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BREAKING: Melania Trump Drop’s A BOMB – This Is Insane

BREAKING: Melania Trump Drop’s A BOMB – This Is Insane

First Lady Melania Trump got huge laughs during a campaign event on Saturday in West Bend, Wisconsin after she poked fun at Joe Biden for hiding in his basement.


Excerpt from Real Clear Politics:
“After my husband became president, it was so disheartening to see the once proud integrity of American journalism became a political propaganda tool of swamp politicians,” Melania Trump said. “For the last four years, the media has recklessly attacked my husband, choosing gossip and anonymous sources over substance and this success of our nation. The media created a disordered picture of my husband and treated all his supporters with equal disdain.”

“I love that guy,” a female supporter yelled out.

“They continue to do so today even though they have all benefited from his strong economy, national security and safer borders,” Melania continued. “The media’s promotion and use of divisive language has led to open disdain and hostility towards voters like you and me. Deplorables, they called us. People, including our youth, have been harassed for wearing trump apparel. Members of our staff have been thrown out of restaurants for serving their country, many members of our staff receiving threatening mail at their home addresses. This is the tolerant left.”

“Now, as the high stakes of this election become clear, Big Tech companies have started politically censoring us,” the First Lady said. “While the president has been working hard for you. The Democrats, supported by the partners in the media have wasted American time and taxpayer dollars on the Russian hoax, then the sham impeachment.”

“When will it stop?” she asked.

“Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the rest of the Democrats and the media have spent almost the same amount of time and energy attempting to impeach my husband as we have spent fighting Covid-19. Yeah, Joe Biden says he could do a better job leading our great nation.

“Apparently, when you hide in the basement, you feel safe communicating your wishful thinking,” Melania said to laughs. “I think it’s obvious to the American people that after Joe Biden’s spent decades in Congress and eight years in the White House got nothing done, why will this time be any different?”

“Joe Biden said it would be a dark winter. That is not a statement from a leader,” Trump said. “He wants to make us hide in fear in our basements, rather than work bravely in our communities to find lasting solutions.”

We’re truly blessed to have this lovely woman as our first lady!


Watch Melania’s full speech:

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Confirms Rumors – Fans Are Shocked

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Confirms Rumors – Fans Are Shocked

(breitbart) – Friday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson opened his program by highlighting what he described as a “secret alliance” between journalists those that journalists are expected to hold accountable.

The “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host concluded that ultimately the media were not acting in the best interest of the public at large, which he said made them our “enemies.”

Transcript as follows:

CARLSON: Well, for five years, we have watched the news media treat Donald Trump in a way that no American President has ever been treated. Richard Nixon himself disgraced, impeached, forced from office in the end got a pass by comparison to Donald Trump.

Reporters hate Trump with an all-consuming mania. They hit him so intensely that at times it’s been amusing to watch. If Donald Trump announced a cure for cancer at tonight’s rally in Minnesota, CNN would denounce him for fixing drug prices. That’s true.

If you’re a fair-minded person, it has been infuriating to watch this. It’s too dishonest. It’s also patronizing because it’s almost unbelievably stupid.

Trump spied for Russia. Trump works for Putin. Trump is a racist because he likes borders and doesn’t want to live in Haiti.

Yes, OK.

Clearly all the smart kids went in to finance. America’s websites and TV stations got the rest. Unfortunately, we’ve got to live with the consequences of that. But we should also say, if we are being entirely honest, that as grating as all of this is, unremitting hostility to the President of the United States is far from the greatest threat America faces.

Reporters are supposed to be tough on people with power. That’s why we have journalism: to keep a close eye on those who have outsized influence over our lives. The people we should watch carefully would include business moguls, the Intel agencies, prominent academics, cultural figures, military leaders, and most obviously, our politicians.

The rest of us can’t really know what these people, the people in charge are doing at all times. A reporter’s job is to find out and tell us. So in the end, the real threat to America isn’t too many nasty questions from reporters. It’s the opposite of that. The real threat is collusion.

When journalists strike secret alliances with the very people they are supposed to be holding accountable, we are in deep trouble. Lies go unchallenged. Democracy cannot function. And that’s what we are watching right now.

Yesterday — and this may be the starkest example of all — we learned that the FBI is conducting an active investigation into Joe Biden’s son for business deals that apparently included his father, the former Vice President.

