Home Uncategorized ‘TRUMPTANA’: Every Person Interviewed In Montana Bar Is On The Trump Train

‘TRUMPTANA’: Every Person Interviewed In Montana Bar Is On The Trump Train

‘TRUMPTANA’: Every Person Interviewed In Montana Bar Is On The Trump Train

(trendingpoliticsnews) – Fox News correspondent Lawrence Jones interviewed several customers at a bar in Bozeman, Montana and found that every single one of them is supporting former president Donald Trump in 2024.

When asked what the most important issue Montana is facing at the moment, the first man interviewed said that the border crisis is number one. “It’s more than just one issue, I think it’s immigration, it’s illegals coming through, it’s drugs, it’s cartels, it’s human trafficking. There’s so many issues going on here that people really don’t open their eyes to because it’s not publicized.

The man went on to say that his late father was a Border Patrol agent for 33 years.

Jones then pivoted to a group of college students from Montana State University and found that all of them are supporting Trump in the 2024 GOP primary and general election. “For me it’s always been Trump,” one of the students said. “He did great things for this country when he was president and it’s kinda said to see what’s happened to this country in the last three and a half years.”

Another student had the same sentiment, telling Jones that they like to refer to the state as “Trumptana.”

“I’m gonna have to agree with that. Under the Trump Administration we had great policies and we like to call it ‘Trumptana’ here,” she said. When asked what the most important issue facing the country she is, she identified the border crisis, stating that Montana is a “northern border state with a southern border problem.”

“Pretty incredible that the young people are still saying Donald Trump right here in Montana,” Jones said after kicking it back to New York.

Montana — an overwhelmingly red state — is expected to play an important role in determining control of the U.S. Senate in 2024. One of the state’s seats is currently held by Jon Tester, a Democrat, who is seen as one of the most vulnerable candidates in the upcoming cycle.



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