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BREAKING: Trump Gives His Most Important Speech Ever – This Is Stunning

BREAKING: Trump Gives His Most Important Speech Ever – This Is Stunning

(informationliberation) – President Donald Trump went nuclear on Wednesday and delivered what he said “may be the most important speech I’ve ever made” slamming the Democrats’ “corrupt mail-in ballot scheme” and detailing a host of allegations of vote fraud.


Excerpts via Sputnik:

“We used to have what was called ‘election day’. Now we have election days, weeks and months. And lots of bad things happened during this ridiculous period of time”, he said. “Especially when you have to prove almost nothing to exercise our greatest privilege – the right to vote. As President, I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and Constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege”.

Trump went on to say that his campaign was told not to declare a premature victory and that it would take weeks, if not months, to determine the winner, slamming the opponents for acting like they “already knew what the outcome was going to be”.

“The Constitutional process must be allowed to continue. We are going to defend the honesty of the vote by ensuring that every legal ballot is counted, and that no illegal ballots are counted”, POTUS asserted.

‘Company That’s Very Suspect’: Trump Attacking Dominion

President Trump lashed out at the Dominion voting system, saying that “with a change of a chip you can press a button for Trump and the vote goes to Biden”.

“We have to go to paper! Maybe it takes longer, but the only secure system is paper, not these systems that nobody understands, including, in many cases, the people that run them – although, unfortunately, I think they understand them far too well”, Trump said.

Trump also alleged that some votes were counted in other countries, not in the United States. He labeled Dominion “a disaster” and said that every district that uses this voting software must be “carefully monitored and carefully investigated”.

“It is statistically impossible that the person – me – that led the charge, lost”, Trump insisted, boasting the “tremendous, unexpected success” that the GOP members had in the House of Representatives.

‘Whole World Is Watching’

Trump insisted that “the Democratic political machine” engaged in voter fraud​ “from Detroit to Philadelphia, to Milwaukee, Atlanta and many other places”, having printed millions of ballots which were “sent to unknown recipients”, using coronavirus pandemic as a “pretext”.

“Many states such as Nevada and California sent millions of live ballots to every person… whether those individuals had requested ballots or not, whether they were dead or alive – they got ballots”, Trump stated.

Trump particularly pointed at Wisconsin, saying that the Democrats had his campaign “miraculously losing” at a certain point during the election night, when a “massive dump of votes” occured at 3:42 a.m., making Biden lead. He then went on to refer to a similar example in Michigan.

“The Democrats had this election rigged right from the beginning. They used the pandemic – sometimes referred to as “the China virus”, where it originated, – as an excuse to mail out tens of millions of ballots, which ultimately led to a big part of the fraud. A fraud that the whole world is watching”, Trump asserted. “And there is no one happier right now than China”.

Trump reiterated that his campaign is committed to going to the US Supreme Court to challenge the outcome of the election, noting that “hopefully they will do what’s right for our country”.

He also stated that the alleged mail voter fraud is a part of efforts to overturn the outcome of the 2016 election, when Trump was elected president.

“The mail-in voting scam is the latest part of their four-year effort to overturn the results of the 2016 election. And it’s been like living in hell. Our opponents are proving many times, again and again, that they will say and do anything to go back into power”, he said, recalling that he had been investigated ever since he was elected president and again slamming the “Russia hoax” that was looked into by Robert Mueller – who, in the end, found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin in 2016.
Trump is his own best spokesman.

Also worth nothing: Trump said Georgians should vote for David Purdue and Kelly Loeffler in the upcoming election despite his loathing of Gov. Kemp.

Just hours earlier, Lin Wood made waves by telling attendees at a Stop The Steal rally to hold off on voting for both until they back efforts to overturn the “fraudulent election.”


BREAKING: Brad Parscale Admits Its Over – Trump Is Mad As Hell

BREAKING: Brad Parscale Admits Its Over – Trump Is Mad As Hell

(breitbart) – Former Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale said during his Fox News interview Tuesday night on “The Story” that he pushed for President Donald Trump to show more public empathy about the coronavirus pandemic, which Parscale believes would have resulted in a landslide win.

