,000 votes, and would win Pennsylvania by 40,000.

The campaign said they expected to continue maintaining their lead in Georgia and that the slim margin in Wisconsin put the state within the likelihood of a recount.

“We want to make sure all the legally cast ballots are counted, we also want to make sure that illegally ballots are not counted,” Trump campaign senior advisor Jason Miller said.

Detroit election workers work on counting absentee ballots for the 2020 general election at TCF Center on November 4, 2020 in Detroit, Michigan.  President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden are battling it out for the White House, with polls closed and the American people waiting for results in key battlegrounds still up for grabs. (JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP via Getty)

Stepien outlined the math in Pennsylvania, noting they predicted Biden would win the remaining ballots to be counted in Philadelphia with a 95/5 percent split. They estimated the rest of the ballots in the state would split 70/30 in Biden’s favor, still putting Trump with a win by 40,000 votes in the commonwealth.

“We know there are a number of pro-Trump, Trump country type counties with a lot of ballots still to be counted,” he said.

He said their election prediction was based on conservative estimates, signaling confidence.

“This is a math equation. When we count the remaining ballots in a legal fashion, apply realistic and conservative estimates to those remaining ballots, the President can win, the President will win.”


BOMBSHELL: Protesters Attack – This Is Insane(VIDEO)

BOMBSHELL: Protesters Attack – This Is Insane(VIDEO)

Protesters in downtown Los Angeles shouted obscenities at police officers. One report quotes protesters yelling “It doesn’t matter who the f*ck is in office, pigs are pigs.” They also yelled, “We f*ck your wife!”

On the night after the presidential election, protesters in Los Angeles marched on the streets yelling obscenities at police officers. FoxLA’s Bill Melugin reported one group yelling, “We f*ck your wife!” Another shouted,” pigs are pigs.”

In a tweeted video a protester can be heard yelling, “While someone’s f*cking your wife, you’re out here protecting people that don’t want to be protected in this country.”

Police declare the disruptive protest to be an unlawful assembly and begin moving the crowd away from the area.

When the crowd failed to disperse, the officers began making arrests.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

BOOM: Trump Drops A Bomb On Democrats – This Is HUGE!

BOOM: Trump Drops A Bomb On Democrats – This Is HUGE!

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump said early Wednesday morning he was prepared to contest the election results all the way to the Supreme Court.

“This is a major fraud on our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner,” Trump said. “So we will be going to the U.S. Supreme Court.”

The president said he wanted all new voting — after the polls were closed on Election Day — to stop.

“We don’t want them to find any ballots at 4:00 a.m. in the morning and add them to the list, okay?” he said.

The president took the stage at the East Room of the White House at 2:21 a.m. thanking a crowd of about 150 cheering supporters.

“This is without question the latest news conference I have ever had,” he joked as he took the stage.

But his tone quickly grew combative after he thanked his supporters across the country for voting.

“A very sad group of people is trying to disenfranchise that group of people and we won’t stand for it,” he said.

The president vowed that he would keep fighting until that battle was official.

“We will win this, and as far as I’m concerned we already have won it,” he said.


BOMBSHELL: Recount in Wisconsin Immediately

BOMBSHELL: Recount in Wisconsin Immediately

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign will request a recount in Wisconsin, despite former Vice President showing a slim lead in the state.

“There have been reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results,” Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien said in a statement.

With 97 percent of estimated votes reported, Biden holds a 20,697 vote lead in the state of Wisconsin, according to the New York Times.

“The President is well within the threshold to request a recount and we will immediately do so,” Stepien concluded.

The campaign did not detail the voting irregularities in Wisconsin.

A recount cannot be formally requested until the final results are sent to the state Elections Commission, which plans to certify the results on December 1, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.


BREAKING: National Security Alert – Joe Biden Discovered To Be…

BREAKING: National Security Alert – Joe Biden Discovered To Be…

( breitbart ) – Joe Biden and his family have always been the real security threat facing the United States, writes Brian Cates in Monday’s Epoch Times.

The Democrats’ ongoing and unsuccessful efforts to tie Donald Trump and his family to Russia have been nothing other than a smokescreen to keep people from seeing the real security threat posed by the compromised Biden family, Mr. Cates asserts, pointing to damning evidence of Biden’s collusion with the Chinese Communist Party and Ukrainian oligarchs that has emerged in recent weeks.

“Everything the Trump family was exhaustively investigated for over the past five years for supposedly doing has now boomeranged to land on the Biden family,” Cates declares.

