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BREAKING: Rush Limbaugh Shocks The Audience – Millions Stunned

BREAKING: Rush Limbaugh Shocks The Audience – Millions Stunned

(rushlimbaugh.com) – RUSH: The only word I have for it is frustrating. So frustrating. We had a moderator last night who everybody knows that I like and everybody knows that I respect and a moderator that treats me fairly whenever I appear on his program, Chris Wallace. But he said before the debate last night that the best measure of his performance, of his job, would be if he ended up being invisible. Well, no. There was no way. He ended up being part of the debate staff. It was Trump versus two people last night.

And it was unfair. All this white supremacist stuff being dredged up, but there wasn’t one mention of Joe Biden out there saying, “If you ain’t voting for me, you ain’t black.” I get so sick and tired this white supremacist allegation that Trump has refuted, he didn’t do it, he didn’t say it, and yet they keep dredging it up.

Greetings, folks. Great to have you. Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network and the Limbaugh Institute.

I’m gonna do my best here to try to remain somewhat facile, cogent, and organized. But man, oh, man. So much about last night, it’s just so frustrating. Trump desperately wanted to debate last night. It was obvious and clear. I thought the first five minutes of this debate last night, I thought it was gonna end up being a grand-slam home run. Trump came ready. He was loaded. He knew what the strategy was. Now, you can disagree with the strategy. I think the strategy was to try to rattle Biden and to facilitate whatever they thought might happen with the mental deficiencies that the candidate has exhibited. The effort was to try to hasten that.

And the frustrating thing is that Biden was demonstrating that, and Trump interrupted him rather than let it happen a number of times. That is because Trump desperately wanted to debate. The moderator kept interrupting. The moderator and the questions. And just — get out of the way. You got a debate starting. You got a debate raging. Let them go at it.

This is not a question of is the moderator gonna be elected president or is the moderator’s job performance gonna matter a hill of beans in terms of the future of the country. Let the candidates engage. Let the audience decide who’s more in command of facts and more in command of the stage. Instead of this silly attempt to enforce a bunch of rules. Let the candidates enforce the rules. Let’s find out who can stand up for themselves and who can’t.

Trump, I don’t think, lost a single vote from his base last night. The question is whether any undecideds were moved. CNN has pointed out: hey, hey, don’t get excited out there since Trump lost every debate in 2016, they think. And they also point out that incumbent presidents never have first debates that are any good. Even though the Drive-Bys might think that Biden was a slam dunk winner just ’cause he lasted 90 minutes, they are not at all confident of that.

And now these demands on Biden that he not do the other two debates. Those are demands coming from the Drive-By Media ’cause they think he can only do damage. He showed that he can handle himself for 90 minutes and he could withstand whatever Trump threw at him. No need to do this anymore. Biden’s out there saying, “Can’t wait. I want to bring on those other two debates.” Bring ’em on. But there has to be some clarification of the rules.

It was rather obvious to me that Biden did not want to debate. He wanted to mumble a bunch of facts he wrote down and he wanted to make sure he articulated them before he forgot ’em. But Trump wanted a vigorous exchange. He was thwarted every time a debate nearly broke out. You know, part of a free flowing debate is to measure strength and tenacity, assertiveness. Those are all Trump strengths, as well as his record and his accomplishment.

But there was micromanagement of this debate going on, as though the questions mattered more than what the candidates were naturally evolving in and to as the debate unfolded. And excuse me, but it seemed like a number of times, it looked like somebody thought that Biden needed to be rescued. And so the life raft was thrown. But the audience last night was denied the ability to judge the candidates in a meaningful way because they were interrupted.

And I don’t know. It’s hard for me to relate because I put myself in the position all a moderator, and my ego would tell me I’m not the reason anybody’s here tonight as the moderator. I’m not the reason this is happening tonight. I’m not what people are tuning in to see. The people are not tuning in to see who stays closest to the rules. People are not tuning in tonight hoping the moderator does a great job enforcing the rules. That’s not why people watch these things. And they’re not gonna judge a debate like last night on the basis of who appeared to be more acquiescent to the moderator. That’s not what was at stake.

Now, I realize a lot of people think that Trump could have brought a different attitude and it would have been better, that he could have brought the Trump of the rallies, that he could have brought… Oh, I don’t think the word they don’t want to say but what they mean is “likability.” You gotta understand — and I think a lot of people do — this is ball game.

We’re going up for an election here whereas — as Trump made it abundantly clear last night — the future of the country and what kind of country we are going to have is what is up for grabs. That’s what’s at stake, not listening to a debate between the moderator and the president of the United States on climate change. We don’t want moderators who are control freaks.

If the candidates are control freaks, let’s see it. Let us judge. We don’t need the participants of a debate treated like this is Romper Room and they are violating some of the school rules and they’re gonna be punished by being sent to the corner. Trump wanted to debate. He desperately wanted to debate. Instead we got a scolding, “Tsk-tsk-tsk, you’re not listening to the questions,” moderated kind of debate, and it was just frustrating.

It was frustrating all the way around. I really thought, folks, after five minutes… I thought Trump was gonna blow Biden away. I thought Trump was calm, he was informed, he was tough. And then it turned into this circus as if Trump didn’t really think or wasn’t aware beforehand what he was up against. I don’t know. It looked to me like Trump wasn’t prepared for the kind of moderator that he got last night.