Now that is not speculation, it is confirmed. Former Biden business partner, Tony Bobulinski sat for a five-hour interview with six FBI agents just the other day — a week ago. They asked him about his business dealings in China with the Biden family.

Now, we don’t know if this investigation will result in indictments, obviously. We know that it could. And that is significant because Joe Biden, as you may have heard is running for President. The election is on Tuesday.

So by any possible measure, this is a blockbuster, stop the presses news story. It’s not some naughty picture from somebody’s laptop. This is a criminal investigation into business deals that we know for a fact Joe Biden was party to.

So why haven’t you heard more about this? If you don’t watch this, you’ve likely heard nothing at all, not a word. And you know why? Because the media are collaborating. They are collaborating with the Democratic Party. They are collaborating with the Intelligence Agencies that spy on Americans with impunity.

They are collaborating with the tech monopolies that have choked off the average person’s access to legitimate information. We’re not overstating any of that we wish we were. Watch the people you’re supposed to be able to trust, dismiss a completely legitimate verified news story as quote, “a Russian plot.”


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Holding super spread super spreader events and giving Russian disinformation, spreading Russian disinformation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Disinformation that he knows to be fabricated and supplied by a foreign Intelligence Service, and despite the warning, he is still doing it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You have said this entire thing is so obviously a Russian plot.

JOHN AVLON, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: It’s sort of a crazy quilt at this point, which has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. That said, it wasn’t for lack of trying.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Rudy basically functioning as a Russian asset by pushing Russian disinformation.

BRIAN STELTER, CNN CHIEF MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: CNN reported on Friday, the U.S. authorities are seeing if those emails we just talked about are connected to an ongoing Russian disinformation effort.


CARLSON: I’ve got to tell you, Keith, it has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. These people wouldn’t know Russian disinformation, if it got into the shower with them. They know nothing.

Every word of what they just said was a lie. Russia didn’t forge these emails. Vladimir Putin didn’t invent the two separate meetings that Tony Bobulinski had with Joe Biden to discuss business in China, the business the FBI is now investigating and an active criminal investigation. That’s all entirely real.

It happened. It is happening now, and the people you just watched on the screen know that it did. Yet, they are you it is all fake, a concoction of a hostile foreign power.

So you have to ask yourself at some point, why would they tell you that? They know it’s not true, they are saying it any way. They are expecting you to believe it. Why are they doing that?

Well, because these people are not your allies. They are not trying to help you or inform you, just the opposite. These people are your enemies. They are misleading you so that you will obey and maybe it will work, honestly.

Maybe they will get Joe Biden elected President next week without even asking the most basic questions of the candidate, the most basic questions or vetting him in any way. That can work. That’s the gambit.

But what then? Many of these people you just saw on the screen will then go to work for Biden, officially. We’d expect that because without Donald Trump to hyperventilate over, the business models at many news outlets will collapse, and these people will need jobs.

But Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can’t hire everyone at NBC. Some of these people have to continue to be quote “journalists.” And the question is, can they really do that? Can they keep pretending on your screen live every night after everything we have just witnessed?


BREAKING: Election REVERSAL – Joe Biden Terrified

BREAKING: Election REVERSAL – Joe Biden Terrified

(breitbart) – President Trump is attracting more than traditional Republicans to his recent rallies in key battleground states such as Minnesota and Wisconsin according to Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

“We are seeing DEMOCRATS and INDEPENDENTS turn out in droves for @realDonaldTrump’s rallies,” McDaniel said, indicating that a majority of those signing up for the recent rallies in both Rochester, Minnesota, as well as Green Bay, Wisconsin, are “not Republican.”

“These voters are going to make a huge difference on Tuesday!” she exclaimed:

McDaniel provided a similar update on Wednesday following Trump’s rallies in Arizona’s Bullhead City and Goodyear. Forty-five percent of those who signed up for Trump’s rally in Bullhead City did not vote in 2016, and nearly a quarter were “not Republican”:

The data comes as polls in key battleground states continue to tighten. Trafalgar Group’s chief pollster Robert Cahaly, who accurately predicted Trump winning Minnesota and Pennsyvlania in 2016, has cautioned that many pollsters are not properly accounting for this year’s “hidden” Trump vote.

