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BREAKING: Mike Pence In Danger – Shocking Call To Action STUNS Trump

BREAKING: Mike Pence In Danger – Shocking Call To Action STUNS Trump

(breitbart) – Attorney L. Lin Wood, who has made some of the boldest claims of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, tweeted Friday that Vice President Mike Pence could face arrest and imprisonment for treason, and execution by firing squad.

Wood appeared to be referring to a theory that Pence has the power to block the election of Joe Biden as President and Kamala Harris as Vice President when Congress meets to certify the vote of the Electoral College on Wednesday, Jan. 6.

Earlier this week, Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) and others filed a lawsuit seeking to compel Pence to intervene in the Electoral College certification, on the argument that several states followed unconstitutional processes of choosing electors.

In a filing opposing the lawsuit, Pence argued that he does not have that discretion, and that the issue is up to Congress.

Wood tweeted that Republicans shared responsibility for the “theft of the election,” and there would be “arrests for treason.”

When a fellow Twitter user questioned his logic, Wood replied:

Wood seems to believe that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would reverse the results of the Electoral College.

Breitbart News reported last month that Wood has voted for and donated to Democrats in the past.

Wood has made claims of nationwide voter fraud, involving Dominion voting machines and the Chinese Communist Party.

Wood obtained settlements for former high school student Nichols Sandmann in defamation claims against several media outlets after they falsely portrayed him as having instigated a confrontation with a Native American activist last year.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His newest e-book is Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.


BREAKING: Election Victory Announcement – It’s Now INEVITABLE

BREAKING: Election Victory Announcement – It’s Now INEVITABLE

(breitbart) – Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) said Thursday during an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that Sen. Josh Hawley’s (R-MO) objection during the Electoral College certification process next week will fail.

Johnson said, “There’s a lot of misinformation on both sides. Some people on our side think just one House member, one senator objects, it immediately goes to a vote of the states, and then because we have more states in the House of Representatives, Trump can get re-elected. That’s not what happens.”

He added, “What happens is every member of the Senate, every member of the House votes to accept or reject that state’s slate of electors. I can’t imagine any scenario in which any House Democrats will vote to reject Joe Biden electors. So I think the result is inevitable.”


BREAKING: Florida Governor REFUSES – Democrats Are Furious

BREAKING: Florida Governor REFUSES – Democrats Are Furious

(breitbart) – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said Wednesday that he will not jump ahead of more vulnerable populations, such as seniors, to receive a vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus despite his status as an elected official, telling reporters that he is “not the priority.”

“I’m willing to take it, but I am not the priority. They’re the priority,” he said, referencing seniors.

“I’m under 45, and so the people under 45 are not going to be first in line for this. And so when it’s my turn, I will take it but this is who I want to be vaccinated,” he continued.

“I want my parents, our grandparents to be able to get it. Granted, I’m an elected official but whoop de doo,” he added. “Let’s focus on where the risk is”:

Speaking at Kings Point in Delray Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, DeSantis detailed the rollout of vaccine distribution in the Sunshine State, noting that “supply is limited.”

“We don’t have enough vaccines for all four million-plus senior citizens in Florida,” he said, emphasizing that the senior demographic remains the priority along with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommendation that “essential” workers take priority as well.

“There was a recommendation from the CDC that you [vaccinate] so-called essential workers. What’s essential?” the governor asked.

“There’s a lot of people who work really hard that the CDC doesn’t consider essential, but their family considers them essential. I consider them essential,” he continued, noting that Florida officials will not “be putting young people ahead of our elderly population.”

“If you have somebody that works for a grocery store or food services that may be 22, they would have priority over someone who is 73,” the Republican governor explained.

States have begun the process of distributing a limited supply of both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, prioritizing healthcare workers and more vulnerable populations. However, the vaccine has also been made available to elected officials, such as members of Congress, which Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) attributed to a “national security policy.”

The 31-year-old freshman congresswoman posted a video of herself receiving the first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine earlier this month:

Not all of her colleagues appeared to agree with receiving the vaccine before more vulnerable members of the population. Fellow “Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), for instance, said it was “shameful” that members of Congress were receiving the vaccine before vulnerable members of the population, stressing that lawmakers are “not more important” than frontline workers:

However, Ocasio-Cortez continued to defend her decision to receive the vaccine on social media, contending that she would have given the vaccine to someone else if it was within her individual power to do so:

Over 2.1 million individuals in the U.S. have been vaccinated, according to the CDC’s numbers last updated on Monday.