I mean, he adapted after a while, but it looked like he was… I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong. It looked like he was a little taken aback. He seemed surprised that Biden would slander him. He seemed surprised that Biden would lie. I can’t believe he was surprised by it, but the way things changed after the first five minutes I just had to wonder — and I had some regrets too.

You know, Biden was in the process a number of times of melting down. He was in the process of forgetting what he was saying. He was in the process of losing his place in his mind, his train of thought, and Trump saved him. And the reason Trump saved him was Trump has got so frustrated over the lies that Biden was saying that he just couldn’t resist jumping in and correcting what Biden was saying, which stopped Biden’s meltdowns dead in their tracks.

The latest Hillary Clinton scandal — and it’s a doozy, and it’s something that we’ve known for I don’t know how long. Hillary Clinton was the behind all of this that was the Russian scandal. You know, I remember, ladies and gentlemen, I went back and looked, because I had a distinct memory of the way I dealt with this. I went back to my own program; I looked up a transcript of my own show, a transcript of me, April 22, 2019.

That day, the New York Times ran their story on how the dossier may not be true. April 22, 2019, the New York Times with a story reporting that the dossier may be Russian disinformation. They knew that even before Trump was inaugurated. The question I asked back then: Hillary Clinton spent $10 million on that dossier. Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC spend $10 million on that dossier.

That dossier was a pack of lies. Everybody knew it was a pack of lies, and do you know the one thing that didn’t happen? Hillary Clinton and the Democrats did not act upset that they got ripped off. Here they supposedly go out and they hire a guy, Christopher Steele, and they pay him $10 million to come up with this dossier of data on Trump that they can use as opposition research.

It turns out to be not only Russian disinformation. It’s double-down Russian information. We now know that the primary sub-source — meaning the guy that fed the data to Steele — was a Russian agent working for the Brookings Institution in Washington, living in suburban Washington and Virginia. The guy was a Russian agent, a spy. He was KGB.

Hillary Clinton not one time acted like she got ripped off. She didn’t and neither did the DNC. Why wasn’t she mad? She could have even acted mad. To carry out this hoax, to continue this BS that the dossier was true, the dossier was — or that they thought it was — she could have at least acted like she was upset that she had just wasted $10 million.

She spent $10 million; she got a pack of lies. Why wasn’t she angry? Why wasn’t the DNC angry over the fact that that $10 million investment ended up not being worth anything? They couldn’t use it. She paid for fake October Surprises, fake news. Well, the fact that she didn’t get mad, the fact that she did not act ripped off is further evidence that she knew exactly what it was. It was designed to be a pack of lies.

Anyway, that doesn’t come up. None of that comes up. No! You know what comes up? Charlottesville and a bunch of lies. We’re gonna go through the debate at that point. I’ve got a transcript here of this exchange between Debater Number 1 (the moderator), Debater Number 2 (the president), and Debater Number 3 (Biden) over this whole mess that somehow Trump is a white supremacist and to this day has not denounced it, which he has over and over and over again.

And it was dredged up by the moderator. But what was not dredged up? What Biden told my old Buddy Charlamagne tha God, “Hey! Hey! If you ain’t voting for me, you ain’t black.” That didn’t come up, and then we had to listen to the moderator lecturing Trump on butting in. We had to listen to the moderator lecturing Trump on interrupting. But Biden didn’t get lectured for interrupting.

Biden wasn’t lectured for calling Trump names. That’s the one thing that Trump did not do. Trump did not engage any personal attacks last night, unless you want to say that it was a personal attack to say, “Joe you and the word ‘smart’ don’t go together in the same sentence.” But Biden was the one with mean-spirited personal attacks. They weren’t called out.

The moderator never said that there was a violation of rules going on there. So now the thinking is that Team Biden will say, “We don’t need to do any more debates. America cannot endure another circus like last night, and so we are bowing out.” The problem is that Biden has already said he can’t wait for the next two. Of course, that might have been planned anyway, should it have gone the way it did. Now, I know a lot of people…

For example, I know a lot of Millennial women are made nervous by behavior such as that last night, by both sides. They’re made nervous by confidence, made nervous by assuredness — and I’m sure that many people last night thought Trump was a bully. So you could look at what people might think this election is gonna be.

Is this — oops. I just saw the clock. I got take a break. It’s a good thing that I didn’t really get started in this and is V to interrupt myself. We’ll resume when I get back.


RUSH: All right. Now, so Donald Trump was told that he had to denounce white supremacists. He had to denounce the Backstreet Boys. He had to denounce Charlottesville. He had to denounce all this stuff. He’s already done that. Meanwhile, Joe Biden was never asked to denounce Antifa. In fact, Antifa was mischaracterized.

“Antifa’s not an organization. It’s an idea.” BS! It’s not just an idea. It is an organization of anti-capitalists and anarchists, and it’s got real people in it. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist/communist organization. It has nothing to do with civil rights. Biden was not asked to denounce them.

No, it was only Trump who was told that he had to denounce, and you should have heard it. Biden and the moderator ganging up on Trump. “Will you do it? Do it! Say it! You better do it! Say it!” Both of them ganging up on Trump. I can understand why Trump’s losing his mind here. I just… All this stuff, you know going in, and for some reason, expect it to be different.