“In 2016, the worst being said about Trump voters is that they were ‘deplorable.’ 2020 is a whole different ballgame. It is worse this time—significantly worse,” he said in an interview with Politico.

“This year had more things where you can get punished for expressing an opinion outside the mainstream than almost any year I can think of in modern history,” he continued, explaining that he is finding that people are far more “hesitant” to share their true beliefs for fear of retribution.

“It’s people getting beat up for wearing the wrong hat, people getting harassed for having a sticker on their car. People just do not want to say anything,” he said.

Democrats, meanwhile, are increasingly worried over the prospect of President Trump flipping Minnesota, which has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate in 48 years.

Trump has a packed schedule in the final days of the election, with four stops in Pennsylvania on Saturday followed by five events in five states on Sunday. Those include Michigan, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Trump is expected to visit North Carolina and Michigan again on Monday, as well as Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.


BOOM: Trump Pulls Ahead – Democrats Stunned

BOOM: Trump Pulls Ahead – Democrats Stunned

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump is leading former Vice President Joe Biden in the battleground state of Iowa in the final stretch of the 2020 presidential election, shows a newly-released survey.

The Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll found President Trump is beating Biden 48% to 41% — a lead of seven percentage points. Three percent said they will cast their vote for someone other than the president or the Democrat nominee, while two percent said they were unsure. Five percent would not disclose their choice.

The poll’s September numbers found President Trump and Biden tied at 47 percent each, illustrating how far the former vice president’s support has dropped in recent weeks. The poll, conducted by Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, is comprised of 814 likely Iowa voters between October 26 and 29, and possesses a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Co., said while men are more likely to support Trump and women to support Biden, the gender gap has narrowed, and independents have returned to supporting the president, a group he won in 2016.

“The president is holding demographic groups that he won in Iowa four years ago, and that would give someone a certain level of comfort with their standing,” Selzer told the Des Moines Register. “There’s a consistent story in 2020 to what happened in 2016.”

In 2016, President Trump won Iowa over then-Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton by 9.4 percentage points.

President Trump will hold a campaign rally in Dubuque Sunday at 1:00 p.m. local time. It will be the the president’s second trip to the state this month. Vice President Mike Pence held a rally in Des Moines on October 29.


BOMBSHELL: New Documents Uncovers Biden Selling Access – Trump Was RIGHT!

BOMBSHELL: New Documents Uncovers Biden Selling Access – Trump Was RIGHT!

(nationalistreview) – Nationalist Review is able to name the individuals that Hunter Biden, acting under the auspices of his duties as Chairman of the World Food Program USA, plotted to place in the same room as Joe Biden on 16 April 2015. This was the meeting reported in the New York Post, but what was not discussed in their original article was the location, the cover story, and the date of that meeting.

We can now disclose that Hunter Biden, in coordination with his business partner, Devon Archer, organized a private dinner which Hunter Biden explicitly described as “ostensibly” to discuss “food security,” but in reality was intended to place a Burisma advisor in the same room as the Mexican Ambassador to the United States and Joe Biden.

Corroborating information found within the Hunter Biden emails reveals all of this information, and in no uncertain terms indicates that despite the cover story, the meeting had little to do with food security, little to do with the World Food Program USA’s agenda, and little to do with a non-profit venture. In effect, the gathering was a Burisma and Rosemont Seneca business meeting.

Further, following the threads related to these parties, Nationalist Review can not only independently confirm the New York Post and Rudy Giuliani’s report that Joe Biden met with Vadym Pozharskyi, but we can reveal the date that they met, the names of other attendees privy to the event, and disclose a month of planning during which Hunter Biden utilized his position at the World Food Program in order to orchestrate a Burisma business meeting with officials from the United States government, the Mexican Ambassador, and Vadym Pozharskyi.

What we found was a consistent pattern of abuse, whereby Hunter Biden leveraged his proximity to the White House and the positions that it afforded him in organizations such as the World Food Program USA, in order to corral people of influence into the same room.

The New York Post was first to report that Vadym Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for introducing him to then-Vice President Joe Biden, but what hasn’t been disclosed yet is that this was part of a long drawn out plan stretching back more than a month before that meeting occurred.

