Home Uncategorized BREAKING: Trump Is Under Fire – David Brock Has Launched His ATTACK

BREAKING: Trump Is Under Fire – David Brock Has Launched His ATTACK

BREAKING: Trump Is Under Fire – David Brock Has Launched His ATTACK

(breitbart) – Left-wing ideologue David Brock has launched a “dark money” effort to disbar, publicly shame, and impoverish more than 100 lawyers who participated in filing post-election legal challenges to the 2020 presidential election results.

Axios reported Monday that the effort, named the “65 Project” because of the number of post-election lawsuits, is funded by anonymous donors and aims to discourage lawyers from representing Republican clients in any future election challenges.

Axios noted:

A dark money group with ties to Democratic Party heavyweights will spend millions this year to expose and try to disbar more than 100 lawyers who worked on Donald Trump’s post-election lawsuits, people involved with the effort tell Axios.

Why it matters: The 65 Project plans to begin filing complaints this week and will air ads in battleground states. It hopes to deter right-wing legal talent from signing on to any future GOP efforts to overturn elections — including the midterms or 2024.

Brock told Axios in an interview that the idea is to “not only bring the grievances in the bar complaints, but shame them and make them toxic in their communities and in their firms.”

  • “I think the littler fish are probably more vulnerable to what we’re doing,” Brock said. “You’re threatening their livelihood. And, you know, they’ve got reputations in their local communities.”

Brock made no attempt to hide the fact that he is trying to deprive his targets of their ability to earn a living, and that he is picking on smaller targets, simply because they represented an opposing side in legitimate filings in an election dispute.

In 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden boasted that his campaign had recruited 600 lawyers to file post-election challenges. One of the key lawyers, Marc Elias, was behind the 2016 “Russia collusion” hoax, but nevertheless led Democratic legal efforts.

Axios notes further that the 65 Project is focused on three groups of lawyers: those who represented Trump, those who were “alternate electors,” and those who were present at the January 6, 2021 protest and riot, whether or not they broke the law.



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