The Trump family and their associates were “relentlessly investigated by partisan bloodhounds,” starting with the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation launched in July 2016 and ending with Mueller’s special counsel investigation in March 2019, he notes.

While the left-wing New York Times has been desperately grasping at straws to incriminate Donald Trump, Cates observes, “evidence has continued to emerge of the Bidens taking in millions of dollars in ‘loans’ that look like barely disguised bribes from Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government officials, and money from Ukrainian oligarchs and possibly from close associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

The same arguments that Democrats and their shills in the media used to try to implicate President Trump as a traitor are now proving to be fatal for Joe Biden himself, since unlike the case of the Trumps, hard evidence actually exists suggesting Biden collusion.

Calling the situation a profound “irony,” Cates notes that what would have “made Trump a traitor to his country and a blatant national security threat, using the powers of his office to serve a foreign master,” is now surfacing for real in the case of Joe Biden.

“It’s looking increasingly like it was never the Trumps who took the millions in foreign cash but the Bidens,” he adds.

“Joe Biden can continue to issue all the denials he wants,” he continues. “The evidence thus far made public is damning, and none of it is going away.”

The left wing media have closed ranks around the Bidens, with Twitter and Facebook suppressing revelations of damaging Hunter Biden emails by the New York Post while major newspapers have scrambled to try to discredit a bombshell interview with Tony Bobulinski showing how deeply compromised Joe Biden is.

According to the latest poll by the Democracy Institute, these recent revelations have convinced a majority of Americans that Joe Biden is corrupt.

A significant majority (57 percent) said they believe that former Biden associate Tony Bobulinski was telling the truth about the Biden family allegations.

Meanwhile, 52 percent said they believe that Mr. Biden is “a corrupt politician” and 54 percent said the allegations make him a national security risk.

Sunday’s poll of 1,500 likely voters found that President Donald Trump is poised to win re-election in an Electoral College landslide, and to edge his opponent by one point in the national popular vote.


Uh-Oh: Top Coup Experts Training Left with Revolutionary Tactics Ahead of Election

Uh-Oh: Top Coup Experts Training Left with Revolutionary Tactics Ahead of Election

(breitbart) – Using their expertise in past coups, professionals who assisted in overthrowing governments globally have developed thorough resources and a radical guide to instruct far-left groups — who have been training for months — in toppling a government.

Under the guise of preventing a coup, left wing groups have been planning their own — if things don’t go as they desire on Election Day.

One site, titled “Choose Democracy,” which states, “an immediate massive response is crucial to stopping a coup“ on its homepage, provides both actions to take as well as resources describing “how other countries have successfully prevented coups.”

Millions of people can delegitimize a coup by “demonstrating, resisting orders, and shutting down the country,” the site states.

The site also prescribes a pledge which demands, “If we need to, we will shut down this country to protect the integrity of the democratic process.”

Proposing individuals become familiar with worldwide coup attempts and tactics necessary to defeat them, the site encourages readers to counter voter suppression on Election Day by documenting “intimidation” and, in the days following, to hit the streets in protest.

“We need an unprecedented number of Americans to take to the streets and stay in the streets until he [Trump] concedes,” Choose Democracy stated in a recent tweet. “But protest won’t be enough.”

The site also provides trainings and links to a variety of external workshops “to learn how you can be ready in the event of a coup.”

A training description reads:

There’s a chance that a desperate Trump will respond to a narrow victory by Biden by declaring the election fraudulent, urging his base to support his continued Presidency. This training will share the most important things to know and practice in order to be ready for that possibility.

The site’s sole workshop is led by George Lakey, best known for his 1964 A Manual for Direct Action, often referred to as the civil-rights movement’s “bible.” Lakey has led over 1,500 workshops and a number of social change movements on five continents and trained activists in countries such as South Africa, Thailand, and Sri Lanka in their struggles against repressive regimes.

He also co-founded and led Training for Change, which trained activists from all over the world in tactics for overthrowing despotic regimes.

Lakey’s self-proclaimed mentor and friend, the late Gene Sharp, considered the American godfather of nonviolent resistance, on many occasions was on the ground with his colleagues providing counsel to secessionist movements throughout the world.

Sharp’s works have influenced almost every major revolution in the past thirty years, with his book From Dictatorship to Democracy being translated into over thirty languages and cited by protest movements around the world.

Sharp’s handbooks on nonviolent protest were widely disseminated during the Eastern Europe color revolutions, the Arab spring revolutions and the Occupy movement in the U.S. In the 90’s, Sharp’s books were used to plan the nonviolent civilian defense of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia against the Soviet Union’s attempts to crush their independence, leading the Lithuanian defense minister to declare, “I would rather have this book [“From Dictatorship to Democracy”] than the atomic bomb.”