I know many of you think that Trump was a bully, and I know that he makes Millennial women scared. But you know what? Forget bully. We need to get used to the fact that we have somebody who’s going to stand up and fight — and a lot of people saw that last night and appreciated it.


RUSH: This is Debbie in Amsterdam, New York. I’m glad you called. You’re up first today. Hi.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. I listened to that debate last night, and Trump was being Trump. He’s angry, and I don’t blame him. Who would? From day one, they’ve been trying to impeach the man, and now we’re supposed to be like friends with them? Biden’s out there campaigning today that Trump should be pulling together the Congress. How do you pull together the Congress when all they’ve done is undermine him?

RUSH: Exactly right! What in the world…? Why is the onus always on Trump? Trump the guy they’re trying to destroy, the guy they’ve lied about. They have slandered. They have impugned. They have done everything they can to try to destroy him, his past, his life, his family, his career, and his future — and he is supposed to try to welcome them in? There’s no logical reason on earth why Trump would treat people this way.

CALLER: And also, they don’t really want him to be friends. They don’t… They never reached out to him for anything. Any meetings he had, Pelosi and Schumer ran out of the meetings and acted like 2-year-olds. You know, anyway, the other part I wanted to say is that I think Biden’s goal — I mean, Trump’s goal, I’m sorry — was accomplished ’cause he was trying to flush Biden out of the bush about the Green New Deal and how he felt about Antifa and the police. That’s what he was trying to do.

RUSH: Oh, yeah. We’re gonna get to that.


RUSH: I appreciate the call. That’s exactly right. What Trump did last night, you successfully got Biden to disavow the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrat Party, and that’s the only reason Biden’s got the nomination. He’s out there; he’s disavowing the Green New Deal. He’s disavowing a bunch of things.

He’s come up with this newfangled definition of defund the police. No, that was masterful that Trump pulled that off, got Biden to denounce his own benefactors. What did that illustrate? What that illustrated is Biden knows damn well that the Green New Deal is not something on which the Democrats are gonna win the presidency.

They might win elections in certain pockets of the country, but they’re not gonna win a national election on the Green New Deal. They’re not gonna win a national election on this whole notion of defunding the cops. But the people that made sure Biden got the nomination — the people he made the deal with, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Crazy Bernie — he threw ’em under the bus.

Now, this was not something that was made readily apparent during the debate. It’s the kind of thing, however, that people on Biden’s side — the Crazy Bernies and the Cortezes — are gonna be steamed about. How it manifests itself within the Democrat Party, we’ll just have to wait and see. But it’s gonna be a problem because the radical left base of the Democrat Party thinks the Green New Deal is nirvana.

Here’s the guy running for president on their ticket disavowing it or acting like he doesn’t support it, doesn’t believe in it. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I read — I think it was either at the Hot Air or the Power Line blog. I’m not sure which. But apparently Neil Cavuto… Just before the debate started last night, Neil Cavuto on the Fox Business Network explained to everybody that everybody had agreed that Chris Wallace, the moderator, would not act as a fact-checker on stage.

Cavuto made this announcement on the Fox Business Channel, that if either Trump or Biden lied or if they made grand mistakes, it was up to the other candidate to call that out. That the moderator wasn’t gonna go there. In other words, the moderator wasn’t gonna be Candy Crowley. You remember the Candy Crowley reference. You remember that, right?

That was during the Mitt Romney-Obama debate, and Candy Crowley is telling Romney he doesn’t know what he’s talking about when Romney’s about to nail Obama on something. She interrupts, intercedes, and ends up acting as Obama’s debate partner. Well, this is largely what happened last night. Within the first half hour or so, the moderator began to break that rule.

He was fact-checking Trump in real time, almost exclusively fact-checking Trump. There was one time when Biden was having trouble remembering whether he was for or against the Green New Deal, and of course Biden was rescued in that moment. But, see, folks, here’s the thing. This debate or any other debate is not about the moderator and his questions. When Chris announced the questions some days in advance, I said, “Why?

“What’s point of this?” and then I saw he was gonna bring climate change. What the hell has climate change got to do with anything here? That is a… You know, I looked at all these lists of topics and every one of these topics has a direct route to a Trump vulnerability but not a Biden vulnerability, within the context of the left or the Democrat Party and the mainstream media.

But people did not tune in to make sure that the questions were answered. People didn’t tune in to make sure these candidates understood that they had to answer every one of these questions, and if they didn’t, that they were gonna be called out on it like Romper Room students who need to be disciplined. I guess the point I’m trying to make is the purpose of a presidential debate is not to hamper and constrain discussion so that questions can be asked on time.

You’ve gotta know when to get out of the way. You’ve gotta know when something is happening. And if Cavuto was telling the truth, that there was an agreement that there wouldn’t be any fact-checking by the moderator, well, that didn’t last very long. Now look, moderators… There’s nothing unique about Chris Wallace in this regard. I just gave you the Candy Crowley example.

This is common, and I think it’s one of the many things that had Trump frustrated last night. But I’ll tell you, Debbie is exactly right here. They’ve treated this man like garbage since his campaign began. They have shown no respect whatsoever. They have yet to accept the election results of 2016. They have lied. They have slandered. They have libeled.

