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BREAKING: J.D. Vance Exposes Trump-Enemy | Traitor In GOP…

BREAKING: J.D. Vance Exposes Trump-Enemy | Traitor In GOP…

(breitbart) – Fresh off of his Ohio Republican U.S. Senate primary win a day earlier, J.D. Vance appeared on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and gave a rebuke of political consultant Karl Rove, also a contributor for Fox News.


Vance called Rove a “slime ball” and one of his “biggest enemies” during the primary.

“I mean, look, if you think of some my biggest enemies in this primary, you know, the slime ball Karl Rove who shipped a lot of American jobs overseas, got rich in the process, and also sent a lot of Americans to die in stupid conflicts,” he said. “Karl Rove spent a lot of money. He wrote a lot of op-eds criticizing my candidacy. He was even calling my donors after Trump endorsed me, encouraging them to drop my campaign. So you know, in a lot of ways, what this revealed is that you do have some very corrupt political consultants in the Republican Party who despise their own voters. It was crazy, Tucker. I mean, a couple of days before the primary after I – – I think we’d already kind of locked it up.”

“We were way ahead in the polls. A Republican donor group put $2 million on TV to attack me, which really didn’t hurt my candidacy against the other Republicans,” Vance continued. “It actually just hurt me against the Democrats. So actually the candidacy — my candidacy revealed an incredible amount of corruption in our own party, and I think that’s one of the things that I do have to fight against. You know, Tim Ryan, who I’m running against, is a total fraud, but we also have to fight against the corruption in our own party.”



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