BREAKING: Top Intel Officer VINDICATES Trump – White House Cheering

BREAKING: Top Intel Officer VINDICATES Trump – White House Cheering
US Ambassador to Germany Richard Allen Grenell, center, attends the new year reception for the diplomatic corps in the presidential palace in Berlin Monday, Jan. 14, 2019. (Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa via AP)

(breitbart) – Support for President Donald Trump’s “America First” foreign policy cannot be erased, said Richard Grenell, former acting Director of National Intelligence, in an interview with Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday.

Pollak asked what threat a future administration led by former Vice President Joe Biden would pose to Trump’s foreign policies.

Grenell remarked, “Let’s just be honest, the American First policy and the America First agenda that Donald Trump has unleashed is never going back to the bottle. We have won the debate on putting America first. No matter what [President-elect] Joe Biden or any future president does, they are not going to be able to put America second without a huge cry from the American people. “

Grenell continued, “Foreign policy has always been one of those things that the American people have not fully embraced, or understood, or wanted to get into the details of for a variety of reasons. I think the American people are very smart, but sometimes they are too busy to get to know every single detail of what the State Department is doing.”

The foreign policy bureaucracy exploits the public’s lack of familiarity with foreign policy in justifying its operations and largesse, he asserted.

Grenell explained, “The State Department types — many bureaucrats,  and I would say foreign policy experts in Washington — have taken advantage of the American people in that they they go out and make these policies around the world, spend the American people’s money, and don’t ever come back to talk about what the American people are paying for, or what they’re doing around the world.”

“What Donald Trump has done with pushing the America First agenda is never going to cease,” added Grenell. “Future presidents may try to couch it a little bit differently, or they may try to roll it back, but they are going to be unable to do that.”

Grenell credited Trump with building popular support for a U.S. foreign policy prioritizing the American national interest.

“The American people now see that their money must be spent wisely, including at the State Department, including for foreign policy,” Grenell held. “Experts in Washington have controlled and monopolized the spending, and tried to pretend like they’re smarter than everybody and really gone down the path of being a globalist for America.”

Grenell continued, “Those days are over. The American people are much more engaged now because of Donald Trump, and they’re going to expect their government to put America first.”

Pollak highlighted left-wing news media hype of Pete Buttigieg as potentially “the first openly gay member” of a presidential cabinet, despite Grenell, who is openly gay, serving as Trump’s acting director of national intelligence.

Grenell said Trump does not practice left-wing “identity politics” when making appointments or nominations.

“I’m really proud of President Trump,” Grenell declared. “He is somebody who doesn’t send out press releases when he hires somebody about irrelevant characteristics that they have. He’s somebody who doesn’t keep lists. He doesn’t want to play this identity politics game, and thank God, because it’s really what I think the gay community has been asking for for a very long time.”

Grenell continued, “I was close friends with Andrew Breitbart who really took a stand with me a long time ago. I can’t even guess the year, it’s been so long, but to just bring the gay conservatives to the table of the Republican Party and the conservative party. Andrew was a leader on these issues, and I certainly will never forget it,  and I’m indebted to his leadership as a straight guy who just saw an injustice and stood up and helped lead the fight.”

“I think Andrew Breitbart would be ecstatic with Donald Trump and the way that he goes about hiring people according to what they do and how good they are in their job and what kind of expertise they bring to the table,” concluded Grenell. “I’m tired of having the rainbow table down the hallway, which is where most politicians want us to be, down the hallway, where they check in every once in a while, and Donald Trump just said, ‘No, you’re you’re going to be at the cabinet table, where I’m hiring somebody according to their expertise not according to some sort of box that I need to check and then send out a press release on.’”Breitbart News Sunday broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern.


BREAKING: Google Gets Bad News – Congress Makes Its Move

BREAKING: Google Gets Bad News – Congress Makes Its Move

Prominent conservative groups are urging Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to appoint Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) as the ranking member of a subcommittee to investigate Google.

Urging Jordan to name Buck the Ranking Member on the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law, the groups said Buck “has demonstrated himself to be a thoughtful legislator on issues relating to antitrust.”

