Home Uncategorized BREAKING: Joe Biden losses It On stage Again – Stunning

BREAKING: Joe Biden losses It On stage Again – Stunning

BREAKING: Joe Biden losses It On stage Again – Stunning

(breitbart) – President Joe Biden misspoke during a speech in Florida on Tuesday, speaking about the ongoing “war in Iraq” and also claimed it was where his son died.

“Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq and the impact on oil and what Russia’s doing, excuse me, the war in Ukraine,” Biden said.

“I’m thinking of Iraq because that’s where my son died,” he added, as an excuse for the verbal slip.

Although Beau Biden served in Iraq, he did not die there. He died in 2015 at Walter Reed National Medical Center in Maryland after fighting brain cancer, six years after he served in Iraq. He was 46.

Biden frequently blames the burn pits in Iraq for causing his son’s brain cancer.

The president also made this claim in October, during a speech in Colorado.

“I say this as a father of a man and won the Bronze Star, the conspicuous service medal, and lost his life in Iraq,” he said.

Biden commented on inflation and the war in Ukraine during a speech about the future of government programs such as Social Security and Medicare in Florida.

“A senator from Florida going after Medicare and Social Security!?” he asked, referring to Republican Sen. Rick Scott. “Who the hell do they think they are?”

Republicans deny any plans to cut Social Security or Medicare, but Biden has repeatedly utilized the familiar Democrat attack before the midterm elections.

The president also said the cost of groceries is high “because Putin cuttin’ off grain supplies.”

Biden spent most of his speech accusing Republicans of trying to cut or eliminate the two programs, insisting they planned to shut down the government if the president refused to cut or eliminate the programs.

He spent most of his speech expressing anger toward Republicans and concluded his speech with a final dig at his political opponents.

“God bless you all. God protect our troops and God give our Republican friends some enlightenment,” he said.



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