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JUST IN: House Republicans Blindside Biden With New Impeachment Articles

JUST IN: House Republicans Blindside Biden With New Impeachment Articles

The political landscape in the nation’s capital was jolted Thursday morning as House Republicans took direct aim at President Joe Biden, blindsiding his administration with new articles of impeachment related to his recent comments on U.S. military aid to Israel. Led by Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) the GOP move comes in response to what lawmakers describe as a “quid pro quo” threat involving Israel’s military actions in Gaza.

Mills accused Biden of strong-arming Israel into a precarious position by leveraging offensive aid against their military strategy in the Gaza Strip. “The House has no choice but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden,” Mills told Fox News Digital. “As Vice President, Biden was caught threatening to withhold funding and aid to Ukraine unless they fired the attorney general investigating Burisma, a company financially benefiting his son Hunter, not to mention the 10% share for ‘the big guy’ himself.”

Drawing a parallel to the impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump over the withholding of Ukraine aid, Mills said that Biden is pressuring “our biggest ally in the Middle East.” He added, “Joe Biden is pressuring Israel by pausing their funding that has already been approved in the House if they don’t stop all operations with Hamas. It’s a very clear message, ‘this for that.’”

Biden’s ultimatum surfaced in a CNN interview aired Wednesday night. He assured continued support for Israel’s defensive systems, like the Iron Dome, but warned that the U.S. would not supply offensive weapons should Israel escalate ground operations into Rafah. The densely populated city in southern Gaza is currently home to more than one million Palestinians displaced by the ongoing conflict.

“If they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah,” Biden said. “To deal with the cities, to deal with that problem.”


The remarks drew sharp criticism from Republican lawmakers, who likened Biden’s actions to Trump’s Ukraine aid saga. Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) called for an immediate impeachment inquiry, noting, “Given Democrats’ Trump-Ukraine precedent, President Biden’s decision to withhold lethal aid to our ally, Israel, for political gain is undoubtedly an impeachable offense. Clearly, the nefarious motive behind our commander-in-chief’s move to condition U.S. aid to Israel is to appease radical leftists and Hamas sympathizers ahead of the 2024 election. The House must immediately open an impeachment inquiry due to the president’s disastrous decision to play politics with national security.”

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) shared similar sentiments to the outlet. “The Democrats made their bed, and now they’re [lying] in it,” he stated. “This is just the latest on a long list of reasons to impeach Biden, including the deadline withdrawal in Afghanistan and allowing more than 9 million illegal immigrants to invade our southern border.”

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) stopped short of calling for impeachment but expressed his strong disapproval of Biden’s stance. “The president is essentially threatening an arms embargo on our closest ally in the Middle East that is fighting a terror army holding American citizens hostage,” Issa said. “Withholding critical munitions that Congress appropriated and Biden himself signed into law is wrong.”

BREAKING: Atlanta’s Top Newspaper Admits Fani Willis Is Now In BIG Trouble

BREAKING: Atlanta’s Top Newspaper Admits Fani Willis Is Now In BIG Trouble

The largest newspaper in Atlanta is putting the writing on the wall for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

Moments after the state Court of Appeals agreed to hear a challenge on Willis’ qualifications to continue prosecuting former President Donald Trump, a reporter for the Atlanta Constitution-Journal wrote up a story quoting experts who predict that the Democrat’s case may never be resolved before Election Day. The case has already been sidelined for months by revelations of her romantic relationship with former subordinate Nathan Wade. Now that an appeal has been granted, Willis will lose more weeks or months in her rush to prosecute Trump before Election Day.

“There’s no way this case gets to trial this year,” Atlanta defense attorney Andrew Fleischman told the outlet. “I would expect the appeals court to issue its opinion sometime next year. This issue is important. You’re prosecuting the former president of the United States. This is obviously an area of the law that needs clarification. … It’s so important to the outcome of the case.”

