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Must See: Cackling Kamala Talks Space with Children

Must See: Cackling Kamala Talks Space with Children

(breitbart) – Vice President Kamala Harris participated in a segment honoring World Space Week, where she awkwardly spoke to school-age children, marveling over space and highlighting her self-professed infatuation with “the idea of exploring the unknown.”

The video, released on NASA’s official YouTube on Thursday, features Harris talking to children about the National Space Council and visiting the Naval Observatory.

During the segment, Harris sits down with several children, one of whom asked her to offer the best advice her parents gave her as a child.

“You know, one of the most important pieces of advice that I can offer you guys, and I want you to really remember this, never let anybody tell you who you are, you tell them who you are,” she said.

“Never let anybody suggest to you that you are what they think you should be, you tell them who you are and who you know you are, and what you intend to be. Got that?” she said.

“Alright. I’ve got more advice. You just let me know,” she said with a laugh. She made no mention of her rise to power in California politics, which involved a public affair with former California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, which led to serious job promotions.

The children also asked Harris what she found “most surprising” about being vice president.

“There have been a lot of things because I’ve never been vice-president before. So, there are many new things. But I’ll tell you one of the things I’m really excited about, and one of the reasons for our visit and the time we’re gonna spend together today. It’s the Space Council,” she said as she embraced an emphatic storyteller’s voice.

“My mom was a scientist. So she would take us to the lab with her, like on the weekends and after school because she had to work long hours, and I just love the idea of exploring the unknown,” she exclaimed, making grand gestures with her hands.

“And then, there’s other things that we just haven’t figured out or discovered yet. To think about so much that’s out there that we still have to learn, like, I love that, I love that. And so, I’m very excited about the Space Council,” she said, telling the children they are “gonna see, you’re gonna literally see the craters on the Moon with your own eyes. – Oh, my goodness!”

“With your own eyes, I’m telling you! It is gonna be unbelievable,” she exclaimed:

Harris’s awkward cackles and fits of laughter have been on full display since she took on the role as vice president.

Speaking at a community health center in August, for example, Harris burst into laughter after reminding Americans people lived in every state.

“We also must work together to call on Congress to advance other components of our Build Back agenda. To expand Medicaid in every state … people live in every state,” she said.

“People live in every state. That’s the logic,” she added, falling into a fit of laughter.

Similarly, that same month, Harris laughed after reporters tried to ask her about Americans trapped in Afghanistan.



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