They have literally attempted to destroy everything about Donald Trump. To expect him to be nice and welcoming and accepting and the onus is on him to somehow make peace when that’s not possible, is largely, again, another setup. James Woods, famous Hollywood actor, had a tweet: “President Trump crushed his opponent Chris Wallace head to head in the debate. There was also another fellow wandering around muttering to himself.”

Candace Owens tweeted: “Chris Wallace did everything possible to help Biden tonight. He relayed the ‘very fine people’ lie.” That’s the Charlottesville thing. Trump never said that there are very fine people in the neo-Nazi movement or in the skinhead movement. But it was repeated as though it’s gospel — and then this defund the police.

That’s very explicit what it means. But no, it was softened to “community policing,” and then, folks, the thing on critical race theory that came up. This is an absolute outrage what our governor is demanding of American corporations. Trump knows it and has put a stop to it, and they tried to turn that around into-flat-out racism when it isn’t. It is critical race theory.

Critical race theory gave us this guy, this professor who said that Amy Coney Barrett is exhibiting white colonization ’cause she adopted a couple of kids from Haiti. That’s the product of critical race theory. That kind of explaination. Trump is wiping that out. Businesses have been forced to do training seminars, reeducation camps for their employees to understand it, and it’s an outrage.

Last night, critical race theory was held up as something great and beneficial, when it isn’t. It is the epitome of racism, and Candace Owens concluded by saying, “And now Chris Wallace debating Trump one on one regarding climate change.” Now, again, you all know that I like Chris Wallace, and I respect him, and he treats me as fairly as anybody has in mainstream media when I’m on television with him.

And so this criticism is not of him personally. It’s just I can’t ignore it. This is not the kind of thing that I can come here and share with you my thoughts on the debate and not mention the role the moderator played in it last night. And I’m just struck by the fact that it isn’t about the questions. It’s not about whether you can get two grown men to behave like they’re in the sixth grade and whether or not they will accept the discipline and whether or not they will listen to the schoolteacher and listen to the authority in the room.

It’s about getting out of the way. It’s about realizing what is developing right in front of you. Donald Trump came wanting to debate. He came and he had a strategy. And he wanted to prevail. I don’t know what Biden’s strategy was. I think it was just to survive the 90 minutes. But one guy was denied the implementation of his strategy. Well, it wasn’t denied. It was interrupted and obstacles were placed in the way. And that’s to me not the role. But that’s just me.

There was a period during the debate for which I have the transcript here where they tried to set Trump up as a white supremacist and sympathetic to white supremacists. And it’s embarrassingly bad. It does demonstrate the double-team that occurred, one of the double-teams that occurred, but it also illustrates what Republicans in general are up against when it comes to race, the left, the Drive-By Media, and all that.


RUSH: We go to Binghamton in New York. This is Curtis. Great to have you, sir. Hi.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thank you for taking my call.

RUSH: Yes, sir.

CALLER: I have three points. Number one, Chris Wallace perceived his job as the moderator as being that he had to maintain the integrity of the structure of the debate to which both parties agreed. And, unfortunately, the president did not stick to that, and he talked when it wasn’t his turn, and the moderator would not tolerate that.

RUSH: Now, stop and — did you just listen to yourself there? The moderator did not tolerate that.

CALLER: That’s right. Both sides had agreed to what the format would be. And Trump did not honor his agreement. He needs to learn from this. In prior debates he was able to run it his way. But that’s not how a debate goes. Second, Biden’s team analyzed Trump’s style. They knew how he would approach things. And they formulated their approach to make him look bad. So Biden calls him a clown for not following the agreed-upon structure.

RUSH: That’s not why he called him a clown. And that’s not why he called him a racist. Biden violated the rules too. The moderator violated the rules. The moderator agreed not to do live fact-checking on stage. Everybody violated the rules. The rules are always the violated in these things. You just gotta back out and let things happen as they evolve.

CALLER: What I saw was that the team Biden had a plan —

RUSH: Well, you saw what you wanted to see.

CALLER: Well, I think a lot other people saw it this way and I think Trump has to learn from it. Biden had a plan, and they executed it flawlessly. It’s like a football game where you have an underdog, a worse-off team that analyzes better teams —

RUSH: What was the Biden plan?

CALLER: The Biden plan was to attack Trump with all their lies and they had a plan to put their points across. Trump came across as somebody who thought he could just go in there and wing it. He didn’t seem to have a strategy.

RUSH: Oh, yeah, he did. He had a strategy, and the strategy didn’t work. But he had a strategy. And he undermined his own strategy. I myself said so in the opening moments of today’s award-winning broadcast. The strategy was to have Biden implode based on the mental deficiencies that everybody is aware that he has. Now, you might think, “Well, that’s really mean.” But that’s what the strategy was.

The problem was that as Biden began to demonstrate that he had lost his place, telling that lie or this lie, Trump responded instead of letting Biden go and lose his place, because he was so ticked off at being lied about. So the strategy that Trump had was to let Biden implode. And when Biden started to implode, Trump saved him. Can’t get more objective than that out there, Curtis.