And while Joe Biden denies that this meeting ever took place to begin with, Hunter Biden’s emails show that he intentionally orchestrated the meeting—which also included the Mexican Ambassador, representatives from their business dealings in Kazakhstan, and other Rosemont Seneca business associates—and made this clear in his emails to one individually whom he extended the invitation to.

“Ok- the reason for the dinner is ostensibly to discuss food security,” Hunter Biden wrote to Michael Karloutsos. “Dad will be there but keep that btw us for now. Thanks. Also let David know I will get back to him asap- probably sometime next week when we are through these next few days with beau- which also is just btw us.”

The operative word there is ostensibly.

And the decision to inform Karloutsos of that matter was a mistake. The not-so-savvy cross-aisle political-elbow-rubber told his father, who then told another friend in the Greek community. In fact, there are a handful of people who could readily confirm Joe Biden and Vadym Pozharskyi’s presence at that dinner.

Mike Manatos, a DC lobbyist, was soon emailing Hunter Biden about the event and subtly hinting at his curiosity about it.

A frustrated Hunter Biden would soon email Karaloutsos, warning him that he wanted to keep the meeting as “low key as possible.”

Karaloutsos would go on to explain that his dad had “innocently” informed others about the meeting, with Hunter Biden responding that “you know the reason why I want to keep it in the family – I love MM too, but that’s creating a whole other dinner that I can’t handle.”

“I know. I’m with you. Totally understand. All good,” Karloutsos replied.

“I have brought every single person you have ever asked me to bring to the F’ing WHite House and the Vice President’s house and the inauguration and then you go completely silent – I don’t hear from you for months,” Hunter Biden wrote in an explicit description of his quid-pro-quo relationship with a Mexican financier. “I don’t know what it is that I did but I’d like to know why I’ve delivered on every single thing you’ve ever asked – and you make me feel like I’ve done something to offend you.”

This email was touched upon by National Pulse’s Raheem Kassam after Nationalist Review requested Cassandra Fairbanks reach out to Kassam regarding a meeting that Hunter Biden was attempting to set up for Nikolay Zlochewsky (sometimes spelled Mykola or Nykolai) in Mexico with Alemán’s help.

This email, which can be read in its entirety below, was the culmination a breakdown in years of negotiations with Miguel Alemán Magnani (MAM), the CEO of Interjet, a Mexican Airline, and about as close as one can get to Mexican royalty. MAM is the son of a governor, the grandson of a president, and a wealthy business magnate in his own right.

Kassam did not return the request for information, but rather published this brief piece relating to the inquiry. Unfortunately, additional information can be added to supplement National Pulse’s reporting reveals a multi-year campaign to get Burisma operatives in the same room as both Mexican and U.S. officials in order to support Burisma’s foray into Mexican fossil fuels.

Seeking liquidity for their operations in Mexico and elsewhere, Biden’s Rosemont Seneca team discussed buying back Aleman’s shares at a discount and then selling them to another party in what they described as a “dog and pony” show:

Eventually, as described above, Hunter Biden was able to coordinate a meeting between Joe Biden, Vadym Pozharskyi, and the Mexican Ambassador. But their initial success with Joe Biden did not spell smooth sailing for the rest of their scheme. Emails from the following year indicate that Alemán’s help would not reach as far as Hunter Biden had sold to the oligarchs in Ukraine.

This series of emails, originally disclosed by another party who has access to the drive and uploaded 29 documents to Scribd, reveals the issues—financially and politically—that Hunter Biden’s team was facing.

Hunter Biden reached out to Miguel Alemán in order to request that he facilitate a visa for Nikolay Zlochewsky who was being blocked from entering both the United States and Mexico.

“If [Miguel Aleman] can’t do that within next day or two, I will have to tell him not to risk [being denied entry],” Hunter Biden responded.

But Aleman was unable to assist them in their efforts of getting the oligarch into his country. Instead, he told them that he would need two weeks to possibly have an answer. To tide them over, he offered them $250,000 as “band-aid money,” according to Jeffrey Cooper.

This long-game campaign eventually matured into a complete failure—with Biden associate Jeffrey Cooper lamenting that he was so strapped for cash on 16 February 2015, that he would have to “fire 30+ people” in order to make ends meet. Hunter Biden, for his part, was in an even tighter jam writing, “Going to have to do some serious back pedaling with Burisma…most likely jeopardizes my board position, which means my options have become seriously limited at exactly the wrong time. But it is what it is.”

