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Report: White House Staffers Turn off Joe Biden Events out of ‘Anxiety’

Report: White House Staffers Turn off Joe Biden Events out of ‘Anxiety’

(breitbart) – White House staffers admit they switch off or mute President Joe Biden’s public appearances out of anxiety, according to a report.

Politico reports White House staffers cannot bear to watch the president speak because they are “filled with anxiety.”

Biden sometimes takes questions from reporters, failing to stay on script of his carefully prepared messaging strategy or increasingly drawing a hostile reaction from gathering crowds.

“I know people who habitually don’t watch it live for that reason,” said one current official.

The Biden aides who did tune out on Tuesday missed a number of blunders from the president.

During a speech in New York on Tuesday, Biden made three different errors — calling New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand “Kristen,” vowing to make electricity production carbon neutral by “2020,” and spoke about wildfires spreading “wisely” across the country.

Earlier Tuesday, Biden spoke about tornados in New Jersey, telling those present that “they don’t call them that anymore.”

Watch for yourself below:The White HouseVolume 90% 

Biden also struggles when he takes questions from reporters, even though he routinely informs the press he is “not supposed to.”

The most recent painful press performance for the president was on the issue of Afghanistan, as Biden clutched his leather folder and bowed over the podium in frustration during an exchange with Fox News reporter Peter Doocy.



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