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BREAKING: Democrats Drop The Ball – GOP Is Cheering

BREAKING: Democrats Drop The Ball – GOP Is Cheering

(breitbart) – An aide to the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol said Thursday that the first public hearings, scheduled for prime time broadcast, would largely recapitulate what “has been reported” already.

The Washington Post reported:

Committee aides sought to temper expectations of any shocking revelations during Thursday’s hearing and instead framed the session as an opening argument.

“[Thursday] night is connecting the dots,” said a second aide. “A lot of this has been reported and bits and pieces of it have been shared. But our aim is to tie all that together in a comprehensive narrative and to show how it’s a pattern that started before the election and went all the way through January 6.”

The Post also reported that the first hearing would focus on far-right groups, and that it was unclear whether footage of depositions by Jared and Ivanka Trump would be shown, as had previously been reported. All depositions were taken behind closed doors, in a repeat of the impeachment investigation strategy of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who is on the committee.

Committee chair Rep. Benni Thompson (D-MS), who objected to the certification of Ohio’s Electoral College votes for President George W. Bush in 2005, planned to say, in an excerpt of remarks prepared for delivery: “Tonight, and over the next few weeks, we’re going to remind you of the reality of what happened that day. But our work must do much more than just look backwards. … The conspiracy to thwart the will of the people is not over.”

House Republicans accused Democrats on Thursday of using the January 6 Committee hearings to push their favored voting legislation and to campaign for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

No evidence or witness list was provided to the opposition or to the public. Further hearings are set to be aired next week.



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