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Joe Biden Gets TRAGIC News – He’s Not Doing Well

Joe Biden Gets TRAGIC News – He’s Not Doing Well

(breitbart) – President Biden’s disapproval is on the rise, hitting 51 percent Monday, according to Rasmussen Reports’ April 5 tracking poll.

Monday’s numbers showed Biden’s approval under water, standing at 47 percent. Of those, 29 percent “strongly” approve. His disapproval, however, stood at 51 percent. Of those, 42 percent “strongly” disapprove. His 51 percent disapproval marks a two-point rise since March 31, although he hit 51 percent disapproval on March 25 and 26 as well.

The results coincide with the political fallout Biden has continued to face over his handling of the immigration crisis on the southern border. He recently experienced a 14 percent net swing against his immigration approval rating amid the migrant surge on the southern border.

The Morning Consult/Politico poll showed 49 percent of voters disapproving of Biden’s handling of immigration issues — an eight-point rise from mid-March. Forty percent approved, reflecting a six-point drop in the same time span, as Breitbart News detailed last week:

While a majority of Democrats approve of Biden’s handling of immigration issues, 70 percent, that is down five percent from weeks earlier. His disapproval also rose six points among Democrats since mid-March, crawling from 14 percent to 20 percent. Disapproval among Republicans remains high at 84 percent, up from 78 percent last month.

The survey also showed a majority of voters, 53 percent, blaming the surge on the southern border on the Biden administration’s changes from the Trump-era migration policies, such as nixing the Remain in Mexico policy and resuming Catch and Release. A majority of Republicans and independents agree, but a plurality of Democrats, 45 percent, attribute the surge to a “seasonal uptick … ahead of deadly summer heat.”

The sinking approval numbers also come as Biden and Democrats continue to focus on a host of controversial issues, including efforts to allow biological men to play in women’s sports.



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