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#CancelHunter: GOP Highlights Glaring Hypocrisy of the Left

#CancelHunter: GOP Highlights Glaring Hypocrisy of the Left

(breitbart) – Prominent personalities on the right are highlighting the glaring hypocrisy of the left and establishment media following the revelations that President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in exchanges with his white attorney.

The exchanges, found on Hunter’s infamous laptop, show the president’s son repeatedly using the n-word in messages with his white attorney George Mesires. In one such message, he inquired about where to find “unconditional love,” to which Mesires mentioned God, Hunter’s late-brother Beau, and Hunter’s children. Hunter responded, calling Mesires the n-word and dismissed God as “just a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened.”

Despite the repeated use of the racial slur, the establishment media has been relatively silent, even though they were positively enchanted by rumors lodged by disgruntled former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault-Newman, who suggested former President Donald Trump used that same word, though she never provided proof.

Surely, many right-wing personalities have surmised, the same grace would not be extended to Republican personalities, such as Trump’s sons. Cancel culture would kick into high gear. Yet, left-wing calls to cancel Hunter are not overwhelming the media landscape.

“Why hasn’t @Yamiche condemned Hunter Biden’s racism?!” Richard Grenell, former Acting Director of the United States National Intelligence, asked of a PBS reporter: 


“Is Hunter Biden a white nationalist now or does that term only apply to Republicans?” Georgia gubernatorial candidate Vernon Jones asked:

“Turns out when Joe Biden was telling us what a racist country America is, he had someone very near & dear in mind,” Megyn Kelly remarked:

“Hunter Biden is a bigot. Like his father,” Sebastian Gorka, former deputy assistant to President Trump, said:


“Most of the media is ignoring Hunter Biden using racial slurs in his texts. Can you imagine the media reaction if one of Trump’s kids had been caught doing this?” Outkick’s Clay Travis observed.

“The treatment should be the exact same for both,” he added. “The fact it isn’t is clear & transparent media bias”:

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT) called the revelations “disgusting and unacceptable” and also noted the stunning silence from CNN and what he described as “countless ‘woke’ celebrities”:

Others piled on, noting the lack of action from the establishment media, which would typically head up a mass cancel campaign if Hunter were associated with one of their GOP political enemies:


PoliticsBurgess OwensClay TravisDr. Sebastian GorkaHunter BidenN-wordracismVernon Jones



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