Noting a three-judge screening panel likely took up Judge Scott McAfee’s “certificate of immediate review,” which allows defendants to appeal a ruling, the paper pointed out that just one of three judges must agree to hear an appeal. The court’s one-page order did not name which judge that may have been. McAfee told the paper that he will work to resolve pretrial motions in the case while a decision is pending.


In a statement, Trump attorney Steve Saddow praised the Appeals Court for its decision. “President Trump looks forward to presenting interlocutory arguments to the Georgia Court of Appeals as to why the case should be dismissed and Fulton County DA Willis should be disqualified for her misconduct in this unjustified, unwarranted political persecution,” Sadow said.

The court on Wednesday also denied an appeal by Trump co-defendant Harrison Floyd arguing that Willis failed to properly receive jurisdiction from state election officials, a step typically taken before grand jury proceedings regarding election fraud.

The Constitution-Journal laid out the length of proceedings needed to reach a decision in the appeal:

Fulton Superior Court must first prepare the record from the first round of the disqualification fight and send it to the appeals court. Only then can the case be docketed and a panel of three judges be assigned via the court’s computer system, according to Christina Cooley Smith, deputy court administrator for the Court of Appeals.

It is then up to the judges to decide when they would like to hear oral argument, said Smith, but the matter must be decided within two terms of court. That means that if it’s docketed before July, it would need to be heard and decided before mid-March 2025.

The decision comes less than a day after a federal judge pushed off the state day for President Trump’s classified documents case, saying an indefinite pause is necessary while the Republican finished up his hush money trial in Manhattan. The judge in that case has required Trump to appear for proceedings every day or risk jail time. The decision by Florida U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, all but ensures the case won’t be resolved before November.

NEW: House Republicans Launch Bill To Stop Illegals From Voting

NEW: House Republicans Launch Bill To Stop Illegals From Voting

In a move aimed at protecting the integrity of federal elections, House Republicans announced on Wednesday the introduction of the Secure America’s Voting Elections (SAVE) Act. The legislation, led by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), seeks to amend federal law by requiring proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote in federal elections. The measure is a response to growing concerns over non-citizens and illegal immigrants casting ballots.

“We are here this morning for a very important reason,” Johnson began during a press conference announcing the bill. “There is currently an unprecedented and a clear and present danger to the integrity of our election system, and that is the threat of non-citizens and illegal aliens voting in our elections.”

“The first or second question that I am asked in every public forum is about election security,” he noted. He attributed these worries to the Biden administration’s immigration policies, which he claims have allowed millions of illegal immigrants into the country.

“If only one out of a hundred of those voted, they would cast hundreds of thousands of votes,” Johnson said. “Since our elections are so razor-thin these days, just a few precincts and states decide the makeup of Congress and who is elected to the White House. This is a dangerously high number, and it could obviously change the outcome of our elections.”


Johnson elaborated on the specific challenges surrounding election security, pointing to the lack of mechanisms ensuring only U.S. citizens are registering and voting. “All they have to do is check a box on a form and sign their name,” Johnson said. “There’s a very small chance that illegals would get caught because states do not have the election infrastructure in place to confirm what they’ve said.”

Johnson alluded to the disturbing pattern of states blurring the lines between citizens and non-citizens in local elections. “In cities and towns in California, Maryland, Vermont, and even right here in D.C., non-citizens are voting,” he said. He explained that Democratic lawmakers have a clear agenda to turn non-citizens into voters, citing public comments by high-profile Democrats like Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and Stacey Abrams (D-GA).

Johnson was joined by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), who have been instrumental in crafting the legislation.

“Even if you weren’t concerned about the drop boxes and the ballot harvesting in 2020, you definitely should be concerned that illegal aliens might be voting in 2024,” Johnson cautioned. As the SAVE Act gains momentum in Congress, House Republicans are calling on their colleagues to join them in securing America’s federal elections. “It is critical that we pass the SAVE Act to safeguard our federal elections and ensure that only Americans get to decide American elections,” Johnson concluded.

