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BREAKING: Joe Biden’s Dirty Secret EXPOSED – America Stunned

BREAKING: Joe Biden’s Dirty Secret EXPOSED – America Stunned

(foxnews) – President Biden “sold out” America to progressives in order to be elected president, former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Tom Homan told “Life, Liberty & Levin” in an interview airing Sunday.

Host Mark Levin posited to Homan that the Biden administration’s strategy in dealing with the surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border is “overwhelm the system, break the system, then blame the system and take control.”

“You’re correct,” Homan responded. “The Biden administration is still trying to blame President Trump for what’s going on the border right now. They’re ignoring the fact that — I don’t care if you love President Trump or hate him — you cannot deny the fact that he gave us the most secure border in my career, which is almost thirty-five years.

“I started in 1984 as a Border Patrol agent,” Homan added. “I spent my entire career on border enforcement, immigration enforcement, and President Trump got it right. He had unprecedented success on that border.”

Homan went on to explain that Trump “understood that 90% of the Central Americans that come to our border to claim asylum never get relief from U.S. courts. They simply don’t qualify. That data’s easily available on the Department of Justice website; anybody can look at it.

“I doubt President Biden has looked at it or [DHS Secretary] Alejandro Mayorkas has looked at it, because if they did, then they’re facilitating immigration fraud on the border.”

Homan recalled that during Barack Obama’s second term, when Biden was vice president and Mayorkas was deputy homeland security secretary, “we built detention facilities, thousands of them. We held people long enough to see a judge. We let ICE remove them and we took away the enticements.”

Now, however, “Joe Biden has sold out this country to the progressive left to win an election,” Homan claimed. “He’s a different person … Alejandro Mayorkas is a different person.”

As a result, Homan concluded, migrants detained at the border are being released “as soon as they can, within three days. ICE has been decapitated. They lost 90% of their authority. They’re not executing judges’ orders, and we keep throwing out more enticements.

“This isn’t incompetence. This is by design. This is an open borders agenda that we all knew was coming.”



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