Nationalist Review was eventually able to obtain nearly all of the emails from the Hunter Biden laptop after a source offered to grant us access to a clone of the drive that they obtained from Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani.


BREAKING: Leaked Document Show Democrats Plan Of ‘Mass Mobilization’ Post-Election

BREAKING: Leaked Document Show Democrats Plan Of ‘Mass Mobilization’ Post-Election

(breitbart) – A leaked confidential document obtained by Breitbart News reveals that a coalition of left-wing groups in Minnesota, fearing a possible Trump win, is preparing for post-election mass unrest while planning to execute wide scale “strategic disruption.”

Led by TakeAction Minnesota, described as a “hub for Minnesota’s progressive movement,” the groups warn of a need for mass mobilization in a recently leaked highly confidential document circulating among the group’s leadership and intended as a prep guide for the coming weeks.

Draft 1 — MN Democracy Defense Plan (1) by Breitbart News on Scribd

“We believe that regardless of the strength of the Minnesota election system, mass mobilization will and must happen in Minnesota to defend democracy,” the leaked document reads. 

“We expect that this mobilization will create space and opportunity for unrest, primarily in Minneapolis. In this context, the situation could rapidly spiral beyond control depending on the nature of the unrest and the State’s reaction.”

In an effort to shift responsibility for violence to others, the groups point to the right, as well as the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), for the possibility of inciting or enabling violence, for which they must be prepared.

“The possibility of right-wing violence is real, as is the possibility of MPD inciting or enabling violence,” the document warns, adding that the MPD is “either disengaged or instigating tension” during and since the “uprising” immediately following the murder of George Floyd.

“It is unclear who the MPD is accountable and answering to,” the groups state.

TakeAction Minnesota was at the forefront of the protest movement sparked by the killing of George Floyd, demanding the MPD be dismantled and helping spark the nationwide demands to “defund the police.” Following pressure from the group, a veto-proof majority of the City Council pledged to dismantle the Police Department, while promising to create a new system of public safety in the city that is underway.

The groups anticipate outcomes ranging from inconclusive results, to a refusal of Trump to accept results (if defeated), to himself suspected of election interference (if he wins).

In the event of President Trump’s re-election, the document calls for “strategic disruption” through mobilizing masses to take to the streets.

TakeAction Minnesota, a nonprofit founded in 2006, is a coalition of 20 different organizations, including labor unions and advocacy groups for left-wing causes, and claims hundreds of thousands of members ready to be activated. It describes itself as a “multi-racial people’s organization building power for a government and economy that works for all of us.” 

The coalition is officially affiliated with far-left national organizations People’s Action and CPD Action, both funded by the George Soros-backed Democracy Alliance aimed at “resisting” President Trump.

Noting that Minnesota elections are administered mainly at the county level and as such “much of the process will be in the hands of local county officials,” the document goes on to warn that “such officials may be unfriendly or open to coercion by right-wing violence.”

The document then notes a supposed rise in “white nationalist organization and activity” which has brought “multiple nights of infiltrator terror that targeted Black and brown business corridors and nearby neighborhoods” during “the most recent uprisings.”

“It is possible Black churches may also become a target. St. Cloud and Duluth are also two cities to keep in mind given their proximity to large white nationalist geographies and demographic and ideological make-up,” the document warns. “Additionally, we know of white nationalist infiltration and organization at Greater Minnesota universities.”

The document also calls to support preparation in communities “most at-risk of white nationalist attack.”

“We expect any mass protest – no matter how positive – to create cover for further not pointed, unstrategic, infiltrated civil unrest and property damage in Minneapolis,” the document continues.

The groups point to their “transformative” experience organizing during the George Floyd riots — the second most destructive in U.S. history — as a model for future rapid organization.

“Minneapolis and St. Paul had a powerful experience of community care and safety during the uprising,” it reads. “Folks rapidly organized neighborhood patrols, mutual aid networks and emergency response teams to keep the community safe.”

