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BREAKING: Deadly Covid Vaccine – Journalist Jumps In

BREAKING: Deadly Covid Vaccine – Journalist Jumps In

This is an actual story from Norwegian media outlet TV 2 that was published on Sunday in response to the AstraZeneca vaccine being pulled all over Europe due to a potential risk of deadly blood clots.

From TV2.no (translated by Google):

“I would love to die from the AstraZeneca vaccine”

This one everyday activity can actually be a lot scarier.

by LINN WIIK (pictured)

It probably sounds very brutal. But some must be sacrificed in the war against the corona. That’s the way it is in all wars. This time it may well be me.

In Norway, one health worker died of a cerebral haemorrhage and three health workers were admitted with a blood clot after receiving the vaccine.

We and several European countries have now taken a break from vaccination with AstraZeneca on the basis of similar cases.

Let me say the obvious first. It is terribly sad that health workers have become seriously ill. Although we have stopped clapping for them on our balconies, I think we all have deep respect for this group of people, who are some of the front fighters in the war against the corona. That’s exactly why they got the vaccine so early.

And of course we will do everything we can to find out if there is a connection between the cases and the vaccine.

Because we actually do not know yet. Perhaps these are “unfortunate individuals,” which Steinar Madsen in the Norwegian Medicines Agency opened up to. People get blood clots and die of cerebral hemorrhage every year. In Norway, there are between 7,000 and 10,000 cases of blood clots every year.

We will get the answer soon. Then the health authorities will also decide whether we should continue the vaccination.

But even if it turns out that it is the AstraZeneca vaccine that has caused blood clots or cerebral haemorrhage, I have no doubt: If I get the offer, I will take it anyway.

Because, sorry to say it so bluntly: Someone has to sacrifice in order for the rest to be safe.

That’s the way it is in all wars.
Have we hit peak journo-ism yet?


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