The Choose Democracy site also links to a comprehensive guide detailing how to “defend democracy.”

The guide, titled, “Hold the Line: A Guide to Defending Democracy,” is designed to help people “take action” to ensure a successful election. Claiming that “we face a long list of real and potential challenges in the upcoming November election that demand a heightened level of civic awareness and engagement,” the guide elaborates on “how to prepare and what to do in case attempts are made to subvert the election results.”

“We are an interracial, intergenerational group with experience in U.S. activism, organizing, and training (in the U.S. and abroad), as well as expertise in pro-democracy movements around the world,” the guide’s introduction states.

Several authors of the guide are listed: Hardy Merriman, Ankur Asthana, Marium Navid, and Kifah Shah, all of whom have been conducting daily training and outcome simulations.

Hardy Merriman, President of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), has worked in the field of civil resistance for nearly two decades, presenting workshops for activists and organizers worldwide. For practitioners, he co-authored A Guide to Effective Nonviolent Struggle, which is a training curriculum for activists.

Merriman has developed resources and spoken widely about civil resistance movements with academics, journalists, and members of international organizations while working for years with Lakey’s mentor, Gene Sharp, the leading theorist of non-violent resistance, and even contributing a chapter to one of Sharp’s books and providing editorial support for several shorter publications of his.

Ankur Asthana, the next author, is a trainer with Momentum, a training institute founded by alumni of protest movements like United We Dream, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and the fossil fuel divestment campaigns. Momentum gives progressive organizers the tools and frameworks to build massive, decentralized social movements while synthesizing the lessons of various 20th century movements, including the Color Revolutions of Eastern Europe and the Arab Spring in North Africa. Its stated purpose includes “challenging the institutions and policies that uphold capitalism, racism, and patriarchy.“

Marium Navid is also the author of various essays supporting the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement policies for UC campuses and the ASUC, while Kifah Shah, the fourth author, serves as the senior campaign manager of MPower, the largest Muslim digital advocacy organization in the U.S. with a membership over a quarter million. Mpower was founded by radical left-wing activist Linda Sarsour and its vision entails Muslim-led organizing for a progressive political future.

In the guide, the authors focus primarily on the period between Election Day and Inauguration Day and accuse the President, members of the right, and law enforcement of bing culpable for any resulting chaos.

“We want an orderly process. Trump is the one who is sowing chaos,” the guide reads

The guide is broken into four parts: critical actions to take prior to Election Day; potential post-election scenarios; organizing neighborhood election protection groups; and how other societies have toppled rulers as a model for the U.S.

The guide directs readers to register and commit to vote while helping others do the same and signing up and recruiting others to serve as poll workers — who are even authorized to help open and count mailed ballots — to prevent “possible voter suppression attempts.”

In planning for Election Day, the guide claims that President Trump “has shown that he is more concerned with staying in power than having a fair election” and “does not get to slant the election.”

In discussing possible election scenarios, the guide quotes the rabid anti-Trump Transition Integrity Project’s (TIP) report.

“We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November’s elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape,” it states, adding that “President Trump is likely to contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means in an attempt to hold onto power.”

As reported by Breitbart News, the TIP report’s founder herself, Rosa Brooks, advocated for a military coup only days after President Trump’s 2016 inauguration.

Throughout the guide, warnings of potential violence are seen as emanating solely from President Trump and his supporters.

“Trump supporters may begin to show up armed to confront protesters who oppose Trump’s actions” and that “acts of violence could then cause Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act (as he did in June 2020 against nonviolent protesters) and call on the military to restore ‘law and order.’”

If President Trump were to lose the election, the guide postulates, he would have “a strong incentive to try to sow chaos and provoke violence so that he could crack down” on dissidents.

The next section, titled “Strategies to Respond,” directs readers to seek powerful examples from beyond the U.S. as to how to “defeat election fraud, coups, and violent autocrats.”

“We can learn from these experiences and our own history,” the guide asserts, as it lists examples of how to successfully execute widespread resistance:

When strikers refuse to work, businesses or the government cannot run. When people refuse to pay taxes, the government is starved for revenue. When consumers boycott products, businesses can no longer profit. When truckers, port workers, and rail workers stop, goods can no longer circulate. When large numbers of people protest and engage in other forms of noncooperation, the government does not have the capacity to continually control all those people and enact oppressive practices and policies.

The guide continues to reiterate the power of numbers.

“Trump can deploy federal agents to specific cities to try to hurt and scare people, but he can’t deploy them everywhere simultaneously,” it reads.

