Home Uncategorized WATCH: Joe Biden Scolds Press, Demands Favorable Coverage At White House Correspondents’ Dinner

WATCH: Joe Biden Scolds Press, Demands Favorable Coverage At White House Correspondents’ Dinner

WATCH: Joe Biden Scolds Press, Demands Favorable Coverage At White House Correspondents’ Dinner

President Joe Biden turned the 108th White House Correspondents’ Dinner — which was historically viewed as a comedic event — into a political stump speech against “extreme MAGA Republicans.” In addition to celebrating the ongoing criminal trials against former President Donald Trump, an angry Biden scolded the press for what he deemed to be unflattering coverage.

President Biden frequently echoed his dark, “extreme MAGA” rhetoric throughout the event. “I had a great stretch since the State of The Union,” Biden told the assembled crowd of corporate journalists and Hollywood celebrities. “But Donald has had a few tough days lately,” he continued with a smirk. “You might call it ‘Stormy weather.’ What the hell!”

Throughout the majority of the speech, Biden droned on with ominous language while frequently describing his political opponents as enemies of the state. He even repeated a recent media hoax by accusing Trump of vowing a “bloodbath” if he wins re-election.

“He promised a bloodbath, when he loses again. We have to take this seriously,” Biden said.

Last month, leftists and their media allies have pounced on an edited, 17-second clip where former President Donald Trump stated that Biden’s re-election would lead to a “bloodbath” for the auto industry. The deceptively edited clip became a leading talking point on Sunday shows, while a number of leading Democrats accused Trump of promoting violence.

Elsewhere in the speech, President Biden scolded members of the press and urged them to cover him more favorably.

“Move past the horse race numbers, the gotcha moments. And the distractions, the sideshows that have come to dominate and sensationalize our politics,” a stern-faced Biden said not long after his “stormy weather” quip. “And focus on what’s actually at stake. The stakes couldn’t be higher.”

Outside the venue, Biden and his guests were showered with chants of “shame on you” and “ceasefire now” after a large group of pro-Palestine protesters turned up. The president has been the target of consistent protests due to his handling of the war in Gaza.


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