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VIDEO: The Truth About Trans Sports Player – WATCH

VIDEO: The Truth About Trans Sports Player – WATCH

(breitbart) – A newly released girl’s volleyball highlight video appears to show the ball brutally spiked by a transgender high school player that caused serious injury to a female opponent.

The injury occurred last month when a Highlands High volleyball player spiked the ball so hard that it caused severe head and neck injuries to a Hiwassee Dam High player when it hit her in the face.

The newly released video that appears to detail the incident clearly shows a girl taking a spiked ball to the face, the force of which laid her out flat on the floor.

Since the game, several high schools in Cherokee County, North Carolina, canceled their future games with a school that allowed a transgender “girl” to play on its volleyball team after the trans player seriously injured a biological female last month.

David Payne, Hiwassee Dam’s athletic director, and Vice Chair Jeff Martin both supported the cancellation of games against Highlands, according to Fox News. Martin said he felt that “there is a competitive advantage and a safety concern for certain teams — it’s not the same for all teams.”

Payne believed “a statement needed to be made and that it’s unfair and unsafe” while also saying there were “mixed feelings” from players and parents about facing Highlands in the future.

According to reports, the “trans girl” player — who is really a biological boy — from the Highlands High girls’ volleyball team seriously injured a natural-born girl on the Hiwassee Dam High school team with a brutal ball spiked to the face.

The girl from Hiwassee suffered severe face and neck injuries from the ball spiked by the more powerful boy, according to Education First Alliance.

At this month’s Cherokee County Board of Education meeting, members voted 5-1 to cancel games against the Highland High team for “safety” reasons.

Cherokee Board Member Joe Wood said he was shocked by the video of the spike that smashed into the girl’s face.

The previous video was harder to discern:

“I think the odds (of injury) in these non-contact sports aren’t high. But in particular, in this meeting, a coach of 40 years said they’d never seen a hit like this. That was really what sealed the decision, at least on my part,” Woods said.

Woods added that he had “never seen a hit like this before.”

Board vice chair Jeff Martin added, “The competitive advantage issue certainly has to come up in any scenario with that type of transgender conversion, per se. I can tell you that the board wasn’t searching out this kind of thing. It was brought to our attention based on safety concerns.”

“The biggest thing for us, especially after seeing the video of the injury, we felt very strongly that it was a safety concern. I think most of the board members also felt like there’s a competitive advantage issue,” added board member Jeff Tatham.

Thus far, no charges have been filed against the boy posing as a girl on the Hiwassee team.

Cherokee County School Board member Arnold Mathews told reporters that the decision would not affect other athletics in the school district.

“We reached out to the North Carolina High School Athletic Association, which says, ‘It is the understanding of the NCHSAA that a local school system governs its athletic programs and at any time can determine for whatever reason that a school or team cannot play another school or team,’” said Matthews.

It is just a fact. Males do NOT belong in girls’ or women’s sports, whether they “feel” like a woman or not.



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