Signers of the letter include:

  • Matt Schlapp, Chairman, American Conservative Union
  • Morton Blackwell, President, The Leadership Institute
  • L. Brent Bozell III, Chairman, For America
  • Penny Nance, CEO and President, Concerned Women for America
  • Charlie Kirk, President, Turning Point USA
  • Erick Erickson, The Resurgent
  • Colleen Holcomb, President, Eagle Forum
  • Harmeet Dhillon, California Committeewoman, Republican National Committee

Representatives from The Internet Accountability Project, American Principles Project, Media Research Center, The Claremont Institute, First Liberty, Less Government, and Fight for Tomorrow also signed the letter.

In October, Buck, a former district attorney in Colorado, published a report titled, “The Third Way: Antitrust Enforcement in Big Tech.”

The report argued, “Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook have used their monopoly power to act as gatekeepers to the marketplace, undermine potential competition, and pick winners and losers, all while simultaneously cozying up to unfriendly nations like China in order to further expand their global footprint.”

The groups supporting his appointment said the report “impressively threaded the antitrust needle by countering the Democrats’ support for onerous over-regulation while simultaneously pushing Congress to recognize Big Tech’s anticompetitive behavior. In doing this so consistently and so deftly, Rep. Buck has proven himself to be the right man for the job.”

They also noted Buck “has also shown his dedication to standing up against Big Tech’s censorship of conservative viewpoints, which threatens the freedoms of speech and expression for all Americans.”

Bombshell: He Has Been Caught – You won’t Believe Where

Bombshell: He Has Been Caught – You won’t Believe Where

(bigleaguepolitics) – On Christmas Eve, Border Patrol agents at the Rio Grande Valley arrested a Salvadoran national who was previously deported for having a criminal rap sheet in the U.S.

According to Bob Price of Breitbart News, the Salvadoran man tried to sneak into Texas. The man was convicted by an Illinois court for sexual assault against a child. 

Rio Grande City Station Border Patrol agents working around the vicinity of Roma,Texas found a man trying to illegally make his way across the river from Mexico into the United States. Border Patrol agents then took the migrant into custody and placed him in a processing area.

In accordance to processing protocols, illegal aliens who are caught must go through a medical screening and criminal background investigation prior to being sent to Mexico according to the Title 42 Wuhan virus protection protocols the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention established. Border Patrol officials told Breitbart Texas that roughly 90 percent of migrants who are caught illegally entering the country are sent across the border within two hours of their apprehension.

After conducting a biometric background investigation, the border authorities were able to identify the man as a Salvadoran national with a criminal record in the U.S. According to criminal database records, the man is 48-year-old Mario Rivera-Perez. The Salvadoran national was convicted in a Chicago court for Sexual Assault of a Child. Illinois sex offender records revealed that his victim was an 11-year-old child. A report from Patch revealed that the incident involved Rivera-Perez inappropriately touching the little girl at a store in northwest Chicago.

Furthermore, Border Patrol agents highlighted that Rivera-Perez had a seperate DUI conviction, while the Plaines, Illinois, Sheriff’s Department has an active warrant on him.

Thankfully, this pervert is being deported. However, individuals such as Rivera-Perez will likely be allowed to stay under incoming President Joe Biden’s immigration policies. Biden specifically wants to implement a moratorium on deportations for the first 100 days of his presidency, potentially letting thousands of criminal aliens run loose across the U.S.

Such a move would be music to the ears of freaks such as Rivera-Perez and could potentially contribute to a notable crime wave. On January 20, 2021, America will likely be in for a rude awakening. That’s what happens when a population falls for the Siren Song of globalism.


BREAKING: Joe Biden Drops Obama Bombshell – He’s Doing It NOW

BREAKING: Joe Biden Drops Obama Bombshell – He’s Doing It NOW

(breitbart) – President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday announced he has nominated three former senior Obama administration officials for top positions at the Pentagon, prompting praise from the foreign policy establishment.

“Today, President-elect Joe Biden announced his nomination of Dr. Kathleen Hicks as the Deputy Secretary of Defense and Dr. Colin Kahl as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy,” the Biden transition team said in a statement.

Biden said in a statement:

Dr. Kath Hicks and Dr. Colin Kahl have the broad experience and crisis-tested judgment necessary to help tackle the litany of challenges we face today, and all those we may confront tomorrow. They will be trusted partners to me, the vice president-elect, and Secretary-designate [Lloyd] Austin — as well as our dedicated civilian and military team — as we work to restore responsible American leadership on the world stage.