The third section details how to take action, notably by recruiting members and creating teams, developing response plans, and preparing “to execute your plan,” while law enforcement is accused of encouraging armed individuals against protestors.

“Given the encouragement by some police officers of armed individuals against protestors in places like Kenosha, Wisconsin, pressuring the police publicly may be one way to help reduce the likelihood of this kind of interaction in the future,” it reads, suggesting that team members “monitor potential police interaction with civilian-based armed groups that may show up to public actions.”

Police are also accused of racism and discrimination.

“If you choose to interact with the police, you should keep in mind that members of your team can experience risks unequally (for example: based on immigration status, race, past legal history),” the guide states.

Team members are expected to “take turns reading the [group’s] principles out loud” and “make sure each person commits” to them.

In the last section, titled “Model of Change,” the guide’s authors claim they “recognize that there has been a breakdown of government institutions in the U.S. in recent years.

Bribes, corruption, threats and intimidation, extreme dishonesty, attacks on whistleblowers, ongoing violations of norms and democratic processes, demonizing opponents, statements that can incite violence, and hiring decisions that appear to be based on patronage and personal loyalty have all done real damage to our democracy.”

Regarding defection of law enforcement and other key institutions, the guide describes how though each institution (pillar) “may appear solid, it is actually not uniform or monolithic” which “provides an opportunity for a movement to take actions and communicate in ways that lead at least some people within that pillar to move towards defection.”

Another justification for defection is the idea that obedience to “unlawful orders” by the Trump administration “could mean facing the risk of accountability soon under the new [Biden] administration.”

Suggested research-based tactics to create social, economic, and political pressure, include: “strikes of all kinds; deliberate work slowdowns; boycotts of all kinds; divestment; refusing to pay certain fees, bills, taxes, or other costs; or refusal to observe certain expected social norms or behaviors.”

The guide also encourages “creativity” on the part of members.

“Throughout history, in response to local circumstances and local needs, people have been remarkably creative at finding ways to engage in civil resistance,” it states. “We know you can be too.”

The guide concludes with dozens of references to other sources of information, including a link to,, a 2000 documentary about the defeat of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic and the contributions of the student-led Otpor! Movement to his defeat.

It also refers readers to Protect the Results, a broad coalition of over 80 left-wing advocacy groups and grassroots organizations proclaiming that “we cannot ignore the threat that Trump poses to our democracy and a peaceful transition of power.”

The coalition is a joint project of Indivisible and Stand Up America, two left-wing groups founded in response to President Trump’s 2016 election and whose goals are “to organize and resist Trump’s dangerous agenda” and “to defeat Trump and his enablers.”

Seeking to “protect” election results by use of its millions of members, the coalition calls to “take coordinated action” and “prepare for a potential post-election crisis.” Its site also features an online map to find nearby protests, stating, “We know from other countries that have successfully prevented coups that we need millions of people in streets.”

In addition, the site links to Power the Polls, a slew of left-wing activist groups, former and current Democratic politicians, as well as anti-Trump celebrities, athletes, and corporations who have teamed up and recruited over 600,000 “healthy, low-risk and diverse poll workers” to staff in-person voting locations during early voting and on Election Day, assisting voters to check in, understand their ballots, cast their vote, and even open and count mailed ballots, in order “to ensure a safe, fair election.”

A supplementary campaign planning guide, also featured on the site, elicits how to choose from many different kinds of tactics, including: requesting meetings; letter writing actions and phone banks to local officials; holding rallies in various locations pressuring various individuals, companies, organizations, and media; creating various forms of artistic expression; conducting social media actions; and organizing sit-ins, walk-outs, stay-at-homes, sudden work stoppages, limited strikes, and car caravans.

While the focus of left groups and leaders has consistently been on potential chaos resulting from a Trump refusal to concede or a delegitimization of the electoral process on his part, the Democrats themselves have actually been pushing both.

In August, Former first lady Hillary Clinton urged Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden not to concede the election “under any circumstances,” while Biden himself said he is confident that Trump is “going to try to steal this election.”

On Saturday, Biden said that only “chicanery” could prevent him from winning the presidential election, in essence laying the ground for chaos and mass unrest.

With a well-funded coalition of anti-Trump groups prepping the battlefield for post-election anarchy, such statements are hardly trivial.

With elections only a day away and with business owners in major American cities boarding up stores and hiring security, the country is bracing for potential social unrest in the coming weeks.

As progressive groups prepare to mobilize for a “political apocalypse” full of violence and chaos, the dire “forecasts” of the left are set to become self-fulfilling prophecies.