RUSH: Schaumburg, Illinois, Glenn, you’re next, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Yes, thanks for taking my call, Rush. I appreciate it.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: I echo your frustration with Chris Wallace last night. I think he showed his true anti-Trump colors. But what maybe frustrated me even more, if that’s possible, is neither Sean nor Laura critiqued Chris Wallace last night. A couple of the guests did —

RUSH: Well, what do you expect? Fox News Channel, and he’s one of their colleagues. And he hosts Fox News Sunday. That’s understandable to me.

CALLER: Yeah, but this was more frustrating, that, you know, they always say they’re fair and balanced, but they couldn’t go that extra mile of, you know, critiquing Chris Wallace. Not necessarily criticizing him —

RUSH: It doesn’t happen. I mean, on NBC, you don’t hear anybody ripping Chuck Todd for screwing up on Meet the Press this past Sunday or ripping into Savannah Guthrie for wearing the wrong color lipstick on the Today show. You just don’t see people on the same network ripping it. Now, in fact, this is one of the things that’s always amazed me on radio.

Radio, on the other hand, people on a single radio station will try to destroy each other. I mean, literally will. You’ll have the afternoon guy ripping into the morning guy or the midday guy — usually the midday guy. It happened to be me. I mean, they’re famous for it. And these rivalries that exist and the radio stations promote it. But you just don’t see it in news divisions, either broadcast or cable. And look. I need to issue a caveat here.

I haven’t changed in any way the affection I have for Chris Wallace. It matters to me that he has treated me with fairness and respect every time I go on his show. And it’s even funny. He asks me to tell you to not get mad at him when he interrupts me, that he’s got to interrupt me to keep things going. It’s a limited amount of time, and sometimes he’s gotta interrupt me and he always wants me to tell you not to get mad at him for doing that. And I always do.

But my appearing on Fox News Sunday is not anywhere near the equivalence of a presidential debate. You got two guys seeking the presidency, and you couldn’t have a greater contrast in the options that are available. And I think whatever happens on a stage where there is a debate, the debate should happen. Anyway, I appreciate the call, Glenn, but that doesn’t surprise me that you wouldn’t see criticism on the Fox News Channel, ’cause they don’t want to brook that, and they don’t want that to break out and become a daily occurrence across platforms on the network. Business-wise it makes no sense anyway. It literally makes no business sense.

Barb in Rodney, Michigan. You’re next. It’s great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Greetings from Michigan, Rush. We hope to be a red state soon.

RUSH: Yeah, that would be great.

CALLER: That would be great. You know, watching the debate was, you know, made your eyes want to bleed, but Chris Wallace set the pace with that first question about taxes. And don’t tell me he didn’t know that that $750 was the fee for an extension, not what he paid.

RUSH: He might not have known. I don’t know.

CALLER: How? If I know, it was in the news, he is the news —

RUSH: There we go. We’re making the assumption that people in the news business know more than you do. Don’t make that assumption.

CALLER: Well, in any case, he still was doing a hit job.

RUSH: Well, look, I understand your point. He was debating the president, and he’s not a candidate. What was he doing debating the president, right? That’s your point.

CALLER: Right. And he knew that the tax question being first was gonna push some of Trump’s buttons. And yet he wouldn’t let Trump bring in Hunter Biden. He cut him down every time he tried to say something about Hunter Biden.

RUSH: Well, yeah. We’re not gonna destroy a candidate’s family members here. So, yeah, I understand why you’d be sensitive to all that. Look. I wish I had more time, but I don’t. This is one I can’t move. Barb, I appreciate the call, but I gotta go.


BREAKING: Trump Health Bombshell – Doctors Break Their Science

BREAKING: Trump Health Bombshell – Doctors Break Their Science

(breitbart) – Shortly after President Donald Trump’s doctors briefed reporters on the president’s condition, conflicting details emerged from sources familiar with the president’s health as he fights the coronavirus.

White House physician Cmdr. Sean Conley said Saturday that President Donald Trump was feeling fine after he was transferred to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Friday afternoon.

“The president has been fever-free for 24 hours — he did have a fever Thursday into Friday,” Conley said, noting that the medical team was “extremely happy” with the progress that Trump was making.

Conley said that Trump had a mild cough, nasal congestion, and was experiencing fatigue but was “resolving and improving.”

Reporters repeatedly asked the president’s physicians about whether the president received oxygen, but Conley ultimately replied, “No, Thursday no oxygen, none at this moment and yesterday with the team, and while we were here, no oxygen.”

The doctor also said that Trump was “72 hours” into the diagnosis of his condition, which would have indicated that Trump tested positive as early as Wednesday morning.

Conley issued a memo to reporters after the briefing explaining that he mistakenly used “seventy-two hours” instead of saying “day three” and “forty-eight hours” instead of “day two.”

Trump was first diagnosed with COVID-19 on the evening of Thursday, October 1, Conley repeated.

Other confusing details about the president’s health emerged after the briefing.

In a statement to the White House pool reporters, a “source familiar” with the president’s health said, “The president’s vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care. We’re still not on a clear path to a full recovery.”

Multiple news outlets ran with the information and other sources familiar with the president’s condition said that Trump was put on oxygen at the White House on Friday after his oxygen levels dropped.

