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BREAKING: Biden Impeachment Announcement Shocks White House – It’s Happening…

BREAKING: Biden Impeachment Announcement Shocks White House – It’s Happening…

(breitbart) – A majority of voters believe President Joe Biden has been involved in the corrupt Biden family business that has raked in millions of dollars, a Monday Harris poll revealed.

Fifty-eight percent believe Joe Biden has played a role in his family’s business. Sixty percent say Hunter Biden, a key member of the family enterprise, was “selling influence and access” to Joe Biden.

The poll also found that 67 percent believe Joe Biden should be impeached if he “secretly participated and facilitated” in the family’s business.

A majority of voters (58 percent) additionally said Hunter’s “laptop from hell” is genuine, while 61 percent said he did not properly pay taxes. Hunter is currently under investigation by the FBI for tax fraud, money laundering, and violating lobbying laws.

The polling comes after emails and text messages revealed the Biden family was potentially involved in a racketeering scheme that earned the family members millions of dollars. According to the Washington Post, members of the family profited $4.8 million from its deal with a Chinese energy company alone.

Text messages from 2019 on Hunter’s “laptop from hell” depicted the Biden family’s payout mechanism. The payout mechanism indicates a collection of 50 percent of familial salaries for 30 years.

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter texted to his daughter describing the family’s payment mechanism in 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary,” the text string said.

Reports suggest Joe and Hunter Biden shared bank accounts.

The establishment media has largely ignored the payout mechanism by which the Biden family likely profited from peddling influence. Despite the establishment media’s protection of the Bidens, the story of the family’s corruption continues to develop.

According to White House visitor logs obtained by the New York Post on Saturday, Hunter’s corrupt business partner, Eric Schwerin, met with Joe Biden at the White House 19 times between 2009 and 2015. Joe Biden was vice president during this time.

The contact between Joe Biden and Schwerin directly contradicts Joe Biden’s repeated claims he was never involved in the family business. The report adds a twelfth instance Joe Biden has been involved in the family’s business scheme.



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