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BREAKING: Trump Makes Liberals LOSE IT With Joke About Being ‘Three-Term’ President

BREAKING: Trump Makes Liberals LOSE IT With Joke About Being ‘Three-Term’ President

Former President Donald Trump found his sweet spot during a weekend speech, joking about running for a third term that rallied his conservative base while simultaneously sending liberals into apoplexy.

Giving remarks before the National Rifle Association at the group’s annual meeting, President Trump harkened back to the four terms of former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who extended his stay in the White House following the outbreak of World War II.

“You know, FDR 16 years — almost 16 years — he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term? You tell me,” Trump quipped according to Politico. The open question prompted audible roars of approval from the audience.


The X account for President Joe Biden’s campaign quickly seized on the remarks, saying that Trump wants to “violate the Constitution.” However, the Republican challenger told Time Magazine back in April that he wouldn’t be in favor of abolishing or skirting the Constitution’s 22nd Amendment, enacted in 1944 to limit future presidents to two four-year terms.

“I wouldn’t be in favor of it at all. I intend to serve four years and do a great job. And I want to bring our country back. I want to put it back on the right track. Our country is going down. We’re a failing nation right now. We’re a nation in turmoil,” he said.

By ratcheting up his rhetoric now, President Trump has been able to prime supporters heading into next month’s first debate against President Biden, an opportunity for Trump to finally point out in-person how much his aging Democratic rival struggles to “put two sentences together,” as he said last week. Part of Trump’s wide-ranging remarks at the NRA event included more shots at the president.

“He did that State of the Union the other day – he was high as a kite,” he joked as the audience laughed. “So I think we should call for drug tests in the debate.”

Rather than let the gentle ribbing slide, the White House returned a sharp statement to Politico in response to questions about whether Biden is taking illegal drugs to stay lucid on stage.

“It’s telling that Republican officials are unable to stop announcing how intimidated they remain by [the] President’s State of the Union performance. But after losing every public and private negotiation with President Biden — and after seeing him succeed where they failed across the board, ranging from actually rebuilding America’s infrastructure to actually reducing violent crime to actually outcompeting China — it tracks that those same Republican officials mistake confidence for a drug,” said Biden spokesman Andrew Bates.

Approximately four in 5 voters feel President Biden is too old to run for another four-year term, a significant liability he carries into the June 27th debate. President Trump has repeatedly mocked him for his gait, special grippy black sneakers, misstatements, and other meandering remarks while on stage.

‘THIS IS A BOMB’: CNN Panel Admits Michael Cohen’s Shocking Admission CRUSHES Alvin Bragg

‘THIS IS A BOMB’: CNN Panel Admits Michael Cohen’s Shocking Admission CRUSHES Alvin Bragg

CNN’s legal panel was rocked by Michael Cohen’s latest testimony, which could redefine former President Donald Trump’s criminal trial. On Monday, Cohen, the former lawyer and fixer for Trump, admitted to stealing funds from the Trump Organization, casting significant doubt on the integrity of the prosecution’s case.

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig remarked on the gravity of the situation, saying, “This is a bomb. This is really important. This is a bomb dropped in the middle of the prosecution’s case… This is crushing to the prosecution’s credibility because the prosecution did not ask Michael Cohen about that on direct and they haven’t made him plead guilty to larceny, which this is.”

The admission not only questioned Cohen’s reliability but also the diligence of Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s office in handling crucial testimonial evidence. During the discussion, even CNN host Jake Tapper emphasized the potential impact on the jury, pointing out that all it takes is “one juror to say I have reasonable doubt.” The panel agreed, noting major gaps in the prosecution’s approach, particularly their failure to preemptively address the theft in their questioning, which could have mitigated the damage.


The discussion also touched on the connection of the stolen funds to a larger narrative involving a payment to Stormy Daniels, an aspect that lies at the heart of the prosecution’s charges against Trump. Tapper questioned, “How did they not get this out ahead of time? If you’re a juror even if you think well, I think he probably knew what he was paying for Michael Cohen, there has to be reasonable doubt now because I mean, Michael Cohen has given them this huge gift.”

“Is it possible that the prosecution can come back and redirect and somehow tie what looks like him just flatly stealing money… to him paying himself back in order to cover up the crime that’s alleged in this case?” Honig asked. The answer to this could be crucial in determining the trial’s outcome.