Parscale said, “One, two percent — suburban men and women we lost in the suburbs, Philly suburbs, Atlanta suburbs I think that goes to one thing, a decision on COVID to go for opening the economy first is public empathy. I think a young family with a young child who were scared to take them back to school wanted to see an empathetic president and an empathetic Republican Party. I think that and I said this multiple times, he chose a different path. I don’t think he was wrong with this, I love him, but we had a difference on this. I thought we should have public empathy. I think people are scared. I walked around people and watched them walk around me, not like two years ago because I’m Brad Parscale but walk around me because I have a mask on, and they don’t want COVID. I can see waitresses standing a little farther from the table. People are scared. I think if he would have been publicly empathetic, he would have won by a landslide. He could have leaned into it instead of run away from it.”

MacCallum said, “You think that is the biggest error, empathy over COVID?”

Parscale replied, “Policy error. There are different kind of errors. There is technical error and policy error.”


BREAKING: Biden Sends Out The Signal – Major “Bail Out” Incoming

BREAKING: Biden Sends Out The Signal – Major “Bail Out” Incoming

(breitbart) – Joe Biden is signaling his support for the federal government bailing out cities and states impacted economically by the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Biden, who has been declared president-elect by many media outlets, made the comments when introducing members of his White House economic team on Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware. During the event, Biden discussed the need for the federal government to “deliver immediate relief” to citizens being forced to choose between “work and family” in the face of the virus.

One way to ensure such relief, according to the former vice president, was for the federal government to send more money to cities and states that have seen their revenue streams dry up, while expenses have soared amid the coronavirus.

“You know there’s an urgent need to fund state and cities,” Biden said. “So the frontline workers on those jobs can stay on those jobs.”

“You know the founders were pretty smart. … There’s a reason why all the states and localities have to have a balanced budget, but we’re allowed, federally, to run a deficit in order to deal with crisis and emergencies, as we have in the past,” Biden added.

Arguing that it was important to keep “vital public services running,” especially at the local level where such services meant “law enforcement, firefighters, [and] educators,” Biden urged congress to pass a “robust package for relief” before the inauguration.

“But any package, passed in a lame-duck session, is likely to be at best just a start,” Biden said. “My transition team is already working on what I’ll put forward in the next Congress to address the multiple crises we’re facing.”

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic a number of state and local governments, especially states where the virus has been most rampant, have been forced to shut down their economies and expand public health spending. As such, revenue projections have shrunk for most states, while unemployment has soared.

The overall result is that states and cities, most of which are prohibited from running deficits by law, are expected to face budget shortfalls in the coming years. In California, for instance, economic analysts estimate the state will face a $17 billion deficit by 2025.

So far, Congress has been divided on whether to include state and local bailouts in the ongoing coronavirus relief talks. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Democrats have backed a $2.2 trillion package that includes more than $436 billion in relief for states and cities.

Republicans, on the other hand, favor a smaller and more targeted $500 billion spending proposal that prioritizes funding for small businesses. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), in particular, has lambasted the idea of sending more money to state and local governments, arguing in the past that it would amount to nothing more than a “blue state bailout.”

“I think this whole business of additional assistance for state and local governments needs to be thoroughly evaluated,” the Senate leader said in April, noting that most states facing budgetary shortfalls did so because of prior non-coronavirus spending.

“There’s not going to be any desire on the Republican side to bail out state pensions by borrowing money from future generations,” McConnell added at the time.


BREAKING: Democrats LOSE – Republicans Cheering

BREAKING: Democrats LOSE – Republicans Cheering

(dailyconservative) – Democrats may end up with the presidency if President Donald Trump can’t prove sufficient fraud to overturn tens of thousands of votes, but the downballot was a completely different story.

Republicans won big in downballot races and nearly retook the House, which should make Democrats think about how ready the country really is to embrace leftist policies like amnesty/open borders and defunding the police.

“There’s a significant difference between a referendum on a clown show, which is what we had at the top of the ticket, and embracing the values of the Democratic ticket,” said Nichole Remmert, Ms. [Emily] Skopov’s campaign manager. “People bought into Joe Biden to stop the insanity in the White House. They did not suddenly become Democrats.”

