Home Uncategorized BREAKING: George Floyd’s Drug Dealer Refuses – Derek Chauvin Trial Falls Apart

BREAKING: George Floyd’s Drug Dealer Refuses – Derek Chauvin Trial Falls Apart

BREAKING: George Floyd’s Drug Dealer Refuses – Derek Chauvin Trial Falls Apart

(informationliberation) – Morries Hall, the man identified as George Floyd’s drug dealer by Floyd’s girlfriend Courtney Ross, refused to testify on Tuesday because his lawyer feared he could be charged with third-degree murder for drug delivery resulting in death.

From Law Officer, “George Floyd’s drug dealer concerned he may be charged with murder if he testifies”:

“Your honor, I cannot envision any topic that Mr. Hall would be called to testify on that would be both relevant to the case that would not incriminate him,” Cousins told Judge Peter Cahill during Tuesday’s hearing, with the jury absent from the courtroom. “Mr. Hall’s testimony in these matters would specifically put him in the position of being in very close proximity to Mr. Floyd, in a vehicle where drugs were found during a search by police following Floyd’s death.”

Courtney Ross, Floyd’s girlfriend at the time of his death, last week gave testimony that Hall sold drugs to Floyd. Hall’s testimony could serve as a “link in the chain” for the drugs Floyd ingested shortly before his death, leaving him open to a third-degree murder charge.

The State has not offered immunity to Hall for his testimony. Experts have shared with Law Officer that there are two distinct possibilities for this. Either the State is leaving the option to prosecute Hall at a later time or they do not want his testimony in the trial of Derek Chauvin.Hall also allegedly gave Floyd the fake $20 bill which was the trigger for his arrest.

It appears as though George Floyd’s real killer is going to get away with it.



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