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BREAKING: Supreme Court Makes Shocking Ruling In Pennsylvania Election Case

BREAKING: Supreme Court Makes Shocking Ruling In Pennsylvania Election Case
(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

(breitbart) – The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal by several Republicans from a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision last month that held that a constitutional challenge to the state’s vote-by-mail law was barred for having been filed too late.

As Breitbart News reported, several Republicans, led by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA), challenged the state’s Act 77 of 2019 as being in violation of the state constitution. Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough blocked the certification of the state’s election results, but was overruled by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court under the doctrine of “laches.” As reported:

On Saturday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned Judge McCullough’s order under the doctrine of “laches,” ruling that Rep. Kelly and others should have brought the constitutional challenge before the primary and general elections in 2020 — not after millions of voters in Pennsylvania had already cast their ballots:

Petitioners filed this facial challenge to the mail-in voting statutory provisions more than one year after the enactment of Act 77. At the time this action was filed on November 21, 2020, millions of Pennsylvania voters had already expressed their will in both the June 2020 Primary Election and the November 2020 General Election and the final ballots in the 2020 General Election were being tallied, with the results becoming seemingly apparent. Nevertheless, Petitioners waited to commence this litigation until days before the county boards of election were required to certify the election results to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Thus, it is beyond cavil that Petitioners failed to act with due diligence in presenting the instant claim. Equally clear is the substantial prejudice arising from Petitioners’ failure to institute promptly a facial challenge to the mail-in voting statutory scheme, as such inaction would result in the disenfranchisement of millions of Pennsylvania voters.

The only two Republicans on the seven-member court, Chief Justice Thomas Saylor and Justice Sallie Mundy, issued a concurring and dissenting opinion, arguing that while the challenge came too late, it raised serious constitutional objections that should be considered in future elections.

According to the Washington Post, the Supreme Court declined to provide reasons for the appeal being declined. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a former solicitor general for the Lone Star State, had volunteered to argue the Republicans’ case.

A separate case was filed at the Supreme Court on Monday night, challenging results in several states as unconstitutional.


BREAKING: Election Data DELETED – Nation In Shock

BREAKING: Election Data DELETED – Nation In Shock

(breitbart) – Michigan Republican legislative leaders were not happy on Friday when they learned the Board of Elections (BOE) ordered county clerks to delete election-related data from government computers.

On December 1, the BOE, which is under the auspices of Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D), sent a memo to all clerks about recounts and the “release of voting equipment.”

One section, titled, “E-Pollbook laptops and flash drives,” read:

The EPB software and associated files must be deleted from all devices by the seventh calendar day following the final canvass and certification of the election (November 30, 2020) unless a petition for recount has been filed and the recount has not been completed, a post-election audit is planned but has not yet been completed, or the deletion of the data has been stayed by an order of the court or the Secretary of State.

That raised the ire of state Rep. Matt Hall (R) and state Sen. Ed McBroom (R), chairmen of their respective oversight committees, who indicated the memo violated an order by House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R) and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R) for election data to be preserved.

Chatfield and Shirkey issued a directive on November 6 “which served as notice of the Michigan Legislature’s plans to conduct an inquiry into the general election,” a release from Hall said.

“Because of that inquiry, Detroit city clerk and BOE offices were directed to preserve certain materials, including relevant electronic information. The inquiry also demands all surveillance video recordings that were taken at the TCF Center in Detroit from Nov. 3-5 be kept,” it continued.

“Our work is about restoring confidence in our elections process. We are making sure that we have access to relevant and needed information as the Legislature performs its inquiry into what happened and that the information hasn’t been deleted in the face of that inquiry and litigation that is still out there,” Hall said.

“It is concerning this memo went out after a letter was delivered asking these entities to preserve evidence. As a result, we want an assurance that this information is being preserved.”

Hall and McBroom said they are requesting “immediate clarity” to ensure the election data is being preserved in accordance with the directive from Chatfield and Shirkey.

Both oversight committees held lengthy hearings this week and took testimony from election workers and observers who claimed laws, rules, and procedures were violated during the counting process at the TCF Center in Detroit.