During a fiery cross-examination at Trump’s New York City trial on Monday, Cohen confessed to embezzling thousands of dollars from the Trump Organization. During the questioning, Trump attorney Todd Blanche challenged Cohen, asking, “You did steal from the Trump Organization based upon the expected reimbursement from Red Finch,” referring to a payment scheme involving $130,000 for Stormy Daniels and $50,000 for the tech company Red Finch.

“Yes, sir,” Cohen responded. According to Fox News, Cohen detailed how he withdrew $20,000 in cash over several days, storing it in a small brown paper bag and delivering it to Red Finch, but he admitted he never paid the full $50,000 after the company stopped pressing for the remaining amount.

Despite not fully settling the payment, Cohen indicated that the Trump Organization was under the impression he had paid the entire sum, and he was still reimbursed for it. Cohen, serving as the prosecution’s key witness, was the last to testify. Trump is battling 34 charges of falsifying business records, linked to alleged secret payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels, who also appeared earlier in the trial.

‘DISAPPOINTED’: Jack Smith Gets RIPPED By Judge Aileen Cannon

‘DISAPPOINTED’: Jack Smith Gets RIPPED By Judge Aileen Cannon

Special counsel Jack Smith finds himself under intense scrutiny from U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon in the case surrounding former President Donald Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents. Judge Cannon, appointed by Trump, expressed her concerns over Smith’s handling of sealed materials in a fiery directive.

Smith, who is spearheading the prosecution against Trump in the case, is at odds with Cannon over his request to keep certain information under wraps. Cannon’s criticisms came to light following Sunday’s court filing, where she relayed her reservations about Smith’s approach to maintaining secrecy over grand jury proceedings and witness protections.

“The Court deems it necessary to express concern over the Special Counsel’s treatment of certain sealed materials in this case,” Cannon stated. Central to the controversy is the Special Counsel’s request for redactions in the public filings, aimed at protecting sensitive details and safeguarding the interests of the justice system. However, Cannon’s recent rulings have pushed back against these requests.

“In response to those inquiries, counsel explained that the Special Counsel took the position on unsealing in order to publicly and transparently refute defense allegations of prosecutorial misconduct raised. In addition, subject to further unsealing as becomes necessary, this Order marks the resolution of the limited disclosure issues transferred to this Court by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia,” the filing stated. “The Court also notes that the Superseding Indictment contains numerous quotes from grand jury testimony, the balance of which the Special Counsel continues to maintain require sealing.”

“Fair enough. But nowhere in that explanation is there any basis to conclude that the Special Counsel could not have defended the integrity of his Office while simultaneously preserving the witness-safety and Rule6(e) concerns he has repeatedly told the Court, and maintains to this day, are of serious consequence, and which the Court has endeavored with diligence to accommodate in its multiple Orders on sealing/redaction,” Cannon wrote.

Special Counsel Smith who initially supported the unsealing of documents, is now requesting that Judge Cannon keep these details confidential. Previously, both Smith and the defense agreed to disclose the documents publicly to counteract allegations of prosecutorial misconduct in pretrial motions. However, Smith’s recent reversal has not only confused observers but also visibly frustrated Judge Cannon. This change in position contributes to the complexities surrounding the case.

“The Court is disappointed in these developments. The sealing and redaction rules should be applied consistently and fairly upon a sufficient factual and legal showing. And parties should not make requests that undermine any prior representations or positions except upon full disclosure to the Court and appropriate briefing.”

Republicans have accused Smith, District Attorney Bragg, and other legal opponents of Trump of doubting their ability to defeat him electorally. Instead, they claim those on the Left aim to secure a victory in court as an attempt to interfere with the electoral process in November. The case involves 40 felony counts against the 2024 frontrunner.

REPORT: Ukraine’s Controversial Military Mobilization Law…

REPORT: Ukraine’s Controversial Military Mobilization Law…

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) – A divisive mobilization law in Ukraine came into force on Saturday, as Kyiv struggles to boost troop numbers after Russia launched a new offensive that some fear could close in on Ukraine’s second-largest city.

The legislation, which was watered down from its original draft, will make it easier to identify every conscript in the country. It also provides incentives to soldiers, such as cash bonuses or money toward buying a house or car, that some analysts say Ukraine cannot afford.