The legislative initiative will undoubtedly face stiff opposition from Democrats, who consistently express their reservations about common-sense voting laws. The bill would mandate proof of U.S. citizenship for voter registration in federal elections. However, Johnson was resolute, vowing to fight for measures that uphold the sanctity of the electoral process. “We will monitor this and bring you any news out of it,” he pledged.

JUST IN: Michael Cohen Referred To DOJ For Criminal Prosecution

JUST IN: Michael Cohen Referred To DOJ For Criminal Prosecution

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY) have formally referred Michael Cohen to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for criminal prosecution, citing his previous lies to Congress. They specifically urged Attorney General Merrick Garland to hold Cohen accountable for his false statements from his February 2019 testimony.

In a letter, Republican members pointed out six specific falsehoods that Cohen presented to the House Oversight Committee and called on the Department of Justice to take suitable action. Last year, GOP members discovered that Cohen also provided false testimony in a 2019 deposition before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). Now, his testimony serves as a foundation for a politically driven prosecution of a former president and current candidate for that office, they argue.

Among the six specific lies cited in the letter are Cohen’s various fraudulent acts he had previously pleaded guilty to in federal court. He also falsely claimed that he hadn’t sought a position in President Donald Trump’s administration, despite contrary evidence from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. According to the Committee, Cohen misrepresented his involvement in creating a Twitter account, failed to report foreign government contracts, contradicted his own written statement, and asserted that his crimes were due to “blind loyalty” to Trump, which was disputed by federal prosecutors.

In a separate instance, Cohen admitted in 2023 to lying to Congress during a 2019 deposition before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). When questioned about whether he was directed to inflate financial numbers, he confessed to providing false testimony. The admission led HPSCI to again refer Cohen to the DOJ for perjury and knowingly making false statements.

Trump is currently charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, all related to accusations that he concealed a $130,000 hush-money payment to adult film actor Stormy Daniels to prevent her from revealing details of an alleged sexual encounter in order to “influence” an election.

Cohen, once a personal attorney for Trump, faced a series of legal issues tied to his work with the former president and personal matters. In 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to federal charges, including campaign finance violations, tax evasion, and making false statements to Congress. The campaign finance violations stemmed from hush money payments made to two women who claimed to have had affairs with Trump. Additionally, Cohen admitted to failing to report significant income, resulting in millions of dollars of unpaid taxes.

His false statements to Congress involved misleading information about the timeline of a proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow during the 2016 campaign. Cohen falsely suggested that negotiations ended earlier than they did. He was sentenced to three years in federal prison and fined $50,000 but was released to home confinement in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cohen testified before Congress and accused Trump of unethical conduct while providing evidence of potentially criminal actions, which contributed to ongoing investigations. He also became embroiled in various civil suits, both as a defendant and plaintiff, including efforts to recoup legal fees. Despite his past loyalty to Trump, Cohen’s testimony and subsequent actions marked a sharp break with his former client.

“Currently, Manhattan’s popularly elected District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, is using Cohen as his star witness in an ongoing criminal prosecution of President Donald Trump. Bragg’s case heavily relies on Cohen’s testimony and credibility. Even more troubling, Cohen’s advisor, Lanny Davis, boasted to Politico that Bragg’s prosecution of President Trump all stemmed from Cohen’s testimony to Congress in 2019,” the letter wrote.

Jordan and Comer assert that witnesses are guilty of perjury if they “willfully” make false statements after taking an oath to tell the truth.

WATCH: Biden Crumbles When Confronted With Brutal Economic Numbers

WATCH: Biden Crumbles When Confronted With Brutal Economic Numbers

President Biden appeared to be caught off guard when CNN’s Erin Burnett confronted him with a number of brutal economic data points.

