Home Uncategorized BREAKING: Google Gets Bad News – Congress Makes Its Move

BREAKING: Google Gets Bad News – Congress Makes Its Move

BREAKING: Google Gets Bad News – Congress Makes Its Move

Prominent conservative groups are urging Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to appoint Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) as the ranking member of a subcommittee to investigate Google.

Urging Jordan to name Buck the Ranking Member on the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law, the groups said Buck “has demonstrated himself to be a thoughtful legislator on issues relating to antitrust.”

Signers of the letter include:

  • Matt Schlapp, Chairman, American Conservative Union
  • Morton Blackwell, President, The Leadership Institute
  • L. Brent Bozell III, Chairman, For America
  • Penny Nance, CEO and President, Concerned Women for America
  • Charlie Kirk, President, Turning Point USA
  • Erick Erickson, The Resurgent
  • Colleen Holcomb, President, Eagle Forum
  • Harmeet Dhillon, California Committeewoman, Republican National Committee

Representatives from The Internet Accountability Project, American Principles Project, Media Research Center, The Claremont Institute, First Liberty, Less Government, and Fight for Tomorrow also signed the letter.

In October, Buck, a former district attorney in Colorado, published a report titled, “The Third Way: Antitrust Enforcement in Big Tech.”

The report argued, “Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook have used their monopoly power to act as gatekeepers to the marketplace, undermine potential competition, and pick winners and losers, all while simultaneously cozying up to unfriendly nations like China in order to further expand their global footprint.”

The groups supporting his appointment said the report “impressively threaded the antitrust needle by countering the Democrats’ support for onerous over-regulation while simultaneously pushing Congress to recognize Big Tech’s anticompetitive behavior. In doing this so consistently and so deftly, Rep. Buck has proven himself to be the right man for the job.”

They also noted Buck “has also shown his dedication to standing up against Big Tech’s censorship of conservative viewpoints, which threatens the freedoms of speech and expression for all Americans.”


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