Lawmakers dragged their feet for months and only passed the law in mid-April, a week after Ukraine lowered the age for men who can be drafted from 27 to 25. The measures reflect the growing strain that more than two years of war with Russia has had on Ukraine´s forces, who are trying to hold the front lines in fighting that has sapped the country’s ranks and stores of weapons and ammunition.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also signed two other laws Friday, allowing prisoners to join the army and increasing fines for draft dodgers fivefold. Russia enlisted its prisoners early on in the war, and personnel shortages compelled Ukraine to adopt the new measures.

Russian troops, meanwhile, are pushing ahead with a ground offensive that opened a new front in northeastern Ukraine’s Kharkiv region and put further pressure on Kyiv’s overstretched military. After weeks of probing, Moscow launched the new push knowing that Ukraine suffered personnel shortages, and that its forces have been spread thin in the northeast.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday during a visit to China that the Russian push aims to create “a buffer zone” rather than capturing Kharkiv, the local capital and Ukraine’s second-largest city.

Still, Moscow’s forces have pummeled Kharkiv with strikes in recent weeks, hitting civilian and energy infrastructure and prompting angry accusations from Zelenskyy that the Russian leadership sought to reduce the city to rubble. On Friday, Mayor Ihor Terekhov said that Russian guided bombs killed at least three residents and injured 28 others that day.

Moscow denies deliberately targeting civilians, but thousands have died or suffered injuries in the more than 27 months of fighting.

The U.S. last week announced a new $400 million package of military aid for Ukraine, and President Joe Biden has promised that he would rush badly needed weaponry to the country to help it stave off Russian advances. Still, only small batches of U.S. military aid have started to trickle into the front line, according to Ukrainian military commanders, who said it will take at least two months before supplies meet Kyiv´s needs to hold the line.

Thousands of Ukrainians have fled the country to avoid the draft since Russia´s all-out invasion in February 2022, some risking their lives as they tried to swim across a river separating Ukraine from neighboring Romania and Hungary.

Late on Friday, Ukraine’s border service said that at least 30 people have died trying to cross the Tisza River since the full scale-invasion.

Romanian border guards days earlier retrieved the near-naked, disfigured body of a man that appeared to have been floating in the Tisza for days, and is the 30th known casualty, the Ukrainian agency said in an online statement. It said the man has not yet been identified.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Drops BOMBSHELL At 9th NRA Speech

BREAKING: Donald Trump Drops BOMBSHELL At 9th NRA Speech

Former President Donald Trump addressed NRA members for the ninth time Saturday, and he stressed that it is time for “a great restoration of American freedom.”

Trump looked to the coming November presidential election and said, “Let there be no doubt, the survival of our Second Amendment is very much on the ballot. It’s under siege.”

He continued, “We need the Second Amendment for safety. Forget about going hunting and all the things you do — we need it for safety. Because you know the bad guys are not giving up their guns. The bad ones are not giving up their guns.”

Trump explained that the Second Amendment needs not simply to survive but to flourish. He said the amendment has to “be meaningful” or else innocents will be unable to defend their lives and the lives of those they love.

Trump said, “If [Biden] gets four more years they are coming for your guns, 100 percent certain.”

He then described Biden’s political career as one marred by the desire to take away firearms and praised Republicans for standing against gun confiscation, saying, “We’re the party of common sense.”

Trump spoke of how federal agencies are weaponized under the Biden administration and specifically noted how Federal Firearms License holders (FFLs) are seeing their licenses revoked for making an error in paperwork, even when the paperwork is not of crucial importance.

He suggested the bottom line is that Biden and his fellow Democrats “want to take away your rights,” adding, “I know that better than anybody — they want to take away my rights — better than anybody, worse than Al Capone. [He] got indicted twice; I got indicted four times.” NRA members erupted in applause and raucous laughter.

Breitbart News attended Trump’s speech during the May 2018 annual NRA meeting and he excited the audience to massive applause then too, when he said, “Americans will never surrender, ever, ever. We will never surrender. We will never give up our freedom. Americans were born free. We will live free and we will die free.”

JUST IN: Major Update Revealed In Paul Pelosi ‘Hammer Attack’ Saga

JUST IN: Major Update Revealed In Paul Pelosi ‘Hammer Attack’ Saga

Paul Pelosi’s assailant, David DePape, has been sentenced to a staggering 30 years behind bars. The sentence comes after DePape was convicted for the attempted kidnapping of a public official and assaulting an immediate family member of a public official. Despite the hefty sentence, with time served and standard federal reductions, DePape is expected to serve approximately 24 years.