Burnett began by pointing out that the economy has long topped the list of most important issues for voters as election day nears. “ It’s also true right now, Mr. President, that voters by a wide margin trust Trump more on the economy. They say that in polls,” Burnett said. “And part of the reason for that may be the numbers.”

The CNN host went on to list a number of statistics concerning the economy and President Biden’s handling of the issue.

“The cost of buying a home in the United States is double what it was when you account for inflation is actually down since you took office. Economic growth last week, far short of expectations. Consumer confidence, maybe no surprise, is near a two-year low,” Burnett told the president. “With less than six months to go to election day, are you worried that you’re running out of time to turn that around?”

Polling has consistently found that voters have more faith in Trump’s ability to handle the economy as opposed to President Biden. According to April’s Harvard/CAPS Harris survey, 57 percent of respondents described the state of the U.S. economy as “weak,” while an almost identical number said the economy is on the “wrong track.” Respondents expressed similar opinions regarding inflation, cost of living and their overall financial situation.

The trend has held for months across major pollsters, with voters consistently expressing negative views about the economy and having more confidence in former President Donald Trump.

During Wednesday’s CNN interview, Biden employed his administration’s favorite defense by claiming that the economy is actually great, only voters can’t see it.

“We’ve already turned it around,” President Biden told Burnett. “Look, look at the Michigan survey. For 65% of the American people think they’re in good shape economically. They think the nation’s not in good shape, but they’re personally in good shape. The polling data has been wrong all along. How many folks do you have to call to get one response?”

Biden continued to defend his economic record by pointing to the false claim that he created 9 million jobs, almost all of which were workers simply returning after government-mandated pandemic lockdowns. “The idea that we’re in a situation where things are so bad. I mean, we’ve created more jobs. We may have been in a situation where people have access to good paying jobs,” the president went on to say.

The Biden Administration has consistently argued that the economy is strong while claiming that polling is wildly inaccurate.

BREAKING: Trump Uses Sneaky Maneuver To Bypass Judge’s Gag Order

BREAKING: Trump Uses Sneaky Maneuver To Bypass Judge’s Gag Order

In a masterful move that sidestepped Judge Juan Merchan’s gag order, former President Donald Trump ingeniously used mainstream media’s own words to articulate his stance on the case against him, reinforcing the contradictory statements and uncertainties surrounding the legal proceedings.

During his speech, Trump brandished a piece of paper and methodically read aloud quotes from various news outlets, highlighting their own skepticism and casting doubt on the case presented by the prosecution. He cited reports from CNN, NBC, and other sources, brining attention to the ambiguity in the allegations brought against him.

“The country is on fire. There are protests all over the country. I’ve never seen anything like this. Many graduation ceremonies are being canceled,” Trump began. “They canceled, as you know, in Columbia. They’re canceling a lot of them.”

In referencing various outlets’ critiques, Trump pointed out statements regarding the lack of concrete evidence. He quoted Michael Moore’s remarks from CNN, which noted that “the proof of falsifying records has not been accomplished.” He further referenced Good Morning America, noting how legal expenses paid to attorneys are a standard practice and not indicative of any wrongdoing.

“The legal expense that we paid was put down as legal expense. There’s nothing else you could say,” Trump said. As he read through the transcript, Trump criticized the nature of the prosecution’s focus on legal expenses, calling it a baseless accusation. “They’re trying to get us on the fact that we called it a legal expense,” he said, adding that all financial entries had been approved by relevant agencies, including the IRS and the FEC.


“The check was signed. This was approved by all agencies. Everybody saw this. There was nothing being hidden at all,” he said. Trump further highlighted a quote from NBC’s Today Show, where a commentator noted that “there is no smoking gun, no email or tape to prove the President’s intent.” Adding to his defense, he cited a Fox News opinion that called the gag order “unconstitutional,” a sentiment that resonated strongly with Trump’s audience.