Democrat strategist J.J. Balaban thought if Republicans could find a slightly less offensive candidate that could still appeal to the same demographics as Trump, it would be a “very hard environment” for Democrats in 2024.

After all, Trump was the first president in decades to actually increase the share of wealth attained by the bottom 90% of earners, pre-COVID-19; that’s something both Republicans and Democrats can appreciate.


BREAKING: Cuomo Gets NAILED – He’s Done

BREAKING: Cuomo Gets NAILED – He’s Done

(breitbart) – Saturday on FNC’s “Justice,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) weighed in on the return of coronavirus restrictions in a handful of states, including New Jersey, New York and California.

Gaetz took exception to Govs. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Phil Murphy (D-NJ) for their approach to restrictions, particularly has government failures on COVID-19 have led to an erosion of trust.

“Cuomo, Newsom, Murphy — who even trusts these guys anymore?” he said. “You know, it would be one thing, Judge, if the government was the oracle of truth on the coronavirus, if Dr. Fauci was the ‘COVID Yoda.’ Maybe we would have to listen to everything he said. But just look at how many times the government has been wrong. It was Fauci who opposed the travel restrictions that President Trump put into place restrictions to give us the time to have a medical response to this virus. They told us we would have to wait 18 months to get a vaccine. President Trump delivered not one but multiple vaccine candidates within a year.”

“They said masks were not helpful. Then they were helpful. Then they were essential and mandatory. Even the 14 days to slow the spread has rolled into months upon months of lockdowns. If you look at Andrew Cuomo in New York — this guy took sick people who had coronavirus and put them into nursing homes. There is blood on Cuomo’s hands just because of abject stupidity. So, I think one of the enduring consequences of this virus has been an erosion in public trust from these officials that seem to tell us to do one thing, and then they do another. Newsom can go out and get his big dinner, yet he’s putting people out of work who actually do work for a living, and I think that’s shameful.”


BUSTED: The Democrats Crushed Them – This Is Insane

BUSTED: The Democrats Crushed Them – This Is Insane

(informationliberation) – Amazon’s workforce has surged over 50 percent in just one year with the company embarking on an “unrivaled” hiring spree as hundreds of thousands of small businesses deemed “unessential” were put out of business due to tyrannical corona lockdowns.

From The New York Times, “Pushed by Pandemic, Amazon Goes on a Hiring Spree Without Equal”:

Amazon added 427,300 employees between January and October, pushing its work force to more than 1.2 million people globally, up more than 50 percent from a year ago. Its number of workers now approaches the entire population of Dallas.

[…] Starting in July, the company brought on about 350,000 employees, or 2,800 a day. […]

The scale of hiring is even larger than it may seem because the numbers do not account for employee churn, nor do they include the 100,000 temporary workers who have been recruited for the holiday shopping season. They also do not include what internal documents show as roughly 500,000 delivery drivers, who are contractors and not direct Amazon employees.

Such rapid growth is unrivaled in the history of corporate America. It far outstrips the 230,000 employees that Walmart, the largest private employer with more than 2.2 million workers, added in a single year two decades ago. The closest comparisons are the hiring that entire industries carried out in wartime, such as shipbuilding during the early years of World War II or home building after soldiers returned, economists and corporate historians said.

[…] At this pace, it is on track to surpass Walmart within two years to become the world’s largest private employer.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ personal propaganda mill, The Washington Post, advocated for the lockdowns and peddled the corona-hysteria which once again made Bezos the richest man in the world — even after he paid out some $38 billion in his divorce.

The Post has also heaped praise on the riotous Black Lives Matter movement which wrecked havoc on small businesses and Amazon’s big box store competitors.

In July, Bezos personally praised the Black Lives Matter movement in testimony before congress for bringing about what he deemed “a much-needed race reckoning.”

According to insurance industry payouts, the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots were the most damaging riots in US history — but Amazon has only profited off them.

The situation for small businesses is only going to get worse as states with Democratic governors are instituting a second round of lockdowns despite data indicating the lockdowns are causing far more damage than they supposedly prevent.

