Home Uncategorized BREAKING: President Biden BUSTED After Video Proves Family Scandal [Watch Now]

BREAKING: President Biden BUSTED After Video Proves Family Scandal [Watch Now]

BREAKING: President Biden BUSTED After Video Proves Family Scandal [Watch Now]

(breitbart) – The Republican National Committee on Wednesday released a video exclusively to Breitbart News detailing President Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter Biden’s family business scheme.

While Joe Biden has claimed at least seven times to have no knowledge of his family’s corrupt dealings, the president has evidently played a role in the Biden family business at least 12 times over six years.

Text messages from 2019 on Hunter’s “laptop from hell” reveal the Biden family’s payout mechanism, which indicates a collection of 50 percent of familial salaries for 30 years. The mechanism could be legal “predicates” for racketeering charges, according to former Utah U.S. attorney Brett Tolman.

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter texted to his daughter describing the family’s payment system. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

Hunter Biden is currently under investigation by Joe Biden’s Justice Department for tax fraud, money laundering, and violation of lobbying laws, according to the New York Times. Hunter is reportedly trying to settle the case out of court and has paid $1 million to the IRS to evade conviction or a long sentence.

According to an April Harris poll, 58 percent of Americans believe Joe Biden has played a role in his family’s business. Sixty percent say Hunter Biden, a key member of the family enterprise, has sold “influence and access” to Joe Biden. The poll also found that 67 percent believe Joe Biden should be impeached if he “secretly participated and facilitated” in the family’s business.

The RNC’s video script depicting Biden’s involvement with the family business follows:

His son, Hunter, joining the then-vice president on the official visit to Beijing. Unknown to the press back then, Hunter Biden was forming a Chinese private equity fund, planning to raise money, including from Chinese investors. Ten days after the Bidens’ trip, Shanghai authorities issued the fund’s business license.

Then-Vice President Joe Biden had dinner with his son, Hunter, along with Hunter’s business associates from Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan. And the day after the dinner, a Burisma executive sent a note to Hunter, quoting, “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to D.C. and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together.”

Hunter’s lucrative business dealings often included giving as much as 50% of his earnings to his dad. The texts read, quote, “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard, but don’t worry. Unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

“And Hunter introduced me as, ‘This is Tony, Dad, the individual I told you about that’s helping us with the business that we’re working on and the Chinese.’”

The email reads this way, quote, “At the moment, there’s a provisional agreement that the equity will be distributed as follows: ten held by Hunter for the big guy.”

“I a thousand percent sit here and know that the big guy is referencing Joe Biden. I met with the former vice president in person multiple times.”

A newly revealed text message shows Bobulinski was apparently warned by business partner James Gilliar, “Don’t mention Joe being involved. It’s only when you are face to face. I know you know that, but they are paranoid.”

Chinese executives admitted to reporters that they were actually introduced to the vice president by Hunter Biden.

Hunter and the then-vice president seen with a pair of Mexican billionaires. At the same time, Hunter had been working on energy deals in Mexico.

Joe Biden also had Hunter and his business partner fly on Air Force Two to Mexico.

The president agreed to pay Hunter Biden’s legal fees for his business dealings with a Chinese controlled company. Hunter’s assistant reportedly telling a pair of Biden aides, quote, “I spoke with Hunter today regarding his bills. It is my understanding that Hunter dad will cover these bills in the short term.”

There is photographic evidence of Biden on a golf outing with both his son, Hunter, and a man called Devon Archer, who was another member of the Burisma board.

We also know that Devon Archer in that picture had a meeting in the White House, a one-on-one meeting with Joe Biden about a week before they joined the Burisma board.

His closest business partner, Hunter’s, has made at least 19 visits to the White House and other official locations, including a sit down with then-Vice President Joe Biden in the West Wing.

“I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses. Period.”

RNC Research commented on Biden’s corrupt business dealings on Twitter:



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