BREAKING: Republican Senators Flip The Script – Trump Is Mad As Hell

BREAKING: Republican Senators Flip The Script – Trump Is Mad As Hell

(nationalistreview) – The message is clear: Republicans will “punish” big tech by giving them massive tax breaks and cheap foreign labor
A massive green card “giveaway” bill that would eliminate the country caps on permanent visas and “increase the per-country numerical limitations for family-sponsored immigrants,” passed the Senate today by unanimous consent. The bill, which is the brainchild of Sen. Mike Lee and co-sponsored by Sen. Kamala Harris, initially saw minimal opposition from Sen. Rick Scott before the latter dropped his complaints. Not a single Republican senator was willing to stand up for the rights of the American worker.

The “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act,” the bill, opens the door for hundreds of thousands of foreigners, mostly from India, to obtain permanent residency in the United States and enable large tech companies to control the industry’s labor market, diluting wages for some of the most sought-after jobs for engineers and computer programmers.

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It takes food off of the American table and puts dollars into the pockets of the interloper. Some of those dollars will re-enter the American economy, but a good portion will be lost forever in the form of remittances, payments sent abroad to support families in foreign countries.

Republicans—even those pretending to be against the establishment—made it clear today that they are all on the same team. Alongside them, wearing the same uniform, are tech oligarchs like Google’s Sundar Pichai and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.

Not a single Republican stood to object. Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, who face reelections battle in Georgia, stood by silently. Sen. Josh Hawley, who conservative commentator Ryan James Girdusky so aptly noted, “spends [his] time working to stop YouTube from automatically playing the next video” did not speak out as Mike Lee handed this Christmas present to big tech.

President Trump has an obligation to veto this bill.


BREAKING: One-Shot – Protesters Erupt

BREAKING: One-Shot – Protesters Erupt

(breitbart) – Protests erupted in Eugene, Oregon, Friday night following the shooting of a black man armed with a knife. The man allegedly charged police with a knife after violating a domestic violence protective order. The man remains hospitalized in critical condition.

Black Lives Matter protesters took to the roadways of Eugene Friday night to protest police officers shooting an armed man following a domestic disturbance. Video tweeted by independent journalist Andy Ngo shows protesters blocking a major intersection in the city.


The video shows at least one of the men armed with a rifle.

The protest comes days after Eugene police shot 26-year-old Muhsin Sharif who allegedly charged officers with a knife. Officers responded to a domestic disturbance on Monday morning after Sharif reportedly violated a protective order.

The caller told police Sharif fled the scene while being armed with a knife, KEZI ABC9 reported. Police arrived in the area and found the subject in an alley. Officials report the violation of a protective order mandates an arrest.

Sharif allegedly charged the officers while brandishing a knife. Officers shot the man, stopping the threat. Officers administered first aid until an ambulance arrived and transported the subject to a hospital where he remains in critical condition.

Other videos tweeted show protesters continuing their march on the streets of Eugene. The videos are filled with profanity.


Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s Sunday-morning talk show, What’s Your Point? Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX, Parler @BobPrice, and Facebook.


BREAKING: They Just Launched ATTACK – Israel Devastated

BREAKING: They Just Launched ATTACK – Israel Devastated

(breitbart) – The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Wednesday approved five anti-Israeli resolutions, but they passed with less votes than in 2019, providing Israel a glimmer of hope at the usually hostile 193-member body.

No other country has as many resolutions against it as Israel. The resolutions were part of a package of almost 20 pro-Palestinian texts that the UNGA passes annually in December.

“Countries that supported Israel today have understood that this package of resolutions does nothing to forward peace, but serves instead to entrench the Palestinian’s rejectionist position and deepen the conflict,” Israel’s Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan said.

The five countries that supported Israel on all five texts include: The U.S., Australia, Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, and Micronesia.

In a vote for the “U.N. Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights for the Palestinian People,” four countries notably shifted from abstaining in 2019 to opposing this year. Those countries were Austria, Bulgaria, Germany and Papua New Guinea. Surprisingly, Iceland abstained this year – a departure for its usual pro-Palestinian voting patterns.

The resolution was approved 92-17, compared to 92-13 last year.

In a resolution titled “Special Information Program on the Question of Palestine,” Hungary switched its vote in favor of Israel this year.

