Home Uncategorized WOW: Surveillance Video Shows Black Students Forcing White Students to Say ‘Black Lives Matter’ at Ohio School

WOW: Surveillance Video Shows Black Students Forcing White Students to Say ‘Black Lives Matter’ at Ohio School

WOW: Surveillance Video Shows Black Students Forcing White Students to Say ‘Black Lives Matter’ at Ohio School

(breitbart) – Newly released surveillance video shows the viral incident which took place at an Ohio elementary school, involving black students allegedly assaulting white students and forcing them to say “Black Lives Matter.”

The incident occurred at Kenwood Elementary on February 10.

“A few of the students who had tried to avoid the situation, were chased down and escorted, dragged or carried to the spot on the playground,” according to the report, which states that the group forced the white students to say “Black Lives Matter.” WDTN reports that “one student was punched in the head by one of the suspects” and that the black students were reportedly recording the white students as well.

Newly released surveillance video appears to corroborates these claims, showing a cluster of students on the playground, with two students bringing another to the swings. Another student knocks the escorted student to the ground. 

According to Dayton 247:

Minutes later, another student appears to be carrying another to that same area and dropping him on the ground. Finally, about 10 minutes in, there seems to be another altercation in the same area and it looks like another student was shoved to the ground.

A blurred version of the partial surveillance video can be viewed here.

Springfield Police announced last week that they are pursuing charges in the case. 

“These are young children, elementary school children who are involved,” Springfield Police Chief Allison Elliot said.

“They basically told him to get down on his knees and say ‘BLM’ and if he didn’t that they was going to beat him up and all that,” Springer said of one of the 12-year-old victims. 

A mother of one of the alleged victims took to social media, warning Kenwood Elementary families.

“I just wanted to let people know that my 12 year old was really forced on his knees Friday and to say blm. Watch your babies! This is getting unsafe!” she exclaimed.

“Just because it’s reversed, it’s still not alright,” the father of the child told a local news station.

Elliot affirmed that “we are actively pursuing charges for the identifying assaults that occurred.”

“While privacy laws only allow the District to provide details about the discipline of a child to their parent or guardian, the Springfield City School District does not approve of and will not tolerate the reported behavior,” the Springfield City School District said in a statement.

“The Springfield Police Division is in the process of pursuing charges for involved students based upon the ongoing investigation and the District will issue appropriate school discipline in accordance with Board Policy,” the school district added, assuring it will “NOT give up on any student.”

Black Lives Matter Dayton also released a statement condemning the incident.

“The Black Lives Matter Dayton group is disheartened to learn of the incident at Kenwood Elementary School in Springfield, Ohio, involving black students’ alleged negative engagement towards white students while using the Black Lives Matter phrase,” the group said, adding that it continues to support “ongoing student diversity and inclusion that fosters proper relations in educational settings that allow for an understanding of cultural differences while acknowledging the issue at hand, cultural tensions.”



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