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WOW: Ted Cruz Drops A BOMBSHELL On Joe Biden – It’s Over

WOW: Ted Cruz Drops A BOMBSHELL On Joe Biden – It’s Over

(breitbart) – On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated that the Biden administration can’t solve the problems on the border because they vowed not to enforce the law, and are flying migrants in the middle of the night because “they want to hide it and they’re counting on the corrupt, corporate media to be complicit in covering it up.”

Cruz said, “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a political problem, and their political problem is their policies on the border have produced an absolute catastrophe, absolute chaos…and they have no solution. Because they’ve made a promise to the radical, open borders left that they won’t enforce the law. So, their only answer is hide it. And so, there’s a reason why you’re seeing flights at 2:30 in the morning, at 4:00 in the morning. Because they want to hide it and they’re counting on the corrupt, corporate media to be complicit in covering it up.”



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