The decision was announced in a federal court where Christine Pelosi, daughter of Nancy Pelosi, delivered a victim impact statement according to Fox News. She shared letters from both her mother and her father, Paul, detailing the emotional and psychological scars left by the incident where he was attacked with a hammer in his home.

In her sentencing remarks, the judge highlighted a disturbing consequence of such violent acts. While this chapter closes with DePape’s federal sentencing, the saga is far from over. He faces additional charges in state court, including assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder. Jury selection for the state trial is scheduled to begin next week, promising more developments in this shocking and unsettling case.


On October 28, 2022, David DePape forcefully entered the San Francisco residence of Paul Pelosi, striking him with a hammer and causing severe injuries, including a skull fracture. The pre-dawn attack was driven by DePape’s extreme political beliefs; he had hoped to capture Nancy Pelosi, intending to leverage her in a convoluted plot against what he saw as corrupt government forces. His confession revealed a chilling readiness to commit even more violence in the name of his cause.

DePape’s eccentric life took a wild turn in San Francisco, where he became a known figure in the nudist scene, closely associating with infamous nudist activist Gypsy Taub. His political leanings swung from radical anti-establishment to extreme ideologies. His digital footprint revealed an obsession with outlandish theories, from deep-seated government corruption to extraterrestrial cover-ups.

But it was the violent and politically charged attack on Paul Pelosi. Armed with zip ties and hammers, his plot was clear—to abduct Nancy Pelosi. DePape was swiftly apprehended at the scene and subsequently faced serious federal charges, including attempted kidnapping and assault. He was convicted in November 2023.

“He burst in the door, and that wakes me up,” Paul Pelosi testified last year. The home intruder stood in the bedroom doorway and asked, “Where’s Nancy?” Paul Pelosi recalled. “I have not discussed this incident with anybody. I’ve tried to put it out of my mind. I made the best effort I possibly can to not re-live this.”

Paul told a stunned courtroom how he knew he was in “serious danger” but tried to remain “as calm as possible” while listening to DePape allegedly say, “I’m going to have to take you out.” After telling DePape that his wife was in Washington, he began looking for opportunities to escape including by using the home’s elevator.

He testified, “I realized that it was a very serious situation. The first thing I tried to do was get up and try to get to the elevator, because if I can get in the elevator, there’s a phone in the elevator, and I could close the door so he couldn’t get to me. I walked toward the elevator, but he blocked me.”

“Then I got the idea. I went over to my bathroom because I always leave my cellphone in my bathroom. I dialed 911,” Pelosi added as he retold how he was able to leave a cryptic message with dispatchers that resulted in officers arriving at the house.

REPORT: Trump Campaign To Score Record-Breaking Donation From Unlikely Group

REPORT: Trump Campaign To Score Record-Breaking Donation From Unlikely Group

A surprising shift is taking place within the American Jewish community in the increasingly heated political landscape of 2024. As protests escalate on college campuses and dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden’s handling of Israeli issues grows, the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) has launched an unprecedented fundraising effort.

The initiative marks the largest in the RJC’s history, with a minimum target of $5 million, and is set to significantly boost former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign according to Fox News. The RJC is a prominent grassroots organization representing Jewish Republicans across the United States. The group’s national political director, Sam Markstein, highlighted the commitment, stating that the effort will be “the RJC’s largest effort ever to mobilize support in the Jewish community for President Trump.”

The fundraising drive is in addition to a $15 million independent expenditure. The move comes amid weeks of protests on college campuses nationwide, sparked by Israel’s ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza. These protests have not only grabbed media attention but also highlighted the deepening divide within the Democratic Party.

While many Democrats are split on their support for these demonstrations, Republicans remain largely united in their opposition. A recent Fox News poll found that 80% of Republicans opposed the protests, compared to just 15% who supported them. In contrast, half of the Democrats surveyed supported the demonstrations, with 41% opposed.

The dissatisfaction within the Jewish community is palpable. Many American Jews are increasingly uncomfortable with the Democratic Party’s leniency towards anti-Semitic sentiments and its handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict. The Pew Research Center’s comprehensive survey of Jewish Americans in 2020 found that while a significant majority still identify as Democrats, the Orthodox Jewish population is increasingly leaning towards the Republican Party. The survey revealed that 75% of Orthodox Jews were Republicans or leaned Republican, a significant increase from previous years.