“President Trump was administered supplemental oxygen at the White House on Friday before going to hospital,” the Associated Press reported, citing a source.

Conley’s careful positioning on answering questions about the president’s oxygen levels leaves open the possibility that the president did receive oxygen at the White House on Friday before he was transferred to Walter Reed hospital.

The White House has not confirmed those reports.

Questions were also raised Saturday about the White House’s failure to warn people in contact with Hope Hicks and the president that they might have been exposed to the virus.

It was not until Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg News revealed Thursday night the news that Hicks tested positive for the virus that anyone knew that the virus had infected people in the White House.

On ABC News on Friday, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he had “not been contacted by the White House” and learned about Hicks’ and Trump’s positive test when it was reported by the media. He went to get a test the following morning.

Republicans who attended a fundraiser with the president on Thursday were also not informed of the president’s positive test until 11:15 a.m. Friday morning, several hours after the diagnosis.

Christie revealed Saturday morning that he had tested positive for the virus along with Trump’s former adviser Kellyanne Conway, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel, and Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien. Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Mike Lee (R-UT) also tested positive for the virus. Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins announced Friday that he tested positive for the virus.

Most of the people testing positive for the virus, including Jenkins, attended the president’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court last Saturday. Although the event was held outside, there was also an indoor reception with Barrett.

Christie, Conway, Tillis, Lee, and the president and the first lady were also at the event, where few people wore masks or were socially distancing.

As the media continued to question the official account from the president’s physicians, Trump issued a statement on Twitter.

“Doctors, Nurses and ALL at the GREAT Walter Reed Medical Center, and others from likewise incredible institutions who have joined them, are AMAZING!!!” he wrote. “Tremendous progress has been made over the last 6 months in fighting this PLAGUE. With their help, I am feeling well!”




( breitbart ) – President Donald Trump went into quarantine on Friday after he tested positive for the coronavirus, but that does not mean he will stop campaigning.

The Trump campaign announced Friday afternoon that all events with Trump would be postponed or moved to virtual events.

“All previously announced campaign events involving the President’s participation are in the process of being moved to virtual events or are being temporarily postponed,” the campaign wrote in a statement.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Friday that the White House was exploring ways for the president to communicate to the country while in quarantine.

“I won’t confirm exactly what you’ll see from him, but it’s safe to say you’ll be seeing and hearing from the president as he moves forward with his working schedule; we’re exploring a lot of ways to do that,” McEnany said in an interview with Fox News host Harris Faulkner on Friday afternoon.

The White House repeatedly said that Trump would continue to work in the residence of the White House during his quarantine.

“This man loves the American people loves speaking to them directly, nothing is going to stop him from doing just that,” she said.

Thirty-two days remain until the presidential election.


BOMBSHELL: It Was A HOAX – Bombshell Evidence Just Released

BOMBSHELL: It Was A HOAX – Bombshell Evidence Just Released

( theblaze ) – A bi-racial woman received national media attention for her story that she had been attacked by four white males who doused her with gasoline and lit her on fire, but law enforcement agencies say they could not find any evidence to support her claims.POLL: Are you excited about voting in the upcoming presidential election?

18-year-old Althea Bernstein said that she was attacked by four white males while she was driving through a protest in Madison, Wisconsin, in June. She claimed that the men yelled a racial slur at her when she stopped at a red light, and someone sprayed lighter fluid on her before lighting her on fire.

Bernstein’s harrowing story made national headlines and many media figures championed her cause, including PBS White Correspondent Yamiche Alcindor.

Berstein received a phone call from Meghan Markle and Prince Harry of the British royal family over her reported ordeal.

But on Friday, police said they were closing the case because “after an exhaustive probe, detectives were unable to corroborate or locate evidence consistent with what was reported.”

A team of local and federal law enforcement officials investigated the matter as a hate crime, but instead they might have uncovered a hate hoax.

In their 150-page report, they documented extensive interviews and surveillance video to come to their conclusion that the attack did not occur as Bernstein reported it. They also said that an arson dog was unable to find any evidence of her story in the car, and they noted that the car was not damaged in the attack.

They did find something like lighter fluid on her shirt, and she had been treated for burns to her face.

Investigators said no charges would be filed against her because they did not find evidence that she intentionally misled police.

Here’s the report from Good Morning America on her story:


BREAKING: TRUMP And MELANIA Get Earth Shattering News – They Both Tested…

BREAKING: TRUMP And MELANIA Get Earth Shattering News – They Both Tested…

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump announced shortly after midnight that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for coronavirus.

The president said he and the First Lady will be going into their “quarantine and recovery process immediately.”

The news of Trump’s positive test came hours after it was earlier confirmed that his close aide Hope Hicks had tested positive for the virus earlier on Thursday after exhibiting symptoms during Trump’s trip to Duluth, Minnesota, for a rally on Wednesday night.

Hicks had accompanied the president on that trip, and previously to the debate in Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday night. The president faced Democrat candidate former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday night in that debate.

Trump’s announcement that he has contracted coronavirus after had earlier told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that he and the First Lady would go into quarantine after exposure to Hicks. He also tweeted that earlier in the evening:

It is unclear how the president contracted the virus, and it is unclear exactly when he did so.

Trump, at 74, is in the at-risk age group for coronavirus.