In a section titled “Theory of What Will Happen,” the document “predicts” election contesting in Minnesota and/or other states and describes the groups’ role to “support efforts by the State (led by the Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State) to resolve the contest rapidly and to prevent right-wing vigilantes, with or without the support of local officials, from interfering with the certification of Minnesota’s electors by the ‘safe harbor’ date [December 8, the last day for states to resolve contested election results]” and “to prevent illegitimate Federal efforts to intervene on behalf of local right-wing groups.”

In the event of contested results in other states, the groups declare their readiness to respond.

“Knowing that there may be energy to join nearby mass mobilizations, we may choose to host actions here to diminish the amount of out-of-state actors activating in that contest,” the document states. “For contests farther away, we will work to maintain public demand as asked to support their work and coordinated via national infrastructure.”

The document also describes a “worst case scenario” that includes violent activity spread by a poor state response and/or white nationalist instigation.

The groups describe their role from Election Day to Inauguration Day as entailing: collecting and sharing information; prepare their organizations and members with “tools, skills and messaging needed to organize and mobilize quickly, safely and effectively;” connecting and supporting collective resourcing efforts at a larger scale; and coordinating with national efforts in case of regions “that might be more directly contested than ours.” 

Other tasks include advancing a public narrative that counteracts “what will definitely be an attack on protestors and violent backlash that will be increased by that” and coordinating with allied elected officials and former candidates to “broker in back-end negotiations with the DFL [Minnesota’s Democratic Party] and elected officials, with the express purpose of bringing a progressive frame” that lifts up “people power.”

According to the document, the groups’ planned activities correspond to three distinct phases: from now until Election Day, whereby they respond to “pre-election voter suppression and de-legitimacy work by Trump and the GOP” while preparing for the next phase; the ten days following Election Day, whereby they immediately respond to the election through mass mobilization efforts due to the anticipation that “Trump and the GOP will use institutional capacity to control election information and manipulate the results;” and the final “speculative” phase which follows, to be revisited in the future. 

A list of principles to best guide the groups’ “work” during this “all hands, full hands” moment, include: the need to move fast, which “for some” means “faster than the pace of trust;” to “be about it, don’t talk about;” and to recognize that certain styles and forms of leadership are needed “not because it is right, but because it is necessary to win.”

The system being built by the groups is quite a serious one, involving both detail and complexity. 

It entails the establishment of a nerve center capable of coordinating mass mobilization, “on and offline,” intended to advance the groups’ agenda as well as setting up networks to communicate  with elected officials and provide local intelligence.

In addition, the groups are developing training and resources — intended to be shared widely — to prepare masses of people, and already offer online training in preparation for election week.

Other moves include the establishment of a clearinghouse communication infrastructure to be used to provide massive mutual aid; the formation of popular messages to draw in supporters;  preparing media to cover actions powerfully and effectively; and the establishment of healthy lines of communication between the field and governing actors.

The groups also aim to create a massive “tent” of supporters.

“We need a bigger tent than even the biggest we have built before,” the document proclaims as it elaborates on the goal to obtain their demands and create the world they seek through “joyful rebellion.”

The document also refers to “additional resources and references” which include radical resources such as: “Contested Election Threat Matrix,” “Paramilitaries at Your Protest: An Activist Field Guide to the Armed Far-Right,” and “Transition Integrity Project Report: Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition.”

For the first time since 1972, Democrats are in serious danger of losing Minnesota — now one of the likeliest states to be the Electoral College tipping point, as reported by FiveThirtyEight.

In 2016, President Trump lost Minnesota by fewer than 45,000 votes. Currently, former Vice President Joe Biden holds only a slim lead over Trump in Minnesota, according to a Trafalgar Group survey released Wednesday.

As a result of the tightening of the race, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Thursday added a last-minute stop to the North Star State on Friday where President Donald Trump will be holding a pre-scheduled rally — Trump’s fourth campaign visit to Minnesota this year.

It’s the most attention Minnesota has received from both presidential candidates in years.

With less than a week until Election day, Minnesota has emerged as a potential battleground state in next Tuesday’s election that could determine who wins the presidency. 

With the left preparing for mayhem, post election chaos and the implementation of the radical directives in the leaked document seem inevitable.


BREAKING: Kayleigh McEnany Confirms Rumors – Out Now

BREAKING: Kayleigh McEnany Confirms Rumors – Out Now

(dailyconservative) – White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany just confirmed the rumors. The truth is out now and America is talking about it — and there are only a few days left until the most important election of our lifetime.

