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BOMBSHELL: It Has Been Called – This Is It

BOMBSHELL: It Has Been Called – This Is It

(breitbart) – The House of Representatives rejected an objection to the Pennsylvania electoral votes early Thursday morning.

The vote failed 138 – 282 after two hours of floor debate in the House of Representatives over an objection to the certification of the electoral votes by Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO). Sixty-four Republicans joined Democrats to oppose the objection.

At one point in the debate, members of Congress almost came to blows after Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) disputed a comment from Rep. Conor Lamb (D-PA) Harris tried to raise a point of order to strike the comment from the record but it was dismissed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“The truth hurts!” Lamb continued after Harris protested.

Earlier Thursday, the Senate rejected the objection in a 7-92 vote without debate.

The proceedings continued all night Wednesday and early Thursday after it was delayed by about six hours after supporters of President Donald Trump swarmed into the Capitol to disrupt the proceedings, as Breitbart News reported.

After law enforcement cleared the building the hearings resumed.

The House also rejected an objection to Arizona’s electoral votes with a vote 303-121 late Thursday.

The joint session of Congress is expected to resume shortly to continue the certification process of the 2020 election.



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