The transition team statement listed as challenges facing the armed forces:

  • Keeping our country safe and secure
  • Playing a key role in executing the logistics associated with COVID-19 vaccine distribution
  • Restoring our alliances
  • Supporting and equipping our service members and caring for them and their families
  • Addressing the accelerating security threat posed by the climate crisis
  • Modernizing our armed forces and preparing for the conflicts of the future and winning the strategic competition for the 21st century

Hicks is currently the senior vice president and director of the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). She previously served during the Obama-Biden administration as deputy under secretary of defense for strategy, plans, and forces and principal deputy under secretary of defense for policy. If confirmed, she would be the first female deputy secretary of defense.

Kahl is currently a co-director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation, a Steven C. Házy Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, and a professor of political science at Stanford University. He previously served as deputy assistant to Obama and national security adviser to Biden from 2014-2017. He also served as the deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East from 2009-2011.

Biden also announced his nomination of Kelly Magsamen, another former Obama administration official, as incoming chief of staff at the Department of Defense.

The transition team sent out a list of tweets from other former Obama appointees and foreign policy establishment figures praising Biden’s picks, including:

Ambassador Wendy Sherman: Fabulous team for DoD. @kath_hicks @ColinKahl @kellymagsamen are extraordinary professionals, public servants and simply good people. [Tweet, 12/30/20]

John McLaughlin, Former Deputy Director of the CIA: Three terrific picks for the Pentagon. Worked with two, Hicks and Magsamen, know the third by reputation. All dedicated, smart, and govt savvy. Good compliment to SecDef nominee Austin and great teammates for Tony Blinken at State and Jake Sullivan at WH. [Tweet, 12/30/20]

Ben Rhodes, Former Deputy National Security Advisor: This is an incredibly smart and experienced core team to redirect policy and clean up whatever messes are being made at the Pentagon. Congratulations to ⁦@ColinKahl⁩ ⁦@kath_hicks⁩ and ⁦@kellymagsamen⁩ [Tweet, 12/30/20]

John J. Hamre, President of CSIS: I couldn’t be more proud to have Dr. Kathleen Hicks be nominated to become Deputy Secretary of Defense. I held that job and know what it takes to succeed. Dr. Hicks is a superb choice for this important job. She has the discipline, intellect, and organizational skill to make the Department work effectively for the Secretary. I have worked with Dr. Hicks now for seven years directly, and for an additional seven years indirectly. She has a strong moral compass and a keen commitment to the success of the Department and the well-being of its military and civilian personnel. I am very pleased that President-elect Biden has selected her. [Statement, 12/30/20]

Tamara Cofman Wittes, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution: I could not be more thrilled at this news! @kath_hicks is wise, principled, dedicated to public service & our nation’s security, a true expert on national defense, a skilled manager & builder of diverse talent, and a damn fine human being. And I am even more delighted that she and Secretary-designate Lloyd Austin will have @ColinKahl and @kellymagsamen helping them lead the Department of Defense! Stellar, stellar people. We are so fortunate. [Tweet, Tweet, 12/30/20]

Joe Cirincione, Former President of the Ploughshares Fund: Excellent picks for two tough jobs. ⁦@ColinKahl⁩ is one of the smartest, most principled people you’ll ever meet. Hicks will break new ground in this top spot. ⁦@kellymagsamen⁩ is slated for a key position as well. Great choices. [Tweet, 12/30/20]

Jon Wolfsthal, Senior Advisor to Global Zero: Kathleen Hicks is, simply, an incredible public servant, informed, capable, thoughtful, committed and a deep expert on all aspects of defense and security policy. Hope this is true. @kath_hicks [Tweet, 12/30/20]

Meanwhile, conservative media journalists, such as Chuck Ross, pointed out that the top Pentagon policy pick, Kahl, had pushed the Russia collusion hoax, tweeting in 2017 that “Steele’s Trump-Russia Dossier holds up pretty well.”

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on Twitter or on Facebook.


BOOM: Trump Gets Stunning News Move Over Biden

BOOM: Trump Gets Stunning News Move Over Biden

(bigleaguepolitics) – A new Gallup poll has shown that President Donald Trump is now the most admired man in America, taking the spot held by former president Barack Hussein Obama for the past 12 years.