“All that’s going on, they have no case. Every single legal scholar that I see… has said there’s absolutely no case. It’s a case that shouldn’t have been brought,” Trump said, dismissing the prosecution’s efforts as politically motivated.

Trump continued, suggesting that the trial itself was unfair and rooted in partisan politics. “The previous DA wouldn’t bring it. Brad didn’t want to bring it, and he brought it because I’m running in number one place. This all comes out of the White House and crooked Joe Biden.”

Despite the gag order, Trump’s tactic of leveraging media skepticism showcased his knack for circumventing legal constraints while defending his actions, leaving Judge Merchan with little room to enforce a violation.

The trial is set to resume on Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in Manhattan, where Judge Merchan denied Trump’s call for a mistrial after Stormy Daniels’ detailed testimony. Daniels is expected to continue her cross-examination in what is poised to be another high-stakes day in court.

REPORT: Judge SHREDS Alvin Bragg’s Team For Stormy Daniels’ Testimony…

REPORT: Judge SHREDS Alvin Bragg’s Team For Stormy Daniels’ Testimony…

Former President Donald Trump faces a pivotal day at his Manhattan trial on Tuesday, confronting a potential threat of jail time from Judge Juan Merchan. As the trial proceeds, prosecutors from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office are set to continue presenting witness testimony, with Stormy Daniels, the adult film actress.

After a brief morning recess, Judge Juan Merchan cautioned prosecutors against providing excessive details during their questioning of adult film actress Stormy Daniels. “The degree of detail we’re going into is unnecessary,” Merchan told Manhattan prosecutor Susan Hoffinger on Tuesday morning, encouraging her to keep the proceedings concise.

Earlier, prosecutors asked Daniels to describe the alleged meeting with Trump at a Lake Tahoe hotel room. The then-real estate mogul reportedly invited Daniels to dinner after meeting her at a celebrity golf tournament in 2006 according to Fox News. Daniels testified that she was under contract with Wicked Pictures at the time. The adult entertainment company sponsored one of the tournament holes and maintained a table there.

“It was a very brief encounter,” she said, describing how she met every player passing through the hole. “Players came through, and I was introduced to every player who came through. It was a very brief encounter.” Panelists on CNN torched the adult film star for yukking it up on the stand, cracking jokes, and trying to lighten the mood in what may be the most tense room in America right now. It even appeared that some of the jokes that flopped were scripted, one member added.

Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger probed Daniels about her conversation with Trump. Daniels said the exchange was limited, noting that Trump remarked, “You must be the smart one,” after learning she was a director. Daniels acknowledged she was aware of Trump’s role in “The Apprentice,” his reality show, and his appearances in commercials and cameos. She was 27 at the time, while Trump was around 60, roughly her father’s age.

The two crossed paths again in the gift room, where Daniels ensured Trump received a copy of her film, “Three Wishes,” and had a brief chat. Subsequently, she was approached with an invitation to dine with Trump. Daniels consulted her then-publicist about the dinner invitation, initially preferring to dine with her company instead. However, her publicist encouraged her to meet Trump, joking, “What could possibly go wrong?” The publicist implied it would be beneficial for Daniels’ career.

Daniels claimed she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006 and was paid $130,000 by Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen in 2016 to silence her before the presidential election. The transaction lies at the heart of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s criminal case against Trump, who faces 34 counts of falsifying business records. Trump has firmly denied any affair with Daniels.

The U.S. Secret Service is also reportedly in discussions over how it would manage Trump’s potential imprisonment if he is sentenced during the trial. The situation remains tense as prosecutors press forward with their case, bringing the former president closer to a legal showdown.

JUST IN: Trump’s Legal Team Motions For Mistrial After Stormy Daniels’ Testimony

JUST IN: Trump’s Legal Team Motions For Mistrial After Stormy Daniels’ Testimony

Amid heated courtroom proceedings, defense attorneys representing former President Donald Trump sought a mistrial after Stormy Daniels’ testimony on Tuesday morning. Todd Blanche, Trump’s lead counsel, argued that Daniels’ testimony had a prejudicial impact and cast undue bias on the case.

