Home Uncategorized BREAKING: CNN Publishes Scandalous Report On Harris, Biden Regime Scrambles To Put Out Fires

BREAKING: CNN Publishes Scandalous Report On Harris, Biden Regime Scrambles To Put Out Fires

BREAKING: CNN Publishes Scandalous Report On Harris, Biden Regime Scrambles To Put Out Fires

(bigleaguepolitics) – Some have speculated that Kamala Harris has been unsatisfied with her position as second in command in the Biden regime, having had her own ambitions to take the top spot for herself and her friends. Indeed, many are not quick to forget the venom she spewed against Biden during the primary debates back in 2019, accusing him of being the evil racist straight White male everyone is supposed to lose sleep over. These misgivings Harris had against Biden appear to be very much in the present tense according to a recent expose made by CNN, so much so that many regime puppets have had to come to the rescue.

According to the relatively long-winded report by CNN, Harris and her team appear to be disenchanted with Biden and his team and believe that Harris should be given far more responsibility than what she has been given thus far in order to enable her to show her worth to the regime. This conclusion comes after CNN conducted interviews with over three dozen “former and current Harris aides, administration officials, Democratic operatives, donors and outside advisers” in order to better ascertain what is going on behind closed doors.

The report almost seems to throw Biden under the bus in several instances, especially with the amount of writing space they reserved at the beginning to faun over Harris’ prospects of running for the Presidency in 2024 rather than 2028 since Biden has made it clear that he intends to hold onto power if at all possible, which would entail seeking the Presidency at the ripe age of 82 come 2024.

One of the main concerns many of these interviewees have with the Biden regime with regards to Harris is the lack of leadership training and grooming the regime has given Harris, suggesting that Harris might not be the favorite among a significant number of those high in the echelons of power to perpetuate the regime after Biden.

Indeed, the many stumblings Harris has racked up over the last few months have alarmed many in her camp as this could cause people of influence to perceive an unhealthy level of weakness in her, further diminishing her support to climb further up the greasy political ladder. Then again, Harris could potentially return to more carnal means of advancing her political career, although time does not seem to have treated her too well.

According to Breitbart News, this report induced a round of political firefighting on the part of several cheerleaders within and without the Biden regime.

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