The shift is not merely a political anomaly but reflects generational and ideological divide within the Jewish community. Younger Jewish adults are more likely to identify as either Orthodox or secular, with the latter group feeling a weaker connection to religious practices and traditional Jewish communal life. Despite these differences, both groups share a common concern over rising anti-Semitism. The Pew survey indicated that three-quarters of Jewish Americans believe there is more anti-Semitism in the U.S. now than five years ago, with just over half feeling less safe.

The RJC’s endorsement of Trump is grounded in their view of him as “the most pro-Israel president in U.S. history.” In their announcement, the RJC emphasized the importance of having a “trusted friend” in these perilous times, especially in the wake of increasing anti-Semitic incidents and hostile campus environments. Trump has been a staunch ally of Israel, and his policies have resonated strongly with pro-Israel advocates within the Jewish community.

The RJC’s fundraising efforts could significantly impact the upcoming election, potentially swaying Jewish voters who have traditionally supported the Democratic Party. As Markstein noted, “As antisemitism spikes to record highs and America’s relationship with our ally Israel continues to reach new lows, the Jewish community is more energized than ever to turn the page from the failures, broken promises, and betrayals by Joe Biden.”

As the 2024 election approaches, Trump’s campaign stands to gain significantly from the unexpected but crucial support.

JUST IN: Fani Willis Is Now Facing Another Investigation

JUST IN: Fani Willis Is Now Facing Another Investigation

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis finds herself at the center of another scandal in what is shaping up to be a dramatic escalation. Willis is now the subject of a new congressional probe into her office’s alleged misuse of federal funds. The inquiry marks the second such investigation.

Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) penned a strongly-worded letter to Willis on Wednesday demanding answers regarding whistleblower allegations that Willis’ office improperly spent federal grant funds on non-essential items like computers and promotional “swag.” Such expenditures seem to stray far from the intended purposes of these grants, which include combating juvenile delinquency and gang activity.

These developments follow a February inquiry initiated by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH). This makes the new investigation the second front in what could become a comprehensive federal probe into Willis’ financial management practices.

According to the senators’ letter first obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, the Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention awarded nearly $500,000 to Fulton County in 2020. The funding was intended for the establishment of the Fulton County Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention. However, reports suggest that the center has yet to begin operations, and the building intended for its use remains locked and unused.

The allegations of misused funds were brought to light by Amanda Timpson, former Director of Gang Prevention and Intervention at the Fulton County DA’s office. Timpson reportedly warned Willis about the diversion of funds to inappropriate expenses but was dismissed from her position shortly after raising concerns. The dismissal has only added fuel to the fire of speculation around Willis’ handling of office finances.

In their letter, Senators Grassley and Johnson detailed a troubling lack of clarity in Fulton County’s financial reporting to federal authorities. They pointed out discrepancies in the reported use of $88,900 allocated to the Offender Alumni Association, a discrepancy that the Justice Department is currently investigating.

“Amanda Timpson, the former Director of Gang Prevention and Intervention for the Fulton County DA Office, reportedly notified you that an official in your office planned to use the OJJDP gang prevention funding ‘on computers and other ineligible expenses” such as MacBooks, ‘swag,’ and travel instead of helping at-risk youth in the community. Ms. Timpson brought these concerns to your attention on November 19, 2021. Two months later you terminated her employment,” the letter wrote.

The senators have requested a comprehensive breakdown of all federal grants received by the Fulton County DA’s office since 2019, including detailed accounts of how these funds were spent. They are particularly concerned about substantial sums allocated for travel and conference expenses, which seem to constitute a large portion of the spending from grants intended for the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative.

The initiative, which received $2 million in funding in 2020, was designed to help address the backlog of un-submitted sexual assault kits. However, recent data suggests that a large chunk of this funding was used for travel, rather than for forensic testing and other critical services that directly benefit victims of sexual assault.

The senators have given Willis until May 29 to respond to their inquiries.

Earlier today, the Georgia Court of Appeals gave the green light to former President Trump’s appeal to disqualify the Fulton County District Attorney and her office from the case in the ongoing saga of the election interference case.

JUST IN: TX Governor Greg Abbott Pardons Veteran Who Shot Armed BLM Protester

JUST IN: TX Governor Greg Abbott Pardons Veteran Who Shot Armed BLM Protester

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced Thursday that he will be granting a full pardon to Daniel Perry, a former U.S. Army sergeant who was sentenced to 25 years in prison for fatally shooting an armed Black Lives Matter who pointed a rifle at him.

