(breitbart) – Only 15 percent of Americans strongly approve of President Joe Biden’s job performance, according to a Monday CNN poll performed by SSRS Opinion Panel.
The poll also revealed 33 percent moderately support Biden, totaling a net approval rating of 48 percent.
Overall, respondents also handed Biden a negative approval rating. According to CNN, 15 percent moderately disapprove of Biden while 36 strongly disapprove, totaling a net disapproval rating of 52 percent.
Biden’s approval numbers have fallen since April when the numbers were essentially flipped (43 percent disapproved – 53 percent approved).
The poll additionally measured if Biden has addressed the challenges American families and workers are currently facing. The poll found that 58 percent of Americans said Biden has ignored the nation’s most important problems, which the poll suggests are the economy and coronavirus:
More than a third of Americans call the economy the most pressing problem facing the country (36%). Among the group that sees it that way, 72% say Biden hasn’t been attentive to the right issues. That dynamic is reversed among the smaller 20% who consider the coronavirus pandemic the nation’s top problem: 79% in that subset say Biden has had the right priorities, while 21% not.
Biden’s poor polling by CNN comes as the president suffered a Sunday poll that indicated his approval rating was below 38 percent, Breitbart News reported.
The historically bad polling for a first-year president was released nearly a week after the Democrat party was defeated by Republicans in local races across the nation on Tuesday. Biden’s terrible polling is thought to have played into Republicans’ hands.
Between the election losses and Biden’s continued bad polling, congressional Democrats are trying to pass Biden’s reconciliation framework. Progress was made on that front Friday but the massive spend and tax legislation could take months longer to fully pass.
If Biden’s poor polling persists, it could be an enduring sign to “moderate” Democrats of the impending red wave threatening to sweep Democrats out of the Senate and House majorities.