Joe Biden’s team have signaled they may institute a second lockdown throughout the entire country — while simultaneously throwing open the borders to unlimited immigrants to drive down wages and aid Bezos’ hiring binge.

The radical lockdown policies our government has embraced is destroying the middle class and siphoning all our wealth off to our parasitic ruling class. All this is being done under the guise of fighting a pandemic which the CDC’s own numbers claim killed 263,956 people in a country of over 330 million — the overwhelming majority of which were elderly with preexisting conditions.

Our middle class is being gutted while Big Tech giants like Amazon are becoming richer than ever and Wall Street is cashing in with $4.5 trillion in corona bailout money.

As Republican Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie (the only rep to publicly oppose the corona-bailout) said all the way back in April, what’s taking place is “the largest wealth transfer from taxpayers to the super rich” in history.


BREAKING: Recount Results Stun White House – Biden Actually…

BREAKING: Recount Results Stun White House – Biden Actually…

(dailyconservative) – After a recount of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, paid for by the President Donald Trump campaign, Joe Biden added 132 votes to his total.

Trump paid for a recount in Milwaukee and Dane Counties that cost $3 million. In Dane County, Trump picked up 68 votes in the recount.

Biden leads Trump in the state by 20,600 votes, but Trump’s campaign plans to file another legal challenge to early absentee votes as well as ballots for which voters said they were “indefinitely confined.”

The campaign challenged absentee ballots with two different ink colors, which could have been added to or altered, as well as those for which there is not a separate record of request.

If their challenges are ultimately successful, Trump will be able to overcome his vote deficit and win the state’s 10 electoral votes.


BOMBSHELL: Arizona Gets A Stunning Announcement – Trump Is Smiling

BOMBSHELL: Arizona Gets A Stunning Announcement – Trump Is Smiling

(breitbart) – President Trump’s legal team will participate in a public “hearing” on election integrity with Arizona lawmakers on Monday, Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis announced on Friday.

“Arizona State Legislature to hold hearing on election integrity Monday, November 30. Mayor @RudyGiuliani and I will be present on behalf of President @realDonaldTrump,” she announced, providing a link detailing the event:

“The President’s legal team will be present from DC to assist in a fact finding hearing with select members of the Arizona House and Senate and a panel of experts,” a description of the event reads.

“The goal will be to gather the evidence that justifies calling a special session to contemplate what happened and take immediate action accordingly,” it adds:

State Legislatures are uniquely qualified and positioned to hold hearings on election irregularities and fraud before electors are chosen. As established in Article 2, Section 1.2 of the United States Constitution, State Legislatures have the sole authority to select their representatives to the Electoral College, providing a critical safeguard against voter fraud and election manipulation.

However, a formal “hearing” has not been approved by either chamber. Arizona Senate’s director of communications Mike Philipsen clarified the nature of the meeting in a statement to the Washington Examiner.

“There is no sanctioned hearing at the Senate or House,” Philipsen said. “My understanding is a House member has set up a meeting at a local hotel to discuss possible irregularities in the election.”

State Rep. Mark Finchem, a Republican, will reportedly lead the event.

He said in part:

After a review of the statistical anomalies, and there are to numbers [sic] to count, affidavits of improper actions, and community outrage that has grown out of what appears to voters to be an attempt to throw the election through a number of fraudulent efforts, we decided as a Members [sic] of the Legislature, and not as members of any specific committee, that we should move forward with a public hearing.

The meeting comes on the heels of an Arizona judge dismissing a lawsuit lodged by the Arizona Republican Party, which called for a hand count audit of the votes in Maricopa County based on precinct rather than by voting centers, as the former vastly outnumbers the latter:

Republican Gov. Doug Ducey has expressed confidence in the state’s election results, calling Arizona a “good government state.”

“I trust our election system. There’s integrity in our election system. Joe Biden did win Arizona,” he said.

Biden leads Trump in Arizona by fewer than 10,500 votes.


BREAKING: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Tosses Challenge Out – You won’t Believe Why…

BREAKING: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Tosses Challenge Out – You won’t Believe Why…

(breitbart) – The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued an order Saturday vacating a lower court’s decision to suspend the certification of the state’s vote in the presidential election, holding that a challenge to the state’s vote-by-mail laws had come too late.

