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BREAKING: ‘The Rule Is Now Simple’ Biden Sends A “Clear Message”

BREAKING: ‘The Rule Is Now Simple’ Biden Sends A “Clear Message”

(IL) – Anyone wearing a mask from this day onward should be assumed to be an anti-vax Republican!

Sorry, liberals! This means no more virtue signal points for wearing your mask outside!

You will now be assumed to be downright evil!

This is way too soon to be doing away with masks! So many unvaccinated and how do you know they are in fact vaccinated if they’re maskless?? I will be wearing mine until herd immunity is reached ๐Ÿฅด

โ€” Gabrielle (@VioletGabrielle) May 13, 2021

Thanks, Biden!

Right-wingers have all started masking up anyways to protect themselves from spike protein shedding from the vaxxed!


Next up, reverse vaccine passports!

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