“As the New York Post noted today, this is a mob artist,” said McEnany on ‘Fox & Friends,’ referring to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s censoring the Post’s story on the Biden family’s business deals. But that’s not all she said.

“This is a shakedown effort to say, ‘Delete the Hunter Biden story,’” McEnany continued. “The media won’t report on it. Social media will censor it.” She even said that “this is what happens in North Korea, not the United States.”

Strong words, to be sure, but an accurate description of the situation. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook need to decide whether they are open forums (with general guidelines) or publishers of content.

In fact, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is now heavily weighing a decision to remove special protections granted to social media platforms under what is known as Section 230.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) even said recently, “This is the beginning of the end of Section 230.” If it is kept in place, an individual “can’t sue a media company if they post something that libels you” or “if they censor your content.”


BREAKING: FBI Criminal Investigation Begun – Joe Biden Stunned!

BREAKING: FBI Criminal Investigation Begun – Joe Biden Stunned!

“Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen reports the FBI opened an investigation into Hunter Biden in 2019 for money laundering and that the probe remains active,” RealClearPolitics reports.

“Rosen interviewed Tony Bobulinksi, the former business associate of Hunter Biden, who claimed the former vice president knew of Hunter’s Chinese and Ukrainian operations and suggested received kickbacks from the group.”


If you’re a shill for the establishment, you’re allowed to commit all the crimes you please, so I doubt this will go anywhere.

That said, it’s remarkable how every last thing involving President Trump is leaked to the press instantly (the IRS even seems to have illegal leaked his tax returns) whereas this “active criminal investigation” into Hunter Biden was hidden until this week.

BREAKING: Massive Exodus Ahead of Second Covid Lockdown – World Shocked

BREAKING: Massive Exodus Ahead of Second Covid Lockdown – World Shocked

(informationliberation) – Video out of Paris on Thursday showed a massive traffic jam as Parisians attempted to flee the city ahead of a second tyrannical corona lockdown.

From BBC:
Traffic around Paris hit record levels just hours before a new national lockdown came into force across France.

Jams stretched to a cumulative 430 miles (700 km) in the Ile-de-France region early on Thursday evening, local media reported.

Lockdown measures came into force at midnight on Friday (23:00 GMT) to tackle spiralling Covid infections.

People have been ordered to stay at home except for essential work or medical reasons.

President Emmanuel Macron said the country risked being “overwhelmed by a second wave that no doubt will be harder than the first”.

I wonder how much of this is related to the exploding tensions among the French and their large and increasingly hostile Muslim population.

The government might view locking the city down as a way to try and keep tensions from boiling over.


BREAKING: Kamala Harris Made The Call – This Has To Be A Joke

BREAKING: Kamala Harris Made The Call – This Has To Be A Joke

(breitbart) – Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) told voters in Tucson, Arizona, that she and Joe Biden were fighting for a “long-overdue reckoning on racial injustice in America.”

Harris was speaking at a “drive-in rally,” the first of two stops for her in the Grand Canyon State. Democrats have long hoped to swing the state into the “blue” column.

Both Harris and Biden have emphasized the idea that the United States is haunted by “systemic racism.”

She spoke in the aftermath of a second night of violence and looting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, following the shooting of an armed black man, Walter Wallace Jr., by police.

She said:

We are in the midst of a crisis, which is the long-overdue reckoning on racial injustice in America.

[Horns honking]

On that note, Joe Biden knows Americans’ history. He knows our history as a country. And he has the courage to speak truth about it. Joe Biden has the ability to say, “Black Lives Matter.”

[Horns honking]

Donald Trump will never speak those words [sic]. Joe Biden knows that we need to look at racial disparities in America. We need to understand Latinos and African-Americans have been three times more likely to contract COVID and twice as likely to die from it. Joe Biden knows our indigenous brothers and sisters have the highest rate of diabetes of any population in America. Joe Biden says pay attention to this and understand, a real leader will address the truth and speak the truth in a way that is about promoting equality and equity.

Though Harris and Biden criticized violence and looting earlier in the week, Harris did not mention it in Tucson.

Trump has, in fact, said the words “Black Lives Matter”:

Harris repeated a number of other racial hoaxes, which Breitbart News has debunked on many occasions.