Erdan charged the fact so many U.N. committees existed to police the Jewish state proved the global body’s “anti-Israel bias,” adding:

[The] “existence of those U.N. committees is a further stain on this institution’s reputation… Funding propaganda against a member state is not only outrageous and shameful, it is a flagrant misuse of valuable U.N. resources. Those resources should be used to save lives, not to perpetuate a conflict.”

“No other country in the world faces such discrimination in the U.N. – and it is time for more U.N. members to join our struggle to challenge the organization’s anti-Israel agenda,” he said.

The Palestinian representative slammed Erdan for “offending” the U.N..

“On the contrary, what was discussed today in this debate is the reality. What was discussed today is not so-called ‘Palestinian talking points.’ These are the international talking points,” she said. “This is the international consensus that Israel, the occupying power, continues to object, obstruct, to deny, to belittle and to attempt futilely to destroy.”


BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Reveals Global FRAUD – America In Shock

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Reveals Global FRAUD – America In Shock

(breitbart) – On Wednesday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson pointed to evidence that the government officials had lied about the origins and timeline of COVID-19.

The Fox News host reminded viewers the government used the pandemic to take extraordinary measures, and all while the Chinese government did not acknowledge the existence of the virus until December 31, 2019.

Transcript as follows:

CARLSON: News about a global fraud that began long before Election Day here and has since ruined millions of lives, killed hundreds of thousands, and by the way, without question deeply affected the outcome of our presidential election here in the United States: the coronavirus pandemic. And it’s not what we thought it was. We’ve been lied to.

The latest evidence comes from samples collected during Red Cross blood drives last year, and now analyzed by the Centers for Disease Control. In a study published on Monday, researchers tested 39 blood samples from the States of California, Washington and Oregon. That blood was collected between December 13 and December 16, 2019.

At the time, no one in the United States had heard of COVID-19. The Chinese government didn’t even acknowledge its existence until December 31. And yet every one of those samples just tested has come back positive for the coronavirus antibodies — all of them.

Keep in mind that antibodies don’t develop for at least a week after exposure to the virus. That means the Wuhan coronavirus was being transmitted throughout the American population far earlier, possibly months earlier than we were told.

What does that mean exactly? And how did it happen?

We don’t know yet how it happened, but we know for certain that it did. The CDC has found dozens more positive samples from blood tests taken beginning at the end of December, and they found them in many other parts of the country, across the country: Michigan, Iowa, and Massachusetts.

Analysis of tests in other countries has shown even earlier spread of the virus. Scientists now know the virus, the coronavirus spread to Italy as early as last September and to South America two months later in November.

So clearly what we have been told for almost a year about the origins of the coronavirus is not true.

Why are we just learning this now a month after a presidential election? We’ve had reliable antibody tests since the summer. So no one thought to test Red Cross blood samples until now? Why weren’t elected officials demanding a coherent account of where this virus — this virus that has changed American history forever — where this virus came from? How it got to the United States and how it spread through our population? Why don’t we know that yet? Because nobody seemed to care.

Our elected officials were too busy enjoying their newfound power. They were shutting down small businesses, arresting people for kayaking without masks.

Back in January, 11 months ago, the Department of Homeland Security warned that American airports could be ground zero for a new pandemic. But Congress yawned. They were occupied that day.

On January 24, a day when these blood samples now prove the virus had already spread across the continent, the Trump administration held a classified briefing on the coronavirus for the entire U.S. Senate, but only 14 senators showed up for it. Why was that?

Well, that briefing was held on the very same day as the deadline for senators to submit their questions for impeachment. So the people in charge of protecting the country were not worried about coronavirus. Instead, they were standing in front of their mirrors rehearsing their star turns, the moment when they could finally confront Alan Dershowitz about the dreaded Zelensky phone call.

Now they’re claiming the pandemic caught them completely by surprise. How did they get away with that? They get away with it because our public health establishment gives them cover and has all year.

Two days before that classified Senate briefing that only 14 senators showed up for, Dr. Tony Fauci went on television to reassure Americans they could relax. Calm down, America. You can trust the Chinese government. If the Chinese are telling us that this virus jumped from a pangolin in a wet market, and no one even knew it existed until New Year’s Eve and we’re doing our very best to contain it, then that’s what happened.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: China has been known to fiddle with their stats before. Do you trust what they are telling us about this illness?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: From what I can see right now, they really are being much, much more transparent than what happened with SARS where they really kept back information for a while. It was embarrassing to them.

They’re really transparent now. They put the sequence of the virus up on the public database right away. So in that respect, they’ve been transparent.


CARLSON: “They’re really transparent now,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci. Now, in a well-functioning country, a line like that would make certain that you never work in public policy again. Transparent? Transparently dishonest. We know that for certain.

Chinese officials are now claiming the virus came to their country from somewhere else, it arrived in frozen food; possibly as a bioweapon staged by the U.S. military. They’re not saying that in secret, they’re saying it on social media.

But so far, Twitter hasn’t bothered to fact check that claim. Like Tony Fauci, Silicon Valley trusts China — trust China far more than they trust you.

Ron Klain trusts China, too. Ron Klain is Joe Biden’s pick for White House Chief of Staff.

On January 27th of this year, Klain told AXIOS that China has been quote, “More transparent and more candid than it has been during past outbreaks.” Why did Ron Klain think that? Possibly because the World Health Organization told him to think so.

On January 8, the W.H.O. funded of course by the Chinese government released a similar message. Here it is, quote, “Preliminary identification of a novel virus in a short period of time is a notable achievement and demonstrates China’s increased capacity to manage new outbreaks.” It was like a press release.

In other words, the rest of us ought to be thanking the government of China for the blessing of COVID-19. Much appreciated.

A week later, the W.H.O. was back with more demonstrably untrue propaganda straight from their overlords in Beijing. Quote, “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human to human transmission of the novel coronavirus.” That was yet another dangerous lie that without question cost American lives. But Twitter didn’t fact check that either.

Instead, the American media as a group dutifully amplified the message. China did nothing wrong, they told us. Anyone who suggests otherwise, who suggests this thoroughly Chinese virus came from China is by definition a racist. Whose fault is it that Americans are dying from the virus? It’s America’s fault. It’s your fault. Stop asking questions.

And by the way, they’re still saying that. So thorough was the news blackout on the origins of this virus, the Chinese origins that you had to go to Australian television to find out what was actually happening.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: From the very beginning throughout December, it was spreading. And we now know it was spreading human to human. But the official line of the Chinese government was that this was all related to an animal market, and once they closed the market, it would all go away.

QUESTION: Did they know differently at that time?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Absolutely. Because they were seeing cases coming into the hospitals that had nothing whatsoever to do with that animal market.


CARLSON: It had nothing whatsoever to do with that animal market. Viewers of Australian television knew that. Viewers of American television had no idea. American TV channels were pursuing little packages on the pangolin. What’s a pangolin? It had nothing to do with the pangolin or bats or the wet market.

You’ll remember a few weeks ago, we interviewed a Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan on the show, and she fled her country with a message for us. This virus she said came from a government lab in China. She said she knew that.

In her own country, she would have been punished, possibly killed for saying so. So she came here to the land of the free. What did she find? She found her words censored by American tech companies working in tandem with a tyrant she fled.

Once again you had to go to “60 Minutes” Australia to learn what was happening to people like Dr. Li-Meng Yan.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As China now tries to rewrite history and claim it was transparent all along, a final nail in the coffin of their lie.

Just two weeks ago, the head of emergency at Wuhan Central Hospital, Dr. Ai Fen also went public, saying authorities had stopped her and her colleagues from warning the world. She has now disappeared. Whereabouts unknown.


CARLSON: Internal documents now prove that Chinese officials knew they were facing a coronavirus pandemic, something they’d never seen before, but they hid that information from the world and they arrested those who tried to report it.

More critically, millions of people continued to travel through the City of Wuhan in Central China, the epicenter of the pandemic. Then more than a million Chinese citizens flew here to the United States, more than a million.

It wasn’t until January 20 that the President of China, Xi Jinping finally admitted the virus could be contagious, it could spread from person to person. Now, what is that? At best, it’s criminal negligence. At worst, it’s something like mass murder.

But no said the World Health Organization, in fact, it was just more evidence that the Chinese Communist Party was doing an extraordinary job managing the pandemic and the American media hardly agreed.

Watch this amazing clip from late March.


DR. BRUCE AYLWARD, SENIOR ADVISER TO THE DIRECTOR GENERAL, WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Right now, there’s very, very few countries that have actually been able to reverse this epidemic and bring their case down to a very low level. And in fact, the only country that has done that is China.

It was the passion, the diligence, the sense of responsibility, the seriousness of the average Chinese and I want to use that term very carefully because they weren’t average. They’re extraordinary people, but they were driven by a sense of collective responsibility.


CARLSON: That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, the passion and diligence and sense of responsibility and seriousness of the Chinese, they’re extraordinary people. It’s in the blood. They’re driven and we want to quote this verbatim because it’s important for the rest of us to learn from our mistakes. The Chinese are driven by, quote, “a sense of collective responsibility.” Contrast that with us, fat, lazy, Trump-voting American, so selfish and short-sighted, we demand to go to church on Sundays or go out to dinner with our families once in a while. And then deservedly we get sick and die.

Not Xi Jinping and the obedient communist nation he leads, they found a better way.

That’s the message from our media. It’s the message from our health establishment. It’s the message from our elected officials, and it has been for almost a year.

But it’s not the whole story. We know that now. We’re still not even close to knowing what really happened. We should find out.


BREAKING: Supreme Court BOMBSHELL – Democrats Are FUMING

BREAKING: Supreme Court BOMBSHELL – Democrats Are FUMING

(dailyconservative) – The Supreme Court continued to rule in favor of churches that have faced coronavirus restrictions on Thursday, submitting an unsigned opinion that directed a California case back to the appellate court while granting injunctive relief.

The high court asked the lower court to reconsider the case in light of its recent ruling against restrictions on religious gatherings in New York state.

The New York case found that religious institutions were treated unequally with other organizations like businesses.

Harvest Rock Church in California has been fighting California Governor Gavin Newsom’s restrictions since July, when Newsom ordered all worship services outside and barred singing.

There are several other cases pending before the high court involving restrictions on churches, including some in New Jersey and Nevada.


FRAUD UPDATE: Trump Takes Nevada By Storm

FRAUD UPDATE: Trump Takes Nevada By Storm

(Breitbart) – President Donald Trump’s campaign presented its claims of voter fraud in Nevada to a state court in Carson City on Thursday, as Democrats argued that the evidence was insufficient to warrant overturning tens of thousands of votes.

Republicans claim that there are more than enough questionable or fraudulent votes in Nevada to overcome the 33,596-vote margin by which Joe Biden appeared to defeat Trump in the state after mail-in votes were counted after Election Day.

American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp, who has helped lead the Trump campaign’s efforts in Nevada, told the Washington Examiner: “In my years of experience in politics, I have never seen the amount of illegal voting like we have documented in Clark County, Nevada. It is a level of corruption I didn’t think could happen in a modern, free country.”

The Las Vegas Review-Journal covered the case:

Judge James Russell heard arguments in the case Thursday but did not make a determination, saying he needed the evening to review the evidence cited in both campaign attorneys’ arguments to decide. He pledged to issue a ruling on Friday.

Out-of-state attorneys Jessie Binnall and Kevin Hamilton, representing the Trump and Biden electors, respectively, were each given an hour to make their arguments Thursday.

Trump’s case included testimony from several anonymous poll workers who claimed fraud or inconsistencies.

[Hamilton] claimed no court in the history of the United States has ever granted what the contestants are asking for — the reversal of a presidential election. He said Trump’s contest was part of a pattern of “baseless lawsuits by plaintiffs who simply can not accept the fact that their favored candidate lost the election to Joe Biden.”

Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley live-tweeted the arguments:

The judge is expected to rule Friday, and appeals to the Nevada Supreme Court are expected to follow.


Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His newest e-book is The Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump’s Presidency. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Gives It Away – It’s The Right Thing To Do

BREAKING: Donald Trump Gives It Away – It’s The Right Thing To Do

(breitbart) – Lou Holtz has won more than his fair share of championships, awards, and accolades in his lifetime, but he’s going to get at least one more.

And the president of the United States will be the one who gives it to him.

On Wednesday, the White House announced that President Trump would present Holtz with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, on Thursday.

Holtz led the Notre Dame Fighting Irish to the school’s last National Championship in 1988. More recently, the champion coach has made a name for himself as one of President Trump’s most outspoken supporters. Holtz made several trips all over the country giving speeches and trying to win support for the president’s re-election campaign.

During the campaign, Holtz was asked why he decided to hit the trail for Trump. His answer made it clear, that he wasn’t doing it for himself.

“I’m just one of these old-fashioned people,” Holtz said. “I’m an old person. It doesn’t mean much to me, but I’m doing this for my children, my grandchildren, their future and it’s something I believe.”

Recently, Holtz has been battling the coronavirus. He tested positive for the disease in mid-November.

Holtz spent 33 years coaching for Notre Dame, South Carolina, William & Mary, North Carolina State, Arkansas, and Minnesota. Over that time, he compiled one of the winningest records in college football history, as his teams went 249-132-7. One-hundred of those wins came at Notre Dame, where a statue stands in his honor.

Holtz is also a member of the College Football Hall of Fame.


BREAKING: ‘Dominion’ Voting Machine Scandal Exposed – He has Been Caught

BREAKING: ‘Dominion’ Voting Machine Scandal Exposed – He has Been Caught

(bigleaguepolitics) – Big League Politics has reported extensively on the behavior of Lathrup Village, Mich. Mayor Mykale “Kelly” Garrett and the rest of the Garrett Crime Family since the election.

Garrett was responsible for brokering a $25 million contract to bring Dominion into the state of Michigan back in 2017 while was serving as a Democrat official in Oakland County. We have also covered her family’s nefarious actions as part of a Democrat political machine that has dominated corrupt Detroit-area politics for over a generation.

However, it is worth noting that the contract to bring Dominion into the state of Michigan was not enacted by reviled Democrat Gov. Gretchen “Grandma Killer” Whitmer. It was enacted under the administration of her predecessor, Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican Never Trumper who supported Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 and then Joe Biden for president in 2020.

Big League Politics reported on how Snyder went public with his Biden support, encouraging Republicans to switch sides to betray their country and vote Biden in the 2020 election. Hilariously, the effort backfired when Democrats became enraged that the Biden campaign was touting the endorsement of the infamous Flint water villain:

Liberal activists are up in arms at Joe Biden’s presidential campaign for pushing the endorsement of former Michigan governor Rick Snyder, who is blamed by the Left for the Flint water crisis.

Last week, Snyder penned an op/ed in the Detroit News in which he officially endorsed Biden’s presidential candidacy.

“I will continue to support and stand up for Republican policies and values, and support Republican candidates, but I will not support Donald Trump for reelection,” Snyder wrote.

“I had the opportunity to interact with Mr. Biden when he served as vice president. My interactions were always constructive and respectful. He has shown the desire to heal a deeply divided nation; has demonstrated strong moral character and empathy; and he seems willing to listen to people who have different perspectives from his own,” he continued.

“While I am endorsing Joe Biden for president, I am still a Republican who also will be publicly supporting Republican candidates at the local, state and federal level,” Snyder added.

Democrat leaders in the state of Michigan jumped on the news and widely promoted Snyder’s endorsement…

While establishment Democrats may be happy about the endorsement, the left-wing activists who Biden needs on his side to win in November are enraged by the news.

“You were the one who defenestrated local governments, many of them representing Black citizens, a policy that led directly to the catastrophe in Flint,” wrote Charles Pierce in Esquire with regards to Snyder.

“For a guy who’s trying to win over the environmental movement and progressives more broadly, I gotta say, this seems like a bad move for Biden. What’s the point of touting your dubious commitment to racial equality and environmental policy if you’re going to drool over the endorsement of a guy who presided over a historic case of environmental injustice?” wrote Dharna Noor in Gizmodo.

“There remain plenty of actual Democrats, however, who feel like Biden is doing little to court them. Maybe he should focus on them,” wrote Lee DeVito of the left-wing Metro Times publication in Detroit.

Republican politicians severely dropped the ball on protecting electoral integrity before the election, which is probably why so many GOP officials are happy to sweep the fraud under the rug and move on as quickly as possible while certifying Biden’s vote steal.
