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BREAKING: Trump Calls Them Out By NAME – This Is Stunning

BREAKING: Trump Calls Them Out By NAME – This Is Stunning

(breitbart) – President Donald Trump on Monday expressed his frustration with Republicans for failing to prosecute Democrats for what he viewed as obvious crimes.

The president spoke about Biden’s son Hunter cashing in on his father’s influence with foreign companies such as Ukraine, and then his father boasting that he forced the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor.

“Does anything happen? Nothing happens,” Trump continued. “I’m so angry at Republicans. I am. I’m so angry.”

The president spoke about his frustrations to a group of workers in Dayton, Ohio.

Trump also noted that Biden and former President Barack Obama spied on his presidential campaign.

“It’s treason. [James] Comey and all the sleaze bags, they spied on my campaign and we caught ’em,” Trump said. “Let’s now see what happens.”

Trump cited reports of Republican-led investigations currently underway, suggesting that there was some hope of accountability.

The Senate Republicans’ probe of Biden and his son in Ukraine is nearing it’s completion, according to the Wall Street Journal. The investigation into the Justice Department’s investigation of Trump’s 2016 campaign by U.S. Attorney John Durham is also expected before the election.

“A lot of things are happening, you’re seeing. You’re reading the papers also: a lot of things are happening,” Trump said.

The president said he would continue to stay out of the Justice Department’s investigations and prosecutions.

“I stay out of it. I just say, ‘I’m trying like hell to stay out of it,’” he said. “But it’s a disgrace that it’s taken so long.”



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