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BREAKING: Biden Send In The Troops – Huge Cover UP

BREAKING: Biden Send In The Troops – Huge Cover UP

(informationliberation) – While National Guard troops were being kicked out of the Capitol on Thursday, Joe Biden was ordering US military troops into northeastern Syria from Iraq with the controlled media in America refusing to even report on it.

The move was only reported in the Israeli press and in Syrian state media.

From i24NEWS:
A convoy of 40 trucks and armor vehicles said to have entered Syria from Iraq

A large US military convoy entered northeastern Syria on Thursday, Syrian state news agency SANA reports, citing sources on the ground.

According to the report, the convoy included some 40 trucks and armored vehicles and was backed from the air by helicopters.

It entered Syria from Iraq via the al-Waleed crossing to bring arms and logistical equipment to the bases in Hasakeh and Deir Ezzor provinces.

[…] At the same time, SANA also reports that some 200 US troops arrived in the Hasakeh province on helicopters.

According to the report, the troops are set to deploy on the nearby oilfields, with Kurdish-controlled eastern Syria rich in energy resources.
The AP reported that “Israeli warplanes fired several missiles toward central Syria early on Friday, killing a family of four — including two children — and wounding four other people,” citing state media.
State-news agency SANA quoted an unnamed military official as saying the attack took place shortly before dawn when Israeli warplanes flew over neighboring Lebanon.

Israel has launched hundreds of strikes against Iran-linked military targets in Syria over the years. But it rarely acknowledges or discusses such operations.

The Syrian military official said the attack was aimed at several targets in and near the central province of Hama. It added that Syrian air defense units shot down most of the missiles.

The official said the strike killed a family of four, consisting of a married couple and their two children. The strike also wounded four others, including two children, and destroyed three homes on the western edge of the provincial capital of Hama, SANA quoted the official as saying.

State TV said the family killed had been displaced by Syria’s nearly 10-year conflict.

It was Israel’s first strike on Syria since President Joe Biden took office.
How nice to see “normalcy” return!

Israel has been ramping up strikes on alleged Iranian outposts in Syria ahead of Biden’s inauguration as they knew Iran would hold off on retaliating before seeing what Biden’s administration had planned.

We don’t know what the Biden administration is going to do yet but judging by the neocons he has surrounded himself with, expanding the war in Syria seems very likely.


Biden’s Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken wants to bomb the Middle East into submission and recreate the scene from “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” with a gay pride flag.


Though President Trump acquiesced to much of this same neocon agenda after being broken down by the deep state, he stated plainly, openly and repeatedly that the US presence in the Middle East is only “to protect Israel.”

“The fact is, we don’t have to be in the Middle East, other than we want to protect Israel,” Trump said during a rally in North Carolina last year. “We’ve been very good to Israel. Other than that, we don’t have to be in the Middle East. You know there was a time we needed desperately oil, we don’t need that anymore. We have more than they do, isn’t that nice?”


In related news, the Biden administration announced on day one they’re preparing to admit the most refugees in any one year since 1992.

“Invade the world, invite the world” is officially back!



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