Abbott announced the pardon just minutes after the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles announced that it had unanimously recommended that Perry be pardoned and have his firearm rights restored. Perry had been in state prison for more than a year after he was convicted in the 2020 killing of Garrett Foster.

Abbott had previously ordered the parole board to review Perry’s case and promised that he would grant a pardon if one were recommended. Under Texas law, the governor cannot issue a pardon unless the board recommends one.

“Among the voluminous files reviewed by the Board, they considered information provided by the Travis County District Attorney, the full investigative report on Daniel Perry, plus a review of all the testimony provided at trial,” Abbott said in a statement announcing the reprieve. “Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney.”

In addition to a pardon for Perry’s conviction, the board recommended a full restoration of the Army veteran’s firearms rights.

“The members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles delved into the intricacies of Perry’s case. The investigative efforts encompassed a meticulous review of pertinent documents, from police reports to court records, witness statements, and interviews with individuals linked to the case,” the pardon board wrote in a statement.

Perry was driving for Uber when he encountered a group of protesters in the street just blocks from the Texas Capitol Building in downtown Austin. Perry honked his horn at the drivers as they milled about in the street and eventually drove forward, at which point the protesters surrounded his car.

Foster was legally carrying an AK-47 rifle while attending the protest. During trial, both the prosecution and defense offered conflicting stories on whether Foster pointed the gun at Perry.

After the shooting, Perry fled the scene and called the police in order to report the incident. He claimed that he shot Foster in self-defense after he aimed the rifle at him.

Shortly before the incident, Foster explained why he was carrying a rifle at the protest. “They don’t let us march in the streets anymore, so I got to practice some of our rights,” Foster told Hiram Gilberto Garcia, an independent journalist who was streaming the protest on Periscope.

“Do you feel like you’ll need to use it?” Garcia followed up.

“Nah, I think the, uh… I mean, if I use it against the cops, I’m dead. And I think all the people that hate us and, you know, want to say sh** to us are too big of a pu***es to stop and actually do anything about it,” Foster replied.

NEW: Biden Family’s Massive Personal Debts And Book Failures Are Revealed

NEW: Biden Family’s Massive Personal Debts And Book Failures Are Revealed

In Washington, the lives of politicians are often an open book—literally and figuratively. This year’s financial disclosure has put the spotlight on President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, revealing intricate details of their personal finances, from massive debts to unprofitable books. As Americans scrutinize the figures, it seems that even the President’s stories are finding few takers these days.

Among the disclosed details, the Biden family’s financial burdens stand out. They carry a personal debt that could reach up to $815,000, anchored mostly by mortgages and loans tied to their Delaware home. This includes a primary mortgage and a home-equity loan that have placed significant financial obligations on the presidential couple.

Beyond their real estate debts, the Bidens are also navigating other financial waters with a term loan and a mutual fund loan contributing to their liability pool. Despite this, their total assets remain substantial, estimated between $1 million and $2.6 million according to The DailyMail. Yet, the financial landscape shows a balancing act between substantial assets and looming debts.

Compounding their financial strain is the underperformance of their published works. Joe Biden’s memoirs, ‘Promises to Keep’ and ‘Promise Me, Dad,’ along with Jill Biden’s ‘Where the Light Enters,’ have failed to generate any royalties this year, according to their latest filings. It appears that the written word, so often a reliable revenue stream for public figures, is not paying dividends for the Bidens at this moment.

On the brighter side, Jill Biden continues to see some success with her children’s literature. Her books have brought in some royalties, albeit modest. The First Lady is also set to release another children’s book titled ‘Willow the White House Cat,’ offering a feline’s eye view of life in the executive mansion.

These financial disclosures, required under the Ethics in Government Act, ensure transparency and help prevent conflicts of interest for those in the highest echelons of government. Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff also released their financial records, revealing gifts such as concert tickets from Beyoncé and sports tickets from ESPN.

In more recent history, some U.S. presidents have also dealt with personal debt issues, either before or during their presidency. When Harry S. Truman left office in 1953, he was in a precarious financial position, having accumulated little wealth during his political career. His financial struggles were partly what led to the creation of a pension for former presidents.

When Bill Clinton left the White House in 2001, he and Hillary Clinton had accumulated significant legal debts stemming from various investigations during his presidency, including the impeachment proceedings. The debts were reportedly between $2.28 million and $10.6 million.