Home Uncategorized Plano, Texas: BLM Mob Block Street, Point Gun At Angry Driver – Police Rush to Protect The Mob

Plano, Texas: BLM Mob Block Street, Point Gun At Angry Driver – Police Rush to Protect The Mob

Plano, Texas: BLM Mob Block Street, Point Gun At Angry Driver – Police Rush to Protect The Mob

(IL) – Cops and Black Lives Matter rioters go hand in hand.

We’ve seen this same scene again and again.

Plano’s police chief Ed Drain marched with BLM last year:

Video of the incident was first posted to YouTube on May 2, though it’s only now going viral:

There’s something truly remarkable about “Abolish the Police” protesters having 24/7 police protection without a hint of irony.

The only reason these BLM mobs are allowed to operate unimpeded is because they have the complete and total backing of the state.



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