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BREAKING: Dan Crenshaw Confirms Rumors – He’s Making It Official

BREAKING: Dan Crenshaw Confirms Rumors – He’s Making It Official

(breitbart) – On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) stated that the lack of interest in the Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) story is a reflection of the larger problem in the Democratic Party that “they don’t even seem to care about China as a whole when it comes to viewing them as a threat, to viewing them as a foreign policy challenge.”

Crenshaw said, [relevant remarks begin around 3:30] “The double standard of the mainstream media is one of the largest challenges of our times. Everybody knows it. It’s infuriating, it’s corrupt, it’s disgusting, and it’s got to stop. And to your point about say, Swalwell, questions have to be answered there, but the left-wing media has no interest in even asking them. The Democrats have no interest in even asking them. We need to know what kind of information made it from the Intel. Committee, to Swalwell’s office, to Fang Fang. But we don’t, they don’t even seem to care. This is a microcosm of a much larger problem [in] the Democrat Party, which is they don’t even seem to care about China as a whole when it comes to viewing them as a threat, to viewing them as a foreign policy challenge.”



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