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According to the Gallup poll, 18 percent of participants listed Trump as their most admired American. 15 percent of participants listed Obama as their most admired American while six percent of participants listed Joe Biden as their choice.

48 percent of Republicans who participated in the poll listed President Trump as their most admired American, showing exactly how popular the president is with the GOP. 21 percent of participants gave no response while 11 percent of participants listed a friend or relative as their most admired American.

Other people who received significant support in the poll included marxist apostate Pope Francis, Mengelean bureaucrat Dr. Anthony Fauci, billionaire globalist Elon Musk, millionaire socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), vaccine pusher Bill Gates, and sportsball chucker Lebron James. President Trump crushed all of these bozos in the poll.

Big League Politics has reported on President Trump’s reversal of many of the terrible policies inflicted upon the American public by the Obama administration, including on foreign policy:

President Donald Trump’s foreign policy achievements have largely been hidden from the public, with the fake news media and Democrats preferring to focus on fake Russian collusion stories rather than highlighting the president’s efforts to get the troops out of harm’s way.

Libertarian-leaning Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) pointed out the facts regarding the president’s foreign policy record, showing that Trump’s foreign policy in Afghanistan has resulted in a sharp reduction in casualties in America’s longest war…

The majority of Obama’s casualties came in his first term, when he doubled down on the Afghan war with a troop surge. He sent more troops into harm’s way without anything to show for it except for more blood. There were an incredible 2,196 troops killed in Afghanistan during Obama’s first term, and he was given a Nobel Peace Prize before his brutal policies ever really took effect…

President Trump has made great progress toward putting the troops first despite tremendous institutional impediments from the military-industrial complex. He is clearly the peace candidate, running against the reckless imperial foreign policy of Obama/Biden, on the ballot for this election.

By putting America first, President Trump has eclipsed Obama and, regardless of what happens with the vote steal, he will be seen as a man who stood up for the country during a crucial juncture in the nation’s history.


BREAKING: Election Bombshell Stuns Nation – Secret Video Reveals…

BREAKING: Election Bombshell Stuns Nation – Secret Video Reveals…

(breitbart) – On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) stated that Democratic senatorial candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock owes voters more of an explanation about the video of his ex-wife’s allegations against him.

Host Tammy Bruce asked, “But do you think people deserve a bit more of an explanation here about what she was talking about and what this means about his character?”

Perdue responded, “Of course we do. The more we learn about Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, the more questions haven’t been answered. … Raphael Warnock has said, not only that he wants to defund the police, he calls them thugs, criminals.”


BOOM: Michigan AG Loses It – Trump Is Smiling

BOOM: Michigan AG Loses It – Trump Is Smiling

(breitbart) – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel lashed out at President Donald Trump on Sunday after he posted a Breitbart News article about her on Twitter.

Trump shared a story about Nessel pursuing legal sanctions against attorneys who have raised questions and filed lawsuits about the legitimacy of the November election.

“These lawyers are true patriots who are fighting for the truth and, obviously, getting very close. AG should be sanctioned,” Trump wrote on Twitter while linking to the story. He also posted it on Facebook.

That triggered Michigan’s top cop, who blasted the president in a series of tweets:

“A patriot is a person who vigorously defends their country against its enemies and detractors,” Nessel huffed.

“History will reveal which you were. I wish you loved your country half as much as you love yourself. Also, time to stop obsessing about those women from Michigan. You’re not our type,” the AG, who is a lesbian, wrote in one.

Nessel continued, “Can’t a random state AG from the Midwest sleep in on a Sunday morning without waking up to find that the President of the United States has mean-tweeted about you overnight (again)? The answer is ‘yes’ come January 20th,” referring to Joe Biden and his scheduled inauguration.

Trump was responding to the Breitbart News story that Nessel is seeking to punish attorneys who have filed suits contesting the election results in Michigan.

“You know if you will have your name attached to it, and you have made intentional misrepresentations of facts to the court, I absolutely believe that you ought to be held accountable,” Nessel said, Michigan Radio reported.

Nessel said she will file complaints with the Attorney Grievance Commission “because the lawsuits contained deliberate misinformation.”

“In some of these cases, absolutely. We will be asking for sanctions. We’ll be asking for court costs and attorney’s fees,” she said.

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays–download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Parler.
