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BREAKING: Joe Biden’s Plan EXPOSED – It’s Public Now

BREAKING: Joe Biden’s Plan EXPOSED – It’s Public Now

(breitbart) – During CNN’s election coverage, CNN Political Commentator Bakari Sellers stated that if Democrats control the Senate, it’s “going to push an agenda. This actually puts more pressure on the Biden administration” to “go big.”

Sellers said Democratic control of the Senate is “going to push an agenda. This actually puts more pressure on the Biden administration. Like I said earlier, you’ve got to go big. You have to — you have people who are counting on you to give them the relief, or at least show that you’re fighting for the relief that they need, whether or not it’s COVID from a public health perspective or economic perspective or whether or not it’s many of those issues that we have been clamoring for, even when you think about Jacob Blake today and the lack of justice he received, you move back up to the forefront criminal justice reform. And after elections like this in Georgia, you know what the Georgia state legislature’s going to do. So, you think about things like voting rights. So, all of these things come to the forefront.”

He added that Democrats “have to do something to ensure that there’s a return on investment for black voters across the country. I think that’s necessary and something that has to be done in the first 100 days.”



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