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WOW: Tulsi Gabbard Goes Head To Head With Hillary Clinton – This Is Amazing

WOW: Tulsi Gabbard Goes Head To Head With Hillary Clinton – This Is Amazing

(breitbart) – Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) called for Hillary Clinton and members of her campaign to “be held accountable” for the spying on former President Donald Trump that was reported by special counsel John Durham’s federal court filing.

Gabbard noted that “Clinton and the power elite in this country manufactured this collusion lie” against Trump,” which she argued undermined the United States’ democracy. The former Democratic presidential candidate said the lie did “immeasurable” damage.

“What’s being revealed here, Jesse is the truth,” Gabbard said. “Hillary Clinton and the power elite in this country manufactured this Russian collusion lie, actively undermining our democracy and stoking the fires, moving us into this new cold war with Russia. The damage that they did to the American people, our democracy, and others around the world is immeasurable.”

She continued, “It’s impossible to measure, and it leads us to this point where we sit today where we have people who were integral in making this happen, people like Jake Sullivan, now holding very influential positions of power in shaping our country’s foreign policy. And what they’re doing is telling the American people, they’re telling us saying, hey, you’ve got to be ready to go to war with Russia or other countries to spread democracy, to protect democracy. And yet they’re actively undermining our democracy here at home.”

“This is their hypocrisy being exposed, and the American people deserve accountability,” Gabbard added. “Hillary Clinton and her warmongers need to be held accountable. And Jake Sullivan, who’s in a very influential position now in the Biden administration’s White House, he needs to resign immediately for his role in this.”



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