Home Uncategorized BREAKING: Governor Andrew Cuomo Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Another Democrat Politician

BREAKING: Governor Andrew Cuomo Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Another Democrat Politician

BREAKING: Governor Andrew Cuomo Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Another Democrat Politician

(nationalistreview) – Biden’s proposed pick for attorney general accused of sexual harassment

Lindsey Boylan, a former aide of Andrew Cuomo and local city politician, has accused the governor of sexual harassment. Boylan does not offer many details but in her Twitter post indicated that there were others who had watched the harassment take place. Little more is known at this time, but one thing is certain: progressives now face a challenge. Time will tell whether or not they truly “believe all women.” Boylan’s Tweets are embedded below.

The news comes a day after Joe Biden’s team leaked that they were considering Cuomo for Attorney General.

“Yes, New York Governor Cuomo sexually harassed me for years. Many saw it, and watched. I could never anticipate what to expect” would I be grilled on my work (which was very good) or harassed about my looks. Or would it be both in the same conversation? This was the way for years,” Boylan wrote on Twitter.

“I’m angry to be put in this situation at all. That because I am a woman, I can work hard my whole life to better myself and help others and yet still fall victim as countless women over generations have. Mostly silently.”

She concluded: “I hate that some men, like Governor Cuomo, abuse their power.”



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