Earlier on Thursday, the president traveled to New Jersey for a fundraiser at his Bedminster property. Some in the press noted that Trump had fewer staff than usual traveling with him.

Trump had rallies scheduled on Friday and Saturday in Florida and Wisconsin, respectively, but it is unlikely that those will go forward.

Vice President Mike Pence, who chairs the White House Coronavirus Task Force, is scheduled to debate Democrat vice presidential contender Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) next week in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is unclear at this stage how this development will affect that, or the two future presidential debates scheduled for later in October.


BREAKING: Maxine Waters Caught On Video… She LOST IT

BREAKING: Maxine Waters Caught On Video… She LOST IT

(breitbart) – Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) accused President Donald Trump and his son Donald Trump Jr. of openly pushing “voter intimidation” tactics like calling for supporters to be poll watchers.

Waters also said the Trump campaign was “targeting minority communities” to “intimidate and frighten and keep people from voting” on Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Beat.”

Waters said, “I thank you for bringing attention to what is being organized basically by the president of the United States. It is simply voter intimidation. We’re there talking about having over 50,000 volunteers who will be poll watchers, that is being organized by the president’s son. They are simply targeting minority communities, targeting low-income communities, and making sure that they do everything possible to intimidate and frighten and keep people from voting. The history of this is replete with these kinds of actions. As a matter of fact, if we go back to the history of intimidation, we find that when African-Americans were intimidated by bosses where they worked, or they were renting from white managers of property who said, if you go to the polls to vote, we’re going to evict you. Being intimidated about your job, about where you rent, at the polling place, asking you to count the number of beans, jelly beans in jars, it goes on and on and on. And it is moved to another level that we all know about, and we’ve all seen happen before. When you put these bullies out there with armbands, talking about, what? National ballot security task force as has been described by Trump, Jr., that is meant to intimidate.”

She added, “What they’re saying is they’re going to organize and use the tactics of intimidation and voter suppression. That’s what they’re describing. They are not ashamed to talk about this. It is shocking that the president of the United States could be organizing in such a fashion, number one, to talk about mail-in voting will be fraudulent, fraudulent. Making people think there’s something wrong with the system. It is unthinkable and unconscionable that they would organize openly to talk about how they’re going to intimidate at the polling place. That’s what they’re doing. To have the president of the United States of America who unashamedly is organizing right before our very eyes to do intimidation. We’ve got to work against it.”


BREAKING: Biden Lets It Slip – Democrats Are FURIOUS

BREAKING: Biden Lets It Slip – Democrats Are FURIOUS

(breitbart) – CLAIM: Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed that his son Hunter Biden did not receive $3.5 million from the former Moscow mayor’s wife Yelena Baturina.

VERDICT: FALSE. Biden’s private equity firm received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Yelena Baturina, according to a Senate report.

During the first presidential debate, Biden denied that his son Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Baturina, the widow of former Moscow mayor Yury Luzkkov.

Biden said that allegation was “totally discredited.”

However, according to a report released last week by the Senate Homeland Security Committee, bank records showed that Baturina wired $3.5 million to a bank account controlled by Rosemont Seneca Thornton as part of a “consultancy agreement” in early 2014.

Rosemont Seneca Thornton, LLC, is a firm that Biden incorporated with his longtime business associate Devon Archer in May 2013.

Biden’s lawyer has argued that Biden was not a co-founder of Rosemont Seneca Thornton, had no interest in it, and did not have a financial relationship with Baturina, according to the New York Times.

However, the lawyer did not respond to a question from the Times about whether Biden was paid by Rosemont Seneca Thornton or did consulting work for Baturina.

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on Twitter or on Facebook.


BREAKING: Sen. Rand Paul Drops A BOMBSHELL – Democrats Shocked

BREAKING: Sen. Rand Paul Drops A BOMBSHELL – Democrats Shocked

(foxnews) – The first presidential debate was an “exhausting” spectacle that provided little clarity to undecided voters, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. told “Your World” on Wednesday.

“It was exhausting even to watch, much less participate in,” Paul told host Neil Cavuto. “I frankly don’t think that it was that informative.”

Paul urged the Commission on Presidential Debates to switch to an interview-style format for the remaining events after the commission announced earlier Wednesday it would be making changes in order to “ensure” a “more orderly discussion” of issues.

“Why don’t we do a 30-minute interview with each candidate in separate rooms?” he suggested. “Don’t put them in the same room, but really try to get a little bit more of an in-depth conversation and challenge them and push them to answer questions more completely.”


Gutfeld on last night’s debateVideo
Paul compared the current debate format to an uninformative “mini-war.”

“I don’t think that it was that great for the people in the middle, those who are undecided,” he told Cavuto. ” I don’t think that there was a lot garnered last night that might convince you either way.”

Turning to the substance of the debate, Paul singled out Biden’s refusal to say whether he would “pack” the Supreme Court if he won the election and Democrats regained the Senate as a “pretty important” moment.


“It is a pretty dramatic change to our form of government, and I think could be very destructive,” Paul said. “And I think the media ought to force him to answer the question.

“But other than that,” he continued, “I did not get a lot out of the debate.”


Addressing Trump’s debate comments on the far-right men’s group Proud Boys, Paul said, “I think that the point needs to be made explicitly that we are unequivocally opposed to White supremacy or any kind of political ideology based on race.”