After the lunch recess, Blanche reiterated his concerns to Judge Juan Merchan, saying that Daniels’ remarks about her alleged 2006 affair with Trump could not be remedied and would unfairly influence the jury. Despite the objections, Merchan said that he was taking every possible measure to maintain order and impartiality, including personally objecting to some of Daniels’ statements.

Ultimately, Judge Merchan denied Blanche’s request for a mistrial following Stormy Daniels’ testimony, asserting, “I don’t believe we’re at the point where a mistrial is warranted,” according to The Associated Press. As Judge Merchan denied the request for a mistrial, former President Trump shook his head in disapproval and then scribbled a note on a piece of paper. He passed it over to his attorney, sharing his thoughts on the ruling as the proceedings continued.

While the judge acknowledged Blanche’s concerns and admitted that Daniels occasionally overstepped her boundaries, he attributed some responsibility to the defense for not objecting more forcefully during her testimony. “I agree there are some things that would’ve been better left unsaid,” Merchan remarked, recognizing that the “witness was a little difficult to control.”


At one point, Merchan intervened proactively, objecting on his own to prevent Daniels from revealing excessive details, rather than waiting for a formal objection from the defense. Judge Merchan said that he would provide an instruction to the jurors, who were not yet present in the courtroom, warning them about Daniels’ testimony in which she claimed to have been accosted and threatened in a parking lot in 2011.

The judge was also surprised at the lack of defense objections during Daniels’ testimony. “When you say the bell has been rung, the defense has to take some responsibility for that,” Merchan said.

Trump’s legal team argued that Daniels violated established rules for her testimony. This marked the first instance where Trump’s team has requested a mistrial. Defense attorney Todd Blanche said that Daniels’ account of the alleged sexual encounter and her detailed description of preceding conversations and other meetings with Trump had “nothing to do with this case and is extremely prejudicial.”

Blanche stated that “the court set guardrails for this testimony,” but they were “just thrown to the side.”

“This is the kind of testimony that makes it impossible to come back from,” he added, noting that it is also “unfair” since Trump is scheduled to be on the campaign trail later today.

Prosecutors allege that Trump authorized a $130,000 payment to Daniels before the 2016 election to inhibit her from going on the record about an affair and that the payment was illegally classified as a legal expense. The Federal Election Commission has previously found that the payment did not qualify as a campaign expense, something that Bragg has sought to prove since bringing charges last year.

JUST IN: Prosecutor Who Is Leading Stormy Daniels Questioning Donated To…

JUST IN: Prosecutor Who Is Leading Stormy Daniels Questioning Donated To…

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s dubious “hush money” case against former President Donald Trump is facing yet another issue with political bias. This time, it has been found that the prosecutor with Bragg’s office who is currently leading the questioning of adult film star Stormy Daniels donated to Joe Biden’s election campaign in 2020.

Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger questioned Daniels on Tuesday as she testified about her alleged relationship with the former president. Trump’s legal team told Judge Juan Merchan on Tuesday that they will be filing a motion for a mistrial due to Daniels’ “prejudicial” testimony. Merchan ultimately denied the request after Hoffinger said it was without merit.

According to Federal Election Commission records reviewed by Fox News, Hoffinger donated to Joe Biden’s campaign in 2020.

In total, Hoffinger donated $500 to the president’s election campaign in 2020. This includes a donation of $250 in February, and another donation of $250 in March of that year.

In addition, the prosecutor also donated more than $900 to ActBlue, a fundraising organization that goes towards Democratic candidates and progressive causes, during the 2020 election cycle.

Hoffinger also donated to a number of additional Democrat candidates and causes in 2018 and 2020. She was hired by Bragg after the contributions had been made in 2022.

