Home Uncategorized BREAKING: Gaetz Announces Resolution To Hold Radical Anti-Trump NYC Prosecutor In Contempt Of Congress

BREAKING: Gaetz Announces Resolution To Hold Radical Anti-Trump NYC Prosecutor In Contempt Of Congress

BREAKING: Gaetz Announces Resolution To Hold Radical Anti-Trump NYC Prosecutor In Contempt Of Congress

(trendingpoliticsnews) – Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) announced Tuesday that he will bring contempt of Congress charges against a former New York prosecutor he said has stymied an investigation into the targeting of former President Donald Trump by the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

Rep. Gaetz on Fox News spoke incredulously of testimony by attorney Mark Pomerantz who repeatedly invoked the Fifth Amendment when questioned under oath about his involvement in encouraging Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to bring criminal charges against the former president.

“He lobbied his way onto a prosecutorial team as a private lawyer. He did all he could to gaslight charges against Donald Trump. When the evidence didn’t support those charges, he initially got miffed and quit the team and wrote a book about it,” Gaetz told Fox News Digital. “Now, he has the nerve to assert his Fifth Amendment privilege over these matters when he has clearly explicitly and repeatedly waived that privilege. Contempt is proper where someone refuses to answer Congress’s questions under a frivolous assertion.”

Pomerantz left DA Bragg’s office in 2022 after the Democratic prosecutor initially declined to bring charges against President Trump relating to business transactions and a $130,000 payment made to adult film star Stormy Daniels just days before the 2016 presidential election. When questioned about why he left the DA’s office in protest that year, Pomerantz called the House’s investigation “an act of political theater.”

In his book “People Vs. Donald Trump: An Inside Account,” Pomerantz lays out his argument for pursuing criminal charges against Trump, which Rep. Gaetz cited as hypocritical given the attorney’s refusal to answer basic questions from Congress on the matter.

Since announcing 34 criminal charges against Trump, DA Bragg has attempted to stonewall the investigation by Republicans by limiting the president’s access to evidence, seeking a restraining order against House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH), and claiming “interference” over Republicans’ attempts to interview Pomerantz. The Manhattan prosecutor continues to defend accusations that Trump used the hush money payment to avoid paying taxes, saying “We cannot normalize criminal conduct” despite a history of reducing felony charges against other defendants.



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