Earlier this week, Pennsylvania certified its vote. But Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough blocked further steps to put the certification into effect, and upheld her earlier injunction on Friday, holding that a challenge to the state’s 2019 law allowing “no-excuse” vote-by-mail violated the state constitution. (The challenge was brought by Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly, among others, and is separate from a case that President Donald Trump’s campaign lost in the Third Circuit in a unanimous three-judge decision on Friday. The campaign has pledged to appeal that decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.)

On Saturday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned Judge McCullough’s order under the doctrine of “laches,” ruling that Rep. Kelly and others should have brought the constitutional challenge before the primary and general elections in 2020 — not after millions of voters in Pennsylvania had already cast their ballots:

Petitioners filed this facial challenge to the mail-in voting statutory provisions more than one year after the enactment of Act 77. At the time this action was filed on November 21, 2020, millions of Pennsylvania voters had already expressed their will in both the June 2020 Primary Election and the November 2020 General Election and the final ballots in the 2020 General Election were being tallied, with the results becoming seemingly apparent. Nevertheless, Petitioners waited to commence this litigation until days before the county boards of election were required to certify the election results to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Thus, it is beyond cavil that Petitioners failed to act with due diligence in presenting the instant claim. Equally clear is the substantial prejudice arising from Petitioners’ failure to institute promptly a facial challenge to the mail-in voting statutory scheme, as such inaction would result in the disenfranchisement of millions of Pennsylvania voters.4

The only two Republicans on the seven-member court, Chief Justice Thomas Saylor and Justice Sallie Mundy, issued a concurring and dissenting opinion, arguing that while the challenge came too late, it raised serious constitutional objections that should be considered in future elections.


BREAKING: Dr. Anthony Fauci Calls It Off – This Is Insane

BREAKING: Dr. Anthony Fauci Calls It Off – This Is Insane

(breitbart) – Dr. Anthony Fauci believes that Thanksgiving could mark the beginning of a bleak winter, warning that the pandemic could worsen throughout the holidays and encouraging Americans to “be careful” as Christmas approaches, though he is personally looking forward to “Christmas in 2021.”

In an interview with USA Today, Fauci explained that he will more than likely forgo his traditional Christmas plans, as he did for Thanksgiving. According to the outlet, he spoke to his three daughters virtually and enjoyed dinner with his wife.

“For my own family, I’m saying we had a really great Thanksgiving and Christmas last year. We’re looking forward to a really great Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2021,” Fauci told the outlet.

“Let’s now make the best of the situation and show our love and affection for people by keeping them safe,” he said, repeating the cries of Democrat governors, some of whom have urged Americans to stay away from their loved ones on the holidays.

Fauci warned that the current surge of the Chinese coronavirus could continue through the new year:

If the surge takes a turn of continuing to go up and you have the sustained greater than 100,000 infections a day and 1,300 deaths per day and the count keeps going up and up … I don’t see it being any different during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays than during Thanksgiving.

Johns Hopkins University data reported 181,490 new cases of the virus on Thursday. Cases have been spiking across the U.S. despite the fact that leaders in well over two dozen states have imposed state and regional mask mandates, some of which have been in effect for months.

A November 19 Breitbart News analysis found:

Governors in 36 states have enacted statewide face-covering orders. Meanwhile, local officials have implemented mask mandates in several jurisdictions in the remaining 14 states.

The data suggests the infections are going up regardless of the mandates. However, some researchers, including at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), have indicated that the effectiveness of mask mandates is conditional on compliance of other enacted mitigation measures such as social distancing. Still, some researchers have conceded that compliance is nearly impossible to assess.

In recent days, 32 states (and Puerto Rico) with statewide mandates in effect for over a month, and nine states with regional mask orders, saw their already rising average of new daily infections reach unprecedented levels.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director added that Americans need to “be careful” as the big holidays, such as Christmas and New Year’s, approach, given the nature of such celebrations being indoors with “singing and laughing and eating and drinking.”
