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BREAKING: Kamala Harris Spread The Lie Even More – This Is Sick

BREAKING: Kamala Harris Spread The Lie Even More – This Is Sick

(breitbart) – Vice President Kamala Harris told an audience Thursday just how dark things she felt things were in America when she first took office.

“Our Democracy was under assault and our Capitol had just been attacked by insurgents,” she said, referring to supporters of former President Donald Trump storming Capitol Hill on January 6th.

The line from Harris shares a similar message from President Joe Biden’s address to Congress on Wednesday, as he described the riot on Capitol Hill as “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Harris spoke after visiting a vaccination site at the M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore and declared significant progress for the Biden administration in its first 100 days.

“Things are looking up,” she said. “America is once again on the move.”

She credited the administration’s successful vaccine effort across the country for giving more people confidence about returning to normal life.

“Whoever you voted for, light is at the end of the tunnel, we can see it but it is we who create these moments,” she said.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen and other Democrat members of congress joined the vice president for the visit as well as Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R). Dr. Anthony Fauci also joined the tour.

“It’s always a wonderful day to spend time with Dr. Anthony Fauci,” Harris said.

She urged Americans to get vaccinated and get their friends vaccinated.

“It’s time for each one of us to do our part,” she said.

Harris promoted President Biden’s $6 trillion in proposed spending on infrastructure, clean energy spending, more free government education, and the expansion of social welfare programs, including the $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue plan.

“Some said it was too big, but we went for it anyway, and the American people rallied around it,” she said.

Harris said the pandemic had taken a toll on the physical, mental, and financial health of American families and promised the administration would work to provide relief across the spectrum.

She said the administration would focus on helping working parents get childcare, free universal pre-school and community college, affordable broadband internet, and the replacement of lead pipes in homes.

“President Joe Biden, he had a clear vision and a clear purpose, and he never forgets who we are doing this for,” she said.
But Harris noted there was still work to do on issues of gun control, racial justice, and gun control.

“There have been too many days when we woke up to news of another mass shooting, another black or brown person shot by the police, another act of hate against Asian Americans, another law designed to make it harder for people to vote,” she said.



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