The latest revelation has once again drawn attention to numerous instances of political bias plaguing Bragg’s case.

Judge Juan Merchan — who is overseeing the case — donated to Joe Biden’s campaign in July 2020. He also made a number of small donations to additional left-wing and Democrat groups in 2020.

Merchan has also faced calls to resign over the political activities of his daughter, Loren Merchan, who is a leading Democrat consultant and campaign fundraiser. Loren Merchan has worked with a number of high-profile Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris, U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and President Biden.

To date, she has raised millions of dollars off the trial her father is presiding over. Despite the clear conflict of interest, Merchan has not only refused to recuse himself, but has slapped former President Trump with a gag order that prevents him from discussing his family’s political activities.

Bragg’s office has also been plagued by political bias against Trump. In addition to Bragg’s campaign promise to pursue the former president, the DA’s office currently employs Matthew Colangelo, a former senior Department of Justice official. Colangelo served as Acting Associate Attorney General before, the third most senior position in the Biden DOJ, before joining Bragg’s office.

He is currently working as a lead prosecutor in the “hush money” case.

WOW: Kari Lake Makes Democrat Senator MELT DOWN With Latest Comment

WOW: Kari Lake Makes Democrat Senator MELT DOWN With Latest Comment

If Kari Lake makes her way to the U.S. Senate next year, expect her to send Democrats into full-blown meltdowns like she did recently.

Arizona’s Democratic Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) was asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press” about a comment by Lake where she said supporters should “strap on a Glock” if the November elections devolve into doubt and violence. Mainstream outlets like NBC were quick to isolate the comment outside of Lake’s larger remarks where she said the campaign season would be a “crazy run” that requires supporters to be “strapped in” several ways.

“We need to send people to Washington, D.C., that the swamp does not want there,” Lake told a crowd of supporters in Mohave County on Sunday, according to NBC News. “And I can think of a couple people they don’t want there. First on that list is Donald J. Trump; second is Kari Lake. They can’t bribe me, they can’t blackmail me. That’s why they don’t want me in Washington, D.C. And that’s exactly why President Trump wants me there fighting with him.”

“He’s willing to sacrifice everything I am. That’s why they’re coming after us with lawfare, they’re going to come after us with everything. That’s why the next six months is going to be intense. And we need to strap on our — let’s see. What do we want to strap on?” Lake asked as some in the crowd chuckled. “We’re going to strap on our, our seat belt. We’re going to put on our helmet or your Kari Lake ball cap. We are going to put on the armor of God. And maybe strap on a Glock on the side of us just in case.”


“We’re not going to be the victims of crime,” Lake continued. “We’re not going to have our Second Amendment taken away. We’re certainly not going to have our First Amendment taken away by these tyrants. The next six months are going to be difficult. If you are not ready for action, and I have a feeling with as many veterans and former law enforcement, active law enforcement” — Lake paused to ask for a show of hands — “… you guys are ready for it. It’s going to be a crazy run, the next six months. This is the moment we have to save our country.”

Sen. Kelly, whose wife Gabby Giffords was shot in the head by a deranged gunman in 2011 while in Congress, told “Meet the Press” hosts “what Kari Lake said could result in people getting hurt or killed,” according to the Western Journal. Asked if words like hers could “translate into violence,” Kelly replied, “Absolutely, especially when they come from somebody who is in a leadership position.”

Lake is a top prospect for Senate Republicans hoping to retake control of the upper chamber next January but often finds herself the target of Democrats seeking to cast her as unfit for office. Her full-throated endorsement of former President Donald Trump earned her a record-setting fundraising haul at Mar-a-Lago last month as well a a slew of endorsements from top Senate Republicans. After it was revealed that she faced a bribe by the former chair of the Arizona Republican Party to step aside in the race, Lake’s stature rose further. She faces likely Democratic opponent Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) in the general election should she win the Republican primary. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) said earlier this year she will not seek reelection.