Home Uncategorized BREAKING: Republican Senators Flip The Script – Trump Is Mad As Hell

BREAKING: Republican Senators Flip The Script – Trump Is Mad As Hell

BREAKING: Republican Senators Flip The Script – Trump Is Mad As Hell

(nationalistreview) – The message is clear: Republicans will “punish” big tech by giving them massive tax breaks and cheap foreign labor
A massive green card “giveaway” bill that would eliminate the country caps on permanent visas and “increase the per-country numerical limitations for family-sponsored immigrants,” passed the Senate today by unanimous consent. The bill, which is the brainchild of Sen. Mike Lee and co-sponsored by Sen. Kamala Harris, initially saw minimal opposition from Sen. Rick Scott before the latter dropped his complaints. Not a single Republican senator was willing to stand up for the rights of the American worker.

The “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act,” the bill, opens the door for hundreds of thousands of foreigners, mostly from India, to obtain permanent residency in the United States and enable large tech companies to control the industry’s labor market, diluting wages for some of the most sought-after jobs for engineers and computer programmers.

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It takes food off of the American table and puts dollars into the pockets of the interloper. Some of those dollars will re-enter the American economy, but a good portion will be lost forever in the form of remittances, payments sent abroad to support families in foreign countries.

Republicans—even those pretending to be against the establishment—made it clear today that they are all on the same team. Alongside them, wearing the same uniform, are tech oligarchs like Google’s Sundar Pichai and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.

Not a single Republican stood to object. Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, who face reelections battle in Georgia, stood by silently. Sen. Josh Hawley, who conservative commentator Ryan James Girdusky so aptly noted, “spends [his] time working to stop YouTube from automatically playing the next video” did not speak out as Mike Lee handed this Christmas present to big tech.

President Trump has an obligation to veto this bill.



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