“That goes for anybody,” he explained. “We believe in individual liberty, that every individual is judged as an individual, not collectively as a group. And it means nothing to say that you are Black or White or Brown, it is about who you are as an individual and that’s about the party that we have always been.”


GROUNDBREAKING: Proof Mail-in Voting Fraud Is Rampant

GROUNDBREAKING: Proof Mail-in Voting Fraud Is Rampant

(theblaze) – President Donald Trump said during Tuesday night’s first presidential debate that fraud has already been “established” as a risk with mail-in voting, citing a recent race between two Democrats.

POLL: Who will win tonight’s debate?
What are the details?
As the debate began to wrap up, Trump pushed back on Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s claim that “no one has established at all that there is fraud related to mail-in ballots. That somehow it’s a fraudulent process.”

“It’s already been established,” the president replied. “Take a look at Carolyn Maloney’s race,” Trump suggested to moderator Chris Wallace. “Look at Carolyn Maloney. They have no idea what happened.”

President Trump was not able to elaborate as Wallace returned the floor to Biden, who said that the president “has no idea what he’s talking about.”

What President Trump was referring to was a June primary race between incumbent Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and her challenger, fellow Democrat Suraj Patel.

Patel did not concede for more than two months, because, according to India West, the “results were delayed and contested due to problems counting absentee ballots.” Neither of the candidates alleged fraudulent or duplicate voting, but they did allege that some ballots were improperly not counted.

Fox News reported last month that the Maloney-Patel race and another New York race “mired by thousands of missing and uncounted mail-in ballots” have “become Exhibit A in President Trump’s campaign against universal mail-in balloting, which he and several experts say poses a major fraud risk.”

The outlet explained:

Maloney held onto a mere 658-vote lead over Patel after in-person voting concluded, with 65,000 mail-in votes uncounted. The final, certified margin of victory was 3,700 votes. A total of 13,000 mail-in votes were tossed out for various reasons, including missing signatures or incorrect postmarks.
President Trump called for a do-over in the Maloney race, referring to it as a “total disaster.”

Fox News also reported that “fraud has not been alleged in the race,” but acknowledged that “a Fox News analysis found a slew of issues in other states in recent days, including intentional ballot fraud.”

In reaction to Trump bringing up the Maloney race as an example, Patel tweeted Tuesday night, “Let’s be clear, the issue in my race was disenfranchisement, not voter fraud. More than 1 in 5 ballots were discarded, many multiples of the final margin. We called our election a canary in the coal mine for November, we were right. Trump lied about what happened here.”

Maloney herself did not address the fraud allegations when she tweeted, “Donald: I won my election. You’re going to lose yours.”


BREAKING: Democrats Go Nuts – Remaining Debates Canceled!?

BREAKING: Democrats Go Nuts – Remaining Debates Canceled!?

Left-wing pundits appeared to try and justify ending presidential debates altogether following the first debate Tuesday night in Cleveland, Ohio.

Actor Zach Braff questioned why former Vice President Joe Biden would subject himself to another debate with President Donald Trump, claiming there was “absolutely nothing to gain”:


“After this, does Biden have a legitimate case to make and more to gain from saying he’s not doing the other two debates?” tweeted New York Times reporter Jeremy W. Peters.

In an earlier tweet, Peters said it was “hard to see how Americans watching won’t be more exhausted after tonight”:


CNN’s Wolf Blitzer described the event as “the most chaotic presidential debate” he had ever seen and questioned whether it might the last between Trump and Biden, according to Breitbart News:

And it will certainly raise a lot of questions — raising a lot of questions about the future of the presidential debate between these two candidates. I wouldn’t be surprised, by the way, if this is the last presidential debate between the president of the United States and the former vice president of the United States.

David A. Graham, staff writer at the Atlantic, wrote that if the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) “really wishes to benefit the American electorate, it should cancel the rest of the debate season.”

Director at the UVA Center for Politics Larry Sabato echoed Graham’s comments and claimed it was “impossible to have an orderly, productive exchange with Donald Trump”:

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told viewers, “this sort of debate shouldn’t happen in a democracy.”

“Not one in which we decide … in which we think that we choose between candidates based on them proposing competing sides of an argument. I just, this is not the night I expected,” Maddow stated.

McClatchy National Political Correspondent Dave Catanese quoted former Obama White House senior adviser David Plouffe’s remarks on MSNBC following the debate as saying, “No moderator, going forward, is going to be able to control Trump if he acts that way”:

In an article for Slate, writer Christina Cauterucci wrote that Americans “gained nothing from this degrading spectacle, which resembled a trashy shock-jock program more than a debate about policy and public service,” and she called for the remaining debates to be canceled:

There is no reason to expect a better result from the next two debates. No matter how stringent the rules or vigorous the moderators, these contests will always take place on the terms of the worst person on the stage. Trump’s verbal abuse steered the debate away from American lives and toward personal accusations.

Cauterucci also claimed President Trump was “no more or less abusive, no more or less truthful, and no more or less interested in governing than he was in the debates four years ago.”

“The only difference is that now, we’re viewing the calamity from inside Donald Trump’s America, which we can see